Carnster: hibberd, Dunstan, Bruce, Longer SC would be much appreciated
Carnster: typo
meka100: Lumumba just fuck off
Carnster: am i the only one here
Carnster: true @meka 100
uptoolate: i’m withya Carnster !
Sloaneyyyy: traded our labumba this week, he was priority to get rid of over Bellchambers
uptoolate: cmon Doggies !!! goooo !
Carnster: Need dahlhaus to go big and beat picken
Wends: Need Heretier to stay down & Dahlhaus to kill it.
rosty63: time to get a touch bonts
luked98: chose krak over hogan this week
Sloaneyyyy: anytime you want to get started Bont
luked98: tom boyd a clanger with out touching the pill?
LuvIt74: wth dogs pick it up
luked98: lumumba due for a big game, hopefully tmcdonald doesnt crack the ton
Wends: Yes, dahls!
Fury Ride: Just got hogan out this week
LuvIt74: Allot of cash paid for a 19 year old unproven forward but Boyd has looked good kicking 10 this year, he’ll take years.
AngryRyno: tom boyd clanger for being paid 7 mil
Yelse: anyone watching game? where is bont?
LuvIt74: All forwards need at least 3 to 4 years
Sloaneyyyy: Bont does realise he’s playing today right ???
Carnster: Carn Dahlhaus, beat Picken
AngryRyno: vince tagging bont
Carnster: good night fella’s going to a place with no wifi (but foxtel) for the weekend so will talk next week. Bye
Sloaneyyyy: piss off Talia
Carnster: Sorry that was my friend hacking my thing
Wends: Krak on the field over Hogan, hopefully won’t regret it.
Fletch91: Wth, where is Macrae? Said he would be playing this week 🙁
auxDT: lumumba spud
auxDT: i put tarrant over regrets at all
luked98: same here wends
LuvIt74: Dogs look rattled not playing sharp like they have been
Wends: Oh dear auxDT. Anyway luked98, guess we’ll all know soon enough…
LuvIt74: I went with Krak over Hogan also
luked98: not watching the game, whats with bontempelli?
LuvIt74: Wish i put Goodes on the way hes going so far
meka100: T.Boyd do something and knock that cunt Vince out
Yelse: hate vince!!
Wends: Vince is on the Bont like white on rice.
LuvIt74: Traded vandenburg out had to but bloody hell his killing it ATM
luked98: who has vince got the job on
LuvIt74: Hes on the Bont
riceanator: lumumba has got to go……
AngryRyno: lift doggies i want my free whopper
deanie: Please BONT you are POD this week
uptoolate: why does Cordy reckn he can win every boundary throw in from behind ???
rosty63: bookended by boyds
frenzy: Lolmumba
RooBoyStu: you clown Lamoomba
doogz: lulumba and duff man my PODs every week…
Ball_Hog15: Who’s Lumumba playing on?
LuvIt74: Lumumba you joke, im on 1805 with 17 played + C but got the Prince in this game
AngryRyno: lamumba manning grass
LuvIt74: Speaking of POD in deference I will be getting Johnson from Freo
AngryRyno: @luvit get him after bye
LuvIt74: in defence i meant to say
luked98: fuck sake lumumba, hibberd is replacing you
Torz: Cordy vs Spencer. Equivalent of a nil-nil draw.
poolboybob: Vince go tag someone else you hack
auxDT: thanks lumumba
Wends: Though dahl got a free just now?
LuvIt74: @Angry that was the plan but i think ill be bringing him in next week, Lumumba to Johnson
Wends: there it is…
uptoolate: Bob Murphy for President !!!
Raspel31: Bontompelli to Rockliff next week with a bit in the bank.
frenzy: Dreamons no chance ?
meka100: Roos get the sub out for Lumumba, he’s a fucken joke
luked98: you do that raspel31
LuvIt74: McDonald is the must have defender this season he has been phenomenal
Wends: Wallis KO’d.
AngryRyno: i need to get rid of lamumba too, im thinking yeo but not if he gets rubbed out
auxDT: spud icon for lumumba please
LuvIt74: @Angry if u can afford to get McDonald m8
AngryRyno: pretty annoyed amon is sub again, he deserves a run
Raspel31: Agreed Luvitand thank you luked98
SaintsMan: hows wallis lookin?
Sloaneyyyy: yeah McDonald has been awesome for SC
Hawks_15: goodes is starting to find his form
Wends: Wallis being assessed.
Fury Ride: McDonald’s sc please
SaintsMan: cheers wends
doogz: i think lumumba to mcdonald this week
Raspel31: Been some good rookies this year-we should all have a fab midfield in 2 weeks.
luked98: 40 sc for mcdonald
meka100: Amon will probably get a run at it when Cornes retires
LuvIt74: My midfield is done its my Defence that i need to fix
Fury Ride: Thanks luke how do u get sc scores
luked98: fox sports match center
luked98: click on their name and it tells you
Fury Ride: Thanks Luke
luked98: dahlhaus 73 super
Raspel31: Agreed Luvit-got lotsof bontombellyless on the bench so maybe sell to improve defence.
mike944150: damn vanders on me bench
Yelse: raspel31 bont is a keeper
luked98: damn hogan on the bemch
Raspel31: But yelse-always stack my midfield and rest of team crap-time to let him go. But thanks.
LuvIt74: Wht the hell r the dogs doing they look shocking
luked98: bont 38 sc isnt as bad as i thought
Wends: Have Picken in DT, listening to the game – anyone know has he gone back to tagger role??
Yelse: put him in your forwards raspel31
LuvIt74: luked98 how are u getting SC scores? I have them live but im paying for it
Raspel31: Hmm-interesting yelse. Cheers.
circle52: Regretting trading Hogan and Newton this week
luked98: im getting them free
HappyDEZ: Picken playing on ball Yelse. Wallis is back on tagging Jones.
LuvIt74: Getting rid of bontempelli is crazy, he is a keeper all day long. Exactly slip him in your forward line
luked98: i found a way
strikes91: it’s an android app, as if you would pay for live scores lol
frenzy: harden the flower up Bont
Raspel31: Aint Vandenberg been a money spinner.
luked98: nah im not using an app
LuvIt74: I did $249 but got a free galaxy tablet
HappyDEZ: Sorry meant Wends not Yelse.
meka100: Vandenberg fuck off, already scored more in a half than you have the last 3 weeks
luked98: using the fox sports superfooty match centre, and if you click in their name in the free version it still shows sc score
LuvIt74: luked38 how m8?
danmaio: plus 3 for kicking the bird
Wends: Thanks @Happy
Raspel31: Yelse and Luvit-a pom and only 3rd year in. But doing well. Thanks for advice.
Derekcraig: Get footy star app
Sloaneyyyy: Come on doggies stop serving up this crap, and win the game… been so hard to get 9/9 this year, so many upsets
feralmong: I don’t like having kpp in my team but hogan is an exception, till he maxes out.
luked98: the dons wil, stop after half time
Karmaboy: @luked you are heaven sent
luked98: no worries man
Raspel31: Sloaney-4 burgers last year-this year not even close.
Wends: V secret squirrel – thx @luke!
Fury Ride: Luke what do you search it get the sc score website to come up
Sloaneyyyy: i’ve had one 9/9 this round, every other round has been 5’s and 6’s if i’m lucky
luked98: fox sports superfooty match center
LuvIt74: when i try get on the foxfooy site im automatically logged in as a member
Fury Ride: Thanks
LuvIt74: Is that what u type in google “fox sports superfooty match centre
Jackina: bont is out of my team soon…
Sloaneyyyy: Bluemoon for Spencer already
Derekcraig: Get Footy Star app. It has live SC scores
luked98: yeah and its the third one down for me
Sloaneyyyy: So long as Kamdyn Macintosh doesn’t score 150 I should win my eliminator…
luked98: or you can type superfooty live hq
Wends: There goes any delaying of gratification in all forms of DT/SC now. But me no complain.
luked98: is it possible to put links in this chat?
Jair: Different Bullies in the 2nd I hope
Wends: Time to get back to work, hope check in @ end reveals Dahl 165 SC 🙂
Raspel31: C’mon Chelsea-finish with a win. Sorry.
Fletch91: Well its a good thing they named Macrae this week… Sure helped out my team this week :/
JRedden: they named macrae on extended bench, on friday afternoon official bench is named
frenzy: get your flowering hands on the ball Bont
Raspel31: Told not to tade Bontempelli. If you lost Hodge and Lewis-sold one-have a lot in the bank-why would you not upgrade Bont
ballbag: cmon vberg. need 120 from you to minimise rockys 15k increase
AngryRyno: bailey dale already been more useful than lamambas whole match
miner4pts: if you have money innthe bank, then bont isnt the upgrade you need to make
Sloaneyyyy: Pumpkins for the whole Doggies team, they have reverted to their true form !
mike944150: did Bont .
Raspel31: Sorry miners-meant sell for Rocky
Sloaneyyyy: Jesse Hogan is gonna be a superstar in for years to come
miner4pts: Boyd will have to get really good very quickly to be worth 7mill over 7 years
LuvIt74: true the dogs looked crap from the bounce
LuvIt74: i went out at half time was boyd subbed off for doing nothing or was he injured
twsherrin: cmon the bont
Kermit: Kermit the Frog here with a Muppet News Flash: Toumpas outsmarts himself with a handball to noone in the BP, Stringer picks up the bouncing ball and goals.
LuvIt74: heard minson was forced of the ground in the 2’s due to making contact with a umpire
AngryRyno: Jong playing injured
luked98: why did i trade vandenberg 🙁
Jackina: bailey dale is having a blinder!
Raspel31: Weneed the answerluked-why did you trade Vandenberg ?
frenzy: c’mon bont ffs
LuvIt74: what a goal
Kermit: Kermit the Frog here with a Muppet News Flash: Nathan Jones turns backwards on the HBF but inexplicably kicks to Stringer, who goals!
AngryRyno: jake spencer an option for those getting rid of belly
Raspel31: Bont definitely goes to Rocky next week with some moolah to spare.
Sloaneyyyy: nah, Jake Spencer deserves the Blue Moon
LuvIt74: when a player like vandenberg has a breakeven of 100 on sc its wise to trade him, i did & got Parker im not sorry i did
AngryRyno: 90sc vs hawks last week spencer
luked98: luvit, i wish he did this last week! 94 sc already
LuvIt74: Raspel31 a trade is worth 150k to 200k put bontempelli in your forward line dont do it you’ll regret it
Raspel31: Vandenberg my weak link-left on the bench with Bont-aint he lookin good.
LuvIt74: @luked 98 yeah but even if u had him chances are he would have been on your bench
luked98: true
AngryRyno: if the bulldogs could ‘#bemorebulldog’ that would be great
Raspel31: Again-thanks Luvit.
mike944150: sickening to see Watson on my ground and Vanders on bench
banta: bont been nowhere today!
LuvIt74: If u traded out vandenberg for a premium then you done well, Parker will go up $40k this week as vandenberg wont
Jackwatt$: Damn I traded out Vanderburg and Wallis this week
LuvIt74: Carn doggies about time u pulled ya finger out
luked98: need lumumba to have a big last qtr
Jackina: cripps and vandenberg ruining what was a good week
Raspel31: My reservations re Bont Luvit-he has not guts-he’s soft.
luked98: sunday has ruined my chances of a massive score
LuvIt74: i needd lumumba to kick 10 goals in the last…lol
Mcswains: First time and only time I get Lumumba:(
AngryRyno: p plate for dale, he’s been handy for the dogs
Sloaneyyyy: jeezus Vandenberg… wish i’d put you on the field
iZander: how do you know brett goodes will be doing a high bump in the 4th quarter?
meka100: Bont is like his cousin Dal Santo a softcock
LuvIt74: Raspel31 it’s your call at the end of the day, if bont was a midfield only id agree but to have him in fwd is great.
AngryRyno: hogan 85sc, vberg 105sc & spencer 92sc
LuvIt74: my huge mistake was not putting in Hogan for TBC and i done it but then swapped it back.
luked98: -2 points for bont that qtr
Raspel31: Vandenberg-man love.
LuvIt74: id love to know why Boyd was subbed off, does anyone know. was it just to give Dale a go?
luked98: harry got a touch!
luked98: 5 goals from bont and lumumba this qtr pls
AngryRyno: m0nty comment for lumumba has made my day
LuvIt74: allot of soft frees
Yelse: brought in mcdoland instead of yeo and rocky bigger mistake
luked98: when the sub has scored more than bont 🙁
Ball_Hog15: Lumumba astronaut haha!
Hawks_15: bontempelli looks like he will be traded next week at the moment
luked98: bont -3 points since the half
ballbag: cmon vanden… kept you 1 last week
LuvIt74: i was looking at a 2300 sc score b4 today id be lucky to get 2100
Hawks_15: need a icon of some sort for bontempelli of some sort for his 2nd half
danmaio: lumumba been is space for last few years
Fury Ride: Who d u have luvit
LuvIt74: this game is like the dogs just cant find there players looks like the dogs of last few years…
Tw1tch1n: Bontempelli looking like he could be on his way out of my team after this performance
banta: lol dogs lose to melbourne and the saints worst two teams in the comp. Real jekyl and hyde
luked98: bont is just warming up
ballbag: nice lumumba you yam astronaut
zadolinnyj: I’m hearing u Luvit74
miner4pts: vince has stopped a lot more experienced players than Bont this year. Im keeping bont
LuvIt74: Lumumba, Martin, Grey & krakouer
Tw1tch1n: Bont – What a spud! Just dispose of the ball you idiot!
luked98: fuck you bont
meka100: What the fuck was that Bont, cost your team the game
danmaio: Bonts believing all the hype, grow your hair, wear a head band and look like a flog, but think you look great
meka100: Bont to Deledio, about the same price
Yelse: goods broke arm
Tw1tch1n: At this rate I’ll be trading out Bont, throwing Vanders forward and getting Rocky
Raspel31: Bonts biggest weakest-gutless-doesn’t contest.
ballbag: youre a mashed potata bonts
AngryRyno: i wouldn’t touch deledio, he misses every 4th week
Raspel31: Exactly twitch.
luked98: lumumba getting some junk time feels
AngryRyno: chance of ‘The Traders’ going “aww bont! -3! wah wah wah” is pretty high
Tw1tch1n: Goodes hit his BE so not going to lose any coin on him
Jackwatt$: Bernie Vince has DEEstroyed Bontempelli! Go dees!
Jackina: lol the traders
luked98: vandenberg no star
ballbag: is bonts sooking? why only 3 tackles?
LuvIt74: Bonts SC scores this year 126-142-82-100-113-83 & coz of 1 bad game u guys are going ape-crap
Jackwatt$: Go Dees, give us another crack at Hawthorn, last week was an aberration
Raspel31: Mygrandmother with her favourite handbag could have destroyed Bonts. No guts.
LuvIt74: if u play the game this way your a armature and need 50 trades
danmaio: Boyd 100% efficiency , thats what $1million a year buys you
Jackina: pretty bad performance from some of the dogs youngsters
ballbag: 1 millions bucks a year biggest trade mistake for the dogs
AngryRyno: has vberg had a rising star nomination yet?
miner4pts: yup, off you go and rage trade Bont on monday
Raspel31: Who would have thought Vandenberg would be your third highest score.?
Jackwatt$: Cmon Watts kick 3 goals in 10 minutes to make me purple!
casey22: Vince claims another scalp
Raspel31: Hehas no guts Luvit-he;s a softie.
Brown*Dog: nice +6 bont
AngryRyno: CD are missing a hogan behind?
ryanbob: raspel31 you sound like a broken record, the kid has been tagged hardcore
Raspel31: Apologiesryanbob
runt: Vandenberg WTF
sticky12: Typical, I trade van and hogan and they are well above their avg
LuvIt74: Raspel31 why coz he’s had one shocker of a game?
ballbag: ouch. the bonts was destroyed by vince. owned hardcore
AngryRyno: 3 votes, b vince, huge fantasy 2nd half too
Sloaneyyyy: nothing worse than seeing tonnes on the bench when you lose your eliminator by less than 50… 🙁
Raspel31: No Luvit-Dogs have had good games. But he doesnt contest the footie like a true midfielder.
Brown*Dog: Oh bont stinker might have cost me my eliminator looking at 2100 and loosing
LuvIt74: I agree bont had a shocking game but hell give the kid a break. No such thing as perfection even da best have bad days.
ryanbob: lumumba a bit ripped off, shouldve been 55 + atleast
LuvIt74: Amazing game vanders
Brown*Dog: Well done Tumpas best game for dees to date