deanie: Bont out lol
Fernyys: boyd and bontempelli big outs
23rookie23: anyone watching can tell me if gibsons role has changed now Frawly is out and Birch in?
Woodie: Bonts out means I can trade GAJ to him next week 🙂
deanie: Im thinking maybe wines to bont?
AntoRyan14: Need a big game from lewis, made him captain
happytimes: That’s what I’m thinking woodie
frenzy: upset brewing
happytimes: Webb is looking good so far
Perry95: @frenzy, dogs kicking with the wind. commentators saying the winds worth 5 goals
frenzy: just like winding up monty
Perry95: haha fair enough
m0nty: you were saying, frenzy? 😉
AntoRyan14: Hawks beginning to dictate play
frenzy: as if anyone would see dogs beating hawks,lol
Torz: Lewis perma-captain
TheLegend6: Had this game at 182+ for the score, this wind is giving me the shits
roshanetw: wallis carried off
frenzy: gibbo with a head wind today, lol
JDolling69: Really enjoying Hodge this year, my only good pick ahaha
bulldog123: Do the bulldogs have any chance today?
deanie: I wish mate, we had wind advantage and lost the qtr
tor01doc: Absolutely no interest in this game – oh hang on I barrack for Hawthorn.
Karlpov: Hawks will kick 6 goals this quarter
iZander: good to see the loss last week didn’t change ur attitude
roshanetw: Dale morris possible shoulder injury monty still out there though
iZander: is mitch wallis alright?
m0nty: If we continue our Q1 form we should kick 12 this quarter
bulldog123: We’re doing pretty good considering we don’t have bonts and Boyd!
roshanetw: iZander they think it’s a bad corky
roshanetw: morris on the bench looks like the shoulder is injured
iZander: will he play on for the rest of the match?
frenzy: monty was nervous for first 10 mins
roshanetw: not sure mate
iZander: far out my unique picks in AF are falling to bits this week
iZander: is mitch wallis back on the field?
roshanetw: Morris back on no word on mitch
Kenny27: no, he cant even run. Goodes is warming up
roshanetw: wallis back on the bench should be back on soon
roshanetw: Kenny27 false wallis ready to go back on according to SEN
whoislids1: Hodge on track for the double ton
AntoRyan14: Goodes will be on soon, I think
Torz: I’m never going to be able to afford Hodgey!
js19: Morris subbed
SaintsMan: goodes coming on
gunners23: this is going to get ugly for the doggies
pies21: hodges sc?
iZander: whats whitecrosses role and hows he looking? possibly into my team soon
AntoRyan14: Great start for me, hodge, Lewis, Mitchell and Roughead killing it
Fernyys: goodes on
Kenny27: seems to be a back issue with Wallis having troubles
Costanza: cmon Mitch battle on
Torz: Whitecross playing mostly forward from what I’ve seen.
Fernyys: honeychurch just got smashed
LuvIt74: Dogs are a man down unfortunately not good
SaintsMan: 80 points for hodge and lewis, lewis being my cpatain
iZander: mitch i need you think week! lets go buddy
Buzz67: Toughen up Wallis
iZander: i really want hodge but i know he will get rested at the business end of the season….
NewFreoFan: went Ablett to JPK instead of Lewis 🙁
LuvIt74: Why was the Bont a late out, he was meant to play. Thank god i didn’t get him
SaintsMan: no he wont
thommoae: Calf soreness. Luv.
ballbag: hodgey good for DT crap for SC
luked98: nooo, bont just lost me supercoach for this week
SaintsMan: hodge and lewis sc?
The39Steps: Hodge 74SC bbag.
AntoRyan14: Well hodgey’s tearing up sc today
ballbag: @luvit ??? everyones been saying since thurs bonts will be out
Jackwatt$: Hey Wallis, it’s red, made out of leather and has Sherrin written on it!
Fernyys: on ya hodge
The39Steps: 92, sorry.
deanie: wallis not on ground m8
SaintsMan: lewis sc? pleade
roshanetw: Jackwatt$ he’s in pretty bad shape
tezzer_j: so most of us had a choice this week, JPK,Lewis, or Sloane. Guess which one i brought in! 🙁
qiu333: s mitchell sc score?
thommoae: JackW, it’s called a smashed body – and it’s good for an ice-bath and not much else at present.
LuvIt74: @ballbag yeah i heard and read that but yesterday it said he was cleared on the AFL site. Don’t matter i might get him.
Kenny27: @Jack Wallis wont come back on he is rooted
frenzy: icicle burgoyne
LuvIt74: lewis 48sc
SaintsMan: mitchell sc please
AntoRyan14: CMON Mitchell get more of the pill
LuvIt74: Mitchel 48sc
Kenny27: lol another assist to Hodge
LuvIt74: Actually mitchell 51 sc
wadaramus: Hodge on target for 200sc at this rate!
LuvIt74: Hodge on 106sc already
Kenny27: nice Birch! keep going
AntoRyan14: Hoping Lewis can get some good junk time
Jackwatt$: Dogs not out of this. They’ll have the wind next qtr
ballbag: hodgey SC irrelevant since 2010
SaintsMan: lewis sc
frenzy: wots burgoynes excuse
Pokerface: ballbag only because he hasnt been defender until now
Kenny27: wow Goodes really is useless
Jackwatt$: Burgoyne saves hmself for big games
eski_liddr: Burgoyne the super spud
Buzz67: Cape for Hodge – can’t remember what his 1/4 time score was?
Costanza: need a Footscray lady to give Mitch a special massage
iZander: so wallis not back on?
AntoRyan14: I think ballbag is jealous of hodge owners right now
Mozza42: Any danger of the superman for hodge monty?
Sloaneyyyy: Doggies could have used Higgins right about now
iZander: I’m jealous of the hodge owners
iZander: yeah another injury would be great for them lol
ballbag: @m0nty awesome- the name hover % & BE are back 🙂
Sloaneyyyy: yeah except Mitchell is not $102,000 in DT
macca_crow: lewis sore word down here is he will be subbed
iZander: where was he last week @jackwatts
tabs: what happend to lewis?
roshanetw: macca what the news? source?
iZander: did wallis come back on?
happytimes: Sounds great Macca
JDolling69: I think macca is on the troll
Costanza: Wallis done – tracksuit on in rooms
flame: Macca- spud!
rickyb80: lol i love sundays. everyone with shower teams starts getting a bit testy
Fernyys: vest still on for hawthorn sub
Flanno: Jordan Lewis with 5 clangers is stiff
auxDT: macca salty coz he doesnt have lewis
macca_crow: relax lads take a joke hes me skip
happytimes: Read stacks again
macca_crow: where can we find montys team?
roshanetw: macca i think you gave a few people an anxiety attack, myself included
Sloaneyyyy: that would awesome if Lewis gets subbed, what’s his SC score
macca_crow: who else took swannys 150 as VC loophole on SC?
frenzy: Cyril wouln’t have seen many 2nd halves
tabs: i wish macca, took sloane instead
LuvIt74: Did any teams start from round 1with the following rookies: Heeney, McIntosh, Saad, Oxley, Cripps, Vandenberg, Miller
LuvIt74: Lonie & McGrath?
Ringo4567: i started heeney, Mcintosh saad cripps and vandenberg
frenzy: all except McGrath
SaintsMan: all of em except saad and cripps i have sad now though
tabs: i have al of those Luv except Lonie
Bull8: but the coach didnt
auxDT: started with kmac, saad, oxley and vandenberg
tabs: some i didnt start though
Fernyys: only one player in my whole 30 not playing
macca_crow: halftime SC – Hodge 103 roughy 90 lewis 51
LuvIt74: I got all those rookies from day 1, traded in Van Berlo for lambert this week & GAJ to Sloane
mijg: all them bar loni Vandenberg
auxDT: is it possible to get 150 from lewis (as cpt) and hodge to get 150 for the rest of the game?
LuvIt74: Wish i had cripps on ground instead of van berlo
tabs: Hodge 114 and Leiws 57 atm for SC
auxDT: 2.5/10 english boys my bad
wadaramus: All except Mcgrath for me LuvIt. Got NVB and Sloane this week too.
heppelitis: my boys Dahlhaus and Jong going Great for me today
SaintsMan: ewis, sc
LuvIt74: @auxDT if Lewis remains on ground then he should score 100 hodge should score at least 150 at this rate
roshanetw: lewis getting dogged by his eff 🙁
LuvIt74: lewis 58sc
_wato: Gibson SC please?
auxDT: i love it luvit
LuvIt74: Gibson 28sc
tabs: Gison 28
mijg: macrae pulling his finger out
burgz300: frawley dying has just butchered gibsons output
SaintsMan: mitchel and burgoyne sc
_wato: Gibson getting robbed big time, should be on 45sc at least
mijg: Birch SC pls?
Scratchy: Is Lewis DE% always so low? was awful last week as well
LuvIt74: Dogs have played allot better then i expected today especially with the injuries
Slashers: Dogs need TheBont back!
Nofeet2279: Birchall SC 75
Slashers: Why talk of Lewis going off? Is he hurt?
LuvIt74: Bont & Wallis
mijg: thanks nofeet
Sloaneyyyy: Hodge has gone into Beast Mode this year…
bjones8995: bont, wallis, boyd, and libba..
Hawks_15: whats the highest sc score ever?
AntoRyan14: Is Lewis lost in this qtr??
AngryRyno: my entire team is shithouse, would be better to start from
AngryRyno: my entire team is shithouse, would do better to start from
roshanetw: 262 from jono brown
Wingard001: Yes Roughy 🙂
AngryRyno: nah entire team is shithouse, would be better to start from scratch
SaintsMan: wheres lewis
luked98: does anyone know minsons sc?
AngryRyno: whats with my device ffs
happytimes: Good grab
bjones8995: roughy on track for 150+ too
auxDT: lewis g boysetting ready to explode in the 4th
The39Steps: Only Dog happy with Morris/Wallis injuries is Cordy. Prevents him getting the vest.
Scratchy: Boyd’s best career game
LuvIt74: Hope Boyd grows as a forward, so far its promising as he’ll need minimum 2 years.
Jackwatt$: Probably the best game Boyd has played considering the opposition, gonna be a superstar!
auxDT: what is wrong with this chat…i did not write that sentence like that
tabs: Glad i didnt pick Boyd in the spud game
LuvIt74: Hodge close to 135sc
tabs: Lewis 66 SC is killing my pefect 9
Jackwatt$: How many possessions does Lewis need to crack 100SC? 50?
LuvIt74: i keep forgeting about perfect 9 only done it in round 2
Wingard001: No My opponent has Hodge + Lewis (C)
AntoRyan14: 7 disposals for Lewis that qtr
roshanetw: who do we reckon will get subbed for the hawks?
Sloaneyyyy: Hodge got 54 pts that quarter
Hawks_15: whitecross i reckon, his first game for a while so needs the rest
Jackwatt$: Whitecross will get vest
morgs640: was just gunna say that. def Whitey
auxDT: 22 players will tag hodgey against the blues
Hawks_15: i think there is going to be a lot of junk time this quarter
Jackwatt$: I reckon Anderson will feast out this qtr
AngryRyno: big last quarter from burgoyne, langford & macrae please
KingPetrie: Minson SC anyone?
wadaramus: Goodes 22sc, I can’t wait to trade the spud this week.
tor01doc: Goodes Bye.
ballbag: it says macare is 225K in DT? what is DT and how is he that cheap? BE -25??
m0nty: first seagull of the year
Jackwatt$: I know what u mean Wadaramus, I hope he gets dropped so his price doesn’t fall.
wadaramus: I don’t care if he’s got a good bye doc.
SaintsMan: trading goodes with saad
Wingard001: Stop this Hodge and Lewis
tor01doc: wadalamus joke!
CamT: Gibson SC please 🙂
Roflcake: plz Gibbo lift
banta: birch. so cheap. how he still plays loose is beyond me. rubbish coaching.
Jackwatt$: I wouldn’t even take both Goodes for245k!
wadaramus: Glad you liked it, you’re usually the funny one!
banta: good call monty. lots fo cheapies from birch
SaintsMan: has lewis got 100 yet
Costanza: a meatball sub
tor01doc: Poppy off.
roshanetw: Puopolo off
roshanetw: Sub taken
Jackwatt$: How’s Whitecross looked today? Role?
waldeckr: lewis dt icon
mijg: macrae doing FA this qtr.
heppelitis: funny costanza
Slashers: They just have to drop Goodes
frenzy: garbage tin burgoyne
AngryRyno: give ‘im another spray @mijg, +5
SaintsMan: b goodes going for saad
wadaramus: Hodge tapering off, only 157sc??
The39Steps: Reckon Cordy’s parents would have renamed him had they seen today’s effort.
AngryRyno: hawks reckon hodge can crack 53, keep dreaming
TheLegend6: 4 more goals for the 182+… cmon hawks
SaintsMan: lewis probably on about 60 still
AngryRyno: take off the sharp shooter for roughy, 5.3 isn’t that special
mijg: macrae and parker not repeating last yr efforts yet
roshanetw: yea x factor instead i reckon for roughy
Wingard001: Roughy has been so good for me 🙂
AngryRyno: no more bloody handballs langford
AngryRyno: can you still pick roughie as a ruck?
The39Steps: Lewis 93sc.
roshanetw: rioli for junk
Sloaneyyyy: hodge icicle, only scored 17 pts this quarter
Costanza: haven’t seen anyone with 10 feet of Lewis
Hawks_15: i reckon birchall will get plenty of junk time
ballbag: thats it lewis, overtake hodge please
mijg: my opp has Anderson as emg for bont
Paul105: Is there a garbage man icon for rioli.
SaintsMan: lewis should be on at least 120 sc thats ridiculous
banta: breust average. thought he’d feast with hawks dominating.
banta: rioli garbage? 2 contested marks for his two shots on goal. hardly junk.
AntoRyan14: Give Lewis a goal
The39Steps: Lewis 99sc
auxDT: hodge and lewis are my best picks in DT this year
roshanetw: 100% rioloi should have garbage
TheLegend6: 4 points in the next 2 minutes, someone kick a goal!
roshanetw: touched it a lot more this quarter
AngryRyno: anyone got stats on a teams highest sc score?
AngryRyno: refusing to look at duryea’s score after i traded him early
Sloaneyyyy: Ryno, it always adds up to 2300
AngryRyno: 164sc for roughie, fm league matches
AntoRyan14: Frustrated with Lewis’ disposal effieciency