cusch1: PreMatch entertainment has been disappointing
Heizenberg: Really i feel its been pretty good
heppelitis: not at my joint…bras and knickers flying everywhere
Heizenberg: Lol hepp
Heizenberg: Tom jones style
Redraptor: carn the Hawks!
frenzy: good luck to m0nty’s Hawks… they might need it !!
Heizenberg: Hi redraptor how are you buddy? Good luck today my tip hawks by 4 ooints
Heizenberg: Imagine buddy after the siren?????????
Redraptor: hodgey 250
Stuart88: Whats new pussy cat where was it
Redraptor: Heizenberg: I think this is the 14th one…just keeps getting more and more nervous…have a good day
Grazz: Afternoon all, goodluck m0nty, hope ya’s get up.
heppelitis: m0nty at the G?
m0nty: I am at the controls.
Heizenberg: Thanks raptor should be good hope its abelter like 2012 🙂
Redraptor: have a nice day m0nty
mace485: swans by 16- hannebery norm smith
Heizenberg: I know stuart
heppelitis: enjoy the the day old chap
Redraptor: cmon lakey
Grazz: And there he is, thought you would be there tbh m0nty but then again your married now with child lol welcome to the club
Redraptor: go birch
Heizenberg: Say i if you have done match day today
Redraptor: eat em alive ruff nut
Grazz: of “Yes Dear” lol
Redraptor: i’m so nervous…hate the wait
Heizenberg: Just polished 3rd beer and game not even started
Heizenberg: Yeah redraptor i could imaine
Heizenberg: *imagine
Redraptor: here we go
Heizenberg: Redraptor, norm smith tip?
Redraptor: let’s get it on Hawks
Redraptor: hope birch wins it
mace485: quality olivia
Heizenberg: I feel lewis, good record against amd mcevoy to win ruck battle give mids 1st use
Redraptor: Heizenberg: birch i reckon
Heizenberg: Okay red
Redraptor: grand final sirens sound different
Redraptor: we won the toss!
wabofi: go roughy
Redraptor: rioli on the ground
Amare: why would you be posting on here if your team was playing?
Redraptor: i,m shaking
johnkay: Is this in HD on any channel?
Heizenberg: Here we go!
Redraptor: rohan forward
cusch1: Parker first goal
Heizenberg: Lol red, poor bloke
Redraptor: rioli in the middle smith forward
Redraptor: gibbo onto franklin
heppelitis: McGlynn ffor NS and first goal
cusch1: Swans by 9 and Parker NS
Wends: afternoon all!!
Redraptor: red hot
Heizenberg: Kick it jack you idiot
Heizenberg: Yes capt kennedy
heppelitis: ok..McGlynn first goal……assist
cusch1: Anyone think JPK looks a bit like Brett Kirk today? That’s twice now I’ve seen it
Redraptor: birch corky, rohan blood nose
mace485: bruce losing his shit already
Wends: It’s the hippie hair cusch
cusch1: Bruce is choking the gecko already
cusch1: Lets hope he doesn’t introduce us to Palmela Handerson
J.Worrall: Hey all!
Redraptor: at least bud is consistently a bad shot for both teams
Redraptor: go hawks
Heizenberg: Lol redraptor
Redraptor: nailed it great!
Heizenberg: Bruce on fire today!!!!!! Lol
mace485: if you can’t beat him, hurt him!
heppelitis: fnn ccc….lol
Redraptor: how’s the shoulder bud?
Torpedo10: Lake, dog move.
preki1: isaac smith for norm @ 70-1 not looking good 🙁
heppelitis: great game so far
Redraptor: well done breust calm head
Heizenberg: Great game early
mace485: garbage bunnings ad
wadaramus: Buddy earning every touch today, top game so far.
KelCO: If only fox had the rights to the final :c
Redraptor: welcome to a real game goodes
Redraptor: wel done hill great goal
Heizenberg: Ffs mcglynn killing my matchbday
Kermit: Kermit the Frog here with a Muppet News Flash: Grundy is in the hole in front of Roughead but inexplicably punches to the hotspot, Hill gathers and goals.
Woosha 73: Grundy Muppet?
cusch1: That was a joke yeah Redraptor?
Heizenberg: Ffs mcveigh
Redraptor: cusch1: unstable comments today…grand final day
Torpedo10: Not HTB? Umpires, interesting call.
Heizenberg: My gid ump on drugs
heppelitis: wow..bad mistakemp
Redraptor: gunny!!
Heizenberg: Stupid umps holding the ball 100 times outof 100
Wends: Not interested in tunneling or incorrect disposal either…
meka100: good hit Rough
wadaramus: Hawks playing tough today, cop that Hannebery.
Redraptor: how ya feeling hannes
cusch1: Wends that was my thoughts at first but it was fair
frenzy: gibson early BOG call
Redraptor: bud having a normal day great
Wends: On second look maybe cusch. Hanners always seems to attract big crunches.
Heizenberg: Omg please roughead my match day on the verge of being fucked
cusch1: Someone submit that to the Classic Catches segment during the Ashes
Wends: Damn Hodgey… bad miss my SC VC
Heizenberg: Forward structire rally good for hawks atm
heppelitis: Heiz had an angry pill this morning!
Heizenberg: *really
Heizenberg: Lol hepp must have
cusch1: Hawks always have the extra number
Redraptor: langers!!!
Heizenberg: Yesthankf god i had the nuts to put langford innbackline
Redraptor: lewis blood rule
heppelitis: McGlynn, Jack. Hannebery and McViegh need to lift
cusch1: 12 seconds left and the ump tells lewis to take his time #protectedspecies
Redraptor: great q Hawthorn FC…Great
Redraptor: lewis cut near eye getting stitched up
Wends: 2nd attempt at posting that Q1 GF14 replicating Q1 GF12
StAnselm: Donut for Jetta
heppelitis: game set up for one heck of finish to the year
Heizenberg: Ffs mcveogh mcglynn ,cevoy i hate you!!!!!!
Heizenberg: Oh amd rough too, mt other 3 going so well
heppelitis: you need to get on punt again heiz…withrawal..omg
Redraptor: expecting a blood bath in the 2nd q
Heizenberg: No redraptor no way
Redraptor: lewis still in rooms getting patched up…rioli on bench
Heizenberg: Lol hepp maybe yeah has been frustrating mate, hence the blow up perhaps?
heppelitis: haha..yur cracking me up here mate
Redraptor: lewis back on
Heizenberg: Damn lewis get himback ot there docs go mcglynn
preki1: mcglynn JPK and buddy goalscorers for Sydney means that only Hawkes/ex Hawks have scored so far
Heizenberg: Lol hep okay mate ar least im making ppl laugh 🙂
Heizenberg: Ppl a
heppelitis: good point preki1
Heizenberg: Ppl always laugh at my dummy sits
Heizenberg: *spits
Wends: Heiz any prizes for finals?
Heizenberg: Wends $3000 for today match day
cusch1: That reaction came later than a pregnant girls period
Redraptor: well done breust calm head
Heizenberg: Ffs could have had hidge over mcveigh cmon you bald fuck
Redraptor: breust ok no conc.
preki1: sydney a rabble
Redraptor: perfect hale…perfect
Grazz: Go Hawks
Redraptor: only real game is a grand final…all others are practise
Heizenberg: Swans in major trouble!
Redraptor: langers!!!!
Heizenberg: My goodness this langford superstar in the making
frenzy: hawkers too good
cusch1: Bruce calling for the icing on the cake already?
Heizenberg: Thatw as cometti cusch
weca: when sydney got franklin, they became too tall. any team that can run, port, ess or hawks will beat them
Heizenberg: *was
Redraptor: Mr Hodge congrats on game 250
rooboypete: Long way back for Sydney from here….
Redraptor: gibbo right ankle probs…injection time
Wends: Cmon boys, wakey wakey!!!
cusch1: not over till the final siren rings ~ ancient junior footy proverb
heppelitis: typo number 15 for heiz
Wends: Heiz can you please wake them up?!
Heizenberg: Lolhe
Redraptor: jetta being bashed in the hands of trainers
Heizenberg: Lol hepp, its the bloody ipad
Heizenberg: Ill try my best wends
Redraptor: Mr Hodge congrats again on game 250
Wends: Thank u 😮
Heizenberg: Is this a fuckin joke????
fruity: how sweet is this !
kangawalla: Muppet time
mace485: is this the real life?
Wends: @mace: No it’s just fantasy
Redraptor: gibbo restrapped and ready to come back on
Heizenberg: Cnt believe what im seeing
Soulman: Glad to see that the AFL was unable to buy Sydney a premiership. Well down Hawks.
kangawalla: Aghast! Another Demon! Welcome Mace 485:)
cusch1: Could that have been Goodes’ last goal?
mace485: @kangawalla, we’re a rare species of human us demon supporters!
Redraptor: lakey!
kangawalla: stay strong Mace. Our time will come at SOME stage in our lifetime!
cusch1: KJack is having a mare for sure
cusch1: Lake is playing hurt
J.Worrall: Buddy amazing!
cusch1: not over till the final siren rings ~ ancient junior footy proverb
Wends: Cmon swannies…. step by step back into it
Heizenberg: Oh yeah cusch 1/2 th eteam is hawks presuure acts been top line today
cusch1: Heizenberg Swans just cant get near the ball, but Jack has been able to and cant do anything with it when he does
J.Worrall: 80 meterkick there from Rough?
Heizenberg: Yeah exactky cusch hawks smashing disposals this quarter
Redraptor: important point and the ruff nut finishes it off!!
Heizenberg: Everything working for hawks longmire completely outcoached so far
Redraptor: lake some knocks to right knee…proppy
Heizenberg: Briloiant dt qr mcevoy
Redraptor: Great half Hawthorn FC…well done!
cusch1: “I should have stayed” ~ Lance “Buddy” Franklin
Wends: Heiz that’s because u haven’t snapped Horse out of it yet!!
Heizenberg: Lol cusch1
Heizenberg: Lolwends sorry, you taking this very well thus far mate
heppelitis: Lances bank manager disagrees
Wends: Redraptor, indeed it was. Now let’s see if our boys can come back at ya, at all!
Wends: Even a tiny bit 😐
cusch1: Ling: 3x Premiers Carey: 2x Premiers Bruce: Host HAHAHAH
Wends: It may be naive Heiz but only hope is 1st 1/2 is absolute shite-est they’ve played all yr except Rd 1..
Heizenberg: Yeah xactky wends stdney been poor like pressure is getting to them so sloopy at times
Heizenberg: *sloppy
Heizenberg: Bbs grabbing a beer
J.Worrall: eski brilliant to date
Wends: Lol Heiz, how may beers. this game wld turn a chick to the Bob Marleys!
Heizenberg: Lol wends, just opened my 5th
Wends: *how many beers??
Wends: ok it’s time for me to locate emergency supply. Maybe that’ll turn the tide (and counteract this morn’s coffees)
Heizenberg: *im a small guy too im like 5.7 and skinny
Heizenberg: Lol go,for it wends grand final day buddy
LuvIt74: Who’s gonna win the Norm Smith
heppelitis: Hodgey got a grip on it at the moment
Woosha 73: May as well sub Jetta off now
cusch1: CJudd for the Norm Smith
Heizenberg: Lewis*
heppelitis: m0nty got a grip on it too
Redraptor: restart hfc. New game
Wends: @ Luvit: Goodes for 5 goals including kicking the winner with 3 seconds to go.
Stuart88: Jetta under con sub
Heizenberg: I said lewis from start but hodge probably just ahead atm
StAnselm: Give Rioli the X factor.
Heizenberg: Here we go what can the bloods culture produce?
Redraptor: buddy on wing goodes deep forward with tippet
cusch1: Hodge has been more noticeable for mine
Redraptor: rohan is forward as well
Wends: Monty with suss adverb for Jetta’s bandaid.
cusch1: Some BDSM from Suckling and jack
Redraptor: lakey!
Redraptor: spanger!
Redraptor: the big ruff nut!
Heizenberg: I guess swans not by 2mil today hey eddie?
weca: tippet mare
Redraptor: well done rioli…doen’t get a stat but great
cusch1: This is not good for opposition clubs…Sydney will be tempted to buy MORE players now
Heizenberg: Lol cusch
Redraptor: gunny!!
Heizenberg: Well done hawks 2014 premiers, unreal
cusch1: Not sure if 2007 grand final or 2014 grand final
weca: lake outran tippet….
Redraptor: gibbo blood rule
Redraptor: well done lake
Redraptor: suckling!!
heppelitis: x factor sukkers
Heizenberg: Most lopsoded gf i have ever seen since lions vs pies 2nd one
mace485: is anyone else getting terrible coverage from channel 7? or just me?
Heizenberg: Oh sorry forgit the cats drought breaker
m0nty: 2007 was pretty lopsided…
Heizenberg: Mines been fine mace
Redraptor: ruff…flat track bully…love it
Heizenberg: Yeah just remembered cats vs power
cusch1: What else is on tv
weca: bad luck franklin – leaves hawks, hawks win premiership
Heizenberg: Yeah weca suffer for being disloyal
mace485: must just be me. so much for robbos theory that buddy would kick 10 and swans would win…
Redraptor: lewis norm smith
johnkay: 119 points is on the cards
Redraptor: or Hodge…for 250 great ones
weca: if sydney signed betts, they would have won the premiership
johnkay: Betts > Tippett
Woosha 73: Why sub Lloyd?
Redraptor: Well done, great block Spangher
weca: zac dawson > tippet
cusch1: I really feel for McGlynn
johnkay: Goal of the match
Redraptor: langers you star exclaimation makrk time 10
Redraptor: bird blood rule
Heizenberg: Kiss of deathnfrom hodgey lol
heppelitis: will buddy cry after this loss…no fnn way…haha
Wends: Cmon Swannies – an 11 goal will do it!!!
Wends: *final quarter
Heizenberg: Yes he will help imo
Heizenberg: *hepp
Redraptor: Mr Lake you star
heppelitis: good game lake
cusch1: People were calling for Lake’s head midseason and now they praise him for being one of Hawks best recruits???
cusch1: Will langford win the Norm Smith
Redraptor: mmm saying goodes and shaw last games
Redraptor: A wonderful game so far…thanks HFC
Heizenberg: .ewis at start, i still think so laspt quarter will decide itbthough betwenn hidge lewis and llang
banners87: C’mon Hodgey for Norm Smith!!
Redraptor: Lake can do whatever he wants for practise…as long as he brings it when it counts and he does
heppelitis: ryder cup as soon as this finishes…go europe lol
heppelitis: thx for the fun times this year all fanfooty followers and m0nty b4 i forget
Heizenberg: Np hepp, npice gentlemen speech
fruity: got a HD tv and l’m really enjoying watching the grand final in Standard Definition…..Grrr
Redraptor: Breust great kick
Wends: Je ressens la même chose @ Heppelitis, même.
Beast_Mode: golf is gay
Redraptor: A magnificent day for me so far
Heizenberg: Of course redraptor
Redraptor: maybe duryea on rioli maybe off
Heizenberg: Congralutions mate
heppelitis: ok Wends,,,,lol
Redraptor: Heizenberg: wait for final siren…remember last week!
Heizenberg: Yeah true red, not today though sydney mediocre all day
Redraptor: waiting for matthews equation to kick in…means about 10 min to go before I start relaxing
Redraptor: rioli subbed
Heizenberg: So this was sydneys plan all along fork out millions for buddy to avoid 80 point defeat?
Redraptor: great goal Mr Roughead…love you
heppelitis: celebrate now red
Heizenberg: Lol red start celebrating champ your home 🙂
Rilian: Trash can for Roughead? Did nothing until junk time..
J.Worrall: Mitchell for Normie?
cusch1: Rilian the whole game was fucking junk time
Rilian: Good point…
Heizenberg: Once hawks kicked first 2 of 3rd was junk time
cusch1: I’ve heard that Goodes is retiring after today, win or lose. Anyone else heard that?
colmullet: Hawthorn took out Sydney’s captains badly
Rilian: I was all over the $2.60 odds as I had NFI why Hawks weren’t favourites. Wish I was more adventurous on margins though..
Heizenberg: Wd rillan
Wends: It’s floating around cusch. Just ran out of the good red. About to dig the crap reds out 🙁
Wends: Monty time to change my icon to a mare :-((
Heizenberg: Loo,wends i guess your not talking about wine?????
Redraptor: We’re a happy team at Hawthorn
Heizenberg: *lol not loo
cusch1: There will be riots if Langford doesn’t win the NS
Redraptor: We’re the Mighty Fighting Hawks.
Redraptor: We love our Club, and we play to win,
Redraptor: Riding the bumps with a grin (at Hawthorn).
Wends: But i need a loo Heiz. How extremely perceptive.
cusch1: Wends you will need something stronger than that to forget about this nightmare
Redraptor: Come what may, you’ll find us striving
Redraptor: Team work is the thing that talks,
Redraptor: One for all and all for one
Redraptor: Is the way we play at Hawthorn.
Heizenberg: Lol wends yeah, mate you take negatives well thats good you can take the piss
Redraptor: We are the Mighty Fighting Hawks.!
Wends: Parisien mojitos is all that’ll work for me now cusch. Extremely. Strong. Mojitos.
Redraptor: Thank you from the bottom of my heart Hawthorn
cusch1: Redraptor you are now a prime example of why I didn’t want HAwks to win. So many cocky supporters haha
Redraptor: I’m starting to tear up
Redraptor: Our 12th…back to back love you HFC
Redraptor: See you at Glenferrie tomorrow
cusch1: Look at McEvoy. Wooden Spoon contender last year, plays VFL all year. and now an AFL premiershop medal around his neck
Heizenberg: Oh thats nice redraptor, good bloke, emotional
heppelitis: the old ess hawks hatred hey cusch
Luke919: is this the end of Goodes? and is this the end of Clarko at the hawks?
Heizenberg: I teared up when blues beat power innlast round micks 1st season to make finals
Redraptor: every flag is more emotional than the previous one
cusch1: I got so excited when I saw the 84 GF on tv last night Hepp
Redraptor: This has been a dream
cusch1: I am only 18 and I understand that rivalry hahah
Redraptor: every flag makes the others even more valuable
Wends: Happy for spangher. I’m tearing up too – longing for our no-names of 2012.
heppelitis: dat blind turn baker
Redraptor: Lewis most disposals ever by a hfc player in gf…norm smith
cusch1: I will never forgive Dipper for what he did to Walsh
Heizenberg: Your a good bloke wends
heppelitis: spangher was in my first fantasy football team i ever did lol (fail)
Redraptor: love you Hawthorn
cusch1: Respect +20 for Wends
Woosha 73: Apologies if I missed it. What’s +1 mean?
Wends: Ah thx Heiz. Except I’m a SC loving chick 🙂
cusch1: Spare man Woosha…you’ve lost it since your coaching days!! haha
Wends: Thanks cusch… gotta take the absolute horrible bad with the many happy goods they’ve given.
Heizenberg: Oh so sorry wends, good to see females loving footy 🙂
Wends: I thought u knew 😮
Woosha 73: Haha. Cheers. Happy to see see Spangher win one
mace485: to think the hawks could of lost to port..
Redraptor: Hawthorn 2014 premiers…yes!!
Heizenberg: So sorry wends 🙁
frenzy: wonder if jeff kennet still wants to get rid of clarko
Wends: Heheh that’s fine!
cusch1: Been a pleasure talking to you all this year! But until next year, good luck and good night #goDons #fyouPaddy 😉
heppelitis: lol paddy
Redraptor: One bucket: go back to Sydney you swanettes
Heizenberg: Thanks cusch, goodnight mate
frenzy: thats a smashing
cusch1: I forgot #WeWantRockyBrisbane
Redraptor: Pathetic effort Sydney…didn’t ever want it
Redraptor: Congrats big time Hawthorn
Heizenberg: Lol frenzy
Redraptor: See you guys and gals next year!. Best wishes…redraptor…carn the Hawks
Heizenberg: Lol @cuschs hash tag
mace485: cheer, cheer the red and the.. oh wait..
Wends: Love how most have ignored the gloating. It
rooboypete: What is the +1 about?
Wends: 2015: When we all so look forward to hawk fans’ ongoing, gracious, unentitled chat contributions.
Priddis: eagles will be back
cusch1: #Spanghergotrobbed
LuvIt74: Swans were very ordinary