SaintsMan: fyfe c
Andrew37: last leg of multi for 2.7k freo by 16 or more.
luked98: need fyfe to get a 150
Apachecats: Tipping your on a winner Andy
Torz: Good start Mundy.
luked98: yes fyfe
luked98: bought barlow
SaintsMan: omg fyfe
sticky12: Good chance andrew. How much u put on?
colin wood: cmon danger.. you should be leading this team…
spudman321: C mon Fyfe got the C on you
sticky12: Mundy is only 12 points averaged behind Fyfe but 100,000 less. That’s better value I reckon
spudman321: Got the C on Fyfe
RooBoyStu: early call with $ on Lever, yet no p plate on other game with McBean
spudman321: Nah I would go Fyfe any day
RooBoyStu: this twitter feed on the right is stuffed as you see scores on other game
sticky12: Fyfe more consistent though aye spud.
spudman321: Yeah
spudman321: Can anyone tell me where you find live SC scores
Heizenberg: Mundy also consistent fyfex celilign is hugher
Heizenberg: Fyfes ceiling*
qiu333: 12 point average difference is huge & fyfe is the closest there is to perma captain
spudman321: Fyfe’s supercoach score anyone
Jukes82: Fyfe on track for 66 brownlow votes
danmaio: dislike both teams, but cmon crows
bigbaddasa: where is Andrew37 now that thinks Fyfe is not as good as Grey from Port
casey22: Go big Cap Fyfe
Breezey: Loving this start from Van Berlo
goes: How much sc is Fyfe on
spudman321: Pavlich -1 at quarter time LOL
frenzy: Pav needs a penguin
Andrew37: I’m here. Gray is better..
mijg: pav you dog. lift
frenzy: and a spud for andrew
carlton_99: 35sc for fyfe
wadaramus: Fyfey 35sc.
drapes15: Fyfe > Gray dont be silly
spudman321: How did you find out fyfe’s SC
danmaio: Sub going better than Pav
Drak: sc gold
The39Steps: @spudman – if you have foxtel, use the logon on fox sports website.
casey22: Not a good week to trade Bellchambers for Jacobs!!!
tamoz: Lift M.Grigg!
Apachecats: Jacobs better long term but he certainly can put in an ordinary onee Casey
uptoolate: if someone runs thru Fyfe ,…. Dockers are not so good …
Apachecats: Fyfe on track for 40 plus pos And 160 plus SC
drapes15: Dockers with no Fyfe .. will struggle i feel, surely shoenmakers takes one for the rest of the AFL
Pokerface: why is fyfe even playing after tripping people?
meka100: Jake Kelly please wake the fuck up
Chelskiman: Come on, Lever, do something.
Slashers: Fyfe loves getting wet.
Chelskiman: Eddie. Wow.
danmaio: eddieeeee
Drak: i swear Fyfe only needs to brush past someone and its counted as a tackle
snake_p: fair goal Eddie
willywalks: flower u nvb, traded u out this week after some utter rubbish the last few rounds…
fshow: van berlo to pass his b/e before half time. dollar sign.
danmaio: eddie tells clancee to pearce off
fshow: nvb never stopped making money willy. no one to blame but yourself.
vamos77: Drak must be the only one not to have fyfe
sticky12: Nah vamps I’m dumb enough to leave him out also…have Mundy instead
Chelskiman: I don’t have Fyfe either. I’ll get him eventually but other things have popped up every week that I need to fix first.
SaintsMan: so true vamos
drapes15: I took Grays 130 odd now fyfe will do this 🙁
Ben_Gogos: Fyfe is a must in SC, DT/Fantasy not so much
Drak: Not having the no1 player in the comp? Interesting strat. You’ll have to let us know how that pans out for you?
vamos77: I did take the C off him after Robbies 136 today looks to be a bad move
willywalks: @fshow, can’t having playing mids getting u 60’s week in week out, especially with money to play with, upgraded to rocky
madskill55: whats fyfe sc?
fshow: oh for sure. u want that bastard on your bench. i understand.
Drak: Ive started Fyfe for the past 3 years
sticky12: Hannebery only 11 avg off Fyfe and almost 100,000 cheaper. Better value with Han drak
Chelskiman: Actually, I lied, I do have Fyfe in Fantasy and SC, just not in RDT.
RooBoyStu: the last i checked Fyfe only owned by 62% not 100%
spudman321: What is Fyfe’s SC
SaintsMan: fyfe 82 sc
frenzy: fyfe 82
carlton_99: 82 sc for fyfe
frenzy: but danger 81 wtf?
spudman321: @Carlton_99 Carlton are going good
colin wood: Why wtf about dangers score frenzy?
sticky12: Commentators saying dangers stats very similar…esp contested possesions
RooBoyStu: Carlton99 lol even lost the flag to the mighty roos that year, they were happy with prelim win.
frenzy: snuck up on me, was garbage at 1/4 time
RooBoyStu: 57% danger and 81? and 2 fa
dibbydobby: time for a goal fyfey
RooBoyStu: Joe Hockey must have Danger, as bullshower score, should be 60 with frees against
Kenny27: Stick to politics Roo, fantasy isnt your game
Andrew37: Freo by 17+ thanks.
ryanbob: lol RooBoy, Danger has been amongst everything. Definitely deserves his score, especially with 15 Cp’s
spudman321: @Andrew37 how much money will you lose if they dont
Andrew37: Obviously Freo save their worst game for me. Crows winning every 50-50 ball.
Andrew37: I have 1k on a 2.8 bet. This is the last leg.
Slashers: Have faith Andrew37
luked98: danger 102 sc, fyfe 98
spudman321: Why would you put that much money on
RooBoyStu: @andrew37 you said odds were $2.90 earlier today bullshower
Andrew37: I can show you, msg me on forum.
luked98: yolmen hasnt had a touch for a while
Pokerface: i thought that too rooboy but figured i misremembered
Breezey: Can Freo win without Fyfe. I’m not sure they could
dibbydobby: CEY will take my score for lewis, wish i had NVB emergency instead!! -_-
Ben_Gogos: I own both @luked98!
rosty63: @andrew37 your bets as good as won mate,
auxDT: wtf jacobs!?
gdshifty: any chance of touching the pill mundy?
fezza: andrew37 2.8 multi how brave, why are you looking for recognition here?
Slashers: Yes freo! Now get going!
spiggs: Danger I am ready to propose to you right now
Ben_Gogos: Dangerfield playing one of the games of the season tbh
Redraptor: Danger 130 sc
Raspel31: Losing Grundy and Lewis-I love you Fyfe.
Yelse: danger u will make me lose all my paid leagues
SaintsMan: danger sc ridiculous, my opponent dosent have him but cmon
frenzy: put a fork in Pav, he’s cooked
Ben_Gogos: @SaintsMan deserving of every point, he’s putting on a contested performance for the ages
Slashers: Fire up again Fyfe!
ballbag: cmon fyfe. you were on 98 10 mins ago
danmaio: boots in the back by walters, bullshit
Redraptor: Danger 22 contested poss
Slashers: Don’t let Dainga beat you.
frenzy: time for a kick or three CEY
carlton_99: cmon fyfe get to 140-150
Ben_Gogos: Danger on track to double ton in SC
ballbag: danger king butcher. can never get more than 60% DE
casey22: Fyfe hit the wall?
Redraptor: Danger 143 next closest is cey on 67
SaintsMan: wheres fyfe?
frenzy: said Yolmen, Lol
Raspel31: Fyfe-we miss you ?
Fury Ride: Should of had danger cap
ballbag: cmon fyfe. you were on 98 15 mins ago
drapes15: Good call in hindsight @furyride
Fury Ride: Fyfe is getting some possession
Slashers: Haha, was just typing pav needed to bob up.. Then he does
Slashers: Good SC points for Fyfe there
ballbag: ok put on the cape now lauchie
fruity: This should be Dangerfiled vs Fyfe not Adelaide vs Fremantle..
Redraptor: Danger approx 140 Fyfe approx 114
Raspel31: God-if Fyfe doesn’t stuff up-has anyone hit the front so much ?
Raspel31: Aka Bronlow.
frenzy: and tell wot the diff is between them is
Redraptor: I think the diss is a few more contested poss for Danger
Redraptor: *diff
danmaio: Thanks zClark for matching McCarthy
spudman321: What is Fyfe’s SC
Pokerface: raspel i think youll find a bookie paid out on gaz around this stage last year
Pokerface: and fyfe will get suspended at some stage. should alredy have been
Raspel31: I will never captain Daniel Talia again.
ballbag: @poker doesnt matter. theyve already paid out on fyfe to win brownlow
Raspel31: Agreed-thats the fear dangerface.
Pokerface: ballbag – crown did. nobody would have him there, they are thieves
Ben_Gogos: Sorry guys, Martin was subbed
sticky12: It’s more of a publicity stunt by the bookies I think
Pokerface: yeah exactly.. they do publicity stunts on stuff that doesnt hurt
Slashers: It is for publicity. Other bookies looking to do it around the byes.
ballbag: yeh crown said a guy put 10K last week @2.20 and they paid him out. happy days
m0nty: I think Sandi needs 64 for the hit out record
danmaio: what about free against clark missed
Pokerface: who has the record m0nty?
ballbag: go fyfe. beat danger by 15sc
Costanza: 1 more Freo goal then Johnson can junk it
TheLegend6: I’m on tablet, how many hit outs does sandi have?
m0nty: Gary Dempsey if my records are correct
SaintsMan: fyfe sc?
Pokerface: i thought my buddy vc would get me a leg up on opps fyfe c :/
Raspel31: Agreed ballbag
spudman321: Fyfe’s SC please
carlton_99: sandilans has equalled the hit out record at 63 hit outs
Pokerface: 63 now Leg
dibbydobby: CEY good boy
Raspel31: Man-this comp hard enough-who else lost Lewis and Grundy?.
Pokerface: jpk has contested poss record with 29 i think
TheLegend6: Is grundy out?
danmaio: Grundy???
carlton_99: is brodie grundy out
ballbag: me- at least CEY is good replacement for lewis
Raspel31: You number cracker carlton99-you
carlton_99: do u mean heath grundy from syd
m0nty: I think he means Heath Grundy
carlton_99: hes broken the record
carlton_99: number cracker?
Ben_Gogos: Dangerfield and Fyfe haven’t been sharing the ball much, no one comes close to their figures.
danmaio: FFS, panic stations on Grundy, but who has Heath Grundy
RooBoyStu: Al Bundy?
Raspel31: Respect carlton-giving us stats
TheLegend6: Omg
sticky12: Why was Lewis omitted?
carlton_99: np
Pokerface: from what i gather about his contract, danger doesnt share much of anything at adelaide
carlton_99: danger 167 and fyfe 144 sc
spudman321: What is Fyfe’s SC
SaintsMan: he did his shoulder
Raspel31: My question sticky-lost me this round
mijg: great goal
Pokerface: ‘bruised shoulder’
Ben_Gogos: That was a big miss!
Slashers: Where is the guy with the 1k bet?
Costanza: Lewis had a pimple on his shoulder
sticky12: It was 2.7k wasn’t it?
drapes15: he’d be shitting it
frenzy: alright Nat, time to get ur share of the junk
Pokerface: sounds like a tatt got infected
Slashers: I think 2.8 were the odds
Andrew37: Im here.
casey22: Has Fyfe got a slight limp?
meka100: You sure Kelly not subbed? Done fuck all the flog
ballbag: what??? how is fyfe less SC than danger??? fyfe should be 15-20 in front
Raspel31: Funny Costanza-his head ?
sticky12: Shit that’s a lot on…beyond my pay packet!
ballbag: 13% of dangers possies from free kicks
Redraptor: SAndi most hitouts since records were kept…1965
Slashers: Almost got it Andrew
RooBoyStu: might be a corkie but Fyfe not 100%
Pokerface: 28 of them are also contested ballbag. dont forget 8 tackles either
Andrew37: Freo under the pump. Tough call.
carlton_99: fyfe 150 sc and danger 178
Costanza: I want a Sandi ton with 1 kick
Raspel31: Hmm-only 3 super coach scores tonning up. Who would have thought.
carlton_99: ye but fyfe has had like 25 conetsted possies as well and a better efficency
sticky12: Fyfe contested poss specialist/wet weather specialist…be better to live in melb
jakem1717: fyfe not as many contested possessions as danger, also fyfe has 6 clanger, and danger has 5 free for
Slashers: Freo to coast to coast soon?
ballbag: you stil out there CEY?
Drummo: Is there a way to play the purple name game
carlton_99: this game is going to scale biog not suprised if danger gets to 190 plus and fyfe 170 plus
ballbag: how does danger get 190 when over 15% of his possies are from FKicks?
Drak: Danger is 182 at the moment
Slashers: C’mon freo, another goal!
fshow: van berlo dollar sign surely
colin wood: Hard ball gets ball bag
casey22: 300 from Fyfe would be real nice
ryanbob: ballbag stop crying. Danger has played one of the best games of the season from anyone
spudman321: What is Fyfe SC
jakem1717: fyfe 155 danger 182
Raspel31: It’s your championship Freo-no one else remotely close.
Pokerface: ballbag you rag on sc every week. its alot more than possessions. he has 6 one percenters to fyfes 2
iZander: same jacobs had 130 last week, how does he get the down arrow….
luked98: wow haha
Ben_Gogos: Dangerfield deserves more than the gun tonight!
luked98: fyfe 155
Costanza: good game
RooBoyStu: and Andrew37 loses 1k
luked98: danger 193
ballbag: fyfes stats are just as good and 5 of dangers hardballs are from frees. and that was a poster
Redraptor: Danger 193 sc Fyfe 153sc
frenzy: a couple of supa stars right there peoples
luked98: danger 185
frenzy: and we crashed again , earth to m0nty
Andrew37: Ah well, was a good ride.
Pokerface: stats as in possessions ballbag? look at all the stats instead of cry week after week
colin wood: Ibbo robbed was vital in that last Q.
carlton_99: still 65 pts to gve away in supercoach could see fyfe get 160 plus hopefully
Jair: Danger and Fyfey! Yea baby yea!
JPem36: CD better balance Danger and Fyfe’s scores as both deserve 170-odd.
OnTheRocks: The C in CEY stands for Cash