J.Worrall: hmm
J.Worrall: Carn Ox!
Cummo3: Monty bennell and co should have a stubby of beer as there logo
happytimes: I don’t know who I want to lose
Cummo3: Monty bennell and co should have beer stubby as icon
iZander: does anyone from the pies normally tag?
Cummo3: Hi
happytimes: Was that not allowed
Dangermaus: StevieJ to bounce back tonight and have a blinders… but Pies will be too good tonight
happytimes: Hello
frenzy: hope grundy goes to sleep with witts back
Dangermaus: ahoy
Cummo3: Dermis reckons Hawkins doing fitness test
J.Worrall: Late out coming up?
Dangermaus: lol, we still purple, and still got the icons from last week, m0nty must be drunk
m0nty: I said purple for a week, it hasn’t been a week yet
heppelitis: Wonder if m0nty is going to make any crazy statements this week?
uptoolate: evening fellow purples ….
Cummo3: Am I allowed to have a beer rocket
uptoolate: @Cummo …. what ? … are you a Blues supporter ?
Cummo3: Kangas, no flying the flag here
uptoolate: hehe ….. I reckn Kanga gonna have a good year !
Cummo3: Crisp to selwood? Hope he did plenty of squats this week to go low
Cummo3: Not sure if banter uptoolate?
SaintsMan: selwood, pedulbry and oxley huge games tonight! cmon
uptoolate: @Cunno …. just banter … likes Roos here …. played local with Moorabbin Kangas … know the song..
uptoolate: ooops Cummo … fat thumbs …
SpudsFC: Are the players sorted in any sort of order?
Cummo3: Adelaide Roos supp. Wish they played like POWa instead of like vixens
iZander: geelong by 12 😀
uptoolate: interesting call iZ
uptoolate: my money on Woods @ 39+
frenzy: Capt. Pendles
Cummo3: Reckon cats will get up aswell. Forwards could stretch cooling wood
iZander: irk but collingwood hasn’t proven they can beat a good team yet @ uptoolate
iZander: bombers don’t count because they play poor vs poor teams (I’m a bomber supporter)
Dangermaus: Pies will win by 20
uptoolate: k. fair enough. but neither has Cats ….. only Tigers @ home ?
Cummo3: And the bombers are poor
OnTheRocks: Who to play Hogan or Mitch Clark
iZander: yeah thats a fair call too i guess, not sure its a tight call imo
uptoolate: This will be a great indication for both of these teams this year ….
frenzy: Hogan 4 me
iZander: trying to have an intelligent convo here cummo
Jwow: pies playing a good brand
Cummo3: That’s not very intelligent
uptoolate: big game Goldy …. cmon ! … agreez with Jwow !
auxDT: was that the SCPAIGE chick tossing the coin?
willywalks: Pendles with the badge this week?
Carnster: Oxley off the bench and on the field for me this week
Jogr: it was @paigecardona twitter
uptoolate: hmmm …
Jwow: well….
Jwow: need to stick the tackles
uptoolate: 4 Woods players with 1 point between them ! …. picked a bad week to give up tranquilizers !
jamin2813: can someone tell Collingwood the game has started
uptoolate: Collingwood turn overs massive so far ….
SaintsMan: please jelwood
h a mm e r: lol time to clean out your ears Collywoobles
casey22: Bwuce over excited about stevie J
Carnster: Collingwood are playing woefully
h a mm e r: StevieJ put that vest back on…you aint in my team
Brown*Dog: WoW – Geelong playing like the globe Trotters
iZander: this is what happens when you have the easiest draw to start with, people start to think your good lol
Cummo3: Gregson on bench FFS
runt: This is a Port Adelaide v Hawthorn replay
h a mm e r: lol
pies13: lift pies!
Dangermaus: mitch clark proving why i left him on the bench and kept Salem on the field
J.Worrall: What does “think your good lol” mean?
Dangermaus: what the fuck is Swanny doing though ?
Jukes82: Lol. You should have traded salem, he’ll lose you money.
tamoz: Kick it to Trav Cloke!!
J.Worrall: Why is mopbrow vested?
h a mm e r: I bet he’s injured
J.Worrall: Swan saving his move for junk Time
h a mm e r: lol swan is pondering his next tatt… doesnt realise there’s a game on
runt: llew gniyalp nosgerG
HowI Rioli: Erm salems BE is 42 in SC. He’s going up in value still
h a mm e r: yes he is
heppelitis: he is runt
Bothy: lol the kiss of death.. I traded Swan in this week
Pokerface: blicavs rucking and tagging pendles?? how does he do that at bounces?
uptoolate: a high qulaity term by the Cats ? …. yes. opposition is where ? …oh dearrrr …
Jwow: geelongs forward line too dynamic
h a mm e r: no hes not! not worth it, anything near 50 is bad, trade him out
Jmachete: umps helping cats as always
m0nty: Stanley is rucking, not BLicavs
pies13: flower cats got the jump carn pies lift!
HowI Rioli: Apparently swanny has has 1 posy. I sure as hell didn’t see it
Jmachete: hands in the back
Carnster: need oxley to lift
iZander: dot start this machete, cats out playing them by along way, nothing to do with the umps… i don’t go for either teams
h a mm e r: NEWS FLASH! ‘Eddie red faced already and eating Pies’
runt: No Mick to smash no Magpies
Pokerface: ok thanks m0nty thought he was forward
HowI Rioli: Never said 50 is good, just said he’s still increasing in value
Tony9668: Anyone see this coming?
J.Worrall: full of poo, h a mm e r
Brown*Dog: Blicavs playing a blinder beating pendles in 1 on 1 contest
h a mm e r: yeah, by .2 percent. trade out and pull in another gun like J.Glenn from GC
Jwow: hammer no idea, salem will go up around 10 grand this week, BE only 42ish
J.Worrall: The Big hawk!!
h a mm e r: Why are they fighting each other? They are both in my team. C’mon boys pass it back and forth to each other
Cummo3: Wits muppet
casey22: This is ridiculous
Jukes82: Slaem scored 50 last week, his best is 88. Take that out he averages 62.5. He’ll last 2 weeks tops
runt: inexplicable start by the Pies
dipstick: blicavs is a gun. never played senior footy before AFL. must have next yr. hes learns so easily
willywalks: nice mark (nit)witts
Jukes82: *salem
danmaio: thanks buckley you fukwit for bringing in Witts and totally fucking Grundy
meka100: Swan must of had lunch with Christensen
J.Worrall: sub made
Cummo3: Cowan wow
Brown*Dog: Time for double superman?
J.Worrall: sad for Cowan …
runt: Swan on the ball now
Jwow: Blicavs too fit too strong. Good coaching?
Bothy: lol Im the kiss of death,,traded Swan in this week
Carnster: cockatoo on
tamoz: Lets go Cloke!
auxDT: swannyyy
Jukes82: Pig!
Brown*Dog: Great goal off one step
J.Worrall: Gogo Dave!
Torz: Swanny needed that goal!
Tony9668: $2.75 for the eight, now looks tasty for cats
pies13: haha@danmaio was thinkn the same thing but never would judge buks call haha
casey22: Cometh the hour, cometh the piggy
runt: top goal by Swan
Brown*Dog: ouch
h a mm e r: yep, so did the pies. Lets see if thay can steady it now
pies13: thats better pies lift!!!!
Carnster: piggy on fire
uptoolate: odds on Woods from here ? …. still a chance I reckn ….
J.Worrall: Score assist for Dave right there
Torz: You are useless Clark.
HowI Rioli: Jesse White is the mark phillipousis of footy
runt: cant see Geelong keeping this up and Collingwood can only get better this game far from over
meka100: Clark useless piece of shit
h a mm e r: lol
J.Worrall: How different things might have been, if Cowan had just had a haircut before the game …
pies13: only satisfying thing bout that quarter im v clarke in $league
runt: Domsy Lonergan?
heppelitis: 13 flames to 3….says it all really
iZander: damn pendles i one of those players who just scores well regardless, i really havnt seen him and he’s on track for a ton
Tony9668: Traded in Adams this week, instead of Mitchell, mmm I’m hot to trot!
Carnster: what is oxley sc on mine it says he is on nine but that is surely a mistake
Dangermaus: well this is garbage from the pies
Bothy: pendles rarely makes under 100
gigo: Clark is not a great replcement for bennell
Bazza2014: hahahah who would be the muppet abusing Mitch Clark- that’ll be you Meka, i laugh in the face of you.
willywalks: cats have the most guys over 25 after qtr time?
danmaio: Why is Crisp tagging? Why is Armstrong playing? Why wasnt the pig on the ball whole qt? We can judge Buks for that
Dangermaus: monty, whats the link for the mobile version of the site
Tony9668: Bennell pissed can play better than Clark
colin wood: Icicle for frost? Lol didn’t know kids were running this site now monty?
pies13: i upgraded salem 2 smith watch that bite me in da ar%e any1 get cutler 4 hodge dteam?
Yelse: pies playing shocking? why so little posis… just logged on
Tony9668: Bennell drunk, better than Clark sober
frenzy: clark 17 SC how? Lol
m0nty: slash m is the mobile version
J.Worrall: Danger – just put/m after the URL
berniebern: 100% for Clarke is why
J.Worrall: Al fire the Cats, all spuds the Pies …
HowI Rioli: Swan finally on ball
auxDT: witts…what the hell are you doing
Tony9668: Eade should have a Pub policy…. I do
auxDT: and jesse white not interested at all
DanF: Clark’s also had 1 or 2 goal assists
runt: Cockatoos movement is phenomenal
J.Worrall: GHit the holt ghost
J.Worrall: um – hit the holy ghost?
auxDT: varcoe is a glof
auxDT: flog*
uptoolate: perhaps the coach suggested the bleeding obvious to Woods players ….. KEEP posession !?!
Raspel31: My money and my tips and mt dream team says go Pies-my heart says go Geelong.
pies13: karn pies!!
Jukes82: Lol Stevie J is a hack now.
pies13: flower!
uptoolate: that was the most vacant defence I can ever recall ….. ??? wtf ?
danmaio: witts had his 1 good quarter
colin wood: Please put a potato on Jesse white
Torz: Do something Clark!
tamoz: Lift Collingwood, u bunch of spuds
Torz: Grundy on his bike, good work.
dipstick: SJ a hack?? doubt that. he’s in my team next week
dipstick: hey when did pendles get a clearance?
tamoz: Please do something Cloke
Jukes82: grundy gone!
SaintsMan: stay hurt grundy
colin wood: Grundy down
Torz: Just a corky by the looks
Jukes82: SJ is a shelf of his former self.
danmaio: Grundy got a cockor2 in the mids
casey22: Why would you bother with cloke
berniebern: Sj and Cloke can go join Fev in the povo leagues
dipstick: damn. sen reckon grundy is smoked for the night. hope not broken ribs
casey22: Pies could get two good goal kickers for what they pay cloke
frenzy: Lol@Jukes
Raspel31: Cory Gregson-left onthe benchofcourse. Some good money cows
J.Worrall: cats putting on a clinic here
Jwow: should have got rid of cooke when they had the chance
dipstick: @m0nty make blicavs an icon of olympic rings. love that guys heart and game!
runt: Pies basically playing crap
Slashers: Blicavs breakout of the year!
SaintsMan: yes selwood
runt: Frost has returned to where it all began
uptoolate: Cloke is not very good. Monty binned my last 3 comments about him. so much for frree expression here.
Carnster: oxley must lift
Moona: Its worth losing the tip to watch the pies get pummeled
Raspel31: Like most sane and relatively pleasant people-I hate the pies. But Pendles-what a gun.
runt: Grundy and Blicavs breakouts
uptoolate: @runt. u nailed it.
spudaroos: Clark
Torz: Oh Clark, you are playing.
meka100: Clark you fucken waste of space kick another 4
casey22: Clark races to 12!!? Wow
Yelse: as much as the pies are playing crap everything is falling the cats way
spudaroos: Is grundy still dead?
uptoolate: Woods to kick 10 goals in Q3 !?!
heppelitis: just have to admire the culture at GFC…just when you think its downhill they are inspiring
runt: Mick was one week too early
J.Worrall: What a chain of handballs
SaintsMan: what a great goal
LuvIt74: that cloke is the biggest waist of a forward in the history of AFL
Jackwatt$: Clark just kicked the sealer! 50SC hopefully?
J.Worrall: That is mid seventies carlton riogfht there
SpudsFC: Team goal of the year
meka100: 3 more Clake you flog
DanF: Witches hats for all the Pies
colin wood: Thank F I didn’t go tonight
Bazza2014: jesse white has the chokes, i mean the clokes
runt: what the hell is going on? witches hats? picket fences being smashed
dipstick: is that spud trav wearing his cloaking device again. i can only see a spud
spudgun: cones on all collingwood monty
Burnsyy: On sc, how do i get clarke into the starting 22? I have him in my emergencies
casey22: Great play pendles
J.Worrall: Reliability is Pendles middle name
Bazza2014: pies fcuked
iZander: does motlops inury look like he won’t come on?
willywalks: give pendles the gun already m0nty!
Yelse: decided to watch the a league semi good game
danmaio: Good game to have taken the captain off Jelwood
dipstick: has grundy uncoiled his ribcage from his spinal cord? will he be back on?
HowI Rioli: Clokes been rubbish ever since locking in his 5 year $800k contract
uptoolate: give the bl thing to Oxley ffs !!!
SaintsMan: pendlubry better forwards than cloke and white
auxDT: this is why we all love pendles..
spudgun: 1384 days and a red vest. Well done Cowan!
J.Worrall: .. until he changed his middle name…
casey22: Would hawkeye & clarke combined get as much as cloke?
danmaio: Grundy has lots of cartlidge on his ears if he needs some for his ribs
Carnster: Agreed @uptoolate
berniebern: pumpkin for oxley
Jackwatt$: Cory Gregson who are ya, who are ya?
uptoolate: @bernie …. there are many uses for a pineapple …
J.Worrall: 9 goals up at half time – hard to come back …
HowI Rioli: Lol nice chase Swanny
heppelitis: oxley leading posies foir pies
bluechev: Pumpkin for beniebern!
Carnster: OXley has the most touches for the pies
Jackwatt$: Someone doesn’t have Oxley. Oops!
runt: Normally Id enjoy watching Pies get flogged but they are so pathetic I feel sorry for them
jayshi: icicle next to frost how ironic
J.Worrall: png time
J.Worrall: you can get over that, runt!
heppelitis: haha J.Worrall
Dangermaus: wake up Adams please
uptoolate: uhoh ….. Monty half pizze again and fell off chair > ?
SpudsFC: Hawkins & Pendleb similar stats but points?
pies13: we just need a run on 6goal quarter coming up carn pies!!
uptoolate: lost my last 8 comments … which is prolly a good thing …
runt: @J.Worrall Pity party over. What a game!!!!
J.Worrall: a run on 6goal quarter ? ? ? ?
Bothy: pies are cooked already
Sloan4Pres: can’t believe Gregson’s on my bench ffs
wtf???: Pendles 1st qtr got a tackle sat for BEING tackled
J.Worrall: “Pity Parties” are over-reated, runt!
rustyc: Enjoying this… like to see Clark and Hawkins slot a few more in the second half 🙂
Bothy: lol I ve got Ellis Yolmen in side with GHregson as sub…!! phew!!
SpudsFC: Hawk 63 s/c pendle 54
uptoolate: most ppl would be lost for words on this half time score . anyone pick 39+ by the Ctas ?
J.Worrall: Pendles is just *that* good, wtf??
uptoolate: Cats
Dommy02: adams get a touch !!! whats going on
pies13: im optimisic @worrall never give up surley the 2nd half will be better
frenzy: clark 39 swan 32
SpudsFC: S/C is a very accurate rating system
The39Steps: Why do all the crap teams – Calrton, Collingwood – get the prime time Friday night games?
RobHarves: selwood sc please…i have him Capt. forgot to change before the game
SpudsFC: Agreed 39. Gimme the Doggies.
frenzy: jelwood44
J.Worrall: Nick Maxwell has bought some excellent teeth!
pies13: 3 on the bench selwood hand on ice come on run them down pies!!!!!
gigo: Selwood 46 SC my app says
runt: So many Pies down tonight, maybe a virus went through the club during the week
J.Worrall: Second 1/2 can’t help but be better for the Pies!
pies13: coz we got the supporters @thesteps
auxDT: pendles SC pls?
uptoolate: perhaps a rebalance of the equation from Woods v good / Cats routed …. to Woods average / Cats average ???
Dangermaus: i tipped pies by 6… unlikely now
theuncle: enright sc pls
pies13: have some faith @dangermaus
SpudsFC: Cats tend to fall in a heap.
The39Steps: Who is the most over-rated, over-paid footballer? Surely Cloke?
uptoolate: @Danger …. woods to run this out by 1 point ! …. and I am heavily on Serapax !
Bazza2014: youd hope so runt
The39Steps: But @pies13 insipid performances like this are causing people to turn off.
buttox: pendles 54 swan 34 oxley 32 jelwood 46 clarke 41
SpudsFC: Selwood broken hand for sure
uptoolate: @The39 … funny u know me as insipid ?
pies13: dont think any1 would have predicted this @steps
SpudsFC: Plus a needle
Carnster: broomhead on
runt: Buckley will be quietly and calming exhorting his team to go fuck themselves
J.Worrall: Dwyer resting
casey22: 1 week taylor?
pies13: here we go go pies!
J.Worrall: insipid? is that you?
J.Worrall: swell that hand
Tony9668: Not even in the same ballpark as Lewis, Casey
dipstick: mitch clarke only 15 sc behind jelwood
casey22: What possibly could be wrong with that hand?
Torz: GOTY contender? Pretty good.
Yelse: that goal is bull. its geelongs day
runt: Pies need the first 10 goals this quarter to have any chance
iZander: is jelwood playing with a broken wrist? looks like it to me?
Yelse: selwood prob broken hand
runt: Make that the next 15
J.Worrall: reckon that swelling is a sign of leayher poisoning?
SaintsMan: the hand is majestic
Dangermaus: oh clark is alive?
heppelitis: Symton of Bird flu…duckers get it
runt: Selwood cant played not injured, probably punched the urinal so he can focus
J.Worrall: lol hepps!
Jmachete: 5 unpaid pies frees in that play
J.Worrall: true ’nuff, runt
bombrblitz: why is Selwood being ripped off SC points?
pies13: whats with sj this season? so shower good goal go pies!
dipstick: is jelwood holding a bowling ball or is that his hand
J.Worrall: Pendles sore ankle?
runt: In all this Pie carnage cant believe how well Grundy is doing
iZander: docs wouldn’t let him play on with a broken wrist though surly?
Jukes82: @pies13 he’s just a spud now.
uptoolate: Despite a win if they get it …. Cats on the way out …
J.Worrall: SJ – goes baing – and misses the lot!
uptoolate: Johnson brilliant but past use by …
Slashers: I recently broke 2 metacarpals and couldn’t do stuff all for 4 weeks!
Dangermaus: lol how do players at afl level kick set shots out on the full. they deserve pay cuts for that
J.Worrall: Pig it up, Dave!
uptoolate: Cats tiring.
frenzy: don’t like swanny playing full forward FFS
pies13: thers 3 out of 6 @worrall haha go pies!
Torz: This game could get interesting.
J.Worrall: I broke 2 milk bottles and couldn’t stuf do all either …
iZander: been too many tonight dangerous, from people who shouldn’t be doing it!
runt: Johnson and Ablett are psychic brothers. Abletts pain is Johnsons pain. Hence the severe form drop
Terlob: That out on the full has ruined his confidence
J.Worrall: Poster boy Clarky
Slashers: Just saying… Same swelling.
Dangermaus: @torz this game stopped being interesting 5 minutes into the 1st quarter
J.Worrall: Poster boys all round
J.Worrall: Grundlebury!
pies13: well done grundy kick the goal!
Torz: Grundy you are a star.
Jmachete: wow pies got a free for
pies13: flower set shots killing us
uptoolate: agreez with Torz …
J.Worrall: Wow, Blitz!
Jmachete: witts chopped arms??
danmaio: another half witts blunder
J.Worrall: Both sides missing set shots here
J.Worrall: Brilliant build there Pies!
pies13: well done pendles
auxDT: pendlesssss
casey22: Pendles has the biggest engine in afl
J.Worrall: Earned that one, Pies
iZander: guys there are no tags in this game, crips and blicavs are not tagging
pies13: bout time white go pies!
runt: Pendleburys basketball background once again relevant
J.Worrall: Big Hawk … Cats rig back at ya!ht
Dangermaus: plenty of tons in this game
J.Worrall: Hawkins, you dipswitch!
runt: Pendlebury always stops, waits a second, thinks and then delivers
The39Steps: Blue moon for White. Even 59 is a statistical anomaly for him.
dipstick: @worrall whooah thats abit close to home mate
J.Worrall: not even a second, runt – a microsecond …
J.Worrall: soz dipsy
frenzy: c’mon Dave
dipstick: wtf. how many screws loose has clarke had this yr. calm down- youre in front
J.Worrall: Dave’s saving it up for junk time, no panic, frenzy
Pecks: Steve J gone as a premium. The decline begins!
HowI Rioli: Cash cow on N Brown!
J.Worrall: Brownies having a nbight out!
iZander: chance of jelwood playing next week?
runt: Witts doesn’t come across as too bright
iZander: jelwood heart also?
auxDT: pendles
Carnster: Need Oxley to get some junk time stats
Dasherman: IMO Grundy most improved Ruck this year
Pecks: I’d Duckwood injured?
uptoolate: @runt … agreez …. witts = bowling ball
Pecks: ..is
iZander: agreed as long as you don’t include bluicav as a fuck?
Yelse: why are SC scores so low
runt: Selwood is too tough for his own good
uptoolate: the jury is out on Blicavs.
frenzy: should call Witts “Petal”
iZander: agreed runt, will be out 4 weeks +….ill never get to upgrade my damn team as this rate
uptoolate: can Blicavs kick an oval shaped footy ?
wtf???: nice gsme from Stanley despite low HO stat
Mash: wow, apparently Clarks game is only 24 points behind pendlebury
uptoolate: Blicavs still thinks the ball is round.
wtf???: no fisting for Jelwood for a while
J.Worrall: The Bloke goals!
pies13: carn pies!!
wtf???: punching the ball…what else would i mean!
Jukes82: Doesn’t Grundy deserve the heart?
J.Worrall: Duncan a night out too!
runt: Did anybody bother telling Selwood he broke his hand?!!
uptoolate: Cats v lucky tonight imho …. have no interest either way ….
Slashers: Fuck off Grundy, that’s Dave’s tackle!
wtf???: Selwood smother…brave
pies13: come on cloke!!
willywalks: adams for the pumpkin!
J.Worrall: That Bloke – he can miss from here – needs the long kick …
danmaio: if jelwoods hand wasnt broken before, it is now with that smother
Torz: Choke.
pies13: flower sake!!
uptoolate: ohhhhh shiettttt ! back to 2nds.
frenzy: choke
Yelse: how cloke howl
Jukes82: cloke u flog! haha
The39Steps: @uptoolate..lucky? They smashed them in q1. Game over.
h a mm e r: Tragic Choke
runt: Pies are like a cat trying to jump with its feet nailed to the table. just not going to happen
J.Worrall: Careless by Cocky
runt: Beavis and Cloke
pies13: sj creeping 2 a 100 keep going
The39Steps: Now getting back to the most over-rated, over-paid discussion.
uptoolate: as I said b4 3X …. Cloke as useful as a dik in a sleeve @ $800k. try again Monty …. 3rd attempt …. are u ok ?
The39Steps: Pies got to $5 after first goal of q4. Out to $8.
h a mm e r: Let’s be real…Travic Chokes up close
J.Worrall: Boris turned the clock back tonight!
iZander: i havnt seen a more deserved heart than jelwoods tbh
runt: The Cats doing it for Kelly’s ball tonight
pies13: well done pies!
J.Worrall: So is Enright knackered?
Slashers: Enright back option?
J.Worrall: Nice grab Dave
Slashers: Swannnnny! Mark. As a 24 year old
wtf???: cats are spent like kellys ball
J.Worrall: Cocked that one up, Dave!
dipstick: if pendles outscores jelwood in SC with that DE there needs to be an inquest.
Torz: That was the worst ball drop of all time.
J.Worrall: Better kick than Clokes there
uptoolate: @Monty. thanks. Whilst I do get a bit excited at times …. I try ti keep it within your bounds.
J.Worrall: tHE Cocky
J.Worrall: Classic Motlop!
h a mm e r: Good night pies
J.Worrall: Game over – time for Dave to get some junk!
J.Worrall: The clinic starts again!
dipstick: mitch clarke up to 71 bang
meka100: wtf Pendles was on track for 150
runt: All of a sudden the Cats have delivered the coup de grace
Fernyys: Stevie j bin
uptoolate: Dave ?
runt: Is it possible to believe Collingwood were still in it 3 minutes a go?
J.Worrall: Go Boris!
uptoolate: @runt …. not really …
pies13: sj finaly gets a ton this season yay! bad luck pies shower 1st half better luck next week
dipstick: LOL SJ hardly a bin mate
The39Steps: Repeat – Blue Moon Jesse White.
OnTheRocks: Dave Aka Pig Aka Swan
runt: I think Duncan is a great POD
J.Worrall: Bin it up Piggy!’
h a mm e r: pendls SC?
frenzy: pendles awol
runt: I think Ill slip him in this week
alekstah: pendlebury only 9DT this quarter …
uptoolate: the truith
Slashers: SJ needs an alter ego like Dave
uptoolate: the truth is to me …. the Cats as an OLD team are fading out …. the Woods as a younf
OnTheRocks: Oxley will probably be my last rook to upgrade at the rate he’s scoring
J.Worrall: an old Melbourne newspaper, Uptoolate …
Bothy: pies gonna make the 8? I say no
uptoolate: the truth is to me …. the Cats as an OLD team are fading out …. the Woods as a young team coming good … but none a
Hadouken: ffs swanny, crap score and now free against. sheesh
h a mm e r: Enright must be 170 SC?
uptoolate: what Worrall ?
J.Worrall: C’mon Dave, you are running out of time
J.Worrall: “The Truth” was a newspaper …
uptoolate: as good as the young DOGGIES !
meka100: Pendles pathetic last quarter
The39Steps: @uptoolate….the truth. You probably were on p5 – court reports.
frenzy: pies choked
Costanza: meow
runt: Hat off to Grundy again
SpudsFC: Selwood will need a wheelchair when he retires
iZander: ouch motlops supercoach is harsh…3 goals
h a mm e r: Lol Eddies face says it all! F a t & RED haha
dipstick: only 5 sc tons. how did pendles get 96? more like 80
runt: @h a mm e r lol
J.Worrall: So many hearts, so little love!
alekstah: Pendles had a pretty awesome 2nd quarter
dipstick: pendles no where near gregson,motlop, caddy, thurlows or even grundys std tonight
alekstah: You’d think Pendles will get scaled up to 100
dipstick: @aleks LOL yeh right. you wish. luckt to get over 80
Sam001: pendles let me down
Sam001: will selwood play net week!!
Pedrominat: how is Johnson SC more than Jelwood?
h a mm e r: That’s a wrap peeps! Till next time