ScootD: Johnson sub… wtf
iZander: wtf? steve sub?
Dommy02: stevie J the sub?!?!
iZander: do the roos normally rag anyone and if so who’s their tagger?
frenzy: they’ll rag anyone iZander
clarkoarmy: Wow: Stevie J sub must show he would have been dropped not for injuries
iZander: hilarious…i actually changed that but auto correct must have changed it back…
Sloaneyyyy: look forward to seeing what dumont can do – future star apparently
rickyb80: good to see the cock get a full game
rickyb80: thought he might be this years jkh
frenzy: U should know him being a good norwood boy @ sloanneyyy
carlton_99: i need a very big score from todd goldetin hopefully > 160 as hes my cap
luked98: lindsey thomas cant score over 77 or i lose
AngryRyno: CEY is NOT the sub for crows
Sloaneyyyy: i’ve got Motlop and Goldstein vs Dangerfield + 70 pts… hopefully I can pull off the win
Sloaneyyyy: making someone who is injured the sub is stupid. Odds are they will have to come on at short notice without a proper
Sloaneyyyy: warmup and do further injury
iZander: agree sloaneyyyy but is stevie j confirmed injured?
AngryRyno: is that a cockatoo icon? i like it 🙂
happytimes: Sub Enright now
Sloaneyyyy: dont know for certain, but playing him as the sub is a bit risky in an important game like this for the Cats if he’s not
iZander: i tend to agree but stevie is old and may need to have rests dueing the season…although i agree, this is a strange
iZander: game to do that on
iZander: traded in mot lop this week, i had a mini heart attack when i saw him on the ground injured….
iZander: even if he was just trying to milk a free
Rubber Ducky: Quack goes Steven Motlop from a rabbit punch by Bastinac off the ball. Get up, Stevie.
Sloaneyyyy: Ziebell is one tough nut – coughing up blood last week, and straight back in
auxDT: motlop just winded
iZander: love to cockatoo icon! should be more icons i reckon 😀
luked98: hopefully lindsey will get the donut for the qtr
ballbag: my girlfriend would love a cockatoo but i told her ones enough
carlton_99: whats goldstein sc scoach score so far?
clarkoarmy: all the teams who won the finals last year have lost the fixture this weekend thus far, trend continues???
iZander: id expect that kind of joke from a guy named ballbag haha love it
clarkoarmy: goldy 17
carlton_99: is he on 17 for supercoach
clarkoarmy: clark on fire
AngryRyno: goldy isnt even good
KingPetrie: go north
iZander: goldy is my best pick this year..he is a machine!
AngryRyno: blicavs looks good to me
pies13: you guys want a laugh i got sj as captain fkmdt! n thats not a joke!
clarkoarmy: how can yousay goldy isnt good – he dominates
luked98: yes i might win because of lindsey playing so badly
luked98: give lindsay the donut
AngryRyno: well the dominant was dominated that quarter
ballbag: heres a laugh. at the village green yesterday full of pies supporter and not one front tooth to be seen
iZander: i don’t think cockatoo is played on lindsey?
iZander: minty is there a place where i can suggest cool icons for players?
luked98: how has lindsay had a CP?
Cyberdyne: lol village green
pies13: well done @ballbag the blues season back on track gr8 win yestdi haha friday should be interestn
iZander: m0nty***
Ben_Gogos: Haha new icon!
djbics: sounds like over 28’s ballbag 😛
mookie: Are you missing you’re front teeth pies13? Or just issues with grammar?
Sloaneyyyy: good start so far for Goldy, Clark, and Motlop, keep it up fellas
pies13: boffff mookie
luked98: blues have no chance against the mighty pies, keep dreaming fellas
AngryRyno: if pies lost to bombrrs
AngryRyno: then i wouldve given blues a chance
iZander: is selwood getting the tag? hasn’t touched it this quarter?
cusch1: Is Selwood playing? Haven’t seen him once??
carlton_99: goldstein supercoach
iZander: he just got that clearance 😀
banta: selwood gonna get a kick?
banta: junk possession from north
redwallis: Anybody else have Goldy captain?
Sloaneyyyy: Goldie – I love you
carlton_99: ye i ahve goldy captain
carlton_99: nut whats he on in supercoach
cusch1: Atmosphere sounds amazing on TV
KingPetrie: geelong supporters what a bunch of sooks!!
luked98: stop thomas pls
cusch1: Petrie the Stanley free kick was there every day of the week
banta: something wrong if hacks like jacobs and wright lead the possies!!!!
Sloaneyyyy: Once Brown beefs up a bit and learns to win those 1on1’s he’s gonna be tough to stop in a few years
banta: do something selwwood
mijg: my head to head opp has S Gibson 🙂
banta: cats playing so loose
Sloaneyyyy: how does selwood have 7 clearances, and only 4 kicks ??
poolboybob: nice efficiency Ziebell
AngryRyno: jelwood sub next week
iZander: hoping the tag switches to stevie when he comes on :/
cdfcdevils: good day for the tall timber
Jair: Biclavs becoming fantasy relevant or am I jumping the gun?
auxDT: goldyyyyyy
banta: gotta get motlop and hawkins into the game game breakers
iZander: no jair, i thought about him the week berger was dropped…wish i went him…
AngryRyno: im on the boat @Jair, need to trade cam wood this week anyways
smoochy: jair I’ve had him since the Lobbe late withdrawal in Rd 1. He was the trade couldn’t be happier with him.
brunckka: you can clear a stoppage with a handball… why do you think that you can only do it with a kick?
brunckka: Sloaneyyy… You can clear a stoppage with a handball… why do you think that you can only do it with a kick?
auxDT: blicavs reminds of of s.martin
pies13: anychance sj will start the 2nd half?
ballbag: SJ will be 480K in sc this week
colmullet: SJ will be a straight swap for Cripps in a few weeks :p
RoughNut: anyone got clark sc?
banta: jacobs 14 touchers and lang 2. get the kid off and bring stevie on!
banta: terrible coaching
iZander: question is, who you rather have cripps or stevie j on your field…
pies13: sj only needs a clutch goal in a tight game 2get his break even in sc isnt that how sc works?
frenzy: who know @pies13 who knows?
ballbag: SJ has a BE of 192. if he gets 50 today he’ll dropp about $50K
mookie: The problem with SJ is durability or stupidity.he’s only played all 22 in 1 season out of 13
wadaramus: Clark 68sc.
SaintsMan: Jelwood sc
pies13: i was being sarcastic @ballbag dont play sc
pies13: sj 4lang come on do it scott now!
ballbag: ohhh yeah.. goldy best bargain pick of he year
happytimes: What’s cockys break even in sc
auxDT: sub cockatoo out now pls
redwallis: picked Goldy for C this week and opponent has Watson
thommoae: Good luck to you if you have Goldy, ballbag … but he waren’t no bargain price at the get-go!
eski_liddr: goldy wasn’t a bargain
rickyb80: why isnt the other game up yet?
eski_liddr: out of interest S.Wrights SC score anyone?
pies13: sj on superman it!!!!!
ballbag: thats my opinion. cosidering hes scores are outscoring BOTH of my opps ruck so far- i say bargain 🙂
banta: pathetic selwood. cost me the game. hacl
pies13: yessss just got 4 4that handball keep going cap sj hahahaha no chance im flowered!
colin wood: Higgins and Goldy sc lads??
auxDT: clark too emotional lol
kangawalla: Banta-tough call, emotive call on Selwood. One of the highest achievers in our game. Even if he ducks his head too much!
whale607: ziebell 26% de holy crap
SaintsMan: Selwood so anyone
Jair: Come on North I really need this please
wadaramus: Carn Selwood, big last quarter. Clark going backwards in SC.
wadaramus: Selwood 66sc.
ballbag: @pies dun worry mate. i have sloane C and a massive 4sc at qtr time
pies13: soo frustrating @ballbag isnt it
carlton_99: goldstein supercoach
Rockafella: Just logged on so this question probably has been asked 20 times…….Why was Stevie J the sub?
pants42: Goldi 104 sc
ballbag: blicavs never played a senior game before AFL. gun and learning quick
colin wood: higgins SC?
pants42: free kicks 8-24 kanga way
happytimes: Hopefully shit loads woody
Perry95: gee dumont has had a huge impact since coming on
redwallis: well done Turnstyles
a1trader: who subbed off for North?
pants42: higgins 67 sc
Buzz67: Dumont = can play
ballbag: turner
roshanetw: kayne turner
colin wood: goldy sc?
a1trader: thx
pies13: dumont doesnt pay 4a taxi!
pants42: Golgi 117 sc
ballbag: how is that goalline push not a free against?
auxDT: +50 goldy
cusch1: Goldy sealer
madskill55: robbie tarrant, enright, selwood sc? anyone?
jaxx: goldy star
pants42: tarrant115 enright99 jelwoos76
auxDT: selwood should have tried harder in the first 3 qtrs
colin wood: goldy and higgins SC please guys?
pants42: gold 146 hig78
colin wood: cheers pants, your a legend mate. I have Goldy and +11 against Higgins and Yolmans.. Might possibly sneak a W here!
Costanza: SJ sub was first mistake
KingPetrie: nahas x factor
frenzy: Goldy UR a flowering star
meka100: Geelong are living in denial, they are just shit
frenzy: hearts2hearts
Sloan4Pres: @ meka100 how are they living in denial exactly?
iZander: give goldy the star!!!
ballbag: yes!! leaving clarke of for lonie loophole gained 5 pts. WIN 🙂
carlton_99: i need 160 + from goldy any chance it will scale
carlton_99: are tehse cores presacled