frenzy: is GWS the real deal?
carlton_99: need beams, rich and shaw to stink it up and get under 70 anty chance
Yelse: Should I play rich or Vandenberg
andychiz: you got no chance of those guys getting under 7 each
andychiz: no chance @carlton_99
frenzy: big game today Stefan, take next week off.
iZander: chucked some money on brisbane today with 7 dollar odds, i think they are a chance
kangawalla: iZander…I would go Rich. More upside than AVB
Chelskiman: Big ones from Shaw and Rich, please!
kangawalla: Sorry…not iZander. Yelse!!
willywalks: need a big one from ward and shaw, zorko to have a howler…
frenzy: go shiel
iZander: having griffin and trelour in my team this year has been very frustrating
willywalks: bugg tagging rich
auxDT: wtf treloar nowhere to be seen
tommyc5: does a high tackle still count as a tackle?
kangawalla: Ever reliable Hanley. Been gone for ages & now straight back into it.
kangawalla: Dammit!! I laughed when I saw my opponent had Paparone. :/
the spud: tackle = 4 points, FA= -3 points.
the spud: if a high tackle counted as a tackle you’d want your players doing it…
the spud: so no it doesn’t
tommyc5: cheers spud
iZander: where is trelour playing?
auxDT: looks like hes playing on ball, but cant find it
RooBoyStu: Treloar playing in Blacktown, not in Tassie
iZander: griffn must be really fucking easy to tag, the guy who tags him always tears it up
poolboybob: Play worse, Rich
iZander: stefan look alright? looking to get him in soon
Jackina: My rank is dropping like a boulder
rickyb80: what does paperones icon mean?
SaintsMan: spare man rick
Jackina: extra man in defence
auxDT: loose man in defense i think
iZander: he is loose man in defence
willywalks: break out the penguin m0nty!
rickyb80: cool thanx. seen it a few times this weekend
deanie: Griffen what a turd
ScootD: Beasley beating Griffen…. nice!
uptoolate: griffen is a puss
luked98: y u do dis griffen, y
ballbag: griffens in retirement mode. you think he gives a fat rats clacker. the team will win HIM a flag one day
iZander: griffin still attracting the tag over ward, shiel ext.. you can thank him for wards improvement this year. still importa
Raspel31: C’mon Shiel-touch the pill this quarter
Yelse: If i wasn’t hit with injuries this year Griffin would have been traded out 6 weeks ago. killing me
Kermit: Kermit the Frog here with a Muppet News Flash: Davis kicks OOTF from the last line to 30m. Beams takes the kick, and screws through a pretty goal!
mijg: Great trade Rocky> Beams. 🙁
Chipsy_DT: Cannot think of a bigger fall from grace than griffin. Jet at the dogs. Giants dont need him one bit.
mijg: And on cue goal..
Chelskiman: Lift, Shaw.
RooBoyStu: Leuy is so bad now, compared to what he used to be
myteamsuks: @chipsy griffin gets the tag every week and allows others to get the ball. Fantasy wise not so good but plays his role
leeroy81: Well thanks to how good Stef is in the ruck, and because of the Lions injuries, Leuy is pretty much a key forward
uptoolate: griffen plays the role of primadonna … that’s it ….
Jackina: Big fev had a very large fall from grace…
leeroy81: Not because Leuy is a forward, but because there is no one else tall to play there!
uptoolate: lol …. tag griffen ? …. why …. limit his 1 kick ?
Dangermaus: welcome back Pearce Hanley – hasn’t missed a beat
leeroy81: Hanley will be on my watch list, might sneak under the radar, has a high ceiling
auxDT: good treloar!
Dangermaus: Coniglio well underpriced at the moment too
iZander: when he gets going though he’s almost 100% chance to get the tag @ leery
leeroy81: iZander, it will help that Beams is in the team plus Rocky when back from injury
Dangermaus: almost brought in Paparone this week too, for the Bont, but thought i’d play safe and get Darhlhaus…
iZander: yeah but beams hasn’t copped a tag all year hardly and rocky isn’t that damaging. rich is more likely than them or zorko
Dangermaus: Don’t slow down after halftime this week Wardy… A massive score would be delivious this week
Dangermaus: delicious too
Jukes82: Rich 16sc lol
Rebuild: Leuenberger’s fall from grace has been spectacular
leeroy81: If Martin was out with injury, & Leuy went back to rucking he would actually make a decent cash cow. playing ff though
frenzy: bombers looking for a ruckman, for Belly
Raspel31: Yep-4 touches to half time frenzy
RooBoyStu: playing ff or not 9pts in a half is a spud performance from Leuy
preki1: yeah leuey is basically the worst player in the league when he’s used as a full forward
leeroy81: RooBoy, agreed. In this day and age players should be flexible and able to play in more than one position
Ben_Gogos: Ward!
Burnsyy: Dylan Shiels dad is my bin man ahaha
willywalks: ward repaying the favour after last week at least!
Raspel31: Shiel-11 touches first quarter. Where you gone
Yeo-Yeo: Griff the worst player when hes used as a player
frenzy: get amongst it Shiel
iZander: shiel started getting the tag thats why
NewFreoFan: Will be able to downgrade Karkouer to Griffen soon
Torz: Get a few goals McCarthy. Do something.
poolboybob: Rich you stink
iZander: anyone watching, is rich alright?
Torz: Didn’t look too bad Zander. Hopefully back on shortly.
iZander: far out griffin you fag, kick the goal
C.Judd 3V: FFFF Griffen you are such a spud and I can’t wait to trade you out this week!
cripdogs: that goal umpire is hot
Jackina: why you people would still have Griffen is a mystery to me
cripdogs: and so is the chick one up the other end
RooBoyStu: why people even picked Griffen this year is a mystery to me
Torz: C’mon Treloar.. you’ve had one touch this quarter.
C.Judd 3V: Had to keep Griff this week to trade out Rocky and Krak… should have put Dumont on the field instead of that Griffcrap
Raspel31: Rich ready to go back on
jfitty: Mummy the star already
Raspel31: Shielbeing so tightly marked he’s taken out off the ball
leeroy81: Beams loves his second halves lately
DanBlack: Is bundy playing through the middle? I hung onto him in elite
3rdstriker: Do the lions medical staff have any band aids left?
circle52: @3rd striker orering some more as we speak
Dangermaus: loive you ‘this week’Wardy!!!
Yelse: hey guys who are watching… what position is rich actually been playing today?
luked98: griffen should get the star
poolboybob: Hang your head in shame Daniel Rich
JRedden: if you still have rich its your own fault
iZander: rich hasn’t touhed it since he hurt his ankle, isn’t 100%
Yelse: @Jredden not really i have had to trade injured players since day one every week been wanting to change him but not chan
jfitty: Rich to Selwood this week for a nice cheap upgrade
luked98: it would be great for griffen to get his 85 BE so i can trade him out next week
pants42: Griff only 59sc atm mate
luked98: ward 161 sc
qiu333: any chance tom cutler will hold his spot?
eski_liddr: selwood may get a week from the MRP
iZander: are you talking about jelwood @ eski??? why?
barlow4pm: eski what did selwood do???
luked98: see pants, griffen will get there
willywalks: star for Ward, cherries for mummy, martin gun and paparone for the blue moon
eski_liddr: Selwood pressed his fingers into Ben Howlett’s eyes..check the gif at the reddit/r/afl
Dangermaus: mumford the star ??? boooo Mumford is just a giant, Ward is the star!
Andrew37: Ward has to be BOG. Surely….
luked98: mumford 132
luked98: ward 171
iZander: ill be mad if he does…right for bye rounds….
Dangermaus: triple double for Ward – kicks, handballs, tackles
jfitty: Mummy’s done awesome against a great opponent, 50+ hit outs
SaintsMan: whats the symbol on cameron
Jukes82: beams sc?
eski_liddr: he should get time out for it, dog act by selwood
luked98: beams 110
Jukes82: chhers
Jukes82: *cheers
luked98: bin to griffen? yeah he kicked a goal, but has only had 2 pos in the last 10min
iZander: i don’t see it on the afl website @eski?
willywalks: @ saintsman, its for the ghost ie ghosting in and out of the game
willywalks: good work m0nty, ward definitely the BOG
luked98: price rise on zac o’brien
JRedden: bit of late junk by christensen and beams
luked98: bin to beams, and my opponent has him 🙁