luked98: my opponent is projected to beat me by 4 point, need dayne beams to have a bad day
frenzy: Let’s go Rohan, I’ve kept faith
Costanza: Anzac Day overkill. It was yesterday – leave it at that
AngryRyno: anyone got word on heeney’s ankle?
luked98: rocky will be a good pickup in a few weeks
UglyOldPim: Heeney 4-6 weeks
rosty63: show a bit of resoect costanza
AngryRyno: thanks @UglyOldPim. looks like Heeney > Vberg it is
luked98: heeney > krak
UglyOldPim: Yeah heeney>Krak
luked98: or heeney > sloane
Costanza: I did, on the day. Cmon Beams!
Karlpov: How do you get the stats layout to show ToG etc?
AngryRyno: got sloane 🙂
luked98: what are you expecting beams to get, anyone tagging him
frenzy: R the Cripps brothers
m0nty: No Daniel, no!
m0nty: Karlpov: expand the browser window sideways to fit more columns
AngryRyno: harris andrews looks alright for an option down back, especially since lions playing him forward(ish)
Dommy02: matt rosa across half back?
luked98: this is good, no more points for the qtr beams
kangawalla: Yay! D beams has overtaken C Beams,
AngryRyno: rockliff underdone, shouldn’t be out there
frenzy: yep stink it up Rocky
Karlpov: Paparone permanent muppet
UglyOldPim: Nic Nat always looks like he doesn’t try very hard, a lazy player?
Froggy: Paparone, Cutler and Robbo have no brains!
AngryRyno: nic nat complacent since big cox retired
ballbag: its not that nicnat is lazy. its that he has no idea how to play the game.
iZander: is rocklike in the forward line?
JRedden: the heck is christensen doing?
Froggy: Brisbane can’t handle this wind..
Froggy: Yeah Zander, playing permanent forward
frenzy: nic nat SC? pls
AngryRyno: lift rich, dont do a NVB
HawkTalker: All the pre-season talk… looks like Lions are bottom 4 again
AngryRyno: cripps in trouble
danmaio: beams must be rapt in going to lions
auxDT: getting rocky after the byes
frenzy: stevie J sub wtf
Froggy: Cutler is a mute
Jizza9: whats wrong with Redden this year?
Froggy: Why on earth did i tip brisbane, shit disposal of the ball and the coach seems like he has no idea
danmaio: muppet for gaff, surely
auxDT: this game is not very entertaining..turnovers every 2nd disposal
Costanza: Beam me up Dane
Ben_Gogos: @auxDT terrible standard, Eagles will win by 60+ no problems
Froggy: Cutler and paparone have no football brain what so ever.. what a stupid kick
carlton_99: please rich lift i need u to beat natanui
auxDT: it may be time to upgrade rich this week
Froggy: How is that a 50
AngryRyno: far out thats pathetic zorko
Froggy: He clearly played on there, umpires are making a horrible game worse
danmaio: something desperately wrong when Wellingham does something good
Yelse: why is the time going up instead of counting down
luked98: no
luked98: not beams
carlton_99: cmon rich please i need u to beat natanui by 10 or more
auxDT: lions are muppets im done watching this game
luked98: brisbane starting to look a bit better
clarkoarmy: hopefully the game gets better in the 2nd half
clarkoarmy: rocky is going to be nice a juicy in 4 weeks time
casey22: Other game ask. Is Stevie J the Sub?
danmaio: stevie and dumont subs
Ringo4567: yes
iZander: don’t upgrade rich…he will get defender status and then move him to the back line (my opinion)
auxDT: i didnt know htye could change positions during the season
carlton_99: any chance rich will beat natanui
AngryRyno: interesting chat w/ merrett on radio
Sloaneyyyy: loving you today Sheppard, I needed something decent so anything 70+ is servicable!
Sloaneyyyy: does Naitanui have terrible hands or something, why does nobody kick to him ?
eski_liddr: rich to rocky in 3 to 4 weeks …dunno if i can hold rich that long
Sloaneyyyy: lol StevieJ starting as the sub too, he’s gonna be dirt cheap in a few weeks time
eski_liddr: wouldnt touch stevie J with a 10 ft pole..too old and risk of injury too high
Ben_Gogos: Zorko receives the muppet for that horrible attempt at goal
The39Steps: Wouldn’t surprise a Geelong player tweaks a muscle in the warm up.
iZander: i agree with eski, but there does come a time when his price may be crazy low, has to on the radar i think
iZander: yes they can, i think round 6 is the first update @ auxDT
eski_liddr: @iZander – great point! might be worth a gamble for most coaches if he was dirt cheap
auxDT: @iZander even then. I dont think rich would be a top 15 defender this year
iZander: i think he’d have to drop to 450k for me to consider since I’ve already got jelwood and motlop 😀
eski_liddr: definitely plausible
Sloaneyyyy: I think I tipped Lions for this…
iZander: maybe not in the end, but his average is 88 atm and thats very good for the backline atm.there r bigger priorities early
AngryRyno: still in shock i tipped GCS yesterday
Sloaneyyyy: Beams hasn’t touched it this quarter
iZander: within the next 4-5 weeks almost every team will get in barlow and rocky haha
eski_liddr: Rich pull your flinger out mate
iZander: pretty sure he got a handball really early in the quarter 😀
The39Steps: Soft wick, Pocket$, Leper – which coach will be the first to go?
auxDT: id be happy if Rich gets 80, might i might be asking too much
auxDT: but*
Jukes82: rich will be lucky to make 65
AngryRyno: aish subbed
danmaio: they couldnt get rid of eade, it would prove what a blue they made
Sloaneyyyy: Surely Malthouse will be the first coach to go
iZander: agree @sloadneyyyy
The39Steps: Mick bought himself four weeks yesterday.
Breezey: Going along nicely M.Priddis
KingPetrie: dbeams SC pls?
Roflcake: can rocky only handball…
danmaio: how many shin shanks in this game
iZander: what??? a win against the saints…no way
auxDT: hahaha oh rich
Ben_Gogos: Rich was going to kick that 99/100
AngryRyno: shuey injured
The39Steps: It is four point more than the other muppets got.
Ben_Gogos: Rich will go 75-80 which is top 15 in the backs this season roughly
Sloaneyyyy: keep going Sheppard, don’t stop now
luked98: such a poor game
Sloaneyyyy: never going to be able to afford S.Martin at this rate, he’ll just keep going up
Sloan4Pres: this game isn’t over
danmaio: if eagles had another 4 McLovins, they be a good side
Sloaneyyyy: cmon NicNat, you were supposed to do better than Grundy…
AngryRyno: zorko has stopped, lift!
Sloaneyyyy: Leunberger needs to get traded to a team where he can be #1 ruck
Ben_Gogos: @Sloaneyyy I agree mate
iZander: anyone know why giles isn’t playing for the bombers? surly he’d make the team?
auxDT: @iZander because big bellchambers is obviously the no1 ruck in the comp
iZander: I’m taking that as sarcasm hahaha
carlton_99: how is rich only on 39
carlton_99: for supercooch
luked98: hopefully beams doesnt crack 100
ballbag: finally you got your second mark for the year nicnat!!
Breezey: Keep chipping away Nic Nat
Breezey: Nick Robertson seems not a bad player. with a decent haircut he’d be even better
Sloaneyyyy: i totally jinxed Sheppard. He was on 50 at half time… done sweet f-all since
Onan: What’s happened to Wellingham – hopeless
AngryRyno: bit of junk for rich, zorko done f all
Breezey: Masten, Wellingham,Schofield and Rich. Whats the world record for ponytails.
Onan: I used to think Wellingham was deceny midfielder when he was at the Pies
The39Steps: @Breezey – been into an advertising agency?
HawkTalker: Sheed just vanished in the 2nd half. Should be given the magnifying glass
ballbag: ridiculous nicnat has almost the lowest possie count on the ground. lift son
Jukes82: how much time left?
mijg: Kennedy star? he’s butchered it.
Ben_Gogos: Beams not top 10 this year I reckon. The lack of cheapies is killing his output.
Ben_Gogos: Kennedy did the business early when it counted. game over by QT.
mijg: bahh no stars at the WC
AngryRyno: how much % are we looking at for sc scaling?
rickyb80: how does butlers conversion work? 96% efficiency?