SaintsMan: please jelwood, its time to have a ripper
OnTheRocks: i can’t get rid of my rooks fast enough
RooBoyStu: Essendon will win this easy
frenzy: a huge 50 from Belly would be nice
monkebuket: selwood will be good tonight
dibbydobby: Time to go big today Blicavs
iZander: far out hurlerys s star! all australian so far this year
LuvIt74: Nice to see it just paid off to go with Miller over CEY.
luked98: had to play belch today, lets hope he can put up a decent score
OnTheRocks: stand up Goddard and be counted
LuvIt74: Selwood has been the biggest dissapointment regarding premo midfielders, glad I didn’t select him, the guy is a spud.
axe9: Stevie J tackle miss ?
Breezey: I’m liking Thurlow’s start
SaintsMan: luvit he’s been tagged every game this year bar 1
runt: Burpambers tap work is elite tonight
LuvIt74: @Saints so what, great midfielders can break the tag. He has struggled this year big time.
man0005: lel #aflpowerdogs
SaintsMan: no one has supported him as well
SaintsMan: keep going jellwood
J_Pinkman: Jpk starting to take over from selwood as the biggest disappoinment. I have both, yay
LuvIt74: caddyyyyyyyyyy shack
3rdstriker: agree with that saintsman, has got nothing from his team mates this year
Wends: Need selwood to kill it in RDT & spud in SC; same for Robbie Grey.
frenzy: who’s guthrie tagging
OnTheRocks: at least stay with Hibberd Goddard
Apachecats: Vitually no one has Kavanagh or Caddy
3rdstriker: caddy in trouble
LuvIt74: im hoping goddard scored crap coz i want him in round 13
Chelskiman: Apparently Goddard’s DT price is $156k. Why didn’t I downgrade to him this week?!
Redraptor: Geelong’s runner has done his knee…
LuvIt74: is that’s Heath Goddard? Surely B Goddard isn’t $156k?
runt: Daniher having a great but also spudlike qtr
Bazza2014: i have caddy, and he is gone
N.Fyfe: Kavanagh going Bananas!
meka100: Goddard fuck you
3rdstriker: Hugh Goddard
roshanetw: almost a cape for kav
Redraptor: Caddy concussion sub
Wends: RDT scores need just a wee bit of ‘work’ LuvIt.
pies13: heath? who is that? hugh u mean?
OnTheRocks: lol @ Daniher’s goal kicking efficiency
Wends: Jelwood lining up in the pie queue for the last 15 mins.
Bazza2014: dropped jelwood to the bench this, week, will most likely cost me. #spud
roshanetw: cape for kav
LuvIt74: I don’t follow DT but Chelskiman said Goddard’s DT price is $156k is that Heath Goddards price or Brendon Goddards price
OnTheRocks: i dub Goddard Reek
runt: Herbert Goddard?
LuvIt74: Surly B Goddard is worth more than $156k on DT?
Tony9668: Is this Kav’s 2nd game?
runt: Gleeson is bit of a dud
roshanetw: 1st game for 2015
pies13: its brendons luvit u serious? dah
Wends: No he meant Horatio Goddard.
qiu333: nah brendon goddard is only 156k..
Bazza2014: surely thats a dumb question @luvit !!
Tony9668: Just in time to replace CEY
RooBoyStu: Kananagh needs the p plates surely
pies13: thought it was harry @runt? haha
RooBoyStu: kavanagh
LuvIt74: @Bazza i told ya i don’t follow DT, so im asking was his quote that goddard only costs $156k accurate or not?
Bazza2014: we know what u meant, no need for corrsction
runt: Johnson has lost his magic…..
Redraptor: Caddy OK…will be back
Wends: Luvit – Have a little hover over Goddard’s name… RDT prices/scores a little…. outta date. Stuck in 2004.
Ben_Gogos: SJ is a full time forward now
WojakDaw: Hooker is definitely on Hawkins now, not Hurley. Is the tomahawk icon already locked?
Breezey: Stevie J is no less a germ than Ballantyne
pies13: luvit a full time troll?
frenzy: c’mon belly
Paul105: Motlop hasn’t had an opponent in 2 weeks
Karlpov: Blicavs is a gun
LuvIt74: Gotta watch Kavanagh carefully, playing well.
LuvIt74: everyone will have Blicavs next season
runt: scoreboard looking a bit lop-sided
Apachecats: Hawkins , Hawkins ,Hawkins!!!
pies13: well done sj keep going
LuvIt74: as long as Flogard scores poorly im happy, if he scores under 80 ill be wrapped..
dipstick: @apache LOL very funny
J_Pinkman: every week i have a coupla premos go absolutely crap. this week no different
Costanza: I’d be rapt to see you wrapped
dipstick: jelwood you are just an ar5e clown in my mids week to week. not impressed
LuvIt74: @J_pinkman JPK killed me 2 weeksin arow now
runt: Hird in a difficult position as he cant go back up into the box lest he be blamed for this poor start!
J_Pinkman: @luv it yep! me too
LuvIt74: @dipstick swap him to Sloan before he haemorrhages for cash.
frenzy: Lol costanza
willywalks: embarrassed to be a dons supporter with this performance…
J_Pinkman: selwood for me as well,goddard this week….boy o boy, man oh man
dipstick: @luvit ive jelwood & JPK and they cant get a premo score between them!
Breezey: Get ready for some boos at halftime from the Bomber fans
pies13: wow wee @pinkman unlucky haha
runt: only way for the bombers to save face is they all fall down and go off on a 22 man stretcher
LuvIt74: I had that problem last week with JPK & Parker i only scored 2368 i should have scored 2500+ but its all part of the gam
willywalks: Stanton deserves the butcher icon Ben, make it happen…
pies13: jelwood will be a st8 swap 4 cey or miller in a week or2 in rdt
dipstick: and when games like this are over at HT its hard for jelwood to rake the SC pts
Ben_Gogos: @willywalks 76% efficiency mate
Raspel31: Well, just home. Not at all happy.
pies13: str8
runt: The Dome has gone so quiet you can hear the Bombers cheer squad
ben31215: worst game to watch
willywalks: 5 clangers…
happytimes: Selwood to rocky after round 13
meka100: Bellchambers is a better footballer without the ball
LuvIt74: @dipstick yep he has been a major disappointment this season, i couldn’t bring him into my side even @ 400k
pies13: go watch a soccer replay then @raspel haha
derkaderrr: essendon are so bad
colmullet: 3 of those are the frees against willy
devize: yep, frees agents count as clangers
LuvIt74: @happy rocky is out until round 15 i reckon he could be out for even 8 weeks
runt: I heard a dog yapping down by the dock too
meka100: Took the umps long enough to give Jelwood a free
willywalks: fair enough, need to blame someone….
runt: Hird will go absolutely apeshit at half time
dipstick: hahaha- just hird in 728 games at etihad only 1 team ever been held goaless at HT. nice 1 bombres
Raspel31: Long memory pies-but a Dons man.
3rdstriker: The irony of sticking with Hird the last 2.5 years is he can’t coach
willywalks: so what else is on the telly… even an injury riddled gcs team showed some heart
pies13: yeah i no @raspel
OnTheRocks: i’m watching Pacific Rim
3rdstriker: The slap in the face making chapman the sub is the icing on the cake
runt: Even Malthouse at Carlton didn’t do this
LuvIt74: I personally think there not even trying due to this ASADA crap, coz they are a much better side.
Wends: Sex in the City marathon on later @willy.
willywalks: goddard can chew himself out too, its not like he lit it up
3rdstriker: maybe so Luvit, this is like the last Matthew Knights season
Raspel31: Fascinating show on 7 about sec change willywalks. Should keep you happy.
runt: Dogs and Bombers both goal less at half time in 1984!
willywalks: @wends, no fox, but even that is slightly less cringe worthy…
RooBoyStu: Bendigo Bombers laughing, would play better
Ben_Gogos: Good find @runt
LuvIt74: @wends whats that woman’s name in sex in the city shes has large mammary glands…lol
OnTheRocks: Bombres have scored a “goal”, in behinds
LuvIt74: I used to love her
roshanetw: lol runt just stole that off MMM commentary
runt: @roshanetw no I looked it up
travo: sack hird
iZander: bombers got no inside players anymore, we only had one before (watson) now none…and chappy sub
man0005: lol @ runt; at least cite your source plagiarizer
tabs: nah dont sack hird. Im lovin this
roshanetw: i’m sure mate got a stat about 1968 coming up soon?
runt: @man0005 AFL Tables knobhead
poolboybob: Potato on every Essendon player
masterhc2: @iZander in what plannet is chappy an inside player??
Masten: Bombers have Eagles next week, going to get a lot harder….
J_Pinkman: who cares where runt got the info, it was interesting info
saltysalts: the essendon legal team must be thinking ‘WTF are we even achieving’
runt: @roshanetw Sam Newman had 22 hitouts vs Essendon in round 11 1968
frenzy: belly subbed wtf
roshanetw: hahaha ah mate put it to bed
masterhc2: ffaaaark this is bs belly subbed. cannot get a week without a sub
runt: apology accepted
roshanetw: haha no apology here mate
roshanetw: i meant put trying to prove your innocence to bed
willywalks: Bella was soft in the half, no pressure and gave up… Carlisle with the ruck duties now I guess?
J_Pinkman: gee can’t take a trick, now belly subbed out. CEY now this, didn’t even want belly on my field ffs
willywalks: Something to cheer about!
iZander: ambrose apparently @willy
Apachecats: Elliot Goblet on my watchlist
willywalks: my dt is looking very odd, had to play jake kelly, daniel robinson and bella, but on the otherside i have martin and
willywalks: mitchell as my captain…
Raspel31: Sigh, been loyal for years but time for Jelwood to go.
luked98: NO the week i have to play belcj
luked98: and i had yolmen
Fletch91: Go Zachy Merrett, Go Go Go!
Raspel31: Agreed Fletch-go Zac- go Dons
Antony: Essendon OUT: Hird, IN: Malthouse
The39Steps: Whose next in line for Bomber ruck duties now Belly will be visiting the magoos?
LuvIt74: @Raspel he’s doing not to bad regarding his score tonight, he could ton up
iZander: jelwood plays a shit first half and still manages to attract the tag in the second? wtf??
Torz: Pretty good comeback from Goddard after that start.
LuvIt74: Selwood on 57 SC
frenzy: come back bomber, all is forgivin
willywalks: muppet for cooney… butchered that goal scoring chance
pies13: goddard icicle earlier flower slow down!
runt: June 7th 1915, Cats beat Bombers by 2 points
Raspel31: But still agun Luvit-not so sure.
LuvIt74: Admittedly im not watching this game, been watching the Port vs. dogs game as this game isn’t much
Raspel31: Im watching rugby as too depressing to seethe Donswhipped.
LuvIt74: @Raspel if u have the trades to burn then by all means trade him out and get Sloane back coz jelwood has been shocking.
LuvIt74: Raspel how many trades left?
3rdstriker: Selwood has definitely been better tonight with the cats winning and no hard tag
LuvIt74: June 6th 2015 Cats win by 202 points…lol
Raspel31: Only 18-been profligate. But you lose Rocky and Gablett round one and 2 Luvit.
Jukes82: ‘One nut’ kelly has been good
Chelskiman: Just saw TBC has been subbed. So glad I played Tarrant over him now.
cripdogs: so glad i didn’t trade lang to roberton today
SaintsMan: selwood sc?
LuvIt74: yeah i hear ya, im on 17 trades left now and still will be making 9 trades in 3 weeks
frenzy: profigate wtf Lol
pies13: i wasnt far off with me comment earlier should have said rugby not soccer @raspel
RooBoyStu: Bomber fans booking September holidays as we speak.
Jair: Whats up with Selwood? His price is looking juicy
LuvIt74: profigate meaning waistful
Jukes82: Better ton up Harry Taylor
Raspel31: Ha ha pies 31-I love all-or most sports.
LuvIt74: wasteful i mean
willywalks: that’ll do me for the night, hope the axe comes down hard next week. Bella, Baguley, melksham, dempsey all out for me
J_Pinkman: dont get sucked in Jair…. been frustrating as all hell this year, look elsewhere mate
travo: as a carlton supporter it feels good to watch essendon get smashed
LuvIt74: Not a fan of rugby wouldn’t know a thing about it apart from butt sniffing
Raspel31: Travo-wash your mouth out.
pies13: get the ton sj!
runt: This is getting ridiculous
RooBoyStu: anybody got tissues for Goddard? Saints only 1 win behind Bombers
dipstick: @luvit same. ive got 19 left, will use 9 and you need 6 for inj and finals
Buzz67: Karma police paying Bombers a visit this season
runt: Nobody likes to see someone wobbling down the street with chunder dribbling down their shirt
Raspel31: Bombers best come back team. Still strangely confident. Very strangely.
Jukes82: selwood gone!
LuvIt74: lol now thats a supporter for you…
Jukes82: oh false alarm, he’s alright
Buzz67: They have suspended live betting on the game @raspel so the bookies think it’s over
meka100: Get involved Hibberd you fat turd
runt: Selwoods vision is slightly Koschitzked
Raspel31: Wonderful poetry meka
Cyberdyne: hird cant coach
iZander: I’m disgraced by how the bombers been playing but you can’t give hooker a witches hat..cmon
3rdstriker: Surely the whole team deserves the witches hats, cant single anyone out
dibbydobby: up blicavs
3rdstriker: CD really hate Goddard this year, has 10 CP and going at 71%DE, how is he 59sc?
Paul105: James “one nut” Kelly got the goods tonight
Cyberdyne: ‘one nut?’ he never had it removed
WojakDaw: Goddard was nowhere in the 1st quarter when the game was on the line
ballbag: how is SJ a seagull when half his possies are CP
colmullet: he did nothing while the game was up for grabs 3rd
3rdstriker: Haha, Hird has left the bench for the safety of the coach’s box to avoid the hail of spit coming his way
Raspel31: Long odds but Dons looking good to steal this.
ballbag: another coupla goals jelly
whoislids1: more of that pls Jelwood
Cyberdyne: i had 100 on the cats
runt: More than likely Kelly got a spare thrown in just in case. “Tri-ball Kelly” at your service
3rdstriker: @colmullet, that should come into scaling but not to that extent, has been stiff in sc all year
Woosha 73: That was cool Jelwood
iZander: you really think taylor will get the 3 votes??
Ball_Hog15: Come on Hibberd got to tackle more!
Ball_Hog15: Give em all witches hats! useless!
ballbag: cmon motlop and tayllor, help mt AF a tad more
Apachecats: This mob not performing for hird.Something radically wrong here.
3rdstriker: @Apachecats, its like they were on some sort of magic potion, but can
3rdstriker: cant take it any more for some reason
Ball_Hog15: bombers playing scrappy footy!
Apachecats: By the way no offence to Cats ,they are playing well
Raspel31: That talk is banned 3rd.
3rdstriker: Colyer has a massive heart
Apachecats: If there ever was a magic potion ,which i doubt it was 3 years ago.
runt: Bombers are simply mentally drained
3rdstriker: talk of Bomber Thompson’s coaching magic is banned?
Apachecats: But it has certainly left a huge hangover
Raspel31: Agreed runt
roshanetw: things to work on at training, DE, I50 %, Shots on goal
runt: Joel Selwood high? What are we talking about now?
dibbydobby: blicavs missing
OnTheRocks: that’ll do Taulor, that’ll do
dylanff: Why does Hooker have a witches’ hat?
roshanetw: yea hooker and hurley have done pretty well, i’d put witches hats on dempsey for sure though
Cyberdyne: bring Laverde in next week
OnTheRocks: only 3 FF Selwood, duck season is truly off
ballbag: JSelwood- been fucking my SC team since 2015
LuvIt74: @raspel Selwood on 97sc hang in there
3rdstriker: classic melksham
Raspel31: Only 69 pointsbehind and 10 to go.Carn lads.and thanks luvit.
Jukes82: harry taylor sc?
LuvIt74: Selwood 107sc now
LuvIt74: taylor 126sc
poolboybob: Selwood rubbish bin
Tony9668: I’ll take 106sc from Selwood
Raspel31: Point taken luvit-with thanks
Jukes82: thanks.
runt: Melksham really is a knob
luked98: hibberd witches hat, havent been watching the game but his stats arent bad, harsh call?
luked98: the whole defence witches hats
Flanno: Luked, look at the score mate!!
Ben_Gogos: @luked98 witches hats aren’t due to stats mate
auxDT: selwood tonned up!
Raspel31: Tight-anyone brave enough to callthis one ?
Tony9668: Junk it up Harry & Joel
Jukes82: cape? dafuq. More like the bin.
meka100: I give you a clap Selwood
Fletch91: Ton up Merrett!
Fletch91: Nice one Merrett!
m0nty: Cats are feasting on a bowl of cherries
ballbag: yeh with gray a shitty 57SC at 3QT i QT id take jelwoods SCsho
Tony9668: Cats close to 10 x tons
Raspel31: 3players in this one-Jelwood, Merrett and Goddard. Thanks lads.
J_Pinkman: wtf Selwood? nice junk time there
OnTheRocks: orazio needs a mickey mouse symbol
ryanbob: Goddard ripped off