gdshifty: subs?
J_Pinkman: wouldbe worried if ya have Houli. Will be heavily checked according to Ross Lyon. Will be interesting
axe9: will see pinkman will see i think Houli will kill it
Karlpov: No Mzungu? Edwards go big?
wadaramus: Got Houli, now i’m worried.
frenzy: bout time Maric had a quiet one for a change
Karlpov: Vickery going to KO Pavlich in the ruck
Chelskiman: We’re gonna get pumped tonight.
Slashers: C’mon Ibbo. Ton up!
Karlpov: Another milestone? First Kane Kornes 300th, then Fletchers 400th and now Johnson’s 200th…
J_Pinkman: i’m just relaying straight from the coaches mouth…houli was the target
frenzy: Capt Fyfe
Slashers: Potential Capt Fyfe
J_Pinkman: luxury of vc’ing Fyfe are we not?
frenzy: perma capt fyfe
luked98: another week boys, hopefully my rookies do well as i have many guns out
wadaramus: VC Fyfe, you just never know what may happen.
Slashers: Vice Chancellor Fyfe
Karlpov: Rance already impressing his future coach.
J_Pinkman: bang! Fyfe
Slashers: What makes an effective kick?
frenzy: vicky
Chelskiman: Blow the full time siren now!
J_Pinkman: love that man fyfe
Slashers: Mark of the year… Clean!
Drummo: Nah Nic nays was better
Heizenberg: Hi guys, how is everyone?
Drummo: On the tiges
pies13: is lewis a certain starter 4the hawks this week any1 no?
happytimes: Speechless
wadaramus: Sweet.
luked98: this will be a fantastic game the way its going
Grazz: wow wee
luked98: dusty!
Karlpov: Go Tiges!
RooBoyStu: this will be good if Fyfe scores shower, will make people think for Capt choice, my vc is Barlow
wtf???: Tigers shoud just chip it around for the next 3 and half quarters
Heizenberg: Its been good so far i tipped togers
Jukes82: lol, you must be a richmond supporter
Chelskiman: Did not expect this. How long can we keep it up for is the real question though.
Heizenberg: No im carlton bro
Heizenberg: Freo gotta drop one evantually amd tigers been in good form
runt: No Bartlett, no Richmond.. Well that doesn’t seem to be the case now.
Heizenberg: Plus they have a good record nin perth
Jukes82: gutsy move then mate
iZander: you know you’re going very bad when tyrone has 2….
Heizenberg: Thnx mate i. Behind at work in tipojg so need to take a few risks
Heizenberg: Tipping*
SaintsMan: what the hell? This is not on the script
Tim Tam: fyfe can take as many speckies as he likes but tigers just keep kicking goals!
Grazz: Tigers cant miss
runt: strange game footy
meka100: Fuck you Freo going to cost me $20
luked98: wow, this is amazing
SaintsMan: johnson subbed
heppelitis: common neale..more hot and cold from this bloke than a melb summer
Pkbaldy: Freo back 6 all getting burgers?
berniebern: tigers are great to watch when on song
ballbag: eres a tip. tiges and saints are freos bogey teams
runt: would love to be roving to Sandilands, doubt he could see me though
Heizenberg: Loo heppelitisi
Moona: Each goal the tigers get will make it all that more deveastating to their fans when they loose this
Heizenberg: Lol*
luked98: sad for MJ
RooBoyStu: come October Freo’s Trophy Cabinet will still be empty
wadaramus: 8 straight, gee whiz.
iZander: i love it when people can’t spell lose haha
mijg: Wtf is going on here.
ballbag: nah tiges wont lose from here
Jukes82: c.ellis looks a likely type, could be a good pick up
Slashers: Tigers doing an Elimination Final… In reverse!
J_Pinkman: bring back carlton for friday night footy
Moona: in front that is
sticky12: I tipped tigers to Heizen but 7 goals isn’t much for free to catch up. Early days
auxDT: wait what is going on..?!?
kangawalla: Hey Ballbag….. as #1 ticketholder of the Nic Nat fan club, was Fyfe’s mark better?
Heizenberg: Okay sticky cool yeah its not imagree
luked98: dusty 41 sc
Heizenberg: Put having to sub early gonna make it suoer tough
runt: Tigers need to lose this lest expectations rise again
ballbag: didnt see mate. that said nicnats wasnt that awesome imo. he just got high
Slashers: Fyfes was different, but probably not better. But I liked it.
frenzy: yud fink they’ed lurn @ Izander
wtf???: ” a shootout “…lol…a bit 1 sided shootout
Heizenberg: Tigers smasjphing the, in centre breaks
sticky12: I’m not having a go at ya Heizen but the way my tips have gone this year expecting to lose
heppelitis: thx for listening neale….rev worked
Slashers: Fyfe had a short run up, was text book, high, and clean.
Heizenberg: Hahhaha im having a shicker too this year thus far
luked98: barlow why would you handball that wow, giving away easy sc points
wtf???: neither nicnat or fyfe MOY
J_Pinkman: tiges need one right now
ballbag: @heizen wtf is with your spelling? you on the tinnies?
Heizenberg: Hope we get it sticky
Heizenberg: Hahaa sorry ballbag imjust type fast
runt: Sandilands to Fyfe, Sandilands to Fyfe…………
Heizenberg: Im drinking aswel mate but thats nit why
rickyb80: heiz on the frothies lol
sticky12: Me too mate
RooBoyStu: @luked98, he actually would gain as goal assist
Heizenberg: Hahaah here he is
sticky12: Sorry everyone…I bought Fyfe in this week so there goes his year!
wadaramus: Cmon KMac, get into it.
ballbag: ya grammas as fucked as your spelling also LOL
Heizenberg: Hi ricky
heppelitis: heiz the life of the party tonight
rickyb80: hey mate
Slashers: Perfect example of the new rule. I like it.
gers: swear ive seen sheridan mark kick a few times?
Heizenberg: Hahaha always hep hehehe
berniebern: fyfe to ablett next week
Heizenberg: I know how to,spell and stuff i just dont bother for here
runt: ducking is being targeted! great stuff
Heizenberg: I type fast not to miss much if the game
luked98: @RooBoyStu yes but more points if he kicked the goal
wtf???: walters got the even upper
Rubber Ducky: Quack goes Michael Walters but the footy gods push his set shot wide.
frenzy: Gee Rance must be confused, who to play 4 2016
Heizenberg: Bbs grabbing drink
runt: When is a duck a duck?
RooBoyStu: with ducking targeted Joel Selwood will be a rookie price in 2016
tamoz: Dusty!!
Bulky: Basil Zempilas=worst commentator in the history of football.
wadaramus: Dusty 51sc.
luked98: dusty 51 sc yes!
rickyb80: true bulky
auxDT: uh oh the muppet rooboystu is in the were the kangas last week ya spud
wtf???: Hardwick at 1/4 time huddle…”OK, tme to start runnning the clock down”
wadaramus: Good question runt, that’s up to umpire discretiion.
mijg: I like baz.
heppelitis: that was leading with yur head…muppet umps for not giving tigers free
goes: Fyfe and Barlow sc
kangawalla: Bulky…..I prefer Basil over BT any day!
ballbag: @rooboy i invented tear straws. they connect directly to your eyes and straight into a bottle. you can test v WCE
wadaramus: Fyfey 23, Barlow 22sc
SaintsMan: fyfe 24 sc
mijg: Whats the money for Rich Atm?
Heizenberg: Hey ricky have undone gowiwi?
SaintsMan: barlow 22 sc
wtf???: looks like I’m trading Johnson out this week
RooBoyStu: @ballbag we’ll win as Scott isn’t coaching. P.S I’ll remember your comment
Bulky: Nup. Basil is the worst.
SaintsMan: mundy 25 sc
m0nty: I think Ross Lyon gave the Dockers the garbage icon
ballbag: croziers score. faark
runt: Looking forward to seeing if Richmond can play 4 qtrs
goes: Thanxs
wtf???: a little earlier than planned
Heizenberg: KB is probabaly the worst or d russell
wadaramus: I just want Dusty to play 4 quarters.
heppelitis: piss of look too much like my boy ellis
runt: Fremantle ball bloke very relaxed laying on the ground enjoying the game
ballbag: if only neale and fyfe could lift
Torz: Basil watches the game on a 10 second delayed telecast.
Hawkatack: Go Tigers flog the east coast pretenders
Heizenberg: The best are probabaly huddo, cometti, bruce
devize: yeah i hate hunt, the only way i can tell the difference is with their shoes
ballbag: @hawka west coast teams are from the west
uptoolate: eve all …. ohhh dearrr ! wht a mess Mr Hart !
uptoolate: Tigers on speed ?
heppelitis: 2 side show bobs going for the ball then
wtf???: When 8 goals to 2 Basil reckoned this was a
Heizenberg: Hi upttolate
ballbag: has bruce stiffed up yet? not watching
Hawkatack: @ ballbag when they play in the east they have no idea, lets see them at the G bahahaha
Heizenberg: Hes not commentating ball
Heizenberg: Amd besides rioli is not playing
Costanza: Sandi’s 2nd kick in 2 weeks
mijg: Haha Sandi just destroyed that. Dont why he cant do it more often.
badjelly: @hawkatack……………sounding like a complete tossa
uptoolate: only put 10 on Freo to win by +40 ?!? …. note to self idiot ….
Heizenberg: Tigers composore and decision making has been class A1
ballbag: hey neale- not this again. ton up ffs
kangawalla: Heiz….what about Whateley on the ABC? Gt
wtf???: Fyfe just got +10…what’d he do, give birth to the ball?
Heizenberg: And efficiency
kangawalla: Heiz….what about Whateley on the ABC? Great caller of many sports. Gt
ballbag: @heizen dont worry hardwick will fuck them up at HT
Heizenberg: Ohh havent really heard him
DanBlack: 2 tkls and a hb
frenzy: dusty only has 1 qtr in him
Heizenberg: Hmmmm well seeballbag lol i tipped tigers
Heizenberg: Gonna watch bbl
kangawalla: Heiz…Great caller of footy & authority on many other sports.
wtf???: Tackles…the bludgers way to score points
Hawkatack: @badjelly Fro cant win finals at the G fact.. u can win as many as you like over in noone cares land
luked98: what did i miss
tamoz: Lift D.Pearce!
uptoolate: Martin is going off his nut !
luked98: piss off reiwoldt
kangawalla: Muppet time Duff
Hawkatack: oh boy wow wee go tigers
Kermit: Kermit the Frog here with a Muppet News Flash: Duffield’s kick in is up the guts but short, Corey Ellis chips in to mark 35m out and goal!
willywalks: kermit to make an appearance…
runt: Adelaide game sapped Fremantle badly
Pedrominat: Ballantyne will get reported tonight
masterhc2: man was so close to brining in c peare 2 weeks ago, thank god i didnt
derkaderrr: Dylan Grimes is my new most hated player, he is such a diver
luked98: good barlow, good dusty, alright fyfe, lift ibbo
carlton_99: these umps loving the tigers
Karlpov: Should have been a mark for Sandi!
luked98: not riewoldt
uptoolate: can Freo win from here ? …. my odds 20/80
Karlpov: I’m a tigers fan and we get so much love from the umps! Love it!
meka100: Clancee you turdburgerler
runt: feeling confused watching this game Tigers so good
Fletch91: Would be nice if Clancee did somethng. Been wandering around the ground avoiding the ball :/
Woosha 73: Not getting enough from Neale
uptoolate: @carlton …. yes …. agreeez …. umps not helping Freo at all …
Fury: is this real life?
J_Pinkman: well we all knew freo were due, it all depended on what week
SaintsMan: amazing fyfe, absolutely amazing
heppelitis: hunt muppet
wadaramus: Well, Fyfe easy.
J_Pinkman: god he’s good
roshanetw: fyfe you beauty
luked98: fyfe you star
Crazy Good: oh god fyfe
uptoolate: Fyfe is ridicously GOOD !
pies21: can he just settle down
uptoolate: Freo to win now I reckn …
sticky12: Fyfe pushed Cotchin in the back to score that…just saying
Jukes82: Lolz, this is over. Give players the bin in the 3rd 1/4
iZander: can’t complain about clancees score after his miracle last month and a half, blame yourself if you traded him in after..
sticky12: Freo paying $5.50 to win from here. U guys reckon they couldn’t cover Johnson mid game?
casey22: Freo need to bring back Zac
roshanetw: griffin needs a game over clarke
Jackwatt$: That’s the best half the Tiges have played since Justin Bieblers voice broke!
Jackwatt$: Wait a minute. That hasn’t happened yet
SaintsMan: poor gag
Jackwatt$: Thank you Mister, I save my best stuff for Friday nights with m0nty
kangawalla: Fyfe is a star
wadaramus: Richmond too good.
rickyb80: you little beauty
banta: game over. well done tigs. too aroogant Ross lyon
banta: soft as butter danyle pearce. will be dropped next week. useless flat tracker.
tamoz: Lift Danyle!
DanBlack: Banter we need to drop suban. He’s a hack
frenzy: give Pav the mare
luked98: pav is having a shocker
ballbag: so finally fyfe is going without any votes
roshanetw: Bandaid on Kamdyn
wadaramus: Whats wrong with KMac?
Raspel31: Well,cut me offat the knees and call me tripod ?
ballbag: johnson= 1 kick 1 clanger
roshanetw: leg, they thought maybe hamstring, but not sure he’s very proppy
jalapenoh: Where’s Deledio playing?
heppelitis: good boy the cps and cls…not so much the eff
wadaramus: Looks OK now.
roshanetw: mmm hopefully he’s ok
ballbag: wasnt dusty on 86 4 days ago?
berniebern: how much poo is in Houli’s beard?
casey22: Normal Dusty second half.
luked98: matin is on 92 sc atm, what are the chances he wont crack the ton
Woosha 73: Mundy the Ruckman
Raspel31: Carn Freeo-you don’t lose against bottom feeders.
fullbull85: Pavlich icicle?
Apachecats: Lift Clanceee and Denial
casey22: Goibg to be one of those weeks, I reckon
wadaramus: Grimes shut down Walters well.
luked98: take the shot fyfe
RooBoyStu: Fyfe’s Disposal Efficieny is only 55% lets see if his sc is lower because of that
Apachecats: Thats right casey nothing like a good old fashioned thrashing on a friday night
Fletch91: Good quarter of play for me. Fyfe, Neale, Dusty, KMac and Clancee all stepping their games up
wadaramus: Until now!
roshanetw: cape for fyfe
monkebuket: fyfe 16 contested will ensure a healthy sc
luked98: yes fyfe and barlow
Chelskiman: Here they come. They’ll roll us in the last, I just know it.
gunners23: 1 more goal freo, cmon!
luked98: what a qtr from fyfe
casey22: Fyfe hots up, so does Freo
ballbag: nice dusty- just disappear and let freo win the game
Karlpov: Tigers always fade 3rd quarter
luked98: fyfe 3 fk against
RooBoyStu: 3 FA 57% DE Fyfe has to suffer from that regardless of CP
ballbag: freo 8 goals in 3 qtrs. unlikely to kick enough to win tonight
DanBlack: Settle down ballbag. Dusty was on 67 at half. he had a 28 point qtr
Slashers: Still a quarter to go for Fyfe, and a game to be won.
Heizenberg: Fuck i fell asleep
frenzy: 89 fyfe
Pedrominat: and half his kicks have been smothered
Heizenberg: Hope tigers can hold on may be a tight finish
SaintsMan: fyfe 89 sc
Heizenberg: I have a feeling freo will rally in last
Slashers: Fyfe could put the mega cape on..
ballbag: @freo FA dont account for much in SC
wadaramus: Thought you must have crashed Heizen, gonna be a good last qtr.
Apachecats: Freo took the odds at half time
Jukes82: Still think Tiges will still kick 2-3 goals in the 1/4. DOn’t see em losing.
wadaramus: I’ll take a mega cape from Fyfe for sure.
ballbag: @heizen you musta cracked those 1st 3 tinnies 1 hr too early. keep ya peeper on the game
Raspel31: Sieze them Freeo- to lose against the Tiggers is unforgiveable
Heizenberg: Hahhaha ball
luked98: this may be next goal wins
ballbag: what are current odds? put ya house on the tigers
Heizenberg: I get up at 4am weekdays for work it builds up on u
Slashers: Freo could give this a good go
heppelitis: shut up heiz you one pot screamer
luked98: game set match
Slashers: Terrible miss!
luked98: aha missed
masterhc2: when dockers go on to win everyone will point to that kick benny griffiths
Heizenberg: U shut up, whats ur problem ?
heppelitis: jk
Raspel31: Like watching Hull City beat Chelsea-
Slashers: Fyfe should have taken that deliberate free.
roshanetw: houli has gone missing
casey22: Big effort from sandi tonight
SaintsMan: lift mundy
Pedrominat: oh dear, bad call
Slashers: Sandi and Fyfe… Thunder and Lightning.
ballbag: @masterch youre livin in the future maaan
Kenny27: Walters becoming as bad as lindsay thomas always looking for frees
Rubber Ducky: Quack goes Michael Walters again, this time it pays off with a goal.
masterhc2: @ballbag just watch and learn bud haha, hope it happens for my multi
masterhc2: game on herefellas
roshanetw: jinxed him in to action good work houli
ballbag: mundy you are fucking my defense
Apachecats: We’ll see here if Richmond are genuine chokers
wadaramus: Go Dusty.
Jukes82: game over muppets.
ballbag: @master you got a delorean have ya?
Apachecats: Or just pretend chokers
Raspel31: ballbag a notorious stirrer. Don’t bite .Go Freeo bite
Pedrominat: you don’t want to leave it a metre short, they said
mdizzle: well in richmond
meka100: Mundy lifted this final quarter, fuck off Basil you don’t know what the fuck your talkling about
ballbag: @raspel im not gonna respond. oh shit i just did ya flog. ive stirred noone
Raspel31: Pardon moi cherie- I thank that was a response
jmate: give tabener the spud
frenzy: start junking Fyfe
ballbag: @raspel you didnt read my comment. hows ya nite been?
ballbag: if the top 5 freo scorers minus sandi can ton up id be happy
Raspel31: Indeed-apologies.
wadaramus: Fyfe 113sc, not worth taking yet.
jmate: monty hes a spud he deserves it
Fletch91: Martin SC?
frenzy: power off maric
wtf???: fortuitous kick to maric
wabofi: bunch of flowers
wadaramus: Dusty 135sc!
Apachecats: Martin +15 in one hit?Kick to kick with himself
Hawkatack: yellow and black their from tiger land…suck my fat one Freo
masterhc2: barlow you are actually useless lol any danger of getting a ton at some stage
Pedrominat: Martin is like old school Bartel. Does whats needed, when needed. The rest of the time, just gets out the way.
mijg: Tigets supporters getting big heads Lol
luked98: 137 sc for dusty
Raspel31: Rugby union and soccer-aka football are far
luked98: 115 fyfe and 91 barlow
ballbag: suck a wet fart lyo. hows that for retro you plough
Apachecats: Fat lady is singing
happytimes: Great goal
masterhc2: everyone look out for the tigers ‘supporters’ who wanted to sack dimma get back on the bandwagon this week
sticky12: Typical I put 10 on Richmond 1-24…you’re welcome tigers fans!
Drummo: Love you tigers
happytimes: Shut up ling
Raspel31: Rugby union and football[what you callsoccer] are far better gamesthan this crap. Whythey are world games are far
Apachecats: One Freo goal and you’re in Sticky
feralmong: It’s taken a while but Edwards has become a good player.
auxDT: lingyyy lol
sticky12: Not with my luck haha
ballbag: dockers pumped by 5 goals. hopefully lyon doesnt rest my SC come SC finals
EatEmAlive: Great to beat these scum on their dungheap. GO TIGERS!!!!!
meka100: Nice handball Clancee all class
wtf???: Tigers building false hope for the season….AGAIN.
Jukes82: the ferals are coming out the woodwork
ballbag: @m0nty neales had more touches than fyfe. why isnt he the magnet?
feralmong: Yep jukes
casey22: Didnt pick that one!!!!!
mijg: Freo don’t care rrally.
monkebuket: union & soccer are 2D – afl is 3D
Pedrominat: if the sub doesnt come on, does it count or you get
SaintsMan: freo will still win premiership
Pedrominat: if the sub doesnt come on, does it count as 0 in SC
mijg: Jack is such a tosser lol
meka100: Tigers premiership favourites now
Chelskiman: Huge win for us!
h a mm e r: Great win Tigers! Totally didn’t pick that one! Just goes to show how even the comp is this yr. Gotta be on game EVERYwk
frenzy: maric 88 my eye!!!
RooBoyStu: how many disposals Fyfe last qtr? 3 at most
frenzy: geez champion data are flogs
meka100: Sub came on but did not touch it
ballbag: both subs did come on. zero counts. ouch