1pistol7: redden out, golby in… golby sub for lions, dempsey for bombers
1pistol7: redden out, golby in… golby sub for lions, dempsey for bombers
miner4pts: went vburg to rocky this week, but the bombers arent his best scoring opponent….
frenzy: somebody needs to keep Rich quiet today for me
Carnster: Yes my opponent had Redden
Carnster: I have no one in this game
Carnster: Welcome to fanfooty @drummo are you ready for the banter
grossn: Rocky +24 vs Hibberd. Going to be close!
Cyberdyne: monty or gogos today
Ben_Gogos: Gogos
frenzy: ya only got 20 playing 4 brissy @ ben gogos
luked98: lets go rocky, crack that ton
wadaramus: Vberg to Rocky for me too, Go Rocky!
Torz: Any danger of a touch Beams?
iZander: more than half brisbane havent touched it yet, give him a break
Torz: Not when he’s my captain.
circle52: Brisbane are up for this
luked98: com rocky use the ball better
circle52: Typical this year bench Belly for Tarrant and Belly going strong already
frenzy: early bluemoon nomination for Belly
circle52: carlisle and gardiner really going at it
Ragnar: Any chance of a kick, Rich
Ben_Gogos: Aish with the first muppet of Sunday, with a shocking turn over from the defensive goal square!
miner4pts: rocky only in 5% of teams? thought more would have taken a 79 BE
riceanator: rocky my man
circle52: Muppett for Aish
luked98: rocky playin well, just his disposal isnt great
luked98: yes riocky
luked98: what did aish do?
bigjuddy: rockys BE is 126
circle52: Kicked to himslef and then turned it over
luked98: not for sc bigjuddy
Torz: Aish kicked it to himself from a behind, fumbled it. Then shanked it straight to stanton. Goal for Essendon.
carlton_99: i need rich to beat rocky cmon rich
rickyb80: not on sc it isnt luke. its 79
luked98: thats what im saying
rickyb80: sorry i ment juddy. not u
ballbag: @miners i dont think rocky has tonned up yet so thats why noone jumped on him
Torz: Rocky is back. And into my team next week.
Ben_Gogos: Rockwiz is back!
luked98: he will today
rickyb80: well and truly back
luked98: already in mine
luked98: he has the cape!
Jackwatt$: I can totally understand why people wouldn’t have Rocky. I mean, if you’ve been asleep since halfway through 2013
Ben_Gogos: Yea the only comp I didn’t grab him in was Fantasy
rickyb80: went parker this week. rock next week
Derekcraig: TBC on 3SC, how is that possible
Jackwatt$: How would u know 450k is cheap
luked98: ricky i did the same, parker last week, parker this week and barlow next week
circle52: Rocky in my team next week
miner4pts: yup i get the wait, but i thought it was too good a price to turn down
iZander: exactly same with me rickey, not mad with that choice at all
willywalks: muppet for goddard….
frenzy: CD rubbing salt into Goldy owners @ derekcraig
rickyb80: not convinced bout barlow
circle52: paporone continues to grow in defence
circle52: Fair game this one as well
carlton_99: can someone pls tag rocklliff i need rich to beat him by 10
west_coast: whats with watson?>
iZander: I’m not either rickey, but check freos up coming draw…
carlton_99: in supercoach
west_coast: whats with watson? 2disp????
Jackwatt$: Watson is tired. Mentally more than anything. I wouldn’t pick him
iZander: i can’t wait till watson tears it up
Pavalinco: To early to give Rockliff the gun?
luked98: iZander great value for below 500k
luked98: barlow or selwood?
Derekcraig: I have $42k in bank and was hoping to go straight Cripps to Rocky next week in SC.
The39Steps: Feel for Christensen. Obviously things still on his mind.
RooBoyStu: that icicle will be off Watson in 5 mins
poolboybob: Rich lift your game you crab
luked98: i started with 1.1mil in the bank, now buying the cheap premos like parker and rocky, got 600k left
auxDT: uwot luked98
ballbag: dont stress. if rocky scores 150 today he only goes up 23K
qiu333: waste lol
Derekcraig: Goddard on 11SC. Lift man!
ballbag: @luked yeh thats about right. most teams should be full premo rnd 13
Karlpov: Yes! Had Green 3 goals or more!
meka100: Heppell come on you arsehole
casey22: Opinion: take Fyfes 128SC or leave cap on Gray?
qiu333: take
RooBoyStu: Watson has an icicle for 6 touches, Heppell nothing for 5?
grossn: Take fyfe’s SC
riceanator: take fyfe unless you’re desperate in your match up casey
casey22: Thanks for feedback; will be close but will take fyfe
miner4pts: i took fyfes 128 with same choice
riceanator: is it worth trading in hooker or too inconsistent?
Wends: won’t have to downgrade elsewhere to get rocky in for miller next wk, sweet. worst case scenario, lose about 5k.
Torz: 2 BS frees against Beams
luked98: if you have are gonna win take fyfe
luked98: but if you look like losing go with gray
Ben_Gogos: Too inconsistent imo @riceanator
carlton_99: pls rich cmon
Andrew37: Hooker is a good POD in SC imo
circle52: That is not a mark but with these umpires anything goes
Yelse: why bellchambers whyyy… if i wasn’t to upgrade to rocky ext week u be the one
luked98: icicle on hepple?
luked98: heppell
poolboybob: where is heppell today?
carlton_99: who do u guys think is mos liely to pull out a 150 against the tigers, boak or gray
willywalks: cmon bam bam, needs some more $$$
Cyberdyne: t-rex arms
Karmaboy: key sc scores?
carlton_99: good 36 point quarter rich try and catch up to rocky
grossn: Need Rocky to outscore Hibberd by an extra 9 points to win my SC this week
Yelse: which rookie best to pick up in next 2 games fwd or mid
goes: How much sc Is rich on
snake_p: 46 goes
Derekcraig: Bellchambers on 19SC
Yelse: why does bellchambers play over Giles
Jackwatt$: @yelse Dumont (mid) looks solid only problem is JS and always sub. Dale (FWD) is the other option but he is Sub today
Wends: rich was on 46 at ht
The39Steps: Lesson I learnt (again) this weekend – never have North players in your side when they are playing tough games. Soft.
Yelse: thanks @jackwatt$
casey22: Cant see either of these teams in top 8
Torz: Great start to the quarter Beams. Need a huge second half
luked98: chuck the icicle on rocky, not good enough
willywalks: who the hell is breathing so heavily on the broadcast, its awful…
Sloaneyyyy: Should have enough cash to go Adam Saad to Rockliff after this week.
luked98: magnifying glass for rocky
RooBoyStu: Leuenberger ordinary today only 4 disposals and 3 hit outs
willywalks: anyone else hearing this bloke with emphysema
RooBoyStu: Leuy needs the magnifying glass
FlowerTime: Keep going Hooker, dont stop!
luked98: rocky back in it
Torz: Witches hat for Gardiner. Getting destroyed by Daniher.
carlton_99: cmon rich pls
jfitty: Witches hat for Gardiner
Yelse: rich doesn’t work hard enough
Sloaneyyyy: thankyou for waking up Dayne Beams
willywalks: need a floodgates icon
casey22: Can somebody please give the ball to Jobe?
LuvIt74: Quite impressed with the Rocklobster.
Jackwatt$: TBC just had an effective disposal. It was only a handball but baby steps
Tw1tch1n: Made a boo boo and somehow got stuck with Hibberd as C, might have been a masterstroke mistake in the end haha
luked98: whose the guy that needs rocky to outscore hibberd?
Sloaneyyyy: giant down arrow for Watson… he’s a shadow of his former self
tiges4ever: Hibbert, rocky SC?
grossn: me, luked98 =(
LuvIt74: i think hibberd is a must get now in defence.
LuvIt74: Rocky 85 & Hibberd 83 sc
luked98: youd start to get worried
casey22: Jobe needs a hair cut – cant see the ball
LuvIt74: He is way to cheap to ignore
Jackwatt$: Watsons had to carry the burden of this ASADA crap for 2 yrs he’s mentally stuffed. Even Hird had a 12 month break away
tiges4ever: cheers luvit74
Grazz: Slow down Rocky, can’t afford to big a price rise
LuvIt74: Rocky 87 & Hibberd 86 sc
Sloaneyyyy: Howlett is having a decent year
luked98: if lumumba doesnt score well i might trade him for hibberd
grossn: start to be worried? I’ve been worried all game, Lions are terrible at kicking I50
LuvIt74: @Grazz his price wont increase allot m8
LuvIt74: I know who is definatly going next week, TBC
Sloaneyyyy: just need Rockliff and Wines to complete my midfield
LuvIt74: i really wanted to get rid of TBC this week but Parker was more of a priority
Sloaneyyyy: this is Bellchambers best game for the year
Ben_Gogos: Bellchambers SC will be poor given the efficiency
creeker: Nice to see Hibberd getting a bit of the pill.
Jackwatt$: I wanna get rid of TBC but all the ruckmen I want have Round 11 byes so I’m waiting after that
danmaio: please let me see a bin next to Goddard and Heppell by the end of this game
Raspel31: Rockliff a gun-but 54 after quarter one-only 44 last 2 quarters.
LuvIt74: Think ill wait until round 12 for rocky but it will cost me a extra $50 to $70k
Jackwatt$: I’m getting Buddy next week, I don’t care if his break even is 150 coz he will probably get it
LuvIt74: Im happy with my Mid now Fyfe-Pendles-Priddisd-JPK-Beams-Dangerfield-Parker-Cripps
LuvIt74: rocky 95 & hibberd 89 sc
auxDT: @LuvIt74 is that SC or fantasy?
frenzy: Lol @ jackwatts
LuvIt74: I like Rocky or Sidebum to be my last mid but think sidebutt could drop at least $50k by the bye rounds
Wends: Nice – keep it up mother hibberd.
Raspel31: Pendles, fyfe,lewis,armitage,mundy,cripps,ebert for me
LuvIt74: @auxDT i said SC mate “Supercoach”
LuvIt74: @Raspel31 Nice im not sold on Ebert, but i did contemplate him around round 5-6
auxDT: i was talking about your team @LuvIt74 but im guessing thats also SC, as for me my first year of SC was a fail
zadolinnyj: Do you have Watson Luvit74 sc
grossn: Well if Rocky doesn’t beat Hibberd by 23 then I’ll make Gray captain and hope for ~140
Raspel31: And forgot Jelwood-yeah, agree about ebert luvit but so far so good
LuvIt74: @auxDT ok m8 sorry i thought u meant the scores I posted. Yeah m8 mine is just SC
LuvIt74: Watson 49sc
DTmuppet: watson needs to lift
LuvIt74: @Raspel31 Jelwood is going to be very cheap, he’ll be another Rocky but id pick rocky over jelwood coz of his injuries
Jackwatt$: You could bet your house on Gwilt coming in for Fletcher next week. That’s why they drafted him
tamoz: Lift J.Merret and Zorko!!
LuvIt74: Rocky tons up
RooBoyStu: raise the bat Rocky to everyone that didn’t get you this week clap clap clap
LuvIt74: @Jackwatt$ Hey want Fletcher to reach 400 games, he wont be dropped only 9 to go
danmaio: now for B E Rocky
Raspel31: No-got jelwood luvit but I think sadly time to offload.
zadolinnyj: Ta mate
LuvIt74: Raspel31 offload jelwood? Dont get rid of him if you have him what ever u do
Jackwatt$: @luvit Agree, but looks to be injured
frenzy: thats a trassh can for BJ
willywalks: can probably break the mares for a few lions players too
Raspel31: True-never drop a gun luvit.
meka100: Heppell stop getting hitouts and get the ball
luked98: what do you think rocky’s BE will be next weeK?
Sloaneyyyy: @Heppell you know you’re having a bad game when bellchambers is scoring more DT than you
Sloaneyyyy: who got subbed out for Brisbane ?
RooBoyStu: Leuy needs an icicle, Astronaut and a down arrow
Raspel31: Who this year is happy with their forawards?. the same old story.
luked98: who gets te star in this game
LuvIt74: I wis i put HOgan on instead of TBC
circle52: Liam Dawson subbed fro Brisbane
LuvIt74: Dawson subbed
Sloaneyyyy: thanks circle52
luked98: josh green done nothing since half time
Raspel31: Not a big scorer but as a cheapie I rate Zac Merret. Go Dons
Jackwatt$: No complaints with Star or Gun from me
frenzy: Leuey mare
luked98: agree with the yinyang on green
Wends: gull for Hibberd? 😐 Unimpressive.
LuvIt74: Rocky 109 & Hibberd 104 sc very close
Marstar: How is Beams going up in SC this 1/4 without touching the ball …
Fury: leuy cheap enough for R4 soon
AngryRyno: zorko complete potato, useless
Keano: Beams sc?
mike944150: dissapointing Watson
The39Steps: The next time big Leuey makes the news will be on Thursday – Brisbane: M. Leuenberger (omitted)
Raspel31: Leuyhaving ablinder-for the Dons.
LuvIt74: Beams 97 sc
luked98: comon rocky a goal to finish off a great game pls
frenzy: must have to play bad to recieve the mare
creeker: Has Rich had a stat this qtr ?
SaintsMan: Heppel sc?
RooBoyStu: Leuy been on 4 disposals for over a qtr and still no mare
RooBoyStu: bin Goddard
Andrew37: Bin for Heppell
Raspel31: Has Zorko discovered other hobbies ?.
danmaio: cmon Heppell, a late mark and goal
casey22: Good to see Rocky back
Marstar: Beams 86 3/4 time. Zero touches in the 4th 100sc … really??!!?
danmaio: 1 more kick rocky
The39Steps: Wonder whether Pickers will be shopping Aish around this week?
frenzy: off to Carlton 39 steps
The39Steps: Could think of other choices.
RooBoyStu: Cooney sc bullshower 47% eff
luked98: rocky’s score harsh?
AngryRyno: belly sc all he deserves
luked98: rocky didnt beat hibberd by 9 points
circle52: Congratulations to Bombers but some of the umpiring decisions really favoured them.