iZander: dale escapes the starting sub vest! now to score well and keep your spot!!!
SaintsMan: izander I’ve got him as well mate
berniebern: Flower Monty. You had Hamling as an OUT.
MattyZ: We didn’t have Hamling as an out, we just had the Dogs without a player that’s all 😉
carlton_99: wines or gray capt
SaintsMan: gray
tso1967: hamling is out on afl site though
berniebern: I’m pretty sure it said out
berniebern: sorry. JPK inspired venting
tso1967: hope he does play though
SaintsMan: i don’t think hmling is out
MattyZ: I personally have no information suggesting hes out, on the teams page he’s still in
roshanetw: what’s the symbol on wallis?
roshanetw: anyone?
luked98: how was that a free kick against wines
luked98: bought wines this week, picked him capt over fyfe and gray
luked98: rosh thats a tag symbol, meaning he is tagging someone
luked98: he is tagging boak
tso1967: it was a different symbol before
roshanetw: nope not that one luke, he had a green reception like symbol before the game
luked98: was it like a dollar sign
OnTheRocks: if i recall, that was the symbol for increased output or something
roshanetw: it’s not listed in the icon legend. Matty Z care to explain what it was?
lolrocket: icon was for rising scores recently
Jackwatt$: I think that icon means m0nty has traded him in this week. Usually a bad sign
man0005: amon kotaru
MattyZ: its a price rise graph
luked98: chose wines over wallis, hopefully it pays off
mossssssy: Hoping McLean gets a run early so I can see if hes any good….
luked98: not schulz and wingard, wow
iZander: please dale, show enough to keep your spot over the byes
Karlpov: Dale!
SaintsMan: izander,yes mate hahha
roshanetw: thank you matty z
tamoz: Lift Wines!
roshanetw: where is ebert
Woosha 73: Go Clurey over Hambling. I think Jeppas the mole
Jair: Cpt. Grayjoy
Apachecats: Clureys got a bit of ground to make up Woosh
carlton_99: cmon gray pls need a big score from my cpatian
Woosha 73: I know. Jeppa said he looked good.
Apachecats: Don’t believe what Jeppa tells you
colin wood: Anyone else do rocky for Wallis trade this week?
Woosha 73: Exactly. He’s the mole
carlton_99: pls gray pls pls pls
dipstick: nah. wallis is a waste of a midfield trade
mossssssy: went back to wines in sc from rocky. not happy with the clangers but contested is good
J_Pinkman: is wallis becoming irresistible at that price
theskunk: traded rocky for wallis with 3 mins to lock out, phew!
dipstick: why get wallis now? he’s hardly gonna avge 100 for the rest of the year. waste of premo spot IMO
carlton_99: im such an idiot for putting gray capt
theKid: @cartlon_99 Stop being so depressing. Trust in the GRAY
J_Pinkman: still early days for gray, he can monster points in a short space of time
Andrew37: Gray will come good. Captain Hindsight.
Fletch91: Dahlhaus OK?
luked98: happy i chose wines over gray as capt
colin wood: Wallis break even -41 forced trade for rocky and save 100k. Wallis will be 500k in 2-3 weeks
monkebuket: thoer i was being “wise” chose hodge over wallis this week,costly mistake only in cash hopefully
crusty180: Dalhaus back on
Woosha 73: Yes! Clurey scored!
Apachecats: Woosha he scored a clanger -4
dipstick: fair enough. but it equals 3 trades upgrading rocky to a premo instead of 1 trade
Woosha 73: My sarcasm not translating well Zacatecas
LuvIt74: Stringer is a bloody gr8 kick
Woosha 73: That was one hell of an autocorrect of your name Apache
colin wood: Trades in the bank dipstick have 18 left and 250k 🙂
RooBoyStu: Penguin Clurey
Andrew37: 14 trades and 1.2m for me.
LuvIt74: @colin trading rocky to wallis is absurd, just get a premium swap over like SLOANE
Andrew37: Supercoach**
LuvIt74: @Andrew how many players off are u from a full premo side?
luked98: luvit, it depends if he needs to free up some cash
Andrew37: Forwards are full premo, midfield 3, backs 3, Ruck 1.
berniebern: sloane is rubbish
berniebern: sloane is rubbish1
LuvIt74: @luked going from Rocky to wallis isn’t going to free u much, if u wanna do that get a $123k rookie
Raspel31: Is Sloane rubbish?.
dipstick: @andrew ??? you starting team should have 12 premos
LuvIt74: Sloane is a jet, first game back from many weeks off and played well.
colin wood: Luvit – u taking the piss mate?
LuvIt74: I’ll be going Rocky to Sloan in round 12
berniebern: Yes.
Apachecats: No worries Woosh, get the wit now.Anyway he’s zoomed up to +5 now.
LuvIt74: @colin i just dont understand how some people think fair enough if there kids and new to it all. Then ill try help them
Andrew37: I have 7 premo spots left. Will have full premo side come R13, like most teams.
Fletch91: Is Dahlhaus off the ground again?
Fletch91: Nevermind, just got a kick
LuvIt74: @Andrew thats good i got to trade my butt off, will be using 9 trades in round 11,12,13
Woosha 73: Yes. And with with Hambling doing flower all too, maybe he was the pick of the bad bunch?
colin wood: Luvit – where u ranked my friend?
Raspel31: Have you got Kelly Andrew 37-break through game for Crows today.
Andrew37: Yeah, I always favour PODs though, which either make or break me. Usually break 🙁
berniebern: what do you consider premium? name or avg?
LuvIt74: @Collin 2854 overall on SC
Raspel31: Twas a joke.
Apachecats: I’ve got Humbling ,looking great early ,hasn’t had a touch for 40 min
Andrew37: Most of the time name, but sometimes its average. Like Bont.
RooBoyStu: $ Amon surely
colin wood: 3545 also my friend 🙂
pies13: is d.smith a pod @andrew haha
LuvIt74: If u want to downgrade a midfielder to a rookie keep a eye on Elliot Kavanagh he’s doing gr8 tonight
Woosha 73: Bumbling Humbling
LuvIt74: is Dahlhaus on the ground?
colin wood: Lol
RooBoyStu: Hamling and Amon both $ icons
LuvIt74: I brought in Hamling today for B Goodes
dipstick: @andrews OK- but with only 13 premos, 14 trades and 1.2mill i dont see how you can get 22 prems in your side
Apachecats: Humbling Greek drachma icon
RooBoyStu: only one player without a kick in this game and that’s Jong
Costanza: not that there’s anything Jong with that
FlagDog: clap clap
Andrew37: 7 upgrades. I can upgrade them all with cash to spare in 7 trades?
carlton_99: pls gerayt i need 120 any chance
carlton_99: pls gray i need at ;east 120 any chance
Apachecats: Andrew 2 per week , only 2 per week
Apachecats: Carlton I’d be happy with 100 if I were you
Andrew37: yeah, 2 trades, 3 rounds of bye. Ez.
carlton_99: i was tossing up beyween wines and gray and everyone siad to go for gray
dipstick: @andrews so you have 15 prems?? you said 13 earlier
Ball_Hog15: How bad is Dahls injury?
dibbydobby: gray sc?
Apachecats: Hamling anything? I’d be happy with anything ,even a handball or something ,anything
LuvIt74: @carlton always follow your gut instincts forget what everyone tells you, although gray is a must have in your FWD line
LuvIt74: Gray 51sc
Andrew37: Here comes Gray, all you haters.
ballbag: @and37 so u saying you have 15 prems and 7 400K players? amazing. you should be ranked no 1 with that team value & 1.2?
Apachecats: Thankyou for the handball joel ,now if you could do a kick or a handball that would be great
MattyZ: Who does everyone rate as BOG so far? For Me Wood is surprisingly high on my list
Raspel31: Who thinks this game has any importance?.Neither deserve to make the finals.
FlagDog: Amon no score, Dahl, no score….
LuvIt74: Damn that Macrae kid can play but the poor guy didn’t miss many branches when falling from the ugly tree.
Apachecats: * or a tackle i meant
LuvIt74: @Raspel how dare u, carn the doggies…lol
luked98: wallis done nothing for a while
tamoz: Power off Macrae!
LuvIt74: Both sides very young still especially the dogs
luked98: matty wines has been great, kicked one of the more important goals of them game and 16 cp
LuvIt74: Dahlhaus 64sc
luked98: so happy i swapped my capt to wines instead of gray, especially cuz my opp has gray as capt
LuvIt74: Wines on 98sc
luked98: no wines down the race
LuvIt74: bout time hamling
uptoolate: cmon Doggiesssss !
tamoz: Come on Wines, beat Macrae
ballbag: oh no dahlhaus- wheres my ton?
FlagDog: WTF U doing going backwards HDAUS you FLOG
Woosha 73: Liam’s doing Showerhaus
uptoolate: Dale stepping up, Amon still a bargain ?
MattyZ: It’s down to Wines V “the interceptor” Easton wood for the BOG, will have to see last Q
LuvIt74: It’s stupid pulling a player off like Boyed coz he is a kid, true forwards take 3 to 4 years to mature into a fwd
carlton_99: i hate you gray you ahve lost me my head to head
FlagDog: HDAUS – hahaha oh yeah
MattyZ: Conditions LuvIt that’s why
FlagDog: @LuvIt74 – problem with todays game, don’t need a true forward to win games anymore.
Andrew37: Wines back sees Gray more forward time.
LuvIt74: Stupid free kick evnen though i love the doggies
frenzy: it doesn’t bite hamling, get a touch
luked98: wood dropped mark
Ball_Hog15: Update on Dahl please?
LuvIt74: @Matty yeah i understand that game style hasn’t sited boyd but we need the hight.
ballbag: ok gray time to pull ye faken finger out. not funny anymore
J_Pinkman: wasn’t hamling on 21 pts 5 minutes in
Woosha 73: Clurey>Jake Kelly
LuvIt74: You tell him ballbag, it’s not funny u hear that Gray…lol
poolboybob: wtf gray
roshanetw: wallis for $
RooBoyStu: Amon for $
man0005: clurey for $
FlagDog: GrayDog. In cinemas now.
Apachecats: 50 shades of GrayDog
J_Pinkman: Gray my worst captain this year, your sacked for the rest of the season my son
SaintsMan: gray 57 sc
FlagDog: Red Dog died. I cried 🙁
LuvIt74: @J_pinkman did u have the VC on Fyfe?
mijg: First and last time Gray cpt. Just when I neededit most pos
FlagDog: Why on earth would you captain a FWD/MID
Apachecats: I loved RedDog
poolboybob: Gray magnifying glass
J_Pinkman: did red dog die. I’m never going to watch that movie then
LuvIt74: I don’t understand why someone would chose C on gray, if it was VC fair enough
Andrew37: Why on earth would we captain a 125avg player. No idea bro.
J_Pinkman: yeah fyfe my vc, greed is bad
FlagDog: everyone dies pinky…
RooBoyStu: @Flagdog, Tom Mitchell Fwd Mid and 144 C
FlagDog: I’m up to 3 subs on/off…
FlagDog: Did you C him?
RooBoyStu: yes i did, v gc
FlagDog: Proved you well eh ANdrew? 🙂
Apachecats: Who did you captain Pinky?
MattyZ: only been 5 mins poolboy
LuvIt74: @J_pinkman yes mate sorry to say it but serves your right, a score of 110+ is a keep as a Captain
Andrew37: Captain Hindsight is here to rescue us.
ben31215: lift dahlhaus
LuvIt74: Pinky captained Fray
LuvIt74: Gray
J_Pinkman: yeah i captained Gray
FlagDog: SO you’re saying im wrong about captaining a player who has a score of 63 half way into the last qtr? kudos my friend!
Apachecats: Thought you meant Farron Ray for a second there LI74
FlagDog: Oh well.
FlagDog: I mean… YEAH!! The captains in the house. Or something.
J_Pinkman: fyfe had that awkward score…you know the 1 where you stupidly think 116 is not enough but 121 is
Bazza2014: #stupidcommentsspecialist #flog #uknowwhouare
ballbag: no points for 30mins gray ya lazy fuck
zadolinnyj: Mitch Wallis looks like Napolean dynamite
ryanbob: Thanks gray for costing me my cash leagues
Apachecats: Gray anchored on 63
Andrew37: Jesus Falgdog. You are a special kind of stupid. Hindsight at its finest.
luked98: comon wines get a touch
LuvIt74: lol
luked98: wood and wines nothing this qtr
Bazza2014: another dumb one , he has 28
preki1: very well put Pinkman!
spudaroos: Why was Amon subbed?
tamoz: Gets some points Wines!
frenzy: yo mattyz, yep reckon wood has been BOG
luked98: where is wines
Andrew37: You should be ranked first with all these predictions. Have all the highest scorers and correct captain picks.
zadolinnyj: Icicles for wines! Only 28 touches???
Woosha 73: Gotta love what Eberts done after his slow start
zadolinnyj: Gray looks a little proppy
ballbag: @zado dont believe it. hes faking
uptoolate: dogs are routed ! …. bumm !
zadolinnyj: McLean could be a good player one day when he gets some size
berniebern: gray to ablett next week
ballbag: half my team has bent me over the barrel this week and its not even bye time. ffs
FlagDog: I just don’t have the incoreect captain picks 😀
FlagDog: gg spelling also ftw!
ballbag: kick the goals gray ya fuckstick
theskunk: junk it gray
auxDT: gray too selfless m8
zadolinnyj: Hear un@ ballbag. I had Kennedy captain so big trouble
luked98: not wingard
RooBoyStu: bin Gray
wtf???: point up Gray…I need them
LuvIt74: Gray 82sc
ballbag: thanks gray- if ya kicked the other you wouldve tonned up. thanks. for nothing
Jair: push to 100 Gray please
willywalks: the rock for wood must be a g-up right?
tamoz: Cmon Ollie!
Paul105: @ballbag 4min left plenty of time
LuvIt74: Here mate, passes ballbag a tissue…
MattyZ: i gave it to Wood and then he decided to try his hardest to un deserve it
luked98: wines has been on the bench for most of this qtr wtf
MattyZ: Still Dogs’ best player
frenzy: mattyz taken the pee one dbl s@ willywalk, surely
ballbag: @luvit you think just a single tissue will do it? so kind. you couldve given me a few
LuvIt74: @MattyZ Easten Wood dogs BOG? No way
LuvIt74: lol ballbag
ballbag: ALMOST brought boak in for rocky but i’ll stick with taking pendles
Tony9668: We’ll done Boak, may still scrounge out an 80 on a bad nite
frenzy: lol @ Luvit
MattyZ: Well who else asides from Macrae? Wood was that good he saved them from at least 7 goals by himself
m0nty: Jordan pressed the Angus button
ballbag: seems the skin flute is playing his old tune tonight
luked98: night fellas
Pokerface: This game had good Wines with Woody overtones