frenzy: go roos
Dangermaus: need big game from Wines tonight
frenzy: mumford SC Lol
LuvIt74: my mate actually traded out Beams for Wines, I told him he was crazy but he didn’t listen.
LuvIt74: Those with mummy in there Ruck wont be to happu
Dasherman: BT already in fine form calling Hartlett Wines even when his number was on display
JRedden: broadbent has the highest score in the history of fantasy for first 4 mins
AngryRyno: good stat there
Dangermaus: Port could have used Kornes tonight to take out Harvey
JRedden: he had 7 touches in the first 4 minutes, is that a record?
wadaramus: That’s exactly what I would have thought Danger.
Dangermaus: screw you Ebert
luked98: so many points being scored
colin wood: 100 bucks says Wines has a shocker…
AngryRyno: heavy knock on ziebell, and now wright
Dangermaus: Turner flattened
SpudsFC: Cheers Colin u got him off his arse
Dangermaus: i’ll take that bet colin wood
roshanetw: Kangas falling down all around the ground could be a tough game
luked98: wines is looking great
SpudsFC: Wowee wines. Keep going son
Costanza: ummm der Robbo
Dangermaus: Waite muppet – bwhahahaha
LuvIt74: Gray on 0 sc
Dangermaus: Nahas has that extra “rudder” for manoeuvering
Dangermaus: you’d be happy if you went Ablett to Ebert
Dangermaus: Ziebell gone for the game
AngryRyno: ziebell now subbed for the match
luked98: is sam wright back on?
luked98: wines 5 tackles
colin wood: Your welcome spud! Haha
roshanetw: wright still off
Dangermaus: loving Wines and Goldstein so far, keep it up lads
AntoRyan14: Who is ziebells final sc, my opponent has him
frenzy: who will buckle
colin wood: Brodbent cape
LuvIt74: I cant believe Grays SC score only 1 at quarter time
LuvIt74: Clearly Gray is buckling…lol
Burnsyy: how much is ebert on atm luvit74?
luked98: ebert 47 sc
Burnsyy: thanks mate!
Wingard001: Cmon Boys, We really need the win
AngryRyno: goldy 19sc at QT
Wingard001: Have Wingard, Krak, Gray, Boak and Ryder
feralmong: Just got ziebell in damn.
AntoRyan14: Cmon robbie
wadaramus: Gray stinking it up.
feralmong: My supercoach is trashed this week
Wingard001: So Lucky ffs
roshanetw: ziebell sent to hospital
LuvIt74: im in shock with gray, still on 1 sc point.
Dangermaus: go Port!
Wingard001: Finally Gray
LuvIt74: about time
Dangermaus: that Ben Brown will be a star in a couple of years
AngryRyno: ive got footy show this week, and they’ve got gray as C
wadaramus: Gray 4sc.
LuvIt74: A little hard to predict Browns future considering its his 2nd game…lol
SpudsFC: Can Colin wood sledge wines again pls
Wingard001: Yes White!
AngryRyno: does it really matter if gray fluffs it? everyone hws him
Yelse: where is gray playing. bye bye Sc league games
AngryRyno: good act waite, your a spud
theskunk: oh great Ryder and Gray thanks!!
Wingard001: Ah cmon Robbie
Wingard001: All my port players are in the 20s cmon
colin wood: Sorry Spud it only works once
theskunk: gotta love wines
Wingard001: Yes Pittard has such a good kick
luked98: ebert on fire
Wingard001: Robbie Gray i reckon is injured just not himself
Burnsyy: how many sc points is ebert, thompson, swallon and higgins on?
Wingard001: Yes Jay cmon Boys this is more like it!!
Wingard001: Gr8 Quater really happy
zadolinnyj: I miss the purple name game
wadaramus: Ebert 68, Thompson 29, Swallow 45, Missy 24sc.
Dangermaus: dont let them back in it Port
Wingard001: That is just poor boys Cmon
SaintsMan: gray, boak, goldstein sc???
Slashers: That was a free to Monfries!
wadaramus: Gray sc, don’t ask.
wadaramus: Boak not much better.
wadaramus: Goldy 57sc.
Wingard001: Cmon Port what the hell is this?
AngryRyno: game back on
Wingard001: Flower off Tarrant
Wingard001: So lucky
Dangermaus: Wingard muppet!
Slashers: Is this the same team as 2014?
Wingard001: well Done Krak
Wingard001: Umpire what?????
SaintsMan: another crap week from back, really starting to think…..
SaintsMan: boak*
NewFreoFan: wtf gray
Wingard001: Schulz is such a gr8 kick
Dangermaus: schulz dirty play but it works for him
NewFreoFan: Scott may hulk out of the box and explode soon
FlagDog: Gray gonna BE?
Wingard001: Frozen Again?
Roflcake: would be huge for North to get up without having zeibell, dal and wells
NewFreoFan: Wood almost cracked a wood after that one
wadaramus: Carn North.
Schillaci: Gray 36 3/4 time…stay down son and I’ll get u when u r juicy ripe.
NewFreoFan: don’t quit on me in q4 Ollie
AngryRyno: wines is off the field, seeking medical attention
roshanetw: possible fractured wrist
roshanetw: for wines
gdshifty: 25 points in 2 mins for ebert
NewFreoFan: My boy Ebert another ton what a legend
roshanetw: Wines just got subbed
AngryRyno: wines vested
SydneyRox: suck it Roos!!
Slashers: Why are port all stuffed?
jaxx: Lucky to get a ton out of Gray and Parker combined.
ballbag: f u wines
DropBear: i needed wines to stop scoring!!! This is great!!!
demon_spud: wines wrist….
SaintsMan: jaxx u r stiff
Auldy: down arrow for gray surely
wadaramus: Wines busted up.
rickyb80: oh ffs wines
DropBear: wines 76 sc
Burnsyy: what’s ebert sc score atm?
Redraptor: Boak made of granite…91sc
NewFreoFan: wow, Broadbent’s kick to hb ratio
wadaramus: Ebert 94sc.
Slashers: Nice kick!
SaintsMan: red raptor are you seeious?
m0nty: if ever a player deserved the pumpkin icon…
carlton_99: is boak on 91?
Auldy: 5cent bet on a draw
AngryRyno: jacobs has made a good campaign to start on field next week
Redraptor: sc scores jumping up and down but it seems true
colin wood: Jaxx don’t worry mate I have Parker, Gray and wines…
AngryRyno: bring out the pumpkin
NewFreoFan: colin wood, all them and add JPK for me
Dangermaus: I go away for 10 minutes and Wines is gone…. ruined my weekend… nooooooooooo
CamT: Goldstein SC anyone, please.
Dangermaus: me too Colin wood
Costanza: KMitchell u are the weakest link
NewFreoFan: decent game
wadaramus: Goldy a well respectable 102sc.
SaintsMan: that is large amount of sc points for thomas
AngryRyno: shisenhousen, game on
roshanetw: Lindsay Thomas possible +30
Dangermaus: no wines means no midfield tackling pressure for Port… = goodnight Power
NewFreoFan: Thomas probably scored about 5000 SC points in the last few minutes
SaintsMan: boak and gray sc please
wadaramus: Xlnt game NFF.
colin wood: Seems like it of us will have a bad week. I brought Gray in for Gaz. Had Sloane and changed at the last minute!
Slashers: Agree. Drop Mitchell and throw away the key!
NewFreoFan: i started with sloane, was pissed off everyone was jumping on him from Gaz
DropBear: im looking at just over 2k
Dangermaus: should never have rested Kornes for a start, not when you are 0-2 and desperate for a win
AngryRyno: mitchell is s good sub, not so great for 4 qtrs
CamT: Thanks waldaramus
Slashers: Finally Ryder! Make yourself worthwhile FFS!….. Idiot!
Redraptor: sc volatile Boak aprox 90 Gray approx 54
wolfheart: Omg what a game
colin wood: Brilliant there by Gray.
NewFreoFan: big time for the sneeze to come on as a sub and get involved
imageof007: how long left
Dangermaus: lol – The Sneeze
NovaGlitch: 2 mins
AngryRyno: the sneeze, love it
colin wood: Gray to win it here for the power I can see it
Dangermaus: Gray with plenty of SC these last 5 minutes
AngryRyno: kane mitchell to try and prove “the weakest link” wrong
Costanza: young Port defence stood up well
SaintsMan: great game
AngryRyno: very good game, fantsy and otherwise
Costanza: love a grumpy Scott twin
Slashers: Jesus Power! Now rest those bandaids.
Dangermaus: you beauty, got 6 from 6 tips so far
Wingard001: Yeessss i am so happy omg
DropBear: kane mitchell x-factor
wadaramus: Gray 71sc.
Dangermaus: I hope Wines is OK
Jair: cracking game of footy, bad luck for North
Dangermaus: gonna go Wines to Coniglio if he’s out
colin wood: Gray 5 clearances in the last should scored abit more I think
mijg: those sc scores look low again