frenzy: come back Mick
Jair: T Mitch, Simpson and VC trick with Hannebery
Tw1tch1n: Afternoon lads and ladettes!
Tw1tch1n: Evening Lads!
llewey27: Grundy out
IHateChat: Late change for Sydney.
IHateChat: Dan Robinson in.
IHateChat: Predictions for tonight?
iZander: sydney by 102
419er: Blues have been tanking for the last 3 games LOL
DanBlack: iZander I actually tipped them by 101 this week
Mad Doctor: sydney by 120
Yelse: cripps for a big score with no judd murphy gibbs
J_Pinkman: hope so with cripps, put him on field. JPK to go big also please
frenzy: Tmitch for a sneaky VC ?
Fury Ride: Buddy will kick 8
willywalks: rocky, pendles, armo, ward, buddy or mundy captain guys?
J_Pinkman: vc on buddy if u can loophole
willywalks: no bench to loophole…
Carnster: Evening
Mad Doctor: we are going to be anally cleansed
J_Pinkman: even ruck bench?@willywalks
willywalks: nope… none playing with injuries not picked…
tazmos: Tazmos7
willywalks: gunna go with rocky i think, should carve up the saints
J_Pinkman: bummer
tazmos: thats 50 was our peak of the game
willywalks: cmon cripps, blues ahead!
Carnster: haha @tazmos
Jair: Hannebery VC loophole
J_Pinkman: blues up and about early…lol
Jackwatt$: Quick blues fans, take a photo of the scoreboard!
tazmos: looked like buddy farted on his head.
J_Pinkman: damn, too late with the camera
IHateChat: Buddy Buddy Buddy!
Jukes82: Buddy could kick 10 tonight
iZander: love it how buddy comes out for games they don’t need him for
casey22: Mitchell, start kicking the bloody thing
masterhc2: make up for last week buddy atta boy
runt: lot off talk about offloading Cripps this week but he will easily ton up
J_Pinkman: betcha my opponents have buddy as captain, or at least vc
HowI Rioli: VC on Buddy. Got a feeling…
luked98: good start parker
frenzy: oh Parker why WTF?
uptoolate: allo all ….. geez Monty !
DERKADERRR: I swear Tom Mitchell should have 2 tackles by now, why haven’t the AFL counted them as tackles
dipstick: @runt yeh he may ton up but wont make $. better off upgrading him to rocky for a measlry 100K
runt: Buddy has theatre tickets for tonight, will leave the game at half time
m0nty: I bought Parker this week of course
luked98: budy 39 supa
LuvIt74: Looking like buddy is about to score massive
uptoolate: Swans by how much ? 70 ?
SaintsMan: opponent has buddy of course
luked98: 44 sc for franklin
LuvIt74: m0nty don’t stuff up my players…lol
masterhc2: buddy to score 200 tonight. killing it
derkaderrr: Buddy to score more than 10?
IHateChat: I grabbed Buddy about half an hour ago.
runt: @dipstick no worries
iZander: bit late on parker monty 😀 will still be good long term
Mad Doctor: buddy the loop 🙂 stickin with swans by 120
LuvIt74: wth Parker -5 sc
IHateChat: Superman in just 15 minutes
dipstick: malthouse had blues performing superbly to lose by avge 10 goals. any other coach and it will be 20 goals
Dasherman: @Derkaderrr I agree
Carnster: I need Mcglynn to do something
luked98: buddy 57 sc
willywalks: my opponent doesn’t have buddy, but does have parker on -1 😀
runt: Franklin has a kcack of making this game look very easy and then disappear completely
Tony9668: They said take Buddy, but I didn’t , bugger
LuvIt74: See the ball literally just roll by White and he didn’t even go for it
Torz: Good week to bring in Parker. :/
uptoolate: Maltbush is an arrogant moron … with an inflated recod by virtue of brilliant teams Dip…
J_Pinkman: blues will take white off buddy and put um…..ah…der on him
runt: Parker may have to lift a little
dipstick: @uptoo LOL whatever. he built all those brilliant teams in case you didnt know
m0nty: putting his mudder on him might work
LuvIt74: If i was Malthouse i would have told Carlton GOOD BYE after giving him 2 weeks to make a joke. Thats absurd
uptoolate: lol Runt …. bl hope so !
LuvIt74: Parker wont score above 70 tonight
dipstick: is that a penguins i see before mine eyes
dipstick: nice backward scoring cripps… how do you do that?
uptoolate: Maltbush failed at lego. He built nothing. Have met him in corporate circles. He was disgracefully up HIMSELF.
luked98: why do you say that LuvIt74
runt: How much Franklin wont ton up?
Jukes82: Who’s the muppet that said “Cripps would ton up easily”. LOL
NewFreoFan: happptain parker so far fml……
uptoolate: Micky ‘it’s all about me’ !!!
HowI Rioli: Goodies getting booed in Sydney???
Jackwatt$: Penguin for Parker? You can’t just not give it to him because he’s in your team m0nty!
willywalks: cripps started well, since he has given 2 frees and not touched it…
runt: Jukes82 That would be me
J_Pinkman: at least cripps trying to tackle, unfortunately high both times
wtf???: Goodes getting booed…..what morons
NewFreoFan: happy with captain**
uptoolate: Is Parker dead ?
NewFreoFan: goodes needs a few boos, what a sook
meka100: Buddy time to knock Parker out again
Jukes82: You mozzed him runt.
luked98: Oarker -7 sc
Yelse: just got back onto the footy whats happening with cripps
mijg: ha parker just gives em a goal
Jackwatt$: Is Buddy still alive? Ying yang perhaps
uptoolate: @NEWFREO … I disagree … Goodes is CLEARLY a champion fotballer and advocate of indigenous rights. If he IS booed in
Jair: Buddy to out score the Blues?
uptoolate: @NewFreo continued …. if he is booed in Sydney .. it is a national disgrace !
Yelse: why is that in the back against cripps
HowI Rioli: Ok that Cripps free was bull shower
LuvIt74: bloody hell this is a first -7 sc parker at almost quarter time… It’s m0nty’s fault
dipstick: @uptoo so who’s racist flog? pretty sure people cheer rioli. goodes is just a dirty flog
Torz: Terrible umpiring.
runt: Cripps looking to break most frees against tonight
dipstick: @uptoo EXTRA EXTRA- no one likes goodes or respects him mate. has had a long career though
NewFreoFan: he get sbood less than balla ffs, plays the race card instantly. he’s a flog and dirty player
Jackwatt$: Hey M0nty can u trade in Neale next. That
uptoolate: @dip …. your comments are unfortunate. I respect him greatly. Speak for yourself you racist dill.
Chelskiman: Umm, wth Parker?
NewFreoFan: national disgrace? turn it up. goodes as australian of the year was a national disgrace
masterhc2: jesus christ thats poor discipline you hack thomas. had a swinign elbow before too
3rdstriker: was the last free actually against cripps though? Im not sure it was
Yelse: umpires against the blues today so much bull
Jackwatt$: Hey m0nty can u trade in Neale next. That little guys starting to give me the showers
Jmachete: booooo
goes: How much sc is Parker on probably none
LuvIt74: Goods is pathetic, the way he handled that child was deplorable, if it was a adult then fair enough. Grow some balls
Ben_Gogos: Thomas receives the muppet for a high hit on JPK right in front of the ump, giving away a 50.
Carnster: Mcglynn SC??
HowI Rioli: So anyone who doesn’t like Goodes is racist now. Right!
LuvIt74: Parker on -4 thats negative 4
wadaramus: Parker neg 4 sc!
uptoolate: @NewFreo … the award of Australian of the Year, FORTUNATELY, was made by ppl more intelligent than you.
luked98: franklin 62
SaintsMan: mcglyn 7 sc
NewFreoFan: there’s plenty of reasonss to dislike goodes that aren’t racist.
Dasherman: It wasnt Cripps tackle it was the 2nd one straight after
J_Pinkman: friggin hell cripps
masterhc2: lol in a league match i have buddy and simpson opponent hanneberyy and parker
mijg: buddy VC then see Parker 🙁
Carnster: thanks, @saintsman, how do you check it
redwallis: Goodesy should stick to politics and retire while he still can
Drummo: Thank god I didn’t pick up luke Parker
NewFreoFan: his award of AotY was pure publicity stunt, far more deserving people in the community than him.
uptoolate: @NewFreo …. please tell us … what are they ?
Jmachete: dean cox looks like a giraffe, adam goodes looks like…
Jackwatt$: He didn’t deserve Australian of the year but he also didn’t choose to be either. Back to the game please
wadaramus: My opponent has Buddy VC 🙁
NewFreoFan: hah i have parker as C in DT lol, loving his 12 points so far ffs
beefcake: probs more reasons to dislike this @newfreofan tool though
LuvIt74: glad i got rid of Cripps
Raspel31: Just home. Go Buddy. what happened to Grundy?.
Drummo: @carnster how is your team going?
derkaderrr: I wish McVeigh was still listed as a defender/mid
wtf???: Stuart Dew auditioning for the Carlton job
redwallis: Dew planning on eating Barker to get the job
Carnster: which one @drummo, it deleted me from the dt league
monkebuket: uptoolate +6
wadaramus: Grundy injured in warm up.
feralmong: wtf parker up to 10 during the break. lol
uptoolate: @NewFreo ….. and so u reckon that Goodes wasn;t best Aussie of the year ! ,…. but WHAT are the reasons that ppl boo
J_Pinkman: cripps ok just the frees against not helping
uptoolate: btw …. he didn’t vote for himself u dopppey pill !
Raspel31: Cheers Wad-bummer !
Jair: A Muppet is the Blues best:)
NewFreoFan: if you think it’s racist he gets bood name one single other indigenous player who gets bood.
uptoolate: ffs … back to footy now aside racist pills …
LuvIt74: Parker on fire and out of the red
wtf???: Hanneberry gets 2 pts for handballing straight to a Carlton player
Drummo: @carnster it says that your still in
Jmachete: @newfreofan give up mate, common sense is dead in this politically correct world
LuvIt74: I bet Malthouse is thinking I hope Carlton lose by 200 points
J_Pinkman: yeah 2 pts for trying to help carlton out
colmullet: when ya ready JPK
Carnster: How do i check @drummo
NewFreoFan: yeah i know, cheers @Jmachete
LuvIt74: I’m going to miss Malthouses press conferences
dipstick: @m0nty ban uptoo already. calling everyone racists? so redundant
Drummo: Check your leagues
3rdstriker: jpk having a mare
uptoolate: ohhh dearrr …
Jair: wtf – That’s dreamteam for you; it’s balderdash
SaintsMan: wtf jpk
Rexys Lads: blues showing some heart
LuvIt74: I cannot stand Goodes either but enough about the topic already..
uptoolate: Monty can judge himself by your comments. Please try now to concentrate on the game.
dipstick: cripps is a CP and CL beast
Carnster: Just did my opponent has Buddy and shaw and i have mitchell @drummo
NewFreoFan: my current problem with goodes is he’s outscoring my captain parker lol
LuvIt74: I got the VC on JPK well there goes a free try at a huge score
wtf???: hannebery discovered he has feet
dipstick: @uptoo. you talk shit costantly! is it racist that i dont like you?? get a life, watch the game or go to political forum
Rexys Lads: come on hanners
Drummo: @carnster I have nick smith, titch and Hannebery
Moona: buddy has hit a wall
Carnster: How have you already won a game when this is the first round @drummo
willywalks: robinson in next week for me as a downgrade target, might be time to waive goodbye to mr rich i think!
dipstick: @wtf so has cripps
luked98: robinson looks great
Drummo: @carnster probably a live ladder
luked98: parker starting to get his groove
NewFreoFan: would wait a week on ribinson, see how he goes against not carlton
FlagDog: Fucking Parker you fuck stick, worst VC ever.
dipstick: i need tonnage cripps. you are my m8…just
Carnster: true @drummo
uptoolate: u got a few roughies in here Monty ? … lol …
luked98: chuck parker fwd i reckon
feralmong: cmon tippo need a goal for the hotstreak.
casey22: Buddy back to earth
3rdstriker: cripps injured
willywalks: @newfreofan, suns next week, so its cash to be made
LuvIt74: is Parker a Mid/Fwd on DT?
fshow: good point newfreofan. not carlton are a much bigger challenge than carlton
Carnster: I have Mcglynn in SC @drummo
J_Pinkman: Jpk not even being tagged is he, still havin ashocker
SaintsMan: kennedy with a great efficiency, might be on 15 sc
NewFreoFan: yeah see if he can avoid the vest for another week against suns i guess
wadaramus: Whats the injury report Doc 3rdstriker?
feralmong: few swans players with nothing to do. That bad carlton.
Derekcraig: Parker and JPK both on 15SC
luked98: parker being robbed of some tackles
J_Pinkman: 14sc for kennedy to be exact
3rdstriker: not sure, but was looking proppy and went off with the trainer, hopefully not too serious
Torz: Cripps looks OK to me.
casey22: What idiot said cripps injured?
3rdstriker: was it not cripps, he may have only gone off temporarily then
wadaramus: Seeking an injury report on Cripps as we type.
Raspel31: Yeah-Cripps showing some spine.
3rdstriker: he’s looking fine now in any case
LuvIt74: boooooo
IHateChat: Goodes is a tosser.
3rdstriker: thats why you get booed goodes you flog
casey22: My two players, cripps & Mitch share most handballs!!!!
Moona: crap like that is why people had goodes – such a tool
J_Pinkman: onya goodesy. showin a bit of heritage there
KingPetrie: no wonder goodes gets booed
Jukes82: Goodes you tosser
dipstick: booo
casey22: And Goodes wonders why people hate him
LuvIt74: @wadaramus is cripps injured?
meka100: Goodes fuck off, someone at Carlton just knock the cunt out
monkebuket: go goodes!
J_Pinkman: menzel is becoming another shocker, weak as piss
Rexys Lads: was he hunting his half timesnack?
RooBoyStu: and Goodes wonders why people boo him, there’s why right there.
Jukes82: hr’ll get booed for the rest of his career now
tigerman28: Goodes = flog
Slashers: Has Goodes lost the plot?
Jukes82: cripps on fire!
willywalks: now they cheer him? lol
tazmos: give goodes the muppet
RooBoyStu: I’m gonna bring out a new brand of baby dummies and call them Goodes!
wadaramus: Cripps appears to be fine, just had a nervous report to the contrary.
frenzy: cripps going animal
Slashers: Was that the Haka?
NewFreoFan: lots of support for goodes it seems @uptoolate
dipstick: cathy freeman has respect. goodes is just full of himself
LuvIt74: Cripps on 42sc
wadaramus: Aboriginal version of the Haka Slashers!
casey22: Goodes got his heritage mixed up a bit
tigerman28: I’ve got Titchell and Cripps – happy days
frenzy: cathy’s got one, goodes is one
casey22: @dipstick: agree
DrewMartin: all the greats of this game get booed by opposition supporters
luked98: fuck off simpson
Tony9668: Why was that play on for Simpson?
casey22: @frenzy: LOL
uptoolate: @Rooboy …. we left the Goode’s issue behind a while back 2nite. u missed it ?
3rdstriker: great hands cripps
Tony9668: Didn’t run off the mark?
J_Pinkman: well done cripps there
IHateChat: Happy to have kept Cripps this week.
uptoolate: @Rooboy …. so why will you boo him exactly ?
luked98: I wonder why he gets booed?
SaintsMan: disgusting kennedy
LuvIt74: just a quote from superfooty
FlagDog: Love that my opp has cripps o the bench, more so as I traded him out this week!
wadaramus: I tend to respect players as they earn respect with age and boo the rash youngsters.
dipstick: hate it when teams and my players JPK do fuck all
LuvIt74: “Adam Goodes goes with some sort of war dance towards Blues supporters. Bit of pent up frustration there it seems.”
LuvIt74: End quote
uptoolate: @luked …. so do i
monkebuket: cripps to parker not working for me so far
Jmachete: aussie is short for australian, what’s short for aboriginal?
Slashers: If that wad directed to blues fans… Shame on you Goodes!
uptoolate: @Luvit. Goodes on him. If I were a strong man and ppl were booing me I would too !!!
ronburgndy: I only boo milburn low dog I will never forget
wadaramus: What are you trying to elicit Jmachete?!
LuvIt74: cripps to rocky for me I brought in Parker 2 weeks ago when he was cheap, & brought in Priddis the b4 that when he 198.
Tony9668: Cripps to Rocky should work
frenzy: original @ jmachete
Slashers: Shouldn’t players, umps etc learn to ignore the crowd?
wadaramus: Nice retort frenzy.
wtf???: I think you mean ‘indiginous’ which would also be ‘Aussie’
uptoolate: @Jmachete ….. your last comment was absolutely disgraceful . U really should be ashamed of yourself.
LuvIt74: Slashers AGREE the more he shows it bothers him the more there going to do it. Clearly Goodes doesn’t use his brain.
Rexys Lads: adam goodes is a dam embarassment to aus
uptoolate: Monty I have screenshots of all comments this evening.
KingPetrie: why does parker keep getting tackles during the break? champion data guy must have him
uptoolate: why Rexys ?
djtranny: +1 Goodes embarassment to Aus
fshow: nothing like a horrible abuse of logic to make a racist point. love my country but geez the people are a bit off
DanBlack: Goodesy is having a blinder! 2007 form
Rexys Lads: just wish he would chill out
uptoolate: @Rexys ….. why DO YOU THINK A Goodes is an embarrasssment to Australia ???
dibbydobby: Theres nothing wrong with what Goodes did. It was a celebration. It wasnt like he was saluting like a flipin Nazi.
uptoolate: and who do you think is embarassed …. apart from yourself ???
heppelitis: how about talking footy lads
pies13: a few of you blokes should pull your head in and keep your comments 2yourself
fshow: being a good father, successful professional athlete and having never done anything massively shameful. total embararsme
dibbydobby: You should see how the NFL celebrate haha
Rexys Lads: he lost my respect when he singled out the poor girl for calling him a gorilla, anyways back to footy
Heizenberg: Hi all
Slashers: Look what he has caused? Disgrace..
wadaramus: It’s Indigenous round, let’s enjoy it, not denigrate it.
frieswthat: Goodes is a whiny bitch…very unAustralian
djtranny: Stages free kicks, slides feet first, doesn’t admit when he’s wrong, bullies a little girl and get’s Aus of the year
uptoolate: @Heppel & pies …. trying my best …. read back … rednecks keep coming ….
wadaramus: Evening Heizenberg.
Heizenberg: Goodes probaly should have thought twice about that
feralmong: damn shit coach this barker fellow. 2 goals in a half.
heppelitis: interesting week heiz…and hi to you for the first time this year
uptoolate: gday Heizen ….
mijg: yeah fuck get each others emails and rub each others balls the wrongvway there geez
fshow: people who are being racist deserve no sympathy. whiny bitches rarely win brownlows but are prolific on ff
Heizenberg: Its ahrd to judge goodes unless we have been on the end of thise comments ourselves
NewFreoFan: i think losing by less than 190 is a pass mark for poor Barker
djtranny: Most coaches would have a strong word to any player showing that kind of disrespect after a goal but it’s ok for Goodes
Heizenberg: Hi hepoelitis
uptoolate: about what Heizen …. fffs … u meant to be intelligent !
willywalks: if people were booing another player of similar tenure like boomer harvey would we be having the same conversation?
Heizenberg: Himupttolate
Slashers: There’s celebrating (NFL), then there is simulating chucking a spear at opponent fans.
NewFreoFan: uptoolate i’m suprised you can readch the keyboard from up there on your high horse
uptoolate: and I assumed u were smart
Rexys Lads: blues playing ok
Heizenberg: Im just saying upttolate calm down bud 🙂
simsovic: cripps sc anyone?
Tony9668: Goodies is a great player and decent Aussie, just can’t get sucked in by yobbo’s
casey22: Enjoying not seeing the miserable one in the coaching box
LuvIt74: Talk about contradiction, first he says it doesn’t bother him personally not he’s carrying on like a sook.
Heizenberg: All i did was have an opinion gees bite my hed off why dont u
uptoolate: @willy … yes …. but would it happen ?
frieswthat: cripps 49
Carnster: The fans he danced to are being marched out
LuvIt74: Cripps 50sc
feralmong: 49 simsovic
casey22: Uptoolate juct likes to argue. Hate to live with him
djtranny: cripps sc = 50
uptoolate: good try …. but dopey question typical of a total moron …
dipper33: cripps 48 SC
willywalks: really, boomer isn’t exactly the most like player out there and has copped his fair share of booes i’m sure…
fshow: Thing is unless you are from a racial minority that has been called spear chuckers then u won’t get it, but u can accept
simsovic: cheers
Heizenberg: Christ what did i say wrong???
mijg: jjst sounds like jibberish bla bla bla get over yourselves.
NewFreoFan: jeez just look at ballantyne if you wanna see a player who gets bood a lot
Heizenberg: The way upttolate going me its like ive kiled someone
casey22: @uptoolate; this higher ground stuff is really boring
LuvIt74: your kidding have they been kicked out for booing?
uptoolate: @casey …. my argument is about something u don’t understand …. run away lil fella ! …
Nocash: Must be Italian round this week. Just saw a Carlton supporter eating pizza. C’mon guys – back to the footy pls
Heizenberg: Killed*
heppelitis: 4 players i got…59 posies,,go boys
Carnster: It just cam up on the twitter ffed @luvit
feralmong: creepy crowley cops a boo. but deserves it.
LuvIt74: Libba used to get booed every game also
Kenny27: @uptoolate stop sitting on your boomerang and release the tension
wadaramus: +1 feralamong.
feralmong: libba also deserved it.
djtranny: Anyone remember Mark williams playing for Hawks and doing his shotgun celebration after goal? He copped a lot for that
desmondo: wtf?…you can`t kick people out of a football match for booing???
casey22: @uptoolare: gfreat example of a keyboard warrior
Heizenberg: Bbl game back
desmondo: people have booed at the footy since its inception??
eski_liddr: give the while conversation a rest and get back to the game! no-one wins this argument
circle52: Just settle and concentrate on the footy guys sure you would not want a ban
feralmong: uptoolate having a pebkac error.
Slashers: The kid just called Goodes a dog!
uptoolate: if I may summarise. it appears that I alone believe that Goodes is a great football player. Rest my case.
The39Steps: Shouldn’t it be the Carlton players escorted out of the ground on false pretence of being AFL standard?
NewFreoFan: oh noes not a ban. whatever would i do
uptoolate: @slashers. why do you say that ?
h a mm e r: If you get booed, who cares! Everyone booes at some point and gets booed. Gez get over it!
h a mm e r: If he’s dwelling on that no wonder he cant play decent footy. What, shall we all start yodeling when he gets the ball?
wadaramus: Carn T.Mitch and Cripps!!
Bazza2014: boooo ooooo ooooo
tigerman28: Never heard of a bloke sooking because he’s getting booed. Harden up Goodes, you earn no respect with your carry on
Slashers: She yes to buying a WHITE dog, putting it in a swans top and calling it Goodes.
Pkbaldy: Boo
RooBoyStu: @uptoolate you said 45 mins ago the Goodes issue was over yet you still going on and on about it
feralmong: that could work h a mm e r
Tony9668: Be careful Freo fan, if u get banned u might get a life
DanBlack: Slasher you’re a bit of a keyboard warrior aren’t you
RobHarves: Did Buddy get a touch in Q2?
auxDT: Jack watts gets booed every week. Don’t hear him crying about it. He just drops himself to the VFL – FB comment hahahaha
uptoolate: is there anyone in here who agrees that Goodes is a good football player ? …. and if so ….. otherwise …. why are y
rickyb80: huh?
Pkbaldy: ABout 3 or 4 Harves
h a mm e r: Txt to mom: They are bboing me mom… i don’t know why 🙁 whaaaa
uptoolate: @aux …. pull the other one … I know Jack well …. he doesn’t get booed every week u knob …
Tony9668: @uptoolate, great footy player
NewFreoFan: do something parker you flog. sry to not talk about goodes i know it’s all about him
RobHarves: Cheers PK!
Fletch91: Goodes is a terrific Footballer in my opinion
fshow: i dont think we know the full story re ejections
tigerman28: Boo hoo! #sook
DanBlack: @uptoolate Goodes is a hall of famer as a player, not taking into account all else he has done for the game
uptoolate: Thanx Tony.
h a mm e r: Focus on footy i say Goodes, let that crap go! The media will have a field day with it
LuvIt74: @uptolate he’s a better sook then a footballer. If he didn’t carry on like a child then he might be remembered 4 footy
feralmong: holy sheet. wood kicked it straight
RobHarves: Robbo could get drafted next couple weeks to replace nakia
IHateChat: Goodes is a hero for green and labor voters.
NewFreoFan: 41 pts down not too bad considering carlton’s outs and crappy week
auxDT: went deledio over buddy
Slashers: Enough from me then. He can deal with what’s coming this week.
Pokerface: ihatechat that belongs in the comments sections of your murdoch sites, not here
monkebuket: oh no dont bring in politics as well? great player,great person…each to their own tho. get a goal parker!
uptoolate: Tony and Dan restore my faith in Australians
h a mm e r: Is it just me? or am i right that Carlton don’t have a premium player over 500K tonight? hahaha
HowI Rioli: Buddy tonned in SC yet?
tigerman28: Cripps!
masterhc2: nice crippa.
wadaramus: Goal Cripps, keep going.
fshow: another interpretation is that a lot of liberal voters are racist @ IHatechat
ronburgndy: Goodes is a great footballer but that doesn’t mean he’s a great person
wadaramus: Buddy 95sc.
3rdstriker: its kind of amazing that cripps is carltons highest averaging player in sc
tigerman28: Trevor’s up the tree! That chick is hot.
wadaramus: Kind of sad I think 3rdstriker!
LuvIt74: Cripps 65sc
HowI Rioli: Buddy take that shot!!!
masterhc2: buddy tons up great stuff
heppelitis: im trevor for real
wadaramus: Buddy 101sc.
Heater: Is Tippett worth the $$ he is getting paid? I think not…
Jackwatt$: Cripps & Docherty the 2 shining lights. Menzel will be good too
h a mm e r: yep and they don’t even have a player over 500k lol
feralmong: yeah tigerman and we all got to see her pussy.
Tony9668: @uptoolate, great footy player but when you become political you are always going to divide people
LuvIt74: My only 2 players JPK & Parker are doing nothing 35 points each
h a mm e r: Absolutely not! But he care not, they have money to burn 🙂
NewFreoFan: tippet is so hot and cold it’s ridiculous
FlagDog: Parker ruined my week already, FFS, you’re playing Carltank!!
DanBlack: I traded Ayce Cordy from my ruck to bring in Franklin. So happy with that choice
wadaramus: Tippet’s a spud.
NewFreoFan: which pussy? wtf did i miss?
uptoolate: @ron …. agreed … all I said was he was a great footballer u idiot ! It;s a football site, what Goodes does outside
3rdstriker: Agreed wadaramus, a 19 year old should not be your best player. That said, he is very very good
h a mm e r: Yep, every year Carlton suck, they tank
feralmong: bit dry out west Freo.
NewFreoFan: radar’s always on and searching feral 😉
wadaramus: He looks the goods 3rd.
dipstick: yep. like i said earlier Cripps is a CP and CL animal
Heater: A nice 100+ from Cripps would be handy.
Carnster: Neeed MCglynn to lift
h a mm e r: They tanked to get Murphy, Gibbs and Kruizer… all duds right now. They will tank again to get no1 drafts
SaintsMan: do you guys think kennedy can still ton up?
Jair: Is Tippett the biggest waste of money ever or do Sydney not play to his strengths?
feralmong: parker at 16mins finally
3rdstriker: Amazing that Malthouse basically played him 100% forward last week, should never leave the centre square
h a mm e r: nah, i sold crips and upgraded to Jack Stevens. I need Cripps to score crap! lol
HowI Rioli: Lol hammer they don’t need to tank for picks
feralmong: tippet yes. +1 to my hotstreak.
frenzy: carltons after no1 draft picks, wondering if jack watts is available
casey22: How could Longmire possibly keep Mitch out of this team for so long.
simsovic: smart move upgrading to parker for cripps arrrgh!!
sticky12: Cripps was paying $4 to get 30+. Only had 2 this quarter dammit
FlagDog: Parker you SUPREME FLOG. Playing the worst team going, what the FUCK is this offering, FU!
heppelitis: holy shmoly..footy chat happening
Tony9668: From a bitter crows fan, glad Tippett is stinking
NewFreoFan: agreed FlagDog
monkebuket: monty bringing in parker this week might have done it
danmaio: thanks Bruce, and Sydney kick away
eski_liddr: got my VC on franklin – need 140+ considering fyfe is the back up
NewFreoFan: damn it monty, stop trading in my captain pick for the week
Heater: Here we go! What will Goodes do now!!??
feralmong: fyfe against crows wouldn’t get too cocky eski. Take buds.
SaintsMan: so lucky eski
danmaio: Cripps good player and the right intelligence to play at Carlton
wadaramus: Hate soft 50’s, pathetic.
dipstick: fuck off with all the free kicks cripps
eski_liddr: cheers fellas – have a bet riding on this
Tony9668: Who’s going to tag him, Feral?
feralmong: not disagreeing fyfe could score big. but a good score from a vc worth taking.
NewFreoFan: did they just say Rowe is the captain tonight?
Pavalinco: If Touhy did Riverdance and got booed what would happen?
eski_liddr: yeah usually id take over 130 on any occasion but Fyfe is a beast
IHateChat: Take Buddy’s score if he gets to 135
willywalks: i think he meant simpson
ronburgndy: Yeah I think Rowe and Walker are captains tonight
dipstick: cripps is useless in DT. he just cant ton up. kick the ball cripps
feralmong: 5 of fyfe 8 games are under 130 points. Don’t assume he get 150+. if ur vc is 130 i’d take it.
eski_liddr: @Pavalinco – that conversation and moment is gone – take it to the forums mate
wtf???: Hannebery my VC….don’t think he’s gonna quite get there tonight
willywalks: ratten as a coaching option? lmao
Pokerface: 130 is lockable even in the days of a fit gaz
NewFreoFan: also, assess the risk of an early injury versus the possibility of an extra 20 points
dipstick: and thats why the blues are fucked. why they didnt make simpson C is laughable
Pavalinco: Just switched on
eski_liddr: ok thanks for the input fellas – looks like buddy will be locked for the weekend considering we have another q to go
Tony9668: Anything over 120 for VC is a lock
frenzy: speaking of GAZ, is he ever coming back
dipstick: C throwing $ away!!! who are the Ljones and Jtutt flogs?
Pokerface: the gaz we knew is not ever coming back, no. something resembling him might
Rexys Lads: gaz back after bye
luked98: need parker tokick a few goals next wtr
Pokerface: you have alot to answer for macaffer!
dipstick: GAJ will come back but he will play fwd like his old man and kick 100 goals a year
fruity: So will Parker eventually kick a goal tonight.
LuvIt74: I wont bother risking GAJ in my side this season
NewFreoFan: GAJ made fantasy footy boring. everyone had him and he owned C each week. Yawn.
feralmong: 116 eski. looks like a bank.
casey22: Bit rough but I reckon McCaffer tackle meant to do damage & unfortunately did!
HawkTalker: stay down parker. stay dooooooown
Pokerface: newfreofan sounds like fyfe nowadays …
Tony9668: Forget the mids this year, get a strong backline and you will beat most opponents
NewFreoFan: wait, wqas that baldist?
Slashers: Who will Sydney sub?
3rdstriker: agreed freo fan, although fyfe is now doing the same
NewFreoFan: fyfe dominating SC, but DT there’s actual choices for captain each week
simsovic: Franklin SC?
feralmong: 116 buddy
frenzy: bud116
luked98: i dont understand parkers 48 sc?
3rdstriker: mcveigh subbed
DarkLegend: mcveigh and menzel off
NewFreoFan: 57 points still honestly not too bad
dipstick: has cripps SC tonned yet?
eski_liddr: wheres buuudie
DarkLegend: keep going Cripps. Backed you to get your BE with no other Carlton midfielders playing
Rexys Lads: docherty sc?
luked98: anyone but hannebry
eski_liddr: 2more required mr franky frank
Rexys Lads: i have vc on hanners
wadaramus: Cripps 70sc.
FlagDog: Parker, ruined my week on day one of DT. Fucker!!
wtf???: Hannebery has gotten off the chain since qtr time
wtf???: me to rex
3rdstriker: yarran in trouble
Rexys Lads: yeah wtf going nuts
dipstick: put a needle in and harden up yarran ya puss
Rexys Lads: whats hanners sc?
LuvIt74: Hanners 83sc
wadaramus: Hanners 83sc.
Rexys Lads: thanks
auxDT: do something cripps! WTF
eski_liddr: franky finally
frenzy: start junking simmo
Drummo: Would like titch to crack te ton
danmaio: 85 cripps and parker, get moving
masterhc2: get a touch cripps
eski_liddr: funny if carlton trade like crazy only for the departed to do well at rival clubs
Heizenberg: Oh shaddup,eski
wtf???: @eski…that’s something they are good at, Betts etc
Heizenberg: We been through noughnof that lol
Heizenberg: Enough of*
eski_liddr: im sowwi
dipstick: @eski yeh Carl will trade crazy and bring in like of Tutt, Jones, Daisy, Wood
HawkTalker: cripps, MIA. magnifying glass pls
willywalks: everitt with the garbage can
HawkTalker: buddymagic
masterhc2: buddy noice
Heizenberg: Hahant thats okay
dipstick: i mean seriously- wood is a teams number 1 ruckman. and they dont play Kruz in the ruck anyway
wtf???: lookout…Carlton on the rampage..2 in a row
Heizenberg: Bit of banter i guess
HawkTalker: people who trash buddy are fools. He’s the dominant forward of the last decade without question
eski_liddr: Franklin VC is paying off – locking him in fo sure
Pokerface: who trashes buddy?
frenzy: icicle simmo
HawkTalker: plenty of hawks supporters love the “we’re better without him” line
fshow: we get it eski. you have franklin vc. well done.
meka100: Titch come on you wombat
willywalks: spud for liam jones
wtf???: whats the icon by Hannebery?
danmaio: Parker off for a rest , even tho he has done fuck all
Pokerface: thats not trashing him, just the amount of our cap he took
SaintsMan: and also “we had him in his prime”
fruity: Cmon Parker, 1 goal pleaseeee..
dipstick: buddy is pretty underwhelming at sydney
eski_liddr: thanks buuudie
Pokerface: well.. he was better at 25 than he will be at 35..
HawkTalker: peopel forget. Buddy has kicked 60+ goals 8 seasons in a row. no other forward can rival
HowI Rioli: Oh no the umpire got booed and may feel butthurt
eski_liddr: great to see carlton to continue to play the game out
willywalks: booing the refs, we’ll hear about this on the project on monday….
uptoolate: and to support my earlier comments re a great player …. 94 DT atm
kangawalla: Buckley about to overtake Jones & Tutt in one QT of footy
happytimes: Who’s the ref?
danmaio: Kouta must cry when Bell is compared to him
HawkTalker: buddy even kicked 60 when Clarko tried to play him up the field for his final year
frenzy: get a kick simpson FFS
dipstick: yep cripps is def no more than a 77pt DT player
wtf???: No.23…Wish he palyed for my team
uptoolate: and to support my earlier comments re Goodes ! ,….. 94 DT atm …
wtf???: Would look good in Andy McLeods old guernsey
HawkTalker: me too, wtf
dipstick: @danmai hahaha for sure. who else is like kouta? bell? yeh right
dibbydobby: Cripps to Rocky this week. happy now
eski_liddr: concussed poor guy
Pokerface: uptoolate while he may be a great player, using DT figures against this joke isnt really an argument
wtf???: and no, I’m not talking about Lachie Henderson
fshow: so people ignore you the first time and you just say it again. narcisism @ uptoolate
dipstick: @uptoo yeh. and you also forgot to mention you think its racist to boo an AFL player
HawkTalker: lol
RobHarves: Oh dramas. . . who to drop to loophole?
eski_liddr: well done rohan – class act
dipstick: @uptoo is it reverse racism when we cheer rioli?
Pokerface: tom bell has 102 DT.. must be a champion then
uptoolate: @dip …. u re confused …. try again with sense u idiot … ffs ,….
fshow: i thinks its just cheering then
eski_liddr: god im sick of this racism conversation…honestly save it for the news comments section
qiu333: lmao
willywalks: yes, jones with the spud as i requested, thanks ben!
dipstick: @poker according to uptoolate bells DT makes him a great player and person
uptoolate: @fshow …. no response until u say something sensible in English !
runt: no malthouse murphy and gibbs and Carlton have slightly improved
wtf???: Hannebery not enough with the VC…looks like Pendles has to do it AGAIN
willywalks: give row the heart, been flogged all night and put in a gutsy effort
fshow: okay. hows this. uptoolate you seem like a real knob’.
dipstick: buddy still on the bench. nice. stay down buds
meka100: Liam Jones needs to be banned from playing any kind of football
eski_liddr: buddy SC anyone
qiu333: not the brightest crayon in the box
happytimes: Go jones
Pokerface: lol willywalks. give the whole carltank team the heart then.. cos they got flogged.. ?
dipstick: @fshow thats the bleeding obvious. couldnt agree more. and agree @meka too
runt: Mitchells job security is pretty good I feel
willywalks: @poker, no, rowe put in a lot of effort all night going to tippet and buddy since white is rubbish and can’t defend…
uptoolate: @dipstick …… clearly you are a fine man ???? but if you were smart u would understand that u are dealing than urs
dipstick: the only heart in Carlton 110% of the time is simpson and thats it. and thats sad
eski_liddr: supposedly buddy has been on strong pain killers thats y his resting for the night now
carlton_99: I know people may think im crazy, but im really happy with what the Blues are showing today a lot more fierceness.
carlton_99: New coach making a difference already
dipstick: @run t hope so. he is getting stuck into tackles which helps
SaintsMan: dissapointing kennedy
frenzy: gunna be a long week
danmaio: 60 points, 2 goals better than their losing Ave, going in right direction blues
wtf???: 10 goal loss, ok, lets sack the new coach now.
HawkTalker: bell 82, wtf
fshow: @runt. gut feel? are u on the coaching staff? did you read something? can you predict the future?
Pokerface: dipstick you cant knock cripps efforts
Slashers: Titchell and Simpsons SC… Bahhh! Whatever!
HowI Rioli: I’ll take that score thx Budd. VC!
ryanbob: lol parker absolutely robbed
penguins00: Buddy stole all the points