Yelse: bench oxley or mcintosh?
Yelse: bench oxley or mcintosh?
Nocash: mcintosh I reckon
Nocash: and I’m benching Cripps with the E incase the pies shut him down. Vandenberg can replace Heeney if Cripps doesnt deliver
Dangermaus: loopholing dePendlebury for this game
RobHarves: loopin swany
wadaramus: Looping Oxley and Cripps, VC on Pendles.
Nocash: loop the pendles for me. RH if Swan was a potential concern during the week they might sub him as a precaution
bjones8995: Oaxley onball.
AngryRyno: if warnock steals points off my POD, i won’t be a happy man, not that i ever am
frenzy: Who wins?
AngryRyno: pies by 44, all not wet friday night games have been somewhat blowouts
SaintsMan: cmon pendels!!!
Dangermaus: i tipped pies by 46
AngryRyno: great goal for the POD
Torz: Pies by 48
danmaio: does Gibbs thinks that he looks good with that ponytail
Carnster: Crisp on fire……. lol
Dangermaus: commentator are mixing up Adams and Oxley
Heater: Pies by around 30 points – I hope!!!
rickyb80: who evers in charge of doing the footy show supercoach team should be fired
rickyb80: m clark and t lamb on field lol
AngryRyno: carn ox
Yelse: ithink with judd playing cripps won’t get much mid time
Torz: The Ox is everywhere.
Carnster: Trust the week I put the Ox on the bench he does well. Hopefully his super coach is bad.
tamoz: Is Cripps playing in the middle?
SaintsMan: Oxley is a gun. love this kid
danmaio: Oxley, you beautyy
Dangermaus: the Ox is on fire !
Bazza2014: plays a little like youngy
Yelse: cripps is forward @tamoz
Nocash: Ha hahaa – funny bloke carnster. Say that again and he’ll do the contested mark and goal again
AngryRyno: cripps back towards the middle, easing his way into a big score
Dangermaus: murphy dislocated finger
Bluey: cash cow oxley
tamoz: Cripps needs to kick it more
Carnster: Almost did it from 50 @Nocash
Bazza2014: dangit]
auxDT: oxley atlas
Dangermaus: a couple week ago i upgraded Leuenberger to NicNat, when I should have gone to Grundy and saved myself about $60k
Bazza2014: oxley smashing it.
DirtyDawn: Evening Ladies and Gents
KingPetrie: where is swan?
Nocash: Get the Cape ready Monty
mijg: superman coming for the ox
Breezey: Brought Oxley off the bench this week Loving it
wadaramus: Sorry Carnster, Ox 39sc.
Jukes82: cool story bro
Bazza2014: more like superboy! @mijg
runt: oxley already surpassed his 36 of last week
casey22: Is Cloke playing?
Carnster: Damn it @wadaramus
Heater: Glad I left Oxo Tin on the field
auxDT: cloke -3 this qtr
wadaramus: Why didn’t you put the E on him man?
Carnster: Every week i have put someone on th bench and they have gotten over a hundred points.
Raspel31: Casey 22-you have cloke-and after years-why ?
AngryRyno: go away warnock ffs
runt: Grundy is great value this year
Heater: Grundy has surprised me. Glad he had that chat to Cox.
Carnster: I didn’t know you could on the draft super coach @wadaramus
runt: reverse fraser brown tackle by collingwood
tamoz: Do something Cloke!
wadaramus: Sorry man, not familiar with the draft.
AngryRyno: cripps recovered well and doch is switched on, good signs. cape for ox
runt: The only reason I have oxley is because Pendlebury rates him highly
Nocash: 30 secs for Cape
Nocash: Boom
Dangermaus: stupid unselfish Pendles, kick the goal yourself
auxDT: come on pendles that was +12!
casey22: Captain gives away a goal ffs
Carnster: @wadaramus I just discovered he was my auto emergency so if someone on my team gets 0 then i get oxley’s points
SaintsMan: pendelbury sc?
Torz: Nice one Ox.
rickyb80: super ox
runt: Oxley has gone from boiled lollies to four and twenty pies
Dangermaus: well done Oxley… superstar
casey22: Super effort Ox
Grazz: agree auxDT be selfish Pendles we understand
wadaramus: Pendles 35sc, Ox 50sc.
Raspel31: Buying Cloke next week-just to leave on the bench.
Yelse: K. simpson killing me every week
Carnster: I am so angry
Dangermaus: must do better Swannie
Torz: Did Swan eat those pies @runt?
DangerCrow: Ofc when I swap Ibbotson for Oxley on the bench he pulls out a great game…
rickyb80: four n twenty pies aint much chop tho runt
colin wood: Gault looking good for vest 🙂 at a boy Ox 🙂
casey22: $ players in this game & only problem is swannie
Carnster: Same with me @Dangercrow Ox is on my bench for Matthew broadbent
mijg: good to see my main opp this week withbox on the bench
Yelse: why is Gault getting a game at the pies? bring on karnezis
Breezey: Oxley and Grundy doing me proud
runt: Swan likes to take it easy these days, dreaming of bygone pig outs while munching on the MCG grass
alekstah: Anthony Rocca said on MMM before the game, Corey Gault is set for a big game … DONUTS
wadaramus: Swanny should junk it up later on.
Nocash: Simmons 12 Cripps 22 Wood 33
uptoolate: evening all ….. good game so far if you barrack for Woods !
the spud: ease up on Corey. It’s not his Gault he’s on 0
Raspel31: Only player I have in these poor teams uptoolate-well said.
the spud: Thank you thank you I’ll be here all week
casey22: The Hulk!!! Any hair under that bandana?
KingPetrie: swanny & simmo lift pls
Nocash: Love us work spud
runt: Will Mick remind the Blues that it is all about Mick tonight?Like in 2011 Grand Final?
uptoolate: gidday rasp …. my opp has Oxley …. ohhhh dearrr …. 52 in a qtr ! ….where did this bloke come from ?
Nocash: Was that Edelsten in Micks box?
Grazz: aaaahhh Ox close
Carnster: I still can’t believe i put Ox on the bench, why this week
alekstah: Oxley should’ve had 3
Dangermaus: hahah Oxley, poorest attempt at a moustache i’ve seen in a while
runt: Jaksch on Gault, both donuts, nice work if you can get it
m0nty: Oxley is Dean Cox-ly
casey22: Looked like edelsten, the missus is in the rooms
AngryRyno: @Nocash good spot
Nocash: Thanks Dennis
Grazz: well done NoCash
the spud: stop trying to steal my thunder m0nty
uptoolate: oh dearrrrr Monty … :0(
AngryRyno: oxley putting that daniher’s muzza to shame
auxDT: auxley my cptn
Nocash: Cheers gents
Torz: Lift Oxley.
snake_p: Thanks for the dad joke Monty
runt: Better leave the jokes to us, stick to what you know, banning me 6 times a year
AngryRyno: swan so tedious, sub warning !
tamoz: Pass it to Cloke!
casey22: Swannie cant bend over!!!!
Carnster: Gault is off the donut
KingPetrie: swan is cooked for tonight i reckon
Raspel31: Evening uptoolate-agrre-who is Oxley
heppelitis: well said runt
AngryRyno: swan’s new tatt stands for pushover thus far
runt: Im the Rhys Jones of fan footy, I only have to sneeze and I get banned
DangerCrow: Jaksch and Gualt having a field day against each other! Wonder who is winning that battle? lol
SaintsMan: 3 assists for pendelbury
Jackwatt$: I didn’t get it m0nty, but I bet it was funny!
auxDT: icicle for oxley
Bazza2014: homer simpson would be giggitying!
mijg: pendles such a freak
Bazza2014: sac in the reg grundys gettin a rub down
alekstah: cripps and those CP’s!
Carnster: Thank god Oxley is having a quieter quarter. I am still kicking myself though.
Torz: Everytime Ramsay gets a kick, I can’t help but think of Ramsay Bolton/Snow.
Carnster: Cripps needs to kick
uptoolate: what’s the bet Mickey Meltdown will shirtfront Oxley at the 1/2 time break ?!?
danmaio: softcock icon for Gibbs
runt: Swan has morphed into an ugly duckling. Its too bad though because he is the first player I pick every year
colin wood: Serious question who’s softer Gibbs or Murphy?
Torz: You’d tag Seedsman wouldn’t you? So many meters gained
alekstah: Cripps!
danmaio: Gibbs the pink marshmellow, Murphy the white marshmellow
Raspel31: Cripps a gun-care nothing for these teams-but he’s a future gun
rickyb80: colin thats like asking is elmo tougher than kermit
uptoolate: JOnes.
Dangermaus: screw you Grundy
runt: Gibbs is less tough than Murphy. Murphy is only small but has a crack
uptoolate: lol dan
DirtyDawn: Very glad I didnt opt for Kade Simpson this year
Dangermaus: nice comeback Cripps
FlagDog: OX needs the oxygen tank
auxDT: cripps future fyfe
AngryRyno: wheres the selfish cripps!
rickyb80: murph hasnt been the same since he got his face smashed in
Torz: Cripps a different type player to Fyfe. Bont more like Fyfe.
pies13: go you pies! umm simpson want 2get the footy mate?
colmullet: typical of my year, rookies outscoring prems lol
uptoolate: Ox has retired with leather poisoning ?
Dangermaus: geez, I wish Elliot played for a different team, it’d be much easier to support him
danmaio: cmon Langdon, get a few posies
AngryRyno: doch does this all the time, plays half a game… or less
Bazza2014: glad i traded simpson out
rickyb80: swanny slowly warming up
Raspel31: Everyone’s year Colemullet.
casey22: Gunna spoil Mick’s party big time
JGreezy: Docherty gets fantasy points but he couldn’t defend a piece of cheese from a mouse
Ben_Gogos: Swan has been horrible, football-wise tonight
uptoolate: attaboy Mr Gundy !!!
AngryRyno: unlucky for a second time ox
Torz: Burger to Grundy, easily my best trade so far this season.
uptoolate: chance of a Micky Melt at 1/2 time surely 50/50 ? … hehe …
Dangermaus: i got oxley, adams, cripps, pendles, and … swan
ReaperRage: I’m back for the first time this season good to see you guys again. I got Oxley swan peddles this game
pies13: simpson really flowering my night!
Terlob: Carlton look absolutely terrible
JGreezy: Blues need Cripps in the middle to get the clearance, then Cripps up fwd to look dangerous, then Cripps in def to clear
uptoolate: ohhhhh dearrrrr ….. f Oxley agin …..
AngryRyno: 411m gained for the ox, gun
casey22: Yeah, Pendles!!!!
FlagDog: Adams, awesome get this week!
auxDT: make that 100% mick melt
Carnster: Hoping Ox gets subbed. That would make me a genius for putting him on the bench
Dasherman: @ Torz mine as well
danmaio: thats why pendles passed it last time
casey22: Captain gives away a goal & misses a sitter
runners47: Would be good Carnster. Brought in Everitt this week, and who did I bench? The Ox…
uptoolate: @Carn …. yep …. pls …. my opp has him …. still a fair chance Mick will try to shirtfront him at 1/2 time break I
Dangermaus: oxley could get subbed now and will probably still score more than most of my “premo” defenders
Bazza2014: plucking at straws @ Carnster
AntoRyan14: Keep dreaming carnster
ballbag: @carnster lucky you- i reckon oxley will get subbed. he’s prob done for the night
Carnster: Give me my hope @Bazza2014
runt: Ox could get subbed now and Id be happy. My expectations have been significantly lowered this year
pies13: evening @ballbag enjoying the game?
casey22: Its only a cut & a couple of litres of blood lost
Bazza2014: glad i picked up taylor adams cheapish
alekstah: Oxley sitting on 77 SC …
runners47: Simpson nowhere – how did he get his name on the teamsheet?
Carnster: Gault scored only thing he has done all night
Torz: Traded out Adams for Melksham when he got injured. Spewing!
Dangermaus: Hopefully goes into KingPig mode after halftime and gets stuck into the slops
heppelitis: thx for the 2 points simpson you crab
FlagDog: Better than cheapish Bazza, under 450k and avg close to 100. Killing it.
Raspel31: But runt-from our rookies we can tade big.
ballbag: @pies evening
ReaperRage: Hoping Oxley comes out in the 3rd quarter will make up for swans shit night
ballbag: @pies enjoying it bout as much as a pies fan trying to eat a prime steak without teeth
runt: Oxley is a keeper for me
Jukes82: pig has lifted
uptoolate: evening BB … said it b4 but Monty ignored me ! … where’s ya bin ?
Torz: Pig hanging around half back. Nice
heppelitis: oink!
FlagDog: Get in pig
auxDT: haha swannyyy booooys
casey22: Piggy at the trough
ReaperRage: And swan goes up 20 in 3 minutes off easy possessions …
SaintsMan: i salute you swan
pies13: haha @ballbag love it every week the same old jokes good 2see your boys playing 4mick
runt: Apologies to Swan for my earlier disparaging comments
SaintsMan: oxley off cause he’s getting stitches
FlagDog: awww cmon up, help the pig!
DirtyDawn: Dave gets his bacon out!!
Nocash: Simmo a massive 16 SC
Terlob: Man Carlton look terrible
heppelitis: pork bellly making my mouth water
pies13: god simpson lift 4flower sake!
FlagDog: If the scum keep playing like this, mick will leave the game early!
runners47: Yes, ump, Jones & Carlton are trying…very trying…
ballbag: yeh its bit weak. leaving young cripps to get dbl CP of anyone
Raspel31: Pig firing but we aint seeing any finalists this year methinks.
Breezey: Beautiful. Oxley, Adams, Grundy and Swanny
mijg: simpson a has been? might bevtime to offload him
Carnster: Bring on KArnezis for Oxley Bucks. YOU know you want to
Breezey: Simpson only good when he can chip around the backline under no pressure
mijg: old firm swan and pendles trailing th new boys just. love it.
uptoolate: as well noted earlier this game IS all about Mick … the dummy spit in the rooms at 1/2 time gonna take out concrete wa
auxDT: oxley 50 points on the 3rd
guy72: oxley, yes! ughhh ughhhh
Dangermaus: nah, sub Gault for Karnezis
Carnster: Henderson 0 touches
Raspel31: Brumbies beating The Waratahs in another code. Well. it’s half time.
tamoz: Whats going on with Cloke?
frenzy: Brown blue moon
wadaramus: Simpson, Gibbs, Judd spudding it up, lift for Mick you hacks.
Raspel31: Why, why, why would anyone have Cloke?.
Carnster: Agreed @wadaramus
heppelitis: they have lifted…just their base is really low
runt: Mick has a 5 wins 10 losses record in milestone coaching games. 50s and 100s
iZander: please simps, make it respectable
KingPetrie: nice swanny
FlagDog: 13% of people have Nathan Brown in AFL fantasy?
GJayBee: Nathan Brown is an easy 35 points mate, don’t deny it! hahahah
uptoolate: already anticipating Micks post game interview. There could be food thrown at journos ! hehe …
Raspel31: Okay -half time. Who doesn’t have 2 Freo players in their midfield ?.
Grumpman: hi is cheap @flagdog the only reason i can see why?
Dangermaus: cloke takes about 16 rounds to warm up and is good for about the last 5 or 6 games of the year
Carnster: Hahaha lol
runt: including todays imminent defeat
auxDT: @FlagDog he started at a rookie price and he has a good JS
wadaramus: Just Fyfe for me Raspel.
ballbag: 44 trades who cares
wadaramus: Mundy would be a worthy addition.
uptoolate: simpson > joe blow
Raspel31: Indeed ballbag-how could you not.
rickyb80: i brought in ox and n brown 5 minutes before round1 started
GJayBee: you can’t have a captain that wouldn’t win a street fight, example, murphy
runt: Collingwood probably in a good head space as they have no real pressure on them this year. Should help them
Raspel31: Okay-2nd half about to start. Who are the gun mid fielders we need. Opinions ?
uptoolate: @GJB …. lol … he can beat another marshmallow.
runt: Ox back into it
Carnster: Damn Oxley not subbed
Bazza2014: go OX, Adams, Seedsman and to a lesser extent Cripps
theskunk: kade simpson ffs
guy72: cloke is bad
KelCO: SHould have put Ox on the field :s
wadaramus: Keep wishing Carnster!
auxDT: collingwood needs a key forward who can kick straight
ballbag: yeh supposedley murph got rolled in an alley by a m/mellow but came out only bruised and battered
Carnster: same @KelCO
tamoz: Simpson wtf
danmaio: stop now pies, got you by 47
Carnster: Cloke is a hack almost missed from straight in front
Bazza2014: pies by 100 methinks, i have them by double buddy
Carnster: Grundy is awesome
wadaramus: Carn Pendles, shake that poxy tag.
runners47: Blues just kicking it anywhere, when they do happen to get a kick…this is embarrassing
Nocash: Ffs Simmo should have benched u for Nathan brown
auxDT: does that count as an assist for pendles?
Carnster: Pendlebury needs to get selfish
wadaramus: Kick…the …goal…Pendlebury!
Dangermaus: stop giving off easy points, Pendles
Raspel31: Mick will still get this amazing bunch of athletes over the line.
danmaio: Cmon Langdon, an 85 please
uptoolate: this is becoming ugly ….
uptoolate: @Rasp …. nooooo ….. Mick is tellem they are all reallllly good blokes ! … he’s kind like that.
tamoz: Simspon! Finally
Dangermaus: Henderson subbed
Carnster: Henderson finishes the night subbed on 0 touches
Raspel31: Funny uptoolate-lol
theskunk: simpson 7th top scorer on 36
uptoolate: note to Grundy. Get in front @ contests !!!
runt: Mick may have the total games covered but Brighton Diggins and George Sparrow had better winning percentages.
Carnster: Good night fella’s going to a place with no wifi (but foxtel) for the weekend so will talk next week. Bye
auxDT: cloke what a beast
Jackwatt$: I knew I should have fielded N Brown instead of Simpson. Sheesh
runt: Even the Collingwood crowd feel sorry for Mick. No chants ringing out
uptoolate: @runt …. Brightin Diggins ???
casey22: Oink, oink!!!!
wadaramus: Insert pig snort here.
kangawalla: Plenty of candidates for the red vest in the Blues camp but Hendo, no kicks, one tackle, you’re it!
Dangermaus: Swannie is going for beers and meat pies at 3/4 time
DangerCrow: Stay down Ox and Pendles, good stuff! Need both to score < 100
bombers04: i hate collingwood
uptoolate: release GRundy !!! …. he’s a human being !
wadaramus: Will that improve his game Dangermaus?!
Raspel31: Not one Carlton player tonning up-hmm ?
runt: Brighton Diggins coached South in 35 and Carlton 38-40.
Dangermaus: Seedsman subbed
Torz: Seedsman subbed! That’ll hurt a few.
uptoolate: Amah bombers …. lol …. what ? … more than Carlton ?
Dangermaus: yes wadaramus it’s like spinach for popeye, or proton pills for Roger Ramjet
wadaramus: Hahaha, good one man!
uptoolate: @runt …. ok …. so this is a man …. not a team ? ….. bit slow here …. I am sure everyone else got it !
Dangermaus: Oxley and Adams are just kicking it to each other
casey22: Dont pass it off this time
Bazza2014: pendlessessessesess
runt: Seedman owned by 2.85% in DT Damage looks limited
auxDT: there we go pendles!
wadaramus: Pendlebury you farken ripper.
uptoolate: and I thought Brighton was a bathing place ?
wpmufc: Pendles!!!!
Dangermaus: Pendles as my loophole captain looking good so far
Torz: Limited runt. But most would’ve added him this week, which makes it worse for them.
runt: @uptoolate That was funny! Go the Diggins!!! What a weird logo that would be
Torz: Swan and Ox waxing
runners47: Missing Jamieson big time…
Heizenberg: Same here dangermaus
wadaramus: Pendles 106sc, on track for a big score. Ox 102sc.
Raspel31: Okay Collingwood supporters-out of here. But I’ll still have my teeth in the morning.
Heizenberg: Well done armfield
auxDT: pendles 0 clangers
runt: Ox can go really big tonight
FlagDog: Chance of a new line… ever?
uptoolate: can someone please run through Oxley ???
Heizenberg: How is everyone???
AntoRyan14: Thinking of loopholing pendles to captain
Nocash: Pendels at 91 accuracy – watch the sc score. VC loopers delight
DangerCrow: bloody pendles…his SC score is going to be HUGE
spiggs: Absolutely awesome sc night
runners47: Three Blues around one ball and none of them end up with it…
runt: Insipid would describe Carlton tonight
wadaramus: Excellent, thanks for asking 🙂
uptoolate: @Heizen … all good here ! …. just one big happy family. How bout u ?
m0nty: Pendles SC 21 more than his DT right now
Heizenberg: I have oendles vc
Breezey: Ton up for Oxley
wadaramus: How do you run through an Ox?
Heizenberg: Hahah uptoolate cool buddy yeah im good manmy team just crap
Dangermaus: Cripps would be killing it, if the Blues ever had control of the ball for more than 20 seconds
Heizenberg: Np wadaramus
wadaramus: Yep, Pendles VC.
Heizenberg: Enjoying a crown royal
theskunk: ox sc score pls
snake_p: Junk time started already
Heizenberg: Yeah true dangermaus
auxDT: poor malthouse
Raspel31: About to sign off but hallo Heizenberg old pal
wadaramus: The OX a massive 110sc!
pies13: @flagdog agree but the toothless comments will appear every week @heizen all good u?
runners47: Memorable milestone match for Mick – but in the worst possible way
uptoolate: At all …. let’s please not mention the ‘ox’ … my opp hasim …. ohhh dearrr …
runt: Micks 3/4 time exhortation will be “Win it for Mick!!” The players will will say… “okay”
Heizenberg: Ohhh yes oxley go
theskunk: ta wadaramus
Nocash: Ohh Heinz – purple velvet pouch. The best!
FlagDog: pig pig piggity pig pig pig pig pig , pig pig pig
AntoRyan14: Oxley could’ve easily had 4 goals next to his name
Heizenberg: I put oxley on my field 1 min belfre bounce cause i was a t fuckin work im so lucky
uptoolate: @runt …. I am not so sure about that
tezzer_j: agree@runt. now time to get rid of armfield,ellard, curnow. bring in 3 Cripps, an outside runner and a key forward
Heizenberg: Hahahah nocash yeah thats the one bro
wadaramus: Pendles too AntoRyan!
theskunk: only 6 unique players in sc this week, one is OX , get in!
uptoolate: @FLagDoggy … u nailed it !!!
wadaramus: Are you thinking the pig will get piggy FlagDog?!
colin wood: Can Oxley qualify for rising star?
Heizenberg: Its good straight and as a mixer
Raspel31: Hallo Heizenberg.
tezzer_j: lol, amongst other things
Heizenberg: Hi raspel
Heizenberg: Bbs
FlagDog: Pig for 3 goals in the last and end up with 135+ (brave call)
Slashers: Most should have Ox either on field or at least loophole option?
wadaramus: Roger that Slashers.
runt: Would be funny if LoGiudice comes out and sacks Mick tomorrow saying they just wanted to get him the record
FlagDog: So much for my tip of the win by 19 points
goodxx: @FlagDog bravery implies you’re putting something on the line by making that call
uptoolate: any young kids wishing for Mcks autograph will need an ARMED GUARD @!!!
runt: Ox is the quintessential y gen. A breath of fresh air in this Pies side
Heizenberg: This vecome a fuckin training fpdrill
auxDT: trust cloke would kick goals when they are already winning by 10 goals
Hadouken: annoyed i btought in henderson this week
Heizenberg: Oh shaddup,runt lol
Hadouken: ….said no one ever
uptoolate: @runt …. pls put a sock init ! … haha … my opp hasim … !
Torz: Good start Crippsy.
uptoolate: agreez with Heizen … lol
wadaramus: Lets go Pendles, 150sc plus!!
Slashers: Why dont u havim?
runt: at mark; uptoolate He is the only thing i have got right this year!
DangerCrow: SC scores for Cripps Ox and Pendles?
Heizenberg: Hahah utoolate
danmaio: where is Kmart this year?
uptoolate: cmon Mr Grundy … u are not tired yet ! In the words of a better coach the Maltbush ( the Immortal T Hafey) … u have
auxDT: wood and brown ball punching contest
mijg: 90% of the things pendles does works
Torz: Ox already in junk mode.
wadaramus: 75, 113 and 117sc respectively DangerCrow.
Dangermaus: Pies still got Greenwood and Sidebottom to come back, as well as give Freeman a run… I hate the pies, but they do look
Dangermaus: strong
ballbag: has cripps tonned up in sc?
frenzy: Grundy breakout season
Rebuild: Of course I benched Oxley
Dangermaus: …and here come the cheap-stats
The39Steps: Cripps 75sc
uptoolate: BEST coach of all time in my humble opinion ..Tommy Hafey….
circle52: Cripps only 73 SC
pies13: penles junking it keep going captain!
uptoolate: will someone please shirtfront Oxley !?!
AntoRyan14: Loving this from pendles, ox and pig
wadaramus: Come on Swanny, oink oink.
snake_p: Trash can for simpson
runt: I put in Grundy for Zac Smith this week and he has done fine.
monkebuket: bench to outscore my backline again
FlagDog: cmon Adams, did the hard work, go get the junk
Jackwatt$: Best coach In my time: Luke Beveridge
stillGray: Blue moon for N Brown
pies13: pendles
uptoolate: Simpson on 9X caffiene @ 3/4 time ?
Slashers: Not gonna happen… It’s toolatetootrade!
Heizenberg: Pendles was like 20 sc agead of his dt wtf happened
colin wood: Bin for Simpson
runt: Hard to go past Brendon Bolton 5 wins no losses!
danmaio: wonder if Crisp has had a bit on sportsbet +60
The39Steps: Meant to say weeks ago, great to have the players’ numbers on the stats board.
uptoolate: Tommy Hafey best coach ever. No debate required.
wadaramus: Pendles 131sc, keep going man!
uptoolate: @JackWatts ….. yes …. Beveridge so far a great coach …. we shall see …. woof woof !
Raspel31: Murphy will still get them over the line.
Heizenberg: Thanks wadaramjs
casey22: Pendles, again!!!!!
Heizenberg: Anogher pendles!!!!
wpmufc: Pendles Goal woohoo!!
Slashers: Collingwood playing out of the middle like Port
ballbag: @runt ???? its not like bolton did anything to win those games
wadaramus: Yeah baby, lock in that Pendlebury VC!
AngryRyno: beveridge son at my junior footy club, time to get some tips!
mijg: oh Pendles what a ledge splits the middle
runt: Pendleburys basketball background totally irrelevant against Carlton
happytimes: How does jones play before cassboult
The39Steps: Love how the players give their all for the coach in the big games. Mick tonite, Dimma last Friday. Pocket$ all season.
FlagDog: C’mon Adams ton ton ton
Heizenberg: Yeah im not changing vc from pendles
uptoolate: will someone please maim Oxley !!!
ballbag: fyfe for 200sc against dees :>
Slashers: Except Port do it against Hawthorn.
auxDT: @ballbag no chance lumumba will smash fyfe
wadaramus: It’s all too late uptoolate, Ox 130sc!
uptoolate: ur Captain BB ?
uptoolate: apparently Fyfe out !!! …. did his ankle doing the washing last nite …
runt: @ballbag What? Who warmed the party pies after each game?
SaintsMan: my captain pendels and oxley with a lovely score in my back
Slashers: Is that all wad?
Heizenberg: Mate this grundy
meka100: Grundy fucken champ
pies13: grundyy!! go you pies!!
Dangermaus: grundy getting better each week as NicNat gets worse… just turning the knife…
Torz: Grundy goes alright.
wadaramus: Is that all? What more could you want?
runt: Grunty
mijg: yeah I had Grundy…..last year
ballbag: yeh nicnat has no idea how to play footy. good athlete and exciting though
RooBoyStu: uptoolate is a perfect name for you, done your homework yet?
danmaio: 1 more mark and kick Langdon
frenzy: Still a blue moon for Brown, double his usual output
runt: I had Grundy all lastyear too and I couldnt get rid of him for one reason or another. This year however he is welcome
auxDT: oxley very naaaaiiice
uptoolate: @Rooboy … hello … trust you are well …
Slashers: Onefiddy wad!
FlagDog: So how many millions does Ox go up after this?
The39Steps: Swan 87sc.
DangerCrow: well there goes any chance of a win this week in a tight league… Ox and Pendles.. Similar to cripps on bench last week
auxDT: wheres cripps?
ballbag: so cripps not one touch for 20 mins ey
wadaramus: Righto, he’s 138 atm!
Raspel31: Godbless and goodnight-you won’t beat a real team this year Collingwood.
Dangermaus: Give crisp the Vulture
runt: I like it that Oxley wants to kick the ball
uptoolate: nite Rasp.
Jackwatt$: Good to have my D1 Oxley back in form
pies13: bad luck @ballbag its going 2be a long year 4your boys go you pies!!!!
Slashers: Gotta make 150 after scaling.
Heizenberg: Fuck me blues jesus guys!!!!
Dangermaus: Cripps needs to kick it more
runt: Made mincemeat of Micks night
Heizenberg: Night rasp
Heizenberg: This is painful
wadaramus: Pendles 151sc, still 100 points to allocate.
theskunk: good chat lads
runt: oh no a guard of honour
wadaramus: Average game of footy, but good SC scores!
Slashers: Swan deserves a bit more!
mijg: all the effort judd put in for 58 sc