J.Worrall: Hawkins out
J.Worrall: Hawk has a sore bum
OnTheRocks: sore man boobs from wearing his bra too much
desmondo: subs?
rosty63: motlop 1st goal please $50 on him.
LuvIt74: Is it true that Hawkins has hemorrhoids or are people just making up crap
Cyberdyne: odds?
frenzy: wakey wakey m0nty
rosty63: was paying $72 last time I looked
snake_p: That’s a BIG pain Worrall
LuvIt74: Rosty63 $73 to $1 for first goal?
rosty63: bugga
LuvIt74: glad i got rid of Minson for Blicavs
LuvIt74: No first goal player was paying $70 to $1 what a liar
runt: I had threepence on Doug Wade
Cyberdyne: rosty, explain yourself, sir.
uptoolate: lol. runt.
J.Worrall: Doug was always a chance
uptoolate: Blisavs suddenly looks cheap ? fkim …
J.Worrall: Yup, liking the lokk of the Blitz
J.Worrall: and the look too
Ewoks: lol handball for stevie j
Koss: Stevie in trouble? Got nowhere near the actual ball
abbarulz94: Yes I had Blicavs for first goal at 41:1 odds 🙂
Koss: Yes Titch
Wends: Stevie J, fair in McVeigh’s jatz crackers. What a clean player.
pharace: Your a liar Runt, Wadey played in the decimal currently era 😉
thommoae: Yep, SJ in trouble – not a good look, that
frenzy: decimal currently Lol
jackenator: SJ that was all BALL
Redraptor: Johnson lives up to his name
Wends: Jackenator, your jokes so well rounded.
Wends: Sometimes the cries against Selwood ducking a bit shrill, but he really will get hurt one day.
uptoolate: marked umpire influence on this RIGHT now !!! goal gift to Cats. Pathetic.
uptoolate: a shocking decision….
tamoz: What role is Sam Reid playing these days?
Ben_Gogos: Reid has mostly been forward today
runt: I wonder if the doyen of straight kicking Eddie Macguire can spare time to instruct Franklin how to kick straight
auxDT: my faith is being repaid by treloar and parker
Mcswains: atleast Clark has made his break even :/
tamoz: Reid needs to be used down back
snake_p: Courage Parker
dipstick: lol pyke showing nicnat how to play AFL
mijg: thankyou parker. I made the right choice in flicking Macrae a few weeks back
dipstick: @wends the day jelwood REALLY gets hurt is the day SC will have its first 300
ryanza.123: Kennedy sc?
desmondo: Any chance you could actually kick the ball Josh??
jackenator: Laughed when Richo said ‘the ball wasn’t there’ lol
happytimes: Time to sub Mitchell I think
theKid: Why sub mitchell @happytimes
Raspel31: Is Franklin finally earning his money ?. Go Cats.
RooBoyStu: happytimes crying into his used tissue as he didn’t get Mitchell
tamoz: Come on Lloyd!
dipstick: @happytimes dont worry. tmitch zero tackles. he wont be in the team in 3weeks.
RooBoyStu: Hannebery also 0 tackles Dipstick, keep your name
Wends: lol dipstick, u are probably right
dipstick: @rooboy ??? didnt know hanneberry was told to be defensive or is trying to get into a team. flog as always youare
3rdstriker: duncan might be about to be subbed
Raspel31: Ladies-please.
RooBoyStu: dipstick less typing on here mate and more watching the game, P.S who do you support again? lol
SaintsMan: duncan subbed
3rdstriker: duncan subbed
Redraptor: Blease subbed in for Duncan
FlagDog: at least Clark cant get pulled i guess…
mijg: and they continue to fall
Kenny27: @Flag he will, by Hawkins after the game
meka100: wtf Parker kick the goal you muppet
FlagDog: missed a kick into the 50 by mitchell
Raspel31: Cory Gregson a bit of a find-what ho old boys.
FlagDog: would have jagged him this week if my backline didnt self destruct, and I wouldn’t have to had Salem on the ground ;/
RooBoyStu: how many brought Duncan in this week, i know of 2
Raspel31: Injury rates this year-we’ll all be lucky to have a team in amonth.
FlagDog: If i don’t get a defender and a middy back this week I wont have enough players to feild a team even using 2 trades :/
FlagDog: K.Simpson, A.Saad, C.E.Y, Cripps, Lonie, Salem – I’m stuffed
ryanza.123: Kennedy sc?
kangawalla: The “Trevor’s in the tree” girl in the AAMI ad is Ye-hot!!!
Raspel31: And suspensions flagdog-had only 2 Hawks and guess who.
goes: How much sc is taylor,Selwood ,Steve j and gregson on please
FlagDog: Yeah, same, that’s the reason I got stuck with not being able to trade up these plebs Im stuck with, theyre injured now.
Screech23: Missed what happened to Duncan. Can someone fill me in?
SaintsMan: johnson 93 sc,selwood 68sc, taylor 49 sc, gregson 52 sc, your welcome 🙂
J.Worrall: Parker having a blinder
snake_p: Parker phenomenal tonight
FlagDog: Keep Going Tmitch, the mids are the only thing firing this week
frenzy: c’mon titchell
Raspel31: Okay Franklin -you’re forgiven. Carn Cats.
Breezey: How come all goal umps talk funny
FlagDog: Thanks Tmitch!
FlagDog: lol @ StevieJ is such a sore loser
ryanza.123: Can anyone please tell me Kennedy SC?!?!?
tamoz: Junk up Reid!
madskill55: ~112 sc for jpk
ryanza.123: Thank u @madskill55
Raspel31: Whoops.
jayshi: only 10% teams has parker
kangawalla: Raise the bat Thurlow. Successive tons!!
thommoae: Duncan looked to have a foot prob; maybe a broken bone?
Brown*Dog: Magnet for Mitchell 🙂
OnTheRocks: 200 please Parker
Tw1tch1n: As a Swans supporter I’m glad I held on to Parker. Considered trading him out 2 weeks back =/
Raspel31: Well, I put the kibosh on Gregson-hasn’t touched the ball for 20 mins.
kangawalla: successive tons for Mitchell too. Rookie of the year 2013. Now back with a vengeance!
Raspel31: That’s what you call talking up.
meka100: Longmire fuck you, Mitchell should be in every week
OnTheRocks: hulk for hannbery?
kangawalla: Rasp…for clarity, DT rookie of the year
Slashers: Yea, who cares if he dated you daughter!
luked98: Bought Parker this week
kangawalla: Matter stroke lukedd98
RooBoyStu: where’s dipstick? said Mitchell should be dropped and called me a flog
kangawalla: *master
Wends: take jpk”s 120?
kangawalla: RooBoy, he takes back the Mitchell should be dropped part. 🙂
Ghost: Where are post-game BE’s now fellas?