rosty63: subs golby, amon
Grazz: Dudge will have his beer ready sitting back now to enjoy this i reckon.
deanie: Need krakour to have a big one
happytimes: Need rich to have a shocker
SaintsMan: same
YoungGun: need brisbane to lead at qtr time. cmon lions
dipstick: lets open up krak and split this game apart. need a big one
deanie: Win me the round Krak!
Sloaneyyyy: I didn’t think my DT could get any worse, but apparently I was wrong
Wends: Beams a bit slow off the mark?
NewFreoFan: need massive DT games from Stefan, Gray (c) and Ebert!
dipstick: cmon VC gray for isaac smith… pump son. you too kraka
frenzy: Tommy wants to come to my team for free
NewFreoFan: Stefan you legend, glad I stuck with him in my initial team and ignored the naysayers
masterhc2: god i need gray asap
Sloaneyyyy: geez, how good is Stefan Martin…
Woosha 73: God I need Gray to get a minor injury ASAP
Sloaneyyyy: I need krakouer to get more than ebert… so a football miracle in other words
Bazza2014: go go MArtin!
Sloaneyyyy: how is Aish not getting a regular gig at Brisbane, he’s so much better than half the team
Grazz: Thats asking for something Biblical like water into wine walking on water stuff bu i hope the lord hears our prayers
dipstick: prob coz brisbane young players need games and aish is leaving the lions this year
Grazz: Aish hasnt been great for the lions this year playing well today so he’s coping. Be hard ofr him he’s young
Grazz: For a young bloke he’d have a bit to deal with if he does want to come home.
Sloaneyyyy: crows could use Aish off half back now… no jaensch, riley, smith…
YoungGun: rocky sc?
miner4pts: Thought I would be bringing in Rocky next week – might leave it for another week….. he will be too cheap to ignore
Sloaneyyyy: I was planning to go Cripps to Rockliff after this weekend, but not if Rocky keeps serving up this
SaintsMan: rocky gonna be under 400k
Grazz: Id love him to come to the Crows Sloaneyy
SaintsMan: krakour 50 sc
iZander: wow rocky getting the tag for the first time haha
Grazz: Port going better than us is a worry, they will be in the hunt count on that.
dipstick: rocky 450K this wk with still massive BE 🙂 but will he come back this yr?
NewFreoFan: Lift Ebert you flog
dipstick: who would thought cripps to rocky AND $ profit also 🙂
Apachecats: Fyfe ump on report for false arrest.
Grazz: Im going to try to leave two spots open for as long as i can to see what comes of Rocky and Gaj
Grazz: Should give the Ump two weeks for that report on Fyfe.
Grazz: Rocky has one of the best tagging him.
Grazz: Should of been a Crow Kane you and Chad but goodluck in the Fire Dept, wish you well.
Sloaneyyyy: if West Coast keep winning, maybe Priddis will go back to back Brownlows
casey22: First to the cape?
casey22: & Gray gets it
Grazz: Wow
Grazz: This wasnt the script i got
Woosha 73: Umm Casey…. Never mind
dipstick: yeh best of luck cornesey!!
Sloaneyyyy: lol keep going Krak!
Torz: Good work Gray, Krak, Stef and Rich. Just need Beamer to lift!
NewFreoFan: Damn you Ebert! Get amongst it!
casey22: I picked a good week to get rid of Rich!
meka100: Decided to pull your finger out Rich
Grazz: We have a game
Grazz: Traded Rich to Mundy this week in AF why isnt MENSA calling me
SaintsMan: lift boak!
Sloaneyyyy: this is gold, if port lose to the Lions I will piss myself laughing
wadaramus: Hell yeah Sloaneyyyy
NewFreoFan: I need 180ish from Gray, Stefan and Ebert in a half of football.
Sloaneyyyy: i got pies and bombers wrong for my tips so far.. if Lions will i’ll get 6/9
Jukes82: vickery and riewoldt with the on target icon
pies13: who cares @sloaneyyy so will every1
Jukes82: oops wrong game
Sloaneyyyy: dont get ya panties in a bunch just cos the colly-wobbles lost pies13
pies13: @sloaneyyy yes im powered off sorry haha
Sloaneyyyy: for some reason Richmond are a bogey team for the pies… I don’t know why i tipped them to win either
Warney: bogey team…dont think so
wadaramus: Just saw a stat, Richmond haven’t beaten the Pies since 2007?
pies13: the 2games i was ifi on were the pies and bombers tipd north so got 1 of the 2 if power loose hahaha
frenzy: wow whats Ryder SC ?
419er: there is not 1 vic side in the top 5
sticky12: Pies are overrated. I tipped Geelong to win last week too. Although I went for Carlton so I know flower all!
heppelitis: is it worth bringing rocky into my final mid posi?..or he no good this year?
fruity: OMG! just realized l picked S Gray instead of R Gray….Arghhhh
RooBoyStu: fruity needs the spud icon for good
SwaggyP: Bring him in about 2-3 weeks hepp. Track his BE
SaintsMan: his be will be 120-130 this week
carlton_99: need beams to stop and rick krak boak and gray to rise
Torz: I bet you thought you were getting a bargain @fruity. Haha.
pies13: not overrated young @sticky up 1 week down the next we might scrape in2 the 8 which would be over performing
fruity: Bad enough l had the wrong Gray, no need to rub it in… Doh!
Woosha 73: I used my last trade to pick up the wrong A Davey once haha
fruity: Bad enough l had the wrong Gray, no need to rub it in… Doh!
RooBoyStu: rubbing in your spelling, you spelt realised the yanky way
heppelitis: thx..i find it hard to be patient..i know he will play a blinder against us..
Jair: Most tipped Pies to be bottom 4 so how are they overrated?
fruity: l had him as Captain at 1 stage this week, lucky l changed it..
fruity: at least you knew what l meant RooBoyStu….lol
RooBoyStu: @jair still will, only beaten Bris, Stk, Ess & Carl
carlton_99: supecoach for beams, gray, karakoiur and boak pls
Ball_Hog15: R Gray getting it done! Glad I picked him as captain
sticky12: No offence pie13 but the media pumped up their wins when they hadn’t beaten any top sides and Essendon are out of form
pies13: at the moment @rooboy looks like brizi was a gr8 win beating last years top4
Drak: gray 92
pies13: @sicky bombers were in form anzac day we were underdogs no offence takn
RooBoyStu: lol beat a good side skunks, typical collingwood fans, drown your sorrows, lost to toothless tiges
Drak: I wouldn’t be talking RooBoyStu. I don’t see any premiership material at the Roos. They barely beat an out of form Ess
Drak: Bombers were out of form against Carlton Pies13, the week before ANZAC day
SaintsMan: krakour hasn’t touched it
RooBoyStu: saving ourselves for Freo, mark my words, we’ll beat Freo
carlton_99: Sorry to bother guys but does ahone have the supercoach for gray, krak , boak, rich and beams
Hawks_15: I have leunberger plus 160 points to my opponent r.gray and krakouer. who will win?
Drak: gray 96 krak 66
ausgooner: Is Krak injured?
Hawks_15: @ drak. do you know what leuenbergers sc score is?
pies13: @drak a win is a win @rooboy not saying we beat a gr8 team just saying its a close comp
frenzy: power off Leuenberger
Grazz: glad im in no tipping comps
J.Worrall: Have any players suffered amental injury today?
Apachecats: Do you mean us or the footballers J.Worrall
heppelitis: wow frank lowe fell of stage at soccer presentation
carlton_99: mon boak and krak and gray and rich
Rebuild: Pittard do more things!
SaintsMan: gray sc
Andrew37: Give Gray the atlas
Woosha 73: Any chance of a plus anything Ebert?
frenzy: thank flower Krak won’t be subbed
Woosha 73: Any chance of another now?
Sloaneyyyy: Beams superman, surely for this quarter
masterhc2: beams you star, cape him up monty thats a 60 pt qtr
doogz: Got beams in this week
NewFreoFan: Ebert you absolute waste of space going to cost me my game
J.Worrall: The footballers — where’s Andrew gone?
Andrew37: What?
RooBoyStu: Krakouer a disgrace to the Krakouer name says Jim
J.Worrall: resident a hole
Hawks_15: anyone know what leuenbergers sc score is?
Sloaneyyyy: @rockliff yeah definitely waiting another week or two before I pick you up
tamoz: Whats happend to Redden these days
smoochy: is that a bit of self evaluation J.Worrall?
Power16: Give robbie the one man team thing. Port are shit
wadaramus: Are you channelling Stone Cold Steve Austin, Andrew 37?!
Andrew37: Might aswell give Gray the star. He has still been the best player on the field anyway.
frenzy: why so long a qtr?
bugalugs21: first week of Ebert 🙁
Sloaneyyyy: maybe Port is a bit demoralised knowing their best tagger is leaving in a couple rounds
Sloaneyyyy: finally getting our icons =)
NewFreoFan: Need 108 from Ebert, Stefan and GRay in the last quarter. Think I’m sunk.
auxDT: krak m8
dipstick: ffs krak pipe up
carlton_99: need gray, boak and krakour to get like 330 any cahnce
NewFreoFan: bout as much chance as your team winning a game carlton_99
Apachecats: Krak the weak link there Carlton 99
carlton_99: well gray may get 140 and karak 110 and boak 80
carlton_99: krak is on 80 not much of a weak link
frenzy: Rich on 91 SC, that’s whats wrong with SC
carlton_99: well my actual situation is boak, gray, krak and rich v 317 plus beams
auxDT: how do we get the icon?
Sloaneyyyy: the only way i’d consider getting Rocky this week, is if he can ton up from here…
wadaramus: Krak 80sc.
SaintsMan: boak 50 sc
Wends: On your account preferences auxDT. Need SC quadruple superman for Krak, cmon!
dipstick: rich 91sc with 52% DE?? yeh right
Sloaneyyyy: Elliot Yeo has single handedly won me my RDT match this week =)
J.Worrall: I’m one of the icon hungry masses
Bazza2014: Port kicking themselves into Mediocrity!
runt: Lions are really going to win this, wow
J.Worrall: There should be a tax to get me some beneficial icons
frenzy: find sum ball Krak
LuvIt74: Rocky only on 64sc and a break even of 199 he could drop below $400k
Wends: Nice one Sloaneyy, bit of an out there pick.
SaintsMan: he will luvit
LuvIt74: the krak is kracking
Wends: only if u earn over $185k J Worral, under that is needy.
dipstick: @luvit LOL yeh right. you drop about 1K for every 3 pts mate
LuvIt74: @dipstick i dont mean this round i mean in a few weeks
J.Worrall: But I own a footy team worth some $10M
J.Worrall: Shouldn’t that just be counted like a house?
Costanza: Beam me up
Wends: Lobby for a lovely lunch with the cigar chompers in Canberra, they’ll do u right. Now come on Krak – argh!!
NewFreoFan: come on Ebert, go apeshit for me you should have plenty in the tank
Grazz: well well well
LuvIt74: Rocky @ $494 now and he wil drop at least another $50k this week so by round 10/11 highly likely that rocky will be sub
dipstick: neck up already JWorral and stop crappin on about tax. its hardly amusing
Sloaneyyyy: keep it going Beams
Wends: Grazz I hope you’re hands are on the table 😐
pies13: @worrall u a blues supporter?
LuvIt74: sub 400k
Roksta: gray sc anyone?
pies13: haha dipstick u r hahahaha
LuvIt74: gray 114sc
colin wood: 114 roksta
Bazza2014: is it the biggest drop of the highest premo ever?
masterhc2: LOL i have absoluetly come from nowhere to winning my eliminator in RDT, had 180 vs adock and ebert (c) hahahahaha
pies13: tootheless your club spineless @dipstick you got nufn on the pies this season haha
Wends: Which bye round does Beams have?
frenzy: lift krak
Roksta: cheers lads
runt: Dr Leppas smack em up against the wall tonic is now AFL approved
Costanza: as the Blues hit rock bottom
Sloaneyyyy: lol when did RDT eliminator start??? just checked, i’m still in it! sweet!
colin wood: master what is your DT score?
LuvIt74: Rick 110sc
runt: More coaches should go the knuckle on players
wadaramus: Yes Rich! Go Brisbane!
colin wood: same sloaney lol
RooBoyStu: that goal is to all that traded rich out
LuvIt74: Rich i meant
dipstick: @pies toothless is funny coming from you. didi you say that with a lisp?
Sloaneyyyy: who do we captain out of Gray/Fyfe/Lewis now… all looking awesome at the moment
luked98: needed robbie gray to have a shit one, to win this week
LuvIt74: Fyfe without a doubt
LuvIt74: Fyfe is the new GAJ
wadaramus: Sticking with Fyfey Sloaneyyyy.
Andrew37: Lewis DT Gray/Fyfe SC depending on team.
runt: might have to check the B samples. Getting ridiculous
LuvIt74: Gray on 117sc now
Woosha 73: 2 marks and 2 kicks Ebert. Not asking for much really
Drak: We call him FAJ
_wato: Was Gray + 9 v Beams in two leagues and have now lost two games because of this. F U Beams
Heizenberg: Himkleys face said 1000 words
Heizenberg: Hinkleys*
RooBoyStu: Lewis who?… oh the guy that takes cheap shots on blokes
frenzy: krak doing a dusty martin gone missing after half time
dipstick: @drak lucky his surname isnt vincent or else youd get banned
colin wood: ryder, krak and stef martin SC please lads?
Roksta: lol drak
_wato: What is Beams SC by the way?
pies13: @dipstick didi i did haha blues now the worst team in the comp good luck this season
Drak: Who honestly would have taken Lions for a 40point win over Port? Wait a minute, I just saw Dane Swan flying in the sky
wadaramus: I’ll still take 89sc from Krak.
danmaio: how much will Rockliff be this week
Sloaneyyyy: not a single person in any of my Fantasy leagues has cracked 2k this week
Roksta: banned for vaj???
wadaramus: Beamer 133sc.
auxDT: how do we get the icon? sorry i went away from my laptop
Sloaneyyyy: lol Drak
frenzy: its the thing with the kangaroo on it krak
LuvIt74: @damaio between $450 to $430k
colin wood: im on 2153 in dreamteam and had barlow capt…
colin wood: just hit 2100 in SC too
Drak: Ive been banned for less…
poolboybob: c’mon Rich just a little more
Fury Ride: I need rich and wingard 100sc
man0005: Does Bion the Lion actually have a twitter feed? Wow.
Sloaneyyyy: auxDT go into your account preferences, and select your favourite team
LuvIt74: if there was no VC & u had to chose a player as your C & couldn’t change it u would be nuts not to chose FYFE
Wends: Go to your account options @aux, and pick your team.
Apachecats: Carlton 99 Krak is still your weak link
luked98: on the lions
danmaio: Thanks, need someone to replace Duncan, who I just brought in this week
frenzy: yay krak got +3
auxDT: cheers @Wends
carlton_99: boak is the one who stuffed me up only on 63
colin wood: time left?
kangawalla: Apox on your house Ebert. All you had to do was outscore Rich! :/
Apachecats: Rocky will be cheap danmaio and even cheaper in 2weeks
Wends: I shouldn’t have helped u, bogey team!! 🙂
LuvIt74: @damaio dont bring in Rockliff next week mate coz he will drop at least another $30+k next week
dipstick: origin SC ha triple pts for C and double pts for VC so BOTH choices matter. works well
feralmong: My 164 lead in sc vs krak and Ryder. Might just make it
frenzy: got a feeling these SC scores are gunna be BS somehow
dipstick: @colin i just cracked 1000 AF
auxDT: hahaha yeah nah i feel ashamed to be a pies supporter tbh
Sloaneyyyy: Martin may actually lose money this week…
Apachecats: Gray has stopped to a walk
Wends: Richmond like a dog at a bone today, but they had to be.
kangawalla: auxDT-you could be a Demon fan. No fun here either! :/
colin wood: martin SC?
LuvIt74: @feralmong maybe not Krak 96 & Ryder 64
runt: Carlton wanted the bottom of the ladder more than us
auxDT: @kangawalla demons are fine theyre not hated, except maybe watts
feralmong: Yeah few cheapies at the end killed it.
dipstick: rich will be lucky to get 70 with his DE and stats. corrupt this SC and gambling on it should be banned
Jair: Proud to be a Pies man, we havnt lost to Tiger flog since 2007 so they must have been beating other teams in that time.
Wends: Salute to K Cornes, formerly awesomely relevant DT/SC player.
casey22: Amon: 52 in a quarter &a bit, well done!
LuvIt74: martin 78sc
dipstick: @luvit seems he’ll win by 4
wadaramus: Amon looks good.
miner4pts: amon did well there
feralmong: Whoar it’s close. Wait for scaling
dipstick: amon was in my initial team. racks up DT pts in preseason
auxDT: @Jair i love the players but the fans not so much
frenzy: CD clearly has rich in their team
SaintsMan: he does
LuvIt74: Rocky 87sc i cannot wait to get him in around 9 or 10 id luv to wait untill round 12 but by then his price will hike
carlton_99: damn would of won if boak ahd hit the ton damn his kicking efficiency
LuvIt74: @dipstick amendments yet to take place it will be close only 2 points in it atm
carlton_99: damn lost by 40 points
LuvIt74: thought port would be allot better this year