carlton_99: oxley ahs survived the vest yeeessss
Karlpov: Witts out! M Jones and Kennedy subs
frenzy: flower Witts
carlton_99: grundy should have a big one if witts is out
Bomberbill: hi all
mattspies: Swannny for CPT???
Heater: Need 140 between Lumumba & Oxley!!
mijg: Need 400 from swan and pendles.
uptoolate: gooooo Dees !!!
uptoolate: onya Monty et al …. reckn this will be a very good game !
Heater: Pies by 30 after an early surge by Melb.
Jair: 1957sc with Swanny and Pendles
gusjojo: Vince is on Pendles
auxDT: haaha what are you doing lumumumba?!
Fury Ride: Swan waits outside packs trying to get easy kicks but stills eats the most possessions on the ground
gusjojo: lift swanny, your my captain!!
mijg: Haha what was that harry
auxDT: cmon lumumba a 150+ would be nice
Raspel31: Has the world worked out Pendles doesnt like the biff.
Jair: about time Cloke had a big game
jaxx: Spud up Sidey
Chelskiman: Just need 15 from Hogan to win in my main league. Not looking good so far…
uptoolate: Jones under estimated
SubOptimal: cloke bagging multiple goals from 10 out, happy days
Raspel31: 4 more touches Chelsk-you home and hosed.
Raspel31: Make that 5
JDolling69: Would it kill you to get a touch, Seedsman?
iZander: no tag on pendles, swans and jones are not head to head and cross tagging sidey….cmon
RooBoyStu: that +1 is bullshower on Cross as he’s tagging Sidebum
Chelskiman: Hogan, seriously!
frenzy: witches hat tmac
gusjojo: That’s better swanny!
Chelskiman: Cloke for blue moon.
snake_p: Blue moon for Cloke
mijg: Ok who stole the real Travis Cloke?
SubOptimal: whatever was on the ipod this week is working
Jukes82: hogan, grundy and 53 points vs oxley, mcdonald. who wins?
Fletch91: Alright Cloke, settle down
simsovic: twavis SC?
jfitty: Yeah witches hat for McDonald!
iZander: i feel like there is a lot of false info in this game, how is cross +1 in defence when he’s tagging sidey?
stubba11: No way is Cross +1!
carlton_99: need mcdonald, hogan, oxley and grundy to fire and pendles and brown to stink it up pllssssss
tamoz: Come on Garland!
Chelskiman: Finally, Hogan!
Fletch91: Thats better Hogan!
Redraptor: good pressure kick Hogan…
tamoz: Someone tag pendlebury!
m0nty: just because the TV says it doesn’t mean that’s the matchup
RooBoyStu: if you’re watching the telecast you can see at the bounces Cross is on him.
Redraptor: Hogan handles pressure well for a young guy
iZander: cross is tagging sidey if your watching….
iZander: plus i havnt heard the tv say it???
mijg: Newton 1 pos for 22. 5 tackles already
m0nty: at the last bounce Vince was on him
iZander: its 100% cross tagging him for the 1st quarter
RooBoyStu: check the throw up on the wing
Redraptor: Just heard Fremantle’s Johnson out for 8-10 weeks…SEN
iZander: hopefully swanny can finish off with a couple of goals!!!
m0nty: Cross at halfback on Broomhead at that centre bounce
runt: Watts and Sidey now
m0nty: Cross on Fasolo there… he’s playing halfback, not tagging
casey22: Will viney off free up pendles?
Havacrack: Great tackle Varcoe
runt: Toumpas and Sidey now on the wing at ball up
carlton_99: how is oxley on 7 supercoach points if he has had 5 touches at 80% efficiency.
Apachecats: Jones gets a free for falling over
runt: Howes horizontal early fly was hilarious
runt: Demons have found some belief and are flowing freely
pies13: carn pies!
Havacrack: Brayshaw is a beauty
Havacrack: Pagans paddock
runt: great to see a fightback
ballbag: was gonna say toothless pie but that goes without saying. heartless pies
auxDT: haridia!
Yelse: where is oxley playing
runt: Sidey having a shocker so far
masterhc2: come on sidey need you to get over 20 possies for me multi
pies13: well done good goal
Heizenberg: Omg piss off cross back u under 87.5 dt
wadaramus: Ox playing off halfback.
Heizenberg: Backed*
Yelse: how is ox only on 7 SC makes no sense
runt: Just when you thought Melbourne were gawn….
wadaramus: Carn Hoges, get up the ground and take some marks.
Heizenberg: Zhaha not bad runt
runt: I gave up my day job to pursue comedy
carlton_99: i now @ yelse tahts what i was sayng
runt: Now I do the night shift cleaning toilets…oh well….
Redraptor: Oxley 31sc
carlton_99: cmon oxley, mcdonald, hogan and grundy and pend;es and brown start stinking it up
colin wood: Oxley tackle missed
Redraptor: Vandenburg has hurt his right ankle…SEN
bigbaddasa: Need 71 SC points from Hogan, does anyone have his current SC score?
jfitty: McDonald on the SC ton already I’m guessing?
auxDT: @Redraptor hopefully hell be alright…he was having a good game
colin wood: Big quarter from the ox!
circle52: Hogan only 23 SC points.
mijg: Ox saved himself from the red vest
SaintsMan: grundy sc?
bigbaddasa: thanks for the good news @circle52, lol
Heater: Denpendlebury!!
Redraptor: nice to see Pendles back to normal
stew42: 10 disposals and four tackles this quarter for Nath Jones
gusjojo: Ox is on fire!
Seb78: Has How gone to sleep? Hasn’t touched it this qtr
wadaramus: Hogan only 23sc 🙁
Redraptor: What a quater for Oxley!
homemade: yep donuts for howe in q2 after a big q1
Seb78: Howe*
JDolling69: Give seedsman his tackle! I need it!
goes: How much sc is Oxley on he has had a great qr
poolboybob: Me trading out Oxley appears to have jump started his season, like many before him.
Redraptor: Oxley 55 sc
SaintsMan: does anyone else think the AFl should have more games?
goes: Thanxs red raptor
iZander: no bob, i think it was me trading out oxley
goes: How much sc is Grundy on
Redraptor: Me too…Oxley looks like the one to trade soon
N.Fyfe: Lets just take a moment to appreciate how accurate this games goal kicking has been
goes: Ok n.fyfe
brunckka: Even if oxley makes his BE, youll still lose money as he lost a huge chuck last week. Should of traded a few weeks ago.
wadaramus: Grundy 34sc.
mijg: Think I’ll keep ox as d6 for a while yet.
banta: need 120 each from seeds and criso to win a miracle. go boys you can do it!
ballbag: @bruncka. wrong premo defs are losing more money than ox so you save more money hangin on til byes
Redraptor: Oxley sc be 97…too many injuries to trade earlier
Heizenberg: I need cross under 87.5 dt am i a dhance?
Heizenberg: I feel i am need him to have a quiet 3rd
Heizenberg: Same here redrapoor
Heizenberg: Redraptor*
Redraptor: Might trade McIntosh then Oxley considering the byes
Redraptor: Vandenberg subbed out
RooBoyStu: McDonald 51sc what a joke gets 4 kicked on him ,obviously doesn’t count against in sc
goes: How much sc is vande berg on he just got subbed
happytimes: Lumumba has looked horrible also
Redraptor: Vberg approx 39 sc
goes: Good news red raptor
Heizenberg: That passage compelte unacceotable at afl lelvel
Kermit: Kermit the Frog here with a Muppet News Flash: Dunn kicks straight to Blair from a kick out, a calamitous goal from 20m. Oh dear.
Heater: Blair is so important to Collingwood’s forward line.
SaintsMan: keep going de goey
masterhc2: @heizenberg you’re a strong chance still, will be close. need sidey to get more possies than gray (20) for my multi
m0nty: new icon for Harry O btw
Heizenberg: Thnx master this losse man killing me how much did gray get?
Heizenberg: Loose*
masterhc2: f me i had to trade one of oxley and kelly out this week and field the other, thought ox would be drooped so traded him
Heizenberg: Ohhh sorrynmisread your oost
masterhc2: @heizenberg gray got 20, so was thinking sidey was a certainty, hasn’t had a great start thpugh, needs 21 to win, last l
Heizenberg: Post*
Heizenberg: Yours will be close aswell
MattyZ: new icon? didn’t know the double news bulletin was a new icon m0nty 😉
happytimes: What’s the point in new icons if nobody knows what they are ?
Heizenberg: Just 11 more he really should
m0nty: shift reload to see it
masterhc2: yeah hope so, it’s the last leg of the multi haha
Ben_Gogos: Love the new icon! QB!
MattyZ: ooo i like 😛
Heizenberg: How much u stand to win?
frenzy: am loving sidey stinking it up
tamoz: Please pendlebury, stay under 100!
Woosha 73: Haha. See Buckley then?
simsovic: vanderberg sc ??
Chelskiman: @masterhc2 yeah same, bro. I got scared Oxley would be a late out so I traded him as I had no defensive cover.
pies13: lift pies!
Redraptor: Seedsman subbed
Woodie: Seedsman subbed
banta: lift crips get a touch!!
Heizenberg: About to be level
Raspel31: Safely won this but step up Pendles and Mcdonald. And go Demons.
rickyb80: carn the dees
masterhc2: around $50 heizenberg, so not that much but would rather win, especially since i thought he would get 21 easy
gswfc: Where will 2400 in supercoach this week put you in round rankings?
banta: why sub seeds?? sub broomhead or white. white sucks.
Heizenberg: Okay man np i also have $50 on the cross bet
banta: cross bee lost this quarter. not near it. lift!
facebook23: how does cloke not have the target icon?! he has kicked 5 str8 m8
Heizenberg: Would ratehr the money go to anykne than prick tab i used to be a big punter
homemade: fuck you seedsman- destroying my draft team
masterhc2: i like your cahnces on cross he has really sloweddown. still need 10 more possies for sidey, possible
JDolling69: screw you buckley… why sub seeds
danmaio: thats worth 5 kermits to fitzpatrick
Yelse: most accurate game I’ve seen ever
Kermit: Kermit the Frog here with a Muppet News Flash: Fitzpatrick tries to tunnel ball through his legs in the square but ruled a throw! Blair goal!
circle52: Muppet for Fitzy
Heizenberg: Yeah he has good luck woth sidey
banta: go get it yourself and foget about tagging crossy!
KingPetrie: i cash out my multi for $90 or leave it and win $122 if pies win… thoughts?
danmaio: yeah, he didnt sun Oxley coz i trading him this week, ffs
AngryRyno: m0nty, care to explain labamba logo?
Fletch91: Cmon Hogan…
Heizenberg: Leave it petrie imo bud
Apachecats: Take the $90
SaintsMan: oxley 18 pts
AngryRyno: logo/icon
Heizenberg: And gl
banta: useless crisp
m0nty: NFL helmet, denoting a quarterback role
Pedrominat: leave it Petrie
ballbag: @king wait until the last minute to make your call. also money in the bank is something real mate
pies13: back the pies in petrie
mijg: Nice points there swan and ox haha
AngryRyno: ahh got it, looks great
dipper33: Cmon on Hogan
ballbag: look at it this way- your decision is based on pies @1.33 to win from here. would you put $ on pies at 1.33 right now?
gswfc: Where will 2400 in supercoach this week put you in round rankings?
Heizenberg: Omg fuck off cross
Apachecats: I would only dream of 2400
pies13: i would ballbag haha
ballbag: @gswfc between 412 and 1817
facebook23: dipper33, whats ur real name? i think i know you!
Heizenberg: Sounds very good gswfc top 5%?
homemade: still fuming about the sub — hope you tear your other hammie bucks
AngryRyno: trav on target
Heizenberg: Fu cross fu fu fu fu fu fu fufufufufuufufufu
masterhc2: gee clokes really sroted his kicking out today
JDolling69: me too @homemade
banta: seeds injured? how bad? if not weird subbing
Apachecats: I reckon it would be top 1-2 %
gswfc: cheers @ballbag currently 35th overall gonna get 2400 this week so looking good
facebook23: noone cares about sc/dream team. its all about elite.
Heizenberg: Im gonna fuckin lose
ballbag: @gswfc i was being sarcastic- who couls poosibly know. that said- you are doing awesome
KingPetrie: @ ballbag yeah i probably would back them in now! thnks guys ill leave it 🙂 go pies
AngryRyno: bring on the backlash
Apachecats: Top effort Gswfc!
pies13: on the froffs again hezie?
RooBoyStu: Sidebum: icicle, mare, magnifying glass or down arrow, take your pick
rickyb80: lol u sure about that facebook?
Heizenberg: Hahahaha not today pies
tamoz: Please pendlebury stop!
gswfc: haha i know @ballbag but i honestly reckon it will be somewhere around that
AngryRyno: ox 83sc, jet, keep him +1 bucks
qiu333: what a spud
rickyb80: ultimate footy does that format better at any rate
Heizenberg: Hi ricky
Heizenberg: Plz cross a bad quarter
facebook23: @ricky, yeah man, its so much more challenging. in dream team, everyone ends up with the same team. boring
facebook23: i play ultimate. dynasty. meaning you keep your players over the summer, like a real club. its awesome!
wadaramus: Took Saad’s 70 thinking Ox would be out or sub,grrr
pies13: fantasy footy does bring out the best of everybody haha
ballbag: @facebook. not really. you can only choose 8 mids and all teams arent the same.
whoislids1: Everytime i think about trading Ox, he goes and does something like this
AngryRyno: how much are they paying you for this blatant advertising facebook?
Heizenberg: Plz cross dude stay under 87.5
facebook23: by round 15, everyones team is pretty similar. i prefer dynasty, so much more challenging, makes you think long term etc
Apachecats: You did well Wada ,I took Kmacs 54
masterhc2: come on sidey 9 possies this qtr lets go
facebook23: each to thier own i guess, but you guys are missing out. ive played both
Heizenberg: Gl master
wadaramus: Hogan’s low score is gonna hurt too.
ballbag: @facebook then play the draft SC and DT where there is only 1 of each player in the league
masterhc2: haha thanks mate you too
rickyb80: ugh connection issues. hi heizen
masterhc2: feck sidey just had it twice without getting a possy lol
mijg: Harry gone missing
willywalks: cmon ox, need you to cape up for me to keep this lead…
Heizenberg: Thnx man both unlikely though
Raspel31: Didnt do it this year ballbag-but the draft a better game.
Heizenberg: Ah okay ricky
gswfc: please stop oxley
Woosha 73: Can Oxley play this role every week please Buckley?
rickyb80: go large ox
wixy: need oxley to beat swan by more than 9 pts and i am 9 – 0 in league!
Raspel31: Tommy Mcdonald-2 weeks vacation in a row ?.
poolboybob: This will be about the 8th time I’ve traded out a player who then tonned up.
ballbag: blow it your alps sidebottm
AngryRyno: ox 96sc
AngryRyno: sidebum creeping up
AngryRyno: raise the bat ox
RooBoyStu: lets go Sidebum bin it
pies13: theres 5touches masterchef
Heizenberg: Damn sidey going nuts disp wise
masterhc2: lol sidey about 5 possies in aminute keep them coming
Heizenberg: @master i know
Havacrack: CD plucking -3s out their arse
masterhc2: haha looking alright now, only needs 4 more
rickyb80: raise the bat ox
gswfc: bad call by seriously jesse white is hopeless
pies13: i hate that rule line ball
SubOptimal: lol what is that free, is this real life?
casey22: Hogan’s really an ordinary player
rickyb80: if he stops getting subbed he could be a keeper at d6
RooBoyStu: Brayshaw $
tamoz: Power off pendles!
Redraptor: Is Hogan on the field
Raspel31: Last time I captain White.
brunckka: surely oxley +1 icon? hasnt had a man most of the arvo
willywalks: i have ox, newton & pendles vs pendles (c), hogan, langdon, garlett and swan
gswfc: Hahaha classic swan kick
Heizenberg: Damn cross give away a free or something
AngryRyno: cmon pig thats weak
willywalks: currently 36 points ahead, newton is due to do something!
mijg: Lumumpieceofshit doing nothing since HT
SubOptimal: agree brunckka
Tony9668: Worst decision I’ve seen this tear
Woosha 73: The most obvious one I’ve ever seen Brunckka
Heizenberg: Hope u kept it petire
gswfc: Like i said, White is useless
casey22: Oxley for BOG?
RooBoyStu: they need to do a MND every year on Queen’s Birthday and have the Neale Daniher medal for best player every year as well
AngryRyno: Nath Jones BOG
snake_p: Oxley needs a Lazarus icon. Likely to be dropped and now tons up
colin wood: What’s everyone looking at getting this week in SC just ticked over 2250
SubOptimal: jones/ox/cloke all contenders
TheLegend6: 3. Cloke 2. Oxley 1. Jones/Pendles
RooBoyStu: Cloke BOG by the length of the Flemington straight.
Raspel31: Who won a burger this year?. Five last year-not close this year
AngryRyno: got just 1 burger this year
SubOptimal: not even close to that colin, ~2050 atm
masterhc2: pendles was beaten by his man though
willywalks: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand i’m done… 🙁
Havacrack: Give Pendles the bin
OnTheRocks: all my playing rookies have hit the wall 🙁
Jukes82: grundy sc?
Raspel31: Better man than me angryryno
mijg: X for oxley
Pedrominat: burger?
AngryRyno: flicker over 2k also
colin wood: Put lumumba back in the game Roos 🙁
Raspel31: Or I to be grammatiacally correct.
RooBoyStu: McDonald done shower all this qtr, should get less than 80sc
Apachecats: Wada ,did you hold your nerve?
AngryRyno: sidebum 1 more for that multi
Heizenberg: Ur so close master
Heizenberg: So am i
meka100: Fuck lumumba is shithouse
Heizenberg: U got it matser
AngryRyno: there it is!
Havacrack: Give Sidey the bin too
spuditup: got it angry!
masterhc2: haha i know this is intense
pies13: there it is masterchef haha
Heizenberg: I just lose
RooBoyStu: bin Sidebum
Heizenberg: Lost*
SubOptimal: frontbum junking
banta: need garlett 3 goals… where is he??!!
Raspel31: Every week I think of losing Pendles and Jelwood but …
kangawalla: Cloke should come & join us Dee’s fans at the snow. One if the best downhill skiers in the business!
masterhc2: 😀 cheers for the moral support guys haha. unlucky heizenberg 🙁
Heizenberg: Fuck u cross fuck sideynu had to kick it to cross didnt u?????
wadaramus: Hold my nerve on what?!
AngryRyno: oxley role safe now, surely bucks will do this every week
kangawalla: *of
happytimes: I had ox vs hogan and 60 point, who would have known
casey22: Pies win by 26 =/- & that result is down to Ox
Heizenberg: God its a cruel game
Heizenberg: Thnx master
meka100: Thought Roos was a good coach, a first year player destroyed them
AngryRyno: might as well guve hogan the bin, doubled his score in the last qtr
Heizenberg: Im raging inside now
qiu333: junk it up mcdonald
OnTheRocks: i stop watching the game and TMac and Hogan do something
pies13: well done pies!!!
auxDT: if only i had the ox playing instead of j.kelly fuck me
OnTheRocks: i start watching the game again and Cloke goals
Apachecats: Sorry Wada ,thought it was you who had the bet going
Raspel31: Well done Demons.
pies13: haha heize have a frofi
Heizenberg: I thiught he would fuckin tag
AngryRyno: cloke wins the medal, well called lads
mossssssy: had a SC lead of 114 vs oxley, thought I was home and then this!
Heizenberg: Its not funny pies
Raspel31: Rage on the outside Heiz-far healthier.
Fury Ride: In think I’ve won all five leauges two weeks in a row I need a fire icon
pies13: well done trav well said!
gswfc: how did everyone go this week
pies13: youll get over it heize always next week
wadaramus: All good, I think he rode it out!
andychiz: travis amazing, but one wouldnt have him in the team for just a couple good rounds
frenzy: wheres the team icons m0nty
andychiz: well done fury
happytimes: Need someone to scale up by 2 to get 2200
Heizenberg: I know raspel thnx mate