AngryRyno: dockers to win by 42
Fernyys: draw
Sloaneyyyy: cmon Fyfe, fire up
iZander: i was forced to trade in nic nat this week despite not really wanting to, prove me wrong nic!!!!!
AngryRyno: mcgovern on pav will be interesting
SaintsMan: fyfe bad gamer pls
casey22: Slow start this week, fyfe
Torz: Big score today Lachie!
AngryRyno: im with ya @Torz, he’s due
Sloaneyyyy: when does Fyfe ever not have a slow start
wadaramus: C’mon Fyfey, need yo to cover for Bartel’s 5.
SaintsMan: he will still 400 points
luked98: i need fyfe to get 200
Torz: This is a training drill!
Torpedo10: I tipped WCE because of North and Lions losing. I am sad
casey22: Fyfe is good at hard ball gets, there are none today
NewFreoFan: love a good smashing in a derby 🙂
Paul105: West coast team for witches hats
AngryRyno: fyfe already recovered, set for BOG
Sloaneyyyy: ok Time to get moving now Barlow, stop giving Fyfe all the glory
OnTheRocks: So this is what happens when Zac Dawson isn’t in their team……
AngryRyno: told my mate to bench ibbo, oops, hi jaff if you’re reading this
Torz: Ibbo tends to drop off after half time.
luked98: wow what a goal
AngryRyno: dockers on track for a double ton, wouldn’t that be entertaining
casey22: Wow, Fyfe on 30 after a slow start
OnTheRocks: whole of freo team essentially has 50 points, superman cape them all 😛
SaintsMan: fyfe supercoach pls
Torz: Superman cape for Fremantle.
AngryRyno: oh it just happened
luked98: ahaha
luked98: purple superman capes
Solat: is mundy being tagged?
AngryRyno: lachie neale what a gun
Dommy02: Where is Rosa playing? half back?
banta: like the purple capes. quality
banta: neale on fire!
waldeckr: neale cape
Torz: This is ridiculous Neale. Love it!
AngryRyno: neale & fyfe sc anyone?
Fernyys: super pavs
boydshow: wharfie time!
colin wood: betcha ibbotson doesnt even double his score from here
colin wood: wheres the witches hats for the entire eagles side?
whoislids1: Love you Lachie Neale
qiu333: nic nat wtf
Wingard001: Fyfe needs 150+ For me to have any chance he is my captain
iZander: unlikely to get 150 in sc if the whole team plays this good
banta: eagles need to slow the game and possess it otherwise this will be 150 points
carlton_99: fyfe supercoach?
casey22: Fyfe SC must be good?
demonhell: Doesn’t Dwaynno waffle on.
AntoRyan14: Guys if you won’t supercoach scores go on supercoach facebook Paige. Updated scores every qtr
circle52: Lift Eagles do not want to face another team on the rebound
wadaramus: Fyfe DE killing his SC, on 36.
AngryRyno: bugger off nic nat
luked98: wadaramus how do you know the sc?
DropBear: i need fyfe to score less than 150 sc to win this week
AngryRyno: ill take 149 from fyfe in that case
wadaramus: Superfooty Live HQ. Fox Sports Match Centre.
DropBear: thanks angryryno
Sloaneyyyy: barlow – wtf… get moving man
colmullet: anytime Barlow
wadaramus: 149 sounds perfect.
colin wood: stay up there sheed
Torz: To think I almost traded Neale to Parker this week. Phew.
luked98: ahh you have to pay
Sloaneyyyy: NicNat still doesn’t have a single mark this season…
wadaramus: I have Foxtel, so I can log in to this too.
carlton_99: fyfe score?
AngryRyno: neale 79sc, fyfe 40
spudaroos: Went Wells to Neale this week. GO on
casey22: Cocey on the bench, time to bring him on.
AMagpie: Is Barlow even playing?
AngryRyno: barlow still trying to figure out the gatorade bottle
Hawks_15: anyone know what ibbotson sc score is?
heppelitis: ibbo 50 sc
colin wood: hawks hes 51
colin wood: 54 hawks
AngryRyno: lachie neale on track for a double ton, in DT at least
Hawks_15: cheers all
AMagpie: comeback Jeremy!! my dreamteam needs you!
banta: you star joel!!
AngryRyno: i need at least 400 from neale & fyfe (C) to steal a win, not likely
whoislids1: lock it in Ryno. Neale going to double ton up
AngryRyno: not with fyfe at this rate
AngryRyno: neale 91sc, fyfe 41sc
frenzy: fyfe aint no abblett
Sloaneyyyy: someone please kneecap Neale
burgz300: all of NNats Ho’s better be to advantage
AngryRyno: nic nat 31sc
burgz300: what a horrible game
wadaramus: Carn Fyfe, get into gear man.
luked98: needed ibbotson to score more than nicnat for the win
carlton_99: has fyfe hit 75 yet or not?
ballbag: ya doin nuthin nicnat
AngryRyno: NATHANIEL FYFE, bring us home the league wins mate
auxDT: boring game
ballbag: game over. any chance fyfe can still get good SC score?
OnTheRocks: this game was in junktime from half way through the 1st quarter
wadaramus: 65sc atm, hopefully he can get to 120?
AngryRyno: fyfe should ton, and if he gets a goal or two that would be more than handy
whoislids1: garbage bin to all Freo players except Hill and Neale
luked98: what nic nat, and ibbotsons sc?
burgz300: my league win is all determined by nic nats performance. Very Worried
ballbag: youre really testing my patience nicnat
AngryRyno: im gonna struggle to make supercoach cup cut-off at this rate, round 1 & 3 have been shockers
Dangeroo: If barlow could do something that’d be nice
Sloaneyyyy: where the fuck did this come from Lachie Neale
poolboybob: Hurn magnifying glass
Sloaneyyyy: witches hats for all Eagle defenders, they are bloody woeful
ballbag: SC cup is only for newspaper subscribers NOT everyone
iZander: i really want barlow to stay down so i can trade him in later 😀
Lodgy: 22 points up in rdt, no players left, opposition just shuey…
Sloaneyyyy: need Barlow to get uber-junk in the last quarter
Perry95: hurn is killing me, lift son!
Torz: Weird for Barlow to be so quiet.
rosty63: need barlow to get less than 90 to win
tezzer_j: Lachie making my choice brilliant. he’s been alright the last two games as well so happy
AntoRyan14: Barlow was on 36sc at ht
OnTheRocks: need captain Fyfe on 134 to get exactly 2200
Cyberdyne: fyfe ticking along nicely
carlton_99: fyfe superman this quarter
carlton_99: wat is fyfe on now
Carnster: Johnson supercoach??
DropBear: 2088 for me this week :/
burgz300: slot it please nicnat
ballbag: yaay nic nat= first mark of the year
NewFreoFan: piss off nicnat!
OnTheRocks: NicNat aint no Cox
CamT: 2,059 SC with Bartel. Pretty happy
AntoRyan14: Wines is out for a month
AngryRyno: neale 135 sc, fyfe 85sc
ballbag: 1994 with nic nat and fyfe and bartel
CamT: Freo vest candidates ??
Torz: De Boer subbed.
OnTheRocks: anyone here have afl live app and get “video playback error” whilst on live games?
Dommy02: is matt rosa floating around in the backline?
Karlpov: Yeah I get it every 20-30 mins.. Only this round though
Buzz67: Glendinning Medal? I’m thinking Neale or Hill
rosty63: stay down barlow
OnTheRocks: i get it every 1 to 2 minutes, every game. Worst app ever
grossn: Poor Coasters, they are now down 3 of their main defenders
AngryRyno: nat fyfe junk it up please
Dazz996: arrrrgh Barlow your killing me!!!
frenzy: c’mon capt. Fyfe
AngryRyno: neale for the medal, especially if he racks up a few more touches this quarter
wadaramus: C’mon Fyfe, I’ll take 125 from here.
Costanza: I’d rest Fyfe if I was coach (please)
Hawks_15: whats fyfes sc score please anyone?
Sloaneyyyy: went barlow captain in SC… fmsc
Torpedo10: Fyfe will struggle for 130 from here because so many points have already been given out.
Torz: Neale junking it beautifully
daniel87: Cmon nic Nat kick a couple more goals
AngryRyno: kick it to fyfeeeee
luked98: nicnat dont touch the ball
ben31215: neale and fyfe sc?
luked98: need ibbotson and +20 points to score more than nicnat
davep: It was Wines or Barlow for me this week – never mind, I was fucked either way.
wadaramus: Fyfe is 96sc atm.
colin wood: doesnt mean jack torpedo chances are all at champion data have him so theyll stack them up for him
AngryRyno: Neale DE should make a good SC
colin wood: cmon ibbotson
wadaramus: Neale a mammoth 152sc.
Dommy02: where is matt rosa playing?
frenzy: FFS Fyfe, don’t think U understand goose
Blues1: Mundy close to raising the bat in SC?
Torz: Almost 40 touches at 94% is pretty amazing.
DropBear: Plz fyfe, get injured
Hawks_15: anyone know what mundy’s sc score is?
DropBear: where is my supported team logo??
tezzer_j: we’ll have none of that thx Dropbear.
ben31215: Mundy is on 88sc
luked98: ibbotson and nic nat sc pls
colin wood: anyone gotta score for ibbo and sheed?
Hawks_15: cheers
DropBear: i need fyfe to score less than 120
mickeytg: Gold from Monty
mickeytg: Put the bin next to all the WC players
rosty63: hey daniel 87 real nailbiter last night
AntoRyan14: Pavo very frustrating atm
JRedden: junk it ibbotson come on
frenzy: this is showerhouse fyfe
LuvIt74: What are people averaging on SC this week?
daniel87: Yeah your not wrong rosty was a good win
thommoae: Barlow may have saved my match-up; take it easy, son – game’s over.
cusch1: Fyfe has had 31 touches frenzy…Did you suffer a head knock?
BoatsNHoes: what’s with the attack on the Eagles fan Money
NewFreoFan: my sc game is nicnat vs sutcliffe+19 what is life
BoatsNHoes: there’s no need to call us stupid. At least they stuck around whengame was over at qtr time
whoislids1: Mark LeJunk
BoatsNHoes: Monty
LuvIt74: fyfe is life hes on 102sc relax
Paul105: Junk time king lecras
frenzy: need score SC not possi’s
OnTheRocks: m0nty, go program the afl live app. you can do a better job than the telstra incompetents
Kermit: Kermit the Frog here with a Muppet News Flash: LeCras gets his third goal of Q4 junk time from 20m after a terrible kick clanger by Mundy.
happytimes: Muppet time
Karlpov: Bin for Michael Johnson again!
Hawks_15: whats ibbotsons sc score?
cusch1: What is his supercoach?
whoislids1: Lachie to get the double ton?
LuvIt74: fyfe on 100sc but it could hit as high as 108
LuvIt74: ibbotson 85sc
Disco DB: hahhaha, loving the commentary m0nty!
Sloaneyyyy: thank god that’s over, i won by 6 pts, stupid neale
ben31215: Surely neale should get more sc
TheKingK: m0nty you legend! hahaha
frenzy: neale and lycett verse capt fyfe, I lose
NewFreoFan: lost my sc game by 5 points hahahaha
LuvIt74: im going to score a crappy 2196sc
OnTheRocks: LeCrabage
BoatsNHoes: pretty obvious Monty has a hatred for the eagles. acting like that willl only alienate yourself from users
BoatsNHoes: f
LuvIt74: Fyfe 107sc
AngryRyno: 2034sc, what a joke, 150k players on the bench nearly doubling 440k+ on field