AngryRyno: carn blues
AngryRyno: jones gives to schneider you say?
colin wood: feels weird saying this but.. good morning lads
BoredSaint: morning
luked98: yes steven, need a good performance from you
luked98: hit the post
iZander: i need simpson to go big today
ballbag: indeed topper da mornin to ya. doubt we’ll ever say that again for AFL
AngryRyno: lift doch
m0nty: no Judd, no Carlton?
AngryRyno: no carlton, full stop.
iZander: honestly, judd still could not save this team, its got some very bad years to come
ballbag: no goal kickers no blues… no doubt they kick about 7 goals 14 behinds today
teachrtony: Newnes was a great pick up!
AngryRyno: carn cripples
KingPetrie: armitage SC anyone?
iZander: simpson is such a frustrating dreamteamer
knickers: No Duigan. No Carlton
m0nty: SImmo will get his 80-100 like usual
_wato: Armitage 31sc, Newnes 10sc lel
teachrtony: Armitage 31 sc
AngryRyno: @knickers, spot on
Burnsyy: Can someone pls tell me how many sc points steven, geary and membrey are on? 🙂
FlowerTime: No Bootsma, no Carlton!
ronl: convinced myself to give Newnes one more chance this week. Great decision!
mijg: knew I should of feilded Cripps
AngryRyno: game on, go blues
_wato: Steven 36sc, Geary 22sc, Membrey 18sc
AngryRyno: wood is my POD, hoping these are to advantage
Burnsyy: Thanks Wato
BoredSaint: what is cripps SC?
FlowerTime: Billings is everywhere today
teachrtony: Cripps 29
tiges4ever: newnes sc?
circle52: You don;t want to know but 17
Yelse: where is newnes playing?
poolboybob: Good work Newnes, killing it.
circle52: Supposed to be tagging Murphy
Grumpman: The blues are Sh$T, Mick is gone.
spuditup: newnes cooking me!!! Fkn tagging Murphy :@
circle52: Newness joiuns Lumumba as spuds in defence this week
colmullet: Newnes locking down 🙁
teachrtony: Newnes is playing in Wellington, NZ
Yelse: then he should be in the thick of the action @circle52
circle52: But in saying that he seems to be 5 metres behind him.
poolboybob: My first transaction on Monday will be to rage trade Newnes
BoredSaint: he doesn’t have the speed to go with murphy
_wato: He’s killing Murphy this quarter, kept him to 2 touches in 20 minutes
circle52: Won’t be Robinson Crusoe poolboybob
BoredSaint: no fevola, no carlton
circle52: Agree Wato but not good for my SC
ballbag: theres a reason why buckley doesnt play afl. now mick FORCED to play him by supporters
AngryRyno: no kouta, no carlton
jayshi: simpson sc score?
heppelitis: no brown paper bags…no carlton
teachrtony: Cripps now 48 sc yay!
AngryRyno: scores reset?
AngryRyno: nvm
_wato: Newnes third now, woo
teachrtony: No Craig Bradley, no Carlton
_wato: Oop they’re back and he’s terrible again
Yelse: newness caught up to Ksimpson
Grumpman: no sos, no carlton
Burnsyy: wtf is happening
elitegod22: liam jones vfl not afl player thats why your not at the dogs anymore
AngryRyno: no 1854, no carlton
Roksta: jones is a spud
_wato: Newnes turning it on
Grumpman: back to the pink day at the cricket it looks like??
Grumpman: pedal faster monty:-)
FlowerTime: m0nty fix your site damn
Roksta: dont know why carlton continue to give away draft picks for rejects
tiges4ever: boekhurst doing well, possible mi downgrade soon
Yelse: foxtel down too now
heppelitis: haha Grumpman
AngryRyno: don’t blame m0nty, everythings shit in NZ
m0nty: not my fault, honest!
Grumpman: you sound like my 6 year old monty, everyone else fault but his:-)
m0nty: oh hey guess what, it was my fault… but I fixed it. 😀
Grumpman: that’s better, now you can have some ice-cream 🙂
mijg: hunt McIntosh harry now simpson
AntoRyan14: Billy longer on 79sc what a start
Yelse: having a shocking week already, hogan and vanderburg on bench, macintosh dust ks and newness
Dangermaus: It would be nice to have one week when Geary AND Lamumba both have a good game
Dangermaus: kick to handball ratio so bad for cripps, but at least he’s scoring
AngryRyno: wood on 54, carn POD
Dangermaus: Sinclair dollar signs -8 breakeven
m0nty: go SImmo!
m0nty: love to see +14 for one of my players
AngryRyno: simmo already on track for ton, and you lot were stressing
Dangermaus: come on Blues, your coach will get the sack if you lose today
Roksta: cmon saints blues coach will get the sack if you win today
Costanza: Suckley
SaintsMan: simpson effeciency has been garbage
Yelse: dylan buckley a hog dish the ball off
jfitty: Garbage? 75% is pretty decent
SaintsMan: I’ve been watching the game. has hit one pass i swear
Rockafella: Should be a few blue moons on here
Yelse: KS has stopped
ballbag: murphy & cripps to gutless to kick the ball?
mijg: get stuffed Geary
Torz: Cripps has 11 contested, so not surprised he’s handballing
Roksta: cripps the next priddis
boydshow: lonie!
Dangermaus: cmon Newnes you hack, get moving
colmullet: yes lonie need you bad for gray this week!
tiges4ever: cripps sc?
mijg: 70 at 3qtr time Simmo would be nice
SaintsMan: the umpires has killed us
Yelse: will newness get suspended?
teachrtony: Lonie $ sign?
FlowerTime: dreamin’ mijg
Sloan4Pres: @ Dangermaus everyone has him so who cares
SaintsMan: these umpires had even bloody ridiculous, gonna cost us the game
mijg: usually starts junking up about now.
Dangermaus: yeah everyone except the numpty i’m playing this week
colmullet: Lonie 🙁
FlowerTime: hardly a game for junk at the moment
mijg: simpson can junk anytime cheap possies
Torz: Cripps making me feel better about leaving Vandenberg on the bench.
ballbag: newnes?? if you think he will ton up this year you are crazy
Dangermaus: these scores are going up and down more than a honeymooner’s butt
AngryRyno: mr cripps you are in fact a gun
carlton_99: @saintsman the umps have not been bad at all
FlowerTime: Cripps score for Heeny, NVB, or Ellis-Yolmen?
tor01doc: Cripps! Kept the faith.
AngryRyno: back CEY
gdshifty: anyone have cripps on the bench?
colmullet: might as well just pick a team of rookies this year
colin wood: cripps making up for last nights mess good boy!
snake_p: Simmo time to quit. Liam Jones ahead of you
tor01doc: gd – I have 109 on the pine.
AngryRyno: put gray on field to take cripps score as (E)
Torz: 12 in the quarter for Crippsy!
Yelse: powerful bench – crisp vandurburg and hogan damn
mijg: Was thinking with Judd out to put Cripps on but didn’t
djbics: Had Vandenberg on the bench, Cripps on the field
pants42: whats the story with fisher??? Shocker!!!
AngryRyno: fisher is a spud, no one should have him
Sloan4Pres: fluked it with vand and cripps on field and mcintosh on the bench somehow
Dangermaus: cripps going mental
Flanno: Cripps’ efficiency will kill his SC score
Dasherman: go Crippsy had u on field VBerg bench as well
jfitty: It’s not so far Flanno, on 110
teachrtony: Cripps 107sc
colin wood: flanno cripps already on 108.. akward..
FlowerTime: Cripps will be alright, had a lot of CP and a goal when the game was close
Flanno: Okay I take that back!
colin wood: sloan i left kmac on and benched bewick over him…
AngryRyno: champion data must have cripps on bench
LuvIt74: Bhell i thought this game was starting at 1:10pm and its 3qt time
Karlpov: Common saints! Draw this game!
LuvIt74: Cripps on 105sc
bob81: wonder how many traded cripps
mstrbatten: muppet for flanno
kangawalla: Is it time to ditch Newnes, the love child of Jock Reynolds?
Kermit: Kermit the Frog here with a Muppet News Flash: Bell smothers a Billings kick standing on the mark 20m out from the Blue goal, and runs in to score.
colin wood: muppet for this site… terrible today monty whats going on brother?
AngryRyno: RIP purple named for colin
ballbag: its not when you trade out griif, newnwes or lumumba- its how quick u do that matters
SaintsMan: that kermit this is weird
gdshifty: ballbag that makes no sense at all…
AngryRyno: makes sense to me
Dangermaus: would love to trade about half of my defenders… but there is not really anyone consistent to trade them for
Crowls: dm aint that the truth
tor01doc: Smith, Hodge, Shaw?
ballbag: @gdshifty sorry mate. hyphenated grammar
AngryRyno: wheres the consistancy doch
Crowls: mid price madness at start of season
teachrtony: Murphy 95 sc wtf
FlowerTime: murphy 21 CP thats why
colmullet: yeah if u dont understand that u dont understand SC really
teachrtony: fair nuff
Dangermaus: K.Simpson – transform into junk-mode
ballbag: murph & cripps. CP then handpass
Grumpman: flame up everyone, sweet.
ballbag: has lonie tonned up?
Jackwatt$: McCartin a flame? Serious m0nty?
teachrtony: Armitage has stopped still since 1st qtr
teachrtony: Lonie 77
kangawalla: If only Zac Dawson was playing. Never seen a flame next to his name!
ballbag: thanks tone. cover for bon ts just in case
Jackwatt$: Wash hat Koutofides clone who kicked that goal? Or son maybe
KC_Badger: cripps looking like a decent kid
AngryRyno: da-da da-da daaaa
Jackwatt$: Was that*
OnTheRocks: i can never get rookies right! Watch Heeney spud it up whilst Cripps is on the bench
Dangermaus: Bellchambers is gonna get raped by Grundy today
gdshifty: do something docherty
ballbag: heeney vs freo prime bench candidate
kangawalla: Hthe Docherty & Roberton bandwagons
AngryRyno: give doch a goal
gdshifty: do more Docherty!!!!
Dangermaus: armitage = hulk or atlas
FlowerTime: Heeney or NVB for bench?
kangawalla: *Try again! The Docherty & Roberton bandwagons will be a little lighter after today.
teachrtony: Have Emerg on Lonie, might have to bench Mitch Clark I think
Bhack87: I benched clark for lonie via mcgrath
AngryRyno: lonie back to pre season best, $$$
circle52: In RDT I have Vandenberg and Cripps on the pine
carlton_99: simpson supercoach
ballbag: be careful loopholing if you have bonts upfront
Crowls: bonts out would destroy me. gray bartel lamb already
AntoRyan14: Hogan for walker or Bont
teachrtony: Good call Ballbag
Dragon88: What happens if you have two emergencies but have only one player out?
Dangermaus: simspon will be cheap soon… question is do I actually want him
AngryRyno: joe the goose more touches than jamison
bob81: im going bench for heeny
alekstah: you get the lower score of the two
FlowerTime: If you have two playing emergencies, it takes whichever score is lower
iZander: omgwhy did i pick simpson this year….
Dangermaus: nice, 50 hit outs for Longer, wd
ballbag: coz simpson is fearless thats why. should be C
AngryRyno: happy with cam wood 🙂
Dangermaus: murphy = hulk
ballbag: cripps giving me the bruce feeling in the trouser front. predicted 49
gdshifty: no junk for simpson today
snake_p: yes ballbag as Bruce would say Criiiiips
dms774: Only 5 Jacks playing for StKilda today
ballbag: lol
Foss: Hey if I have two players on the field who don’t play, and two emergencies in the same position, will I get both scores
Foss: from emergencies (SC)
Crowls: newnes lumumba kk simpson aaaah
AngryRyno: its pig time
foolysik: lol Hendersons score compared to Alex Rance