Dangeroo: g’day all
Wingard001: Hope Collingwood just smash them
Dangermaus: go Sloaney, need big numbers from you today
Wingard001: Van Berlo needs a big 1 for me cmon
SaintsMan: hope peddles has a crap one
deanie: Scotty Pointlebury big game pls
Dangermaus: Ricky Henderson looking like a decent smokey for your backline!
Dangermaus: umps missed a HTB and a high tackle there for the crows
stakerz: yeah and a in the back to the pies
spiggs: Dangers being tagged like buggery by toovey
Dangeroo: Betts is ridiculous
Dangermaus: Betts amazing checkside goal !
Dangermaus: danger lining up
LuvIt74: oxley on 21sc
Drak: How is the big sauce getting done by Grundy?!? Watch Barrett cream his pants this week about how he told everyone
Drak: Sauce is like…. 10feet tall…
Drak: Grundy already deserves a Blue Moon m0nty. Ive never seen him score this in a qtr.
tezzer_j: CEY my emerg for Cripps. Like it
DanBlack: Drake it’s a marathon, not a sprint
Drak: Its Grundy. This is his usual end score.
DanBlack: Drak*** My bad
Drak: My one big regret of super coach 2015. Starting Lumumba over Smith.
Dangeroo: Bad luck Drak!
Torpedo10: Smith was 100k more expensive Drak, I’d rather Lumumbas solid 90 average for the cash. Smith won’t average 100 this ssn
SaintsMan: van berlo sc???
frenzy: smith cape
tezzer_j: happy with brodie too, just quietly
vartic: Had Smith in my lineup all pre-season. Took him out last minute based off Nab cup form D:
Dangermaus: Sinclair subbed
theKid: s jacobs lighting it up
Torpedo10: Smith take the cape off him aha about to lose some points in SC too
kangawalla: I’m betting that Jack Crisp will be disappointed with his q1 effort.
mijg: brown on field Oxley on the pine
SaintsMan: blair with a solid quarter
J.Worrall: Oxley can’t be subbed – happy!
ballbag: ebetts my only loophole option. bring it home young fella. 130 or naught son
Drak: Malthouse and Buckley might be able to reunite on a commentary team together next season?
J.Worrall: Or in 2 weeks, Drak!
Drak: Might not be wrong J.Worrall.
tezzer_j: so odn’t have Oxley affecting my score today, but happy he’s cementing his spot
Drak: Maybe Crows are just good though? Got the talent. With an easy run…..
SaintsMan: u rippa oxley, killing it! need a big game from him
a1trader: Pies will still win this after a slow start
Wingard001: Van Berlo vs Bendelbury + Swan in this match for me.
Wingard001: Van Berlo doing well cmon mate
qiu333: where is swan playing?
eski_liddr: oxley worth getting round 3?
Dangeroo: rdt team has pendles, jacobs, nvb, smith and cey. cheerin
Ben_Gogos: That’ll dent Oxley’s confidence
Dangeroo: oh and oxley
J.Worrall: same here tezzer!
SaintsMan: anyone know what oxley on in sc
J.Worrall: doubt it es need to lose, and what else is out there, I guesski … depends who you
Dangermaus: need Swanny to step up
J.Worrall: damn that jump
mijg: brown POS
J.Worrall: doubt it eski … depends who you need to lose, and what else is out there, I guess
SaintsMan: van berlo and smith gonna get 70 by half time
Wingard001: Best thing a crows person has ever done is Van Berlo getting some touches, well done cmon
Dangermaus: wish I had Oxley on the field instead of Goodes…
Wingard001: Collingwood are shower
J.Worrall: Oxley’s a vest risk every week.
Dangermaus: Walker – what a unit!
J.Worrall: Me 3, Danger
vartic: Alrigty Walker! More of that pls
J.Worrall: My bet is the Crows reckon Oxley will not be damaging, so they let him go
SaintsMan: can’t be subbed off 🙂
Ben_Gogos: This could be game over by HT!
Dangermaus: Sloaney, king of the clangers today
J.Worrall: and play the next man instead
eski_liddr: ok thanks Jworrall
lemon: oxley sc?
J.Worrall: Anyone seen the Fat Lady?
Luke919: would be nice to have oxley on my field for goodes
Butters12: How do i get the large layout to work its greyed out
tezzer_j: yeah true @Worrall with oxley, but this game at least will start him for a coupla weeks
TheLegend6: Getting ugly
Dangermaus: i thought you had to catch the ball for it to be a mark…
OnTheRocks: omg, oxley’s on my becnh
Bazza2014: neil balme?
J.Worrall: Hope so, tezzer his SC would be telling on that front
Wingard001: Fantastic work Van Berlo Mate, now let collingwood win but still get DT points
J.Worrall: A bunch of wasted possies won’t necessarliy get you a game …
J.Worrall: … and I dunno how good he’s been, as I’m not watching the game
Dangermaus: swannie looks scared to kick it… handball happy
J.Worrall: … and, the ball has been up his end a lot, no?
mijg: whats Browns excuse then
Dangermaus: Blair such a dirty player… he’s collingwood’s answer to Ballantyne
frenzy: c’mon Tex, another big game buddy
J.Worrall: Brown just doing what Brown does – another Presti
J.Worrall: See ball, punch ball …
colin wood: Blair dirty? Lol. You’ve got no idea
Burnsyy: how many sc points are van berlo, walker and pendlebury on? 🙂
mijg: Do you get SC points for a spoil
J.Worrall: He will get at least the 50 everyone expects him to …
tezzer_j: you can’t expect too much from browny, fact it was slim pickings that anyone has him at all
J.Worrall: Zackly, tezzer
J.Worrall: People have Brown for his reliability – used to happen with Presti as well …
Dangeroo: lockdown defenders like brown rarely score well
J.Worrall: They just want a guy on the bench who they know will get 50 ish
J.Worrall: They’re not looking for Brown to score well … just to score, week in, week out.
J.Worrall: Call it insurance …
mace485: loving all those adelaide flames!
Dangeroo: essentially you get what you pay for
J.Worrall: With NBrown, yep, I think so …
mjdub: most people with brown have him because paige said so
HawkTalker: pies rubbish. season over. Let’s hope Swan has a massive one tho.
J.Worrall: who is paige?
Dangeroo: edddiiiieeeeee
tezzer_j: is that SC paige, apparent guru of SC
J.Worrall: Prolly a one eyed Pie?
J.Worrall: Oh, that Pie supporter that gets all the rumours wrong?
a1trader: adelaide won’t kick another goal, Pies by 20 pts
J.Worrall: Anyone know why Paige said so? Or too silly to ask?
tezzer_j: thats the one
Dangeroo: paige cardona? see her mentioned on twitter often enough. full of opinion of course
a1trader: or maybe just one
J.Worrall: Herald Sun seem to love that girl
Dangeroo: we all know how credible the herald sun is
J.Worrall: I bet Paige said “Put him on the bench, with (E)”
snake_p: this is officially a rout
J.Worrall: … leave it like that all season …
eski_liddr: cold pies
Dangeroo: those two pie players were tackling each other, eddie hops on top and takes a htb free. no worries he says!
Kenny27: Pies kick it to the same spot every kick out
Jackwatt$: William Hill has Paige at 4/1 to win SC this year
J.Worrall: yeah, cold pies, but which Crow is taking the benefit?
colin wood: Paige is shit @ SC
J.Worrall: Get on that, Mr Money – I’d like the odds against myself …
Jackwatt$: Surely m0nty is a bigger name than Paige in fantasy
Kenny27: Mainly Jacobs he knows where it’s going
J.Worrall: mo0nty has numbers – ppl on this site will win, no doubt …
Dangeroo: among dters yeah. not so much for sc though
J.Worrall: SCX numbers here have steadily increased, and quality has improved …
J.Worrall: check the forums …
Dangeroo: swan should leave collingwood. needs a sea change
AngryRyno: anyone doing perfect 9s?
Dangeroo: has been doing much better yeah but still a long way to go
Dangermaus: swannie – u freaking suck… u don’t deserve to be called a pig anymore
J.Worrall: Swan is scorinar pre-season – that he might “give up” in big beltings … very ordinary – this was a fe
tezzer_j: mOnty is a bigger name on this site at least 🙂
J.Worrall: That said, don’t forget Swan is a junk time maniac!
J.Worrall: flick that damn jump …
Jackwatt$: Fanplanner and match day still puts m0nty ahead of the rest even in SC
J.Worrall: Swan’s scoring is very ordinary – this was a fear pre-season – that he might “give up” in big beltings …
Burnsyy: how many sc points are van berlo, walker and pendlebury on? 🙂
tezzer_j: pulled Swanny out of my side last minute, and put in the Bont. stroke of genius on my part……thus far
Torpedo10: Danger goals!
J.Worrall: nice work, tezzer!
snake_p: tezzer did the same thing looking good so far
Dangermaus: Richard Douglas – p.o.d midfielder ?
AngryRyno: gotta get bont in this week, started with him but pulled him out an hour before round 1
HawkTalker: swanny looking like he’s been into the easter eggs. Slow and heavy
AngryRyno: swan 》bont or nah?
Dangeroo: swan playing up forward at the moment. obvs it’s not up that end very much
tezzer_j: loving the Bont, looks smooth as silk, and scoring high
HawkTalker: reaction trades will cost you in the end, Ryno
Jackwatt$: Swan u will get better though and the targets are gonna be waiting for the Bont
Jackwatt$: *taggers
Dangermaus: I really wish someone would just punch Blair in the face
Jackwatt$: Jacobs 21 possessions @90%!!!!
Dangermaus: @HawkTalker… tell me about it, I rage traded Griffen for Swan this week… bad move
AngryRyno: anyone got live sc scores?
J.Worrall: Go Big, Sauce!
HawkTalker: If league wins are your pref, dont trade early unless it’s to pick up guaranteed cash on the bubble boys.
tezzer_j: i wouldn’t reaction trade swanny out. U would have been happy with his score last week, and still 70/80 on the cards
frenzy: grundy showerhouse DE%
buttox: pies are terrible. bottom 4
mijg: so how is Pendles C loophole lookng
buttox: collingwood tanking?
colin wood: are north too buttox? they got smashed also?
colin wood: swan 60 at 3/4 time
buttox: nah my bottom 4 ar pies dees st’s and carlton
DanBlack: Who was I talking to about the Marathon?
mijg: walker only 61 SC
buttox: big gap to rest of league imo
colin wood: no lions buttox?
Dangermaus: nice goal fat-boy Swan
Preston007: Who got red vest for crows?
buttox: beams is a gun. + a gun should improve them enough. few nice top ups also in christ and robinson.
LuvIt74: The Ox is killing it on 92SC
HawkTalker: Swan’s actually a natural goalkicker. Could easily bag 1 or 2 more as the fizz goes out of the game
Dangermaus: Talia has absolutely monstered Cloke! I love it
mijg: Brown is killing me with OX on the bench
jiggsy01: how does blair have 100% disposal efficency but 3 clangers?
Bazza2014: wright the vest
LuvIt74: id get rid of brown
Dangeroo: good one dangermaus
Dangeroo: jinxed it like mad haha
frenzy: free kicks against are clangers @ jiggsy
mijg: Keep going NVB
LuvIt74: jacobs 125sc
J.Worrall: Swan is JT sopecialist
Dangeroo: not sure what half of these frees are for
tezzer_j: brown will be the first to get rid of, but wait till he peaks at 170 grand lol
elvundir: i have brown emergancy for gibson, oxley on the bench 🙁
J.Worrall: mijg – just swap them nik wek
Yelse: who to get for brown?
vartic: C’mon Walker, couple of junk time goals pls
Bazza2014: WOW Adam Goodes is the sub
J.Worrall: if you have Brown, don’t waste a trade – just leave him on the bench as insurnce
mijg: Yeah but I need it this week lol
J.Worrall: haha – everyone wants instant gratification …
tezzer_j: swanny! swanny! swanny! points gone begging
frenzy: lift Pendles UR officially asleep
stakerz: yessss smithy
Dangermaus: Smith – called for stretcher
J.Worrall: Brodie Smith dead
SaintsMan: smith out of game
Blues1: Smith KO
vartic: Smith stretchered off O.o
tezzer_j: damn! smithy
Torpedo10: Smith will be out next week I’d reckon
wadaramus: Dog of a slinging tackle, didn’t even have the ball.
SaintsMan: thats a week or two
Bazza2014: Grow up J Worrall
J.Worrall: Rumours of Smith’s death are exaggerated …
tezzer_j: he doesn’t look good
ballbag: what? how did he die jworral?
frenzy: varcoe again, rocky last week
a1trader: Why are they raving about Adelaide? Only 44 pts in front of undermaned C’wood who lost Sinclair in the first 5 mins also
a1trader: outscored Collingwood by one goal since half time
J.Worrall: Varcoe = Darth Vader
mijg: pendles loophole lookng dodgy. Parker or fyfe
tezzer_j: having such a good round till that happened, bummer
the_shark9: a1trader please. if adelaide kicked straight they’d be up by another 5 goals.
Bazza2014: Pendles SC?
frenzy: could of been UR Capt just after half time @ tezzar
J.Worrall: a1trader evdiently a1toother
Dangermaus: haha
mijg: Pendles was 98 at half time but done nothing since
LuvIt74: 106 pendles
bjones8995: should i take dangers loophole over gaz?
roshanetw: great banter J.Worrall
Ben_Gogos: Swan’s role a massive worry for owners
Bazza2014: ty
J.Worrall: 8 SC points for doing nothing – Pendles is a SC lovechild!
Jackwatt$: Varcoes opponent had Smith captain and Rocky last week
Dangermaus: why does Collingwood persist with Swan in the fwd line… its pointless if the ball never gets there
ballbag: gaj will crack the saints open like an easter egg
colin wood: Rapt with the way the Pies are finishing the game off
Kenny27: Pendles was 77 at HT
a1trader: now pies have outscored them since half time including hitting the post 3 times
J.Worrall: In PhanyomFooty, Mr Money?
J.Worrall: Junk it up, Mr Piggy!
LuvIt74: @Ben Whats the problem with Swannys role
snake_p: second innings wickets colnwood
theuncle: Hi Gents
J.Worrall: kenny, mijg – get yer stort str8
mijg: Parker or Fyfe Capt?
theuncle: This is one ugly game
ballbag: anyone get beddy etts’s sc?
J.Worrall: Yeah, if they hit the post 3 times, they relly deserve to win, right?
Dangermaus: i think the site has died
roshanetw: afl not updating results either
J.Worrall: *story
tezzer_j: so hopefully oxley repeats his game next week, will b relying on him with smithy out
Bazza2014: didnt pendles tonne up ages ago
SaintsMan: whats going on with site
Ben_Gogos: Sorry guys, for some reason the scores aren’t updating
Ben_Gogos: We can’t deal with it, an AFL issue
wadaramus: But the Crows outscored them by much more in the first half a1trader?
Dangermaus: tonne up with cheap stats Sloaney
Jackwatt$: It hasn’t crashed Bens just texting a mate
J.Worrall: Amen Ben!
mijg: I thought we were still waiting for the stretcher haha
tezzer_j: i love Eddy…lol
LuvIt74: pendles 120
p_terg: AFL site has fallen over as well
Jackwatt$: Hey Ben can u get me in a league with Paige. I wanna tear her a new one
J.Worrall: Gillon havibg too much pace …
Dangermaus: say what you like a1… your team has still been smashed convincingly
LuvIt74: Jacobs 135sc
Ben_Gogos: Massive junk then, Sloane had 3-5 marks in that play before
J.Worrall: Everyone wants to buy Oxley – site overwhelmed!
AngryRyno: heartbreakon over b smith, hopefully just a week so i wont need to make another injury trade
a1trader: a 4 goal demolition
Bazza2014: pendles SC
Dangermaus: AFL should do this for the last 5 minutes of every game… keep ppl waiting for the scores
frenzy: how long left
LuvIt74: he’s on my bench as emergency
myteamsuks: Is anyone still in Perfect9
theuncle: its over the games over
roshanetw: a11 they eased back to look after their players and your maggies got a couple back while their foot was off the pedal
J.Worrall: Chinese man has gone home
Dangeroo: rory with 30 points in that last ten minutes. legend!
azzacooney: fix the scores surely
tezzer_j: keep cool ryno, have smith as well, he will be out a week at least but hold