frenzy: webby avoids the green vest again, wow
uptoolate: gooooooo Doggies !!!
uptoolate: luvya work Monty ! closet Doggies man ?
JRedden: webb deserves his spot, hes been playing great for us
fshow: hands up that if you’re despo for parker to stand up today
uptoolate: avo all …. GoooolDoggies ! @ 5:1 on Sportsbet ! a fair chance I reckn …
uptoolate: and so who wrote off A Goodes ? …. not me … a champ …. hopefully not today
m0nty: I have a soft spot for the Dogs, being a westie now.
SaintsMan: can’t say that after one goal
uptoolate: lift Doggies !!!
iZander: lets go matty boyd
auxDT: will today be the day that parker finally goes big?
ballbag: would love to see goodes snapped in half. like most fans would i hear
waldeckr: When it starts raining Parker will go big through tackles
Jackwatt$: M0nty’s a Westin??!! I don’t believe it. I thought he’d have a mansion in Toorak with this multi million dollar enterpr
tamoz: Get some points lloyd!
auxDT: come on parker
uptoolate: @JackWatt … lol …. his mansion alongsside mine in Portsea …
iZander: considering parker in next week for AF, anyone see him being top 10 mid this year?
uptoolate: yes Doggies. Dumpem now …. !
Jackwatt$: Double muppet for Shaw
iZander: wheres m boyd playing?
uptoolate: who let the DOGS out ?!?
auxDT: bevo did
Ben_Gogos: Any chance of a kick Parker?
banta: most underrated team of the decade this bulldogs outfit this year
banta: best attitude i’ve seen at a club the dogs
uptoolate: @banta …. yes ! and young and a step up this year !
theKid: cmon macrae
auxDT: oiii parker got a kick B O Y S
ReaperRage: Com’on Bont!!! Your the only player I have in the 2 games on at the moment and you’ve done nothing t
HawkTalker: come on mitchell. force your way into this side
ReaperRage: ***in the last 10 minutes
DarkSpider: come on Talia mate every point counts
ReaperRage: Can’t believe I started Rohan in sc last yeah HAHA. What a spud!!
auxDT: stick fat with your premos (parker)
snake_p: yes aux. Hopefully, Barlow follows Parkers lead
Hawks_15: anyone think bulldogs are a chance to win this?
iZander: what a stupid question….
ballbag: doubt the dogs will win
uptoolate: @Hawks …. do you know what I think u should do with a pineapple ?
Hawks_15: so you think the dogs have a chance do you @ izander?
iZander: honestly any team who’s up have a chance
uptoolate: Dogs a definite chance from 5:1
uptoolate: @iZander …. u nailed it ! they have a sniff !!!
banta: lift kennedy these are your conditions!!
heppelitis: Young Webb is motoring along…last time i looked he was at the bottom
Torz: Still not sure why it took the Swans this long to play Mitchell.
iZander: rumour has it he butchers the ball @torz but thats just what i heard, I’m thinking the same as you
ballbag: apparantley tmitch is a bit full of himself & he thinks he’s pretty great
uptoolate: time to step up Bonti !!!
banta: get a kick kennedy
grossn: wtf Bont is in 50% of teams… am I the only one that thinks he is overrated to the extreme?
banta: don’t know how kennedy was a brownlow fave last year
homemade: k. jack time to stop spudding it up – stinking up my draft team. get the ball son
iZander: yes i hope so @ grossn
casey22: Hard to get excited about T Mitch
travisdick: He started at 390k, overated or not, I will take his 120k price rise that you missed out on, meanwhile taking his 100 sc
Torz: Bont a very good player @grossn. Remember it’s only his second year.
uptoolate: woof !
Liuwi FC: Get up luke parker!? Whats he doing this quarter?
homemade: @ liuwi FC – holding hands with K Jack well away from the ball
banta: need to smash pretty boy bonts mug
_wato: Bont 30% efficiency is woeful, would expect a 30sc at most
uptoolate: Abanta … is that a little uncalled for ?
iZander: 30& is extremely low but it is wet wheather footy and sometimes the best way is to just kick it forward
homemade: bont currently on 40SC
ballbag: well done bonts.. 80+sc would be super
theKid: get up bird you spud
HawkTalker: Mitchell deadset must’ve crossed Longmire. How is he not in this team every week?
banta: yeh mitchell must play the full season. drop goodes and shaw
spuditup: cordy subbed
heppelitis: haha jong number 1 ruckman for doggies with those 7 hitouts
Brown*Dog: Mitchell = Perma Magnet
banta: ffs josh chase
fshow: thoughts on picken?
banta: what are sydney doing?
Ben_Gogos: Back to back tons for Picken
banta: short passing? are the swans retarded?
Ben_Gogos: Honeychurch desperate for the extra score
grossn: If the swans are able to not fumble every possession they will win
_wato: Fk of Mitchell, everytime you play you take away from JPK, ugh
banta: jpk overrated and stinking it up
banta: dog call umpire. god they are rubbish today.
deanie: If this umpire loses the dogs the game, im going to be salty
banta: kennedy is bloody useless. some leader. can’t get a touch in a close game. downlhill player
runt: Picken in Brownlow winning form
banta: just stop bont how slow are teams catching on to this.
SaintsMan: good start kennedy
banta: swans wont catch them here. not pushing hard enough
Brown*Dog: How is Mitchell not in best 22?
SaintsMan: 3 points with 5 mins to go
Hawks_15: swans have put a strangle hold on the game
carlton_99: 13 min left
carlton_99: not 5
Ben_Gogos: 3 points with 13 left 😉
SaintsMan: i meant 15, my bad
Brown*Dog: Jong to kick winning goal
Jukes82: C’mon Buddy, kick the sealer
meka100: Parker fucken useless
rosty63: go doggies
waldeckr: Parker only 3 tackles, very surprising and it’s killing his score
banta: sydney has stuffed it
banta: useless swans
Hawks_15: hannebery = gun and mitchell = magnet
banta: stuff you sydney arrogance
Jukes82: how long?
heppelitis: go doggies…footy needs a change up at the top
Kenny27: 3 mins
casey22: The bont tons up!!!!!
banta: out of times swans. bad luck. not good enough. good luck getting a home final now.
_wato: Bont has hit 6 out of 21 targets today lel
runt: Good stuff Dogs
rosty63: raise ya bat bonty, well done
banta: arrogant sydney flogs cop that
SaintsMan: great win I’m proud of em
Kenny27: well done dogs great effort
uptoolate: Doggies !!! woof woof woof !!!
uptoolate: @heppel …. agreed ,,… and thanks !
auxDT: i take back what i said about parker…hes fken out of my team
iZander: its really funny you say that, i was thinking he’s in my team this week haha