Wingard001: Who are the subs?
Jair: Lets go Buddy you’re my pod today
Dangermaus: please only get about 60-70 Heeney, I left you on the bench on purpose
Dangermaus: ward 23 pts in 7.5 minutes, what a freak!
SaintsMan: Look at cameron he is killing it and I’ve got him in my team
iZander: i bet ur not happy about that at the end of the game saints 🙂
SaintsMan: we are building u watch in 3 years and we might win next week
Torz: C’mon Treloar.. do something!
Wingard001: Got Bugg + Cameron
Cyberdyne: bugg and treloar goose eggs!
Kenny27: JPK just a positive score is all i ask
SaintsMan: haha kenny, this is a shocker start from him
grossn: Get JPK over Sloane they say
Dangermaus: wake up Parker, you’re playing a game of footy
tamoz: Come on Whitfield!
Dangermaus: Piss off Griffen, u suck
CamT: Could be the first time a captains joke is not a joke
SaintsMan: wtf kennedy
DanBlack: Hanners cape
Kenny27: *pops the cork* he got a touch
Wingard001: What the hell Bugg???
Cyberdyne: bugg worse than a donut
Jukes82: Griffo you star! Glad he’s not tagged.
thommoae: Davis took a mark in defence – donut?
Tim Tam: Kennedy captain….. What did I do…..
SydneyRox: that sydney top4 is very pleasing!
Dangermaus: get involved Parker, chase after the red thing
SydneyRox: phillips is a big unit!
SaintsMan: its yellow
JRedden: got phillips in for leuenberger.. not a bad start
tezzer_j: First time I’ve ever had jpk. So of course.
Jwow: Parker lift!
SaintsMan: hell still get 80+ tezzer
Dangermaus: coniglio is a beast this year
SydneyRox: its the good/bad thing about swans, they dont rely on 2 players each week
tezzer_j: That’ll do me saints man
Dangermaus: score is meant to go up Parker, not down you doofus
colin wood: FFS Parker grow a pair and get the pill!
CamT: Some good teams could get some shocking scores this week.
gdshifty: parker playing like shit
Ben_Gogos: Parker spending too much time up forward
23rookie23: @CamT plenty of good teams dont have JPK/Parker/Danger etc
SydneyRox: neither parker or jpk really playing much real mid time
AntoRyan14: Finally jpk gets a touch
SydneyRox: If Heeney keeps going will deserve RS nod this week
SydneyRox: that’ll help parker
AntoRyan14: Is there a problem on the supercoach site. All scores seem to be significantly lower than the scores on the fanfootysite
m0nty: yes, and the problem is on their side… just waiting on the update
CamT: Yes 23rookie, I don’t have any of them but apparently the Adelaide v Melbourne SC scores are wrong. I had plenty of play
tor01doc: Parker coming good.
Ben_Gogos: What a goal!
SydneyRox: two to Parker, now you guys can stop whining!
SaintsMan: kennedy doing so bad
happytimes: What did mummy do
tor01doc: SydneyRox – enjoying ‘our’ Buddy?
thommoae: What have you got against Davis, Monty? Handball missed as well – he should be on at least 8! lol
frenzy: shaw to zac dawson
Ben_Gogos: Davis finally off the donut
SydneyRox: heeney just looks like he belongs
zadolinnyj: Heeny is Clive waterhouses love child
23rookie23: @Camt it was the same last night but has corrected now.
SydneyRox: @doc He goes ok! 🙂
tor01doc: Fun to watch but frustrating. Can we have him back?
HawkTalker: Get a kick, Shaw
AngryRyno: heres hoping griffin, shaw and shiel spud it, sorry lads
Dangermaus: remember when we all had to have Bugg in our sides…
SydneyRox: sorry mate, break ups are hard, but he chose us!
carlton_99: on supercoach page it says phil davis is on 36 points
CamT: Thanks, 23rookie, they do look right now 🙂
m0nty: you can tell if SC scores are right because they add up to 3300
frenzy: sauce jacobs SC Lol
CamT: If Treloar end up with 30 possessions after getting 2 in a quarter it won’t be the first time.
Dangermaus: Hopefully Parker has taken his Proton Pills and is ready for action
Ball_Hog14: Get to it Parker!
SydneyRox: chat broken?
Dangermaus: dammit, Mccarthy on the bench and Salem on the field… will it ever just go right for one week
SaintsMan: ke nnedy sc
Dangermaus: can we please get a giant spud for Kird Spuddett !
frenzy: c’mon shiel lift bud
SydneyRox: not sure why you would have tippett in a fantasy team
djtranny: Very happy going Ablett to Sloane instead of JPK so far!
AngryRyno: giants hanging around, if they could kick a little straighter we’d have a match on our hands
grossn: I went the other way djtranny… want to stab myself in the neck.
penguins00: what a goal by palmer
Fernyys: went ablett to steve johnson
Dangermaus: i’ll go out on a limb here and say if GWS win, they will definitely be playing finals this year
mickeytg: Is Phil Davis alive???
CamT: I’ve got a Heeney Rising Start GWS Final 8 multi.
SydneyRox: davis doing a good job on buddy
Dangermaus: nice one CamT, hope it works out for ya
CamT: Thanks Dangermaus 🙂
SydneyRox: i wanted heeney to buddy coleman to swans flag, couldnt find it
luked98: Heeney hasnt touched it this quarter
ausgooner: phil davis 46pts from 0 touches <3
SaintsMan: kennedy huge let down tonight, ill be happy with 50
frenzy: is Shiel still out there
alekstah: the amount of people who went Ablett to Shiel …
Ben_Gogos: I swear Davis touched the pill late in that second term
mickeytg: Davis also took a mark and handballed in this qtr
Torpedo10: Is Kennedy even playing midfield?
luked98: He did
SydneyRox: jpk playing at ctr bounces then not much torp
roshanetw: Franklin you beast what the hell
LuvIt74: JPK may as well be sitting on the pine
Torpedo10: Hmm that’s not good SR, does he look injured? Just stunned by this horrid performance fantasy wise.
SydneyRox: nah, he is fine, playing a role
LuvIt74: im glad i made sloanE my VC
Torpedo10: Bloody Longmire ::0 Need KTip to score a goal at least for Hot Streak.
SydneyRox: love watching mcveigh deliver into fwd50
mickeytg: They need adjust the stats for Davis, Handball and a mark in that qtr at least.
MattyZ: benny i think you need to break out the penguin 😉
harps15: griffen has been a bit of a let down
Ben_Gogos: No penguins here MattyZ
MattyZ: ahha forgot what it was, what’s the no score in a half icon again?
frenzy: mare
Ben_Gogos: Donut
carlton_99: guys its a glitch davis has actually ahd 16 disposals
roshanetw: griffen just got kneed in the thigh corkie might slow down
mickeytg: He shouldn’t have a donut though, should be on at least 8 points….(Davis)
alekstah: mumford wreckless on Griffen …
roo boys!: Shiel still off?
WizMan: Phil Davis 100% disposal efficiency…well played!
mickeytg: The programmers must have a null code for Davis then…poor guy
mickeytg: There you go he just had another kick
luked98: davis got a touch
Cyberdyne: sam reid done fk all as usual
alekstah: JPK and Heath Shaw could have some big SC to DT ratios
mickeytg: 17 disposals to Davis now…..
alekstah: Mumford almost cleaned up Cameron too
SydneyRox: anyone who has Sam Reid in any fantasy football should not be playing
mickeytg: Palmer showing he is top quality tonight
Cyberdyne: i have Reid in a carry-over league.
AntoRyan14: Has Davis even put his hands on the ball
mickeytg: @AntoRyan14 17 times…computer glitch
SydneyRox: Rohan gonna take mark of the year one day
snake_p: Coniglio = gun
Dangermaus: Coniglio is a tackling machine
AntoRyan14: Oh I thought that was a joke
alekstah: Heeney!
LuvIt74: JPK hasn’t scored a point in 1 and a half quarters
wadaramus: Heeney 85sc, go you good thing!
jaxx: wtf is parker’s problem?
heppelitis: Ablett…Ablett…Treleor as Capt…season over
robbieRKO: How much time left?
luked98: heeney subbed
Dangermaus: Jeremy Cameron had 37 pts at quarter time, lol
roshanetw: Heeney subbed
roshanetw: that’s a load of rubbish but well done Heeney
SaintsMan: what has kennedy got in sc
wadaramus: Good one Horse.
Dangermaus: I thought I had the edge on my opponent when Walker got 50-odd today, and then Parker serves up this crapola
rickyb80: this the first week my captain has scored over 100
TheLegend6: Treloar sc?
jaxx: davis hb
alekstah: is your captain JPK?
wadaramus: Treloar 62sc.
TheLegend6: Ffs treloar captain what a bummer
wadaramus: Kennedy 54sc.
SaintsMan: kenned y sc?
mijg: parker you have 10 mins to beat heeney score
Grasscutta: i there something wrong with Parker?
SaintsMan: griffin and cameron sc
Dangermaus: Geez, Whitfield has been good this year so far
mickeytg: Davis bug is being sorted out…..
SydneyRox: nothin wrong with parker or jpk, they just arent playin 100% mid time
wadaramus: Griff 70, Cameron 51sc.
TheLegend6: Treloar junk weow
Ben_Gogos: Agreed @SydneyRox
tezzer_j: Wow, JPK 55sc, Sloane 132 sc, wrong choice! Well This week anyway.
luked98: looks like i might be saying bye bye to Griff
LuvIt74: Sloane scored 140
wadaramus: Sloane adjusted to 140, glad I chose him over JPK for my Ablett trade.
AngryRyno: opponent has shaw, griff & shiel, good signs
Dangermaus: ready to rage-trade Parker
LuvIt74: I had JPK from day one but swapped GAJ to SLOANE and had him as my VC
Costanza: Parker still drunk from Buddy bump
rickyb80: any more news on the bont?
LuvIt74: Heeney is a gun, hope he will be right next week. he should be
Costanza: Bont fit to play
LuvIt74: Bont is playing it says on the AFL site
AngryRyno: beveridge: “…will play” on bont, ill take his word for it
wadaramus: Did he get a knock or something LuvIt74?
SydneyRox: think horse using parker fwd and jpk floating cos he can
Costanza: just typing this so I can say “Bont” one more time
mijg: maybe his KO knocked some confidence out of him
feralmong: Nice recovery treloar
DanBlack: Treloar needs a trash can. Doubled his score in the last
spudaroos: treloar is crazy, no matter how poorely he starts he always gets to 23+ touches.
TheLegend6: Tre
DropBear: whats gonna happen with the bont this week??
jfitty: Witches hat for Patfull surely?
TheLegend6: 27 touches at 96 is good sc
rickyb80: cheers guys
pies21: was phil davis playing?
Dangermaus: Parker will get dropped for Tom Mitchell at this rate
LuvIt74: heeney 90sc
rickyb80: Apparently he had a tight calf wada
23rookie23: has griffen been on the ground the last qtr?
LuvIt74: lol danger i dont think so
AntoRyan14: Good day out fore Whitfield, 38 touches