rosty63: hello
MattyZ: hang on here I’m having a technical issue
poolboybob: Yeo can be a really good player if he gets midfield time.
m0nty: righto MattyZ, over to you
MattyZ: m0nty if there’s a way to message me then can you please do so?
Hadouken: ok i need boak to get 87+ to win. go boak lol
carlton_99: boak and krak vs 44 plus judd and priddis who wins
Jodd: Got Gray and Yeo, liking this start!
SaintsMan: need gray, nic nat and krakour to perform
cclarke: need 800 from gray
Torpedo10: 130 from Gray to take me to 2100 haha
Andrew37: Yeo isn’t tagging Gray…
buttox: got krak+69 vs cripps
Ben_Gogos: Sorry fellas, phone has been rained on and is now red screening :/ Contact me on FB, if need be Matt
luked98: my opponent has gray as capt, if he scores 150 i lose
zadolinnyj: Slow down Ebert
heppelitis: Masterstroke if you took Ebert early this year
spangle: the MMM boys are having a mare at the moment haha
spangle: How can Pittard have 3 clangers from 75% DE and 4 disposals? No FA.
Fury Ride: Good work wingard 😃
dj9343: I am getting #shrekt by gray
dj9343: Cripps is slowing up and Rich is useless
dipstick: dipsticks free tip- put ya phone in a bowl of rice and it’ll be AOK
dipstick: * more free dipstick tips available at $5 a pop
Fury Ride: Gray sc
SaintsMan: gray 39 sc
dipstick: here’s another tip. lift ya game nicnat
Fury Ride: Thanks saints man
Torz: Should’ve fielded Krak over Glenn20.
SaintsMan: Yes Gray!
colmullet: If Ebert get’s subbed that would just top my week off in DT/AF
frenzy: Glenn20 Lol stinks
Fury Ride: Kennedy needs to kick a bag of 5
spangle: Come on Pittard… :/
roshanetw: what’s up with ebert?
spiggs: Feel free to touch the pill Nic Nat you pill
FlagDog: Ebert has bad corked thigh
auxDT: d.sheed SC anyone?
pekka10: 59sc
auxDT: sweet thanks
banta: lecras all junk uncontested stats. put someone on him ffs!!
frenzy: gunna scrape 2200 SC this week
banta: someone manning up on lecras would be great. snap his arm again.
MattyZ: I’m loving this game
banta: eagles can man up. boak and wingard running around free all day. boak is never tagged, don’t know why.
banta: lift cornes get those cheapies you love
dipstick: is nicnat lost? does he know hes playing AFL? does he even know what AFL is?
banta: get on boakkk
Torz: Boak gets tagged most weeks banta.
ReaperRage: Naitanui you are not as good as I thought you’d be with cox out of the picture… Hm 🙁
iZander: wtf banta?? boak is literally ALWAYS tagged, this is like the first game I’ve seen him not….
spiggs: Nic Nat is just like any other lumbering ruckman out there, real dissapointing
dipstick: how does nicnat have more CP than possesions?
m0nty: excellent question dipstick
Burnsyy: All i need is for ebert to get 79 and i win, cmon ebert!
rickyb80: what about goldstein and martin spiggs?
SaintsMan: and grundy
banta: great coaching port. leaving lecras alone. killing you idiots. even i could coach better!@
MattyZ: Does it count as a contested possession if you don’t get rid of it?
Andrew37: Gray is the best player in the competition
Fletch91: I have Goldstein and Martin. They fail to disappoint
rickyb80: send em ur resume banta
spiggs: goldstein plays as another midfield with his running ability, and Martin is playing likewise
devize: brought martin in this week to join goldy as well. very happy
rickyb80: me too fletch.
spiggs: Nic Nat is becoming just a tap ruckman lately, a bit like rob warnock
willywalks: provided gray gets under 138, i win, simmer down robbie!
m0nty: I am being told that CPs can be registered after a hard ball get but before disposal
iZander: dt or sc willy?
banta: hold onto the ball port. just possess it!
rickyb80: id be nervous if i was u willy lol
banta: why did they give Boak +2 when it was a throw? should be minus 3
Fernyys: gray sc????
Andrew37: Gray already on 101 willy. Will get plenty of scaling too.
HowI Rioli: Ned 203 from gray and krak. Shoe in!
HowI Rioli: *need
banta: why did they give Boak +2 when it was a throw? should be minus 3. they still added his 2?/??
rickyb80: 3goals straight at 87% . could be in for a huge sc score
banta: incredible. i said it an hour ago. stop lecras. he’s the matchwinner!!!!!
willywalks: dt izander
iZander: should be right then you’d think 😀
Carnster: Pittard, Ebert, Hatlett and Westhoff sc
willywalks: hope so, no cape in the 4th hopefully!
MattyZ: Any bets Schulz has a sprained ankle and he’s playing through adrenaline alone
SaintsMan: gray sc?
willywalks: young subbed over ebert or schulz? crazy…
banta: still nobody on lecras at the stoppage.. unbelieveable.
abbarulz94: Who got vested for port?
Andrew37: This Banta guy has no clue.
banta: worst coach in the league hinkley. man up lecras you dufus.
ReaperRage: Bad week but on 1969 with Gray and nicnat in play will I make 2100???
devize: i think we get it @banta
SaintsMan: stop complaining banta lol
m0nty: Young vest for Port
banta: great coaching port. well done. 18 on 18 out there i thought.
auxDT: banta pls
colmullet: Port just defending against the wind, watch the run riot this quarter and win by 35
Burnsyy: ebert is currently on 80 sc points and i only needed 78 from him, fkn legend!
JoeBanana: Gray and Nafe Krakouer SC?
ReaperRage: 4 possessions at 3qt Nic Nat… That’s terrible thinking of trading last week but I am now
wadaramus: 104 and 58 respectively.
Dangermaus: I traded NicNat to Grundy last week, best trade. Could have gone to Blicavs too. Now to work on my underperforming def
JoeBanana: Thank you.
YoungGun: cmon krak daddy, you gotta beat nicnat by 4+
rickyb80: im playing robbo. he needs huge scores from ryder nicnat and mcgovern lol
J.Worrall: where’s the team icons?
YoungGun: also need port to win for $$$$ cmon port
rosty63: @banta stole em.
Andrew37: Just give Gray the star now. Doesn’t even matter if they lose. Still BOG
SaintsMan: gray sc?
J.Worrall: norty banta
m0nty: Priddis playing like a medallist
Rochefort: Pittard and Gray SC please?
SaintsMan: nic nat is a disgrace
Apachecats: Priddis 19 contested pos.Should be big SC upgrade
Andrew37: 61% and kicks>handballs. wont be much of an upgrade.
kangawalla: Dare I say it, Jack Watts at #1 pick has done better than Nic Nat. Dustbin at #3 was the masterstroke though.
frenzy: $ Krak
berniebern: pick nit nat they said. he’ll jump through the roof they said.
Brown*Dog: Heart for Ebert
Dangermaus: NicNat does hitouts, and not much else
YoungGun: great game
JoeBanana: If Nelson doesn’t take the field, will he go down as scoring zero, or not having played?
abbarulz94: Who has West Coast subbed?
DanBlack: stephen hill at no. 3. he’s the player!
waldeckr: McInnes @abbarulz
m0nty: McInnes subbed
Dangermaus: Jackson Nelson playing at back back
Apachecats: McGovern been on 48 for an hour.
kangawalla: Agreed Dan. Was Hill in same draft as the other 3? I thought Dusbin went @3
Dangermaus: how long left ?
mossssssy: how long left? need 10 more sc from krak
waldeckr: 2 mins left
kangawalla: 2 min mosssy
mossssssy: cheers, there is hope!
masterhc2: in the watts/nic nat draft, beams went at 29 and hannerbery 30, huge steals
frenzy: great game
roshanetw: shuey plus 100
Apachecats: McGovern must have heard me.
meka100: What about Rocky, did not even get picked up in the main draft.
Andrew37: Priddis Xfactor
frenzy: standby 4 SC
Koss: Vintage Priddis with the kick to hb ratio
MattyZ: interesting that port lost after dominating the tackles and winning the clearances
frenzy: have we crashed
Ben_Gogos: Haha so true!
Apachecats: Nice upgrade for Priddis