J.Worrall: Early start … 10.48 Friday night …
kabooms: haha good worrall
Redraptor: carn the Hawks
Redraptor: i’m the only one here
WojakDaw: Go Port!
Victorious: hmmm
Luke919: mitchell (C) hodge (VC) langford in my SC finals backline, things looking good
meka100: Go Port
desmondo: do something Duryea!!! ffs
LazyAs: come om Port
Heizenberg: @luke we’ll done I have hodge Mitch Lewis gray but shiels c is killing me went unique
LazyAs: Polec you freak of a looking man
Heizenberg: But mine is match day fantasy
Gigantor: bullshit he was off!
LazyAs: Shiels as C that is ‘unique’
Heizenberg: That’s a rotten decision ump, was accidental
Heizenberg: Yeah lazy as had to try, still early though
LazyAs: umpire couldnt wait to give Hodge a free
Catter1234: hawks getting all the usual bs decisions. ran past the mark =, it’s play on. port have no chance with the umpiring.
Redraptor: go Hawks!
Karlpov: Polec is costing Port the game
Heizenberg: Keep,going shiels
Redraptor: well done ruff
colmullet: port doing what freo did in last years final? 5.11 is killer
Heizenberg: @colmullet exactly and 8 of those misses very get table I reckon
Heizenberg: *gettable
colmullet: that’s disappointing, i was kinda hoping Port would get through
colmullet: been the best team to watch all year, spewing i cant watch it now
circle52: Agree Col as well – may tighten up in second half,
circle52: I still think if Port are with 10/20 points at 3/4 time their run will overtake Hawks.
colmullet: yeah true, they are in a good spot….its not often you can miss out on cashing in when your on top against Hawthorn tho
spice: Sc scores anyone?
Redraptor: lewis 79 boak 66 sc…top for each
itsduftime: had boak sc last week but not this week. already passed his score
old matey: fire tha f up port
old matey: robbie u beauty
old matey: hope we get ryder next year
Redraptor: well done hodgey
Redraptor: go ruff boy
MudDawg: Rough Nuts.
old matey: swannies will win next week whoever they play
old matey: bt iis tha biggest knob of a commentator
Redraptor: ruff boy 5
weca: commentators: carlile has had a good day defending, roughhead has 5 goals…..
MudDawg: On target icon for Roughy.
Gigantor: keep going hawks need you 60+
Heizenberg: @gigantor no chance man port will have some run in the last sorry
Gigantor: yeah but swans/hawks both 60+ at $30 was worth a look
old matey: monfries
Heizenberg: Wow that is worth a look, not that I bet though
old matey: the beard c’mon
old matey: how was burgoyne mark 15 meters
old matey: f off he ducked
old matey: hahaha lake u knob
Heizenberg: Old matey on the edge today buddy?
old matey: fo sure buddy
Heizenberg: And understandably
old matey: cheers heizenberg
Heizenberg: I would be too I always am watching blues play in close ones
Heizenberg: No worries
old matey: i think we have done a freo
Heizenberg: Maybe but unlike free you can score quickly against quality opposition
Heizenberg: *freo
old matey: hows that not a free for schulz
rooboypete: What’s the +1 for on Broadbent?
Redraptor: ruff monster 6
Redraptor: lewis subbed
old matey: ruff overated lol
Heizenberg: 23 points tough from here
old matey: hopefully we out run em in tha last c’mon guys fire up
oldfart: port over rated ruff a ster
old matey: from a collingwood supporter haha
old matey: i forgot collingwood and spud eddie on black n white
old matey: own
Redraptor: trengrove subbed
old matey: trengove
Khunt1vote: Is Mudguard alive out there? Spud…
Redraptor: ruff most ever goals for hawks in a prelim
old matey: spanger spud
old matey: robbie u beauty
Heizenberg: Port not overrated did you see their 2nd half last week?
old matey: another key forward is all we need, c’mon down paddy ryder
Heizenberg: Yeah old matey maybe they will chase frawley if they intend on playing him as a forward
Redraptor: great kick smith
Redraptor: jack the knife
oldfart: game over tissues old matey ha ha
Redraptor: hombsch gone down…leg…
Redraptor: sorry concussion for hombsch
Redraptor: lake…finals gem
oldfart: still there old matey or have you gone home
Redraptor: thought port ran out games well…apparently not
Heizenberg: Poor old matey 🙁
Redraptor: come on port don’t lie down get up we will hit you again
Redraptor: plenty of time if you are good enough port
Heizenberg: Plenty of time not plenty but enough
Heizenberg: Idiot bt, basically whatever Darcy said
meka100: Kick it Wingard you turd
Roksta: C’mon port
oldfart: old matey like port gone
Roksta: Uh oh raptor you jinxed the hawks
Heizenberg: My god
Redraptor: i’m going to faint
meka100: Hodge fucken star
Redraptor: see you next year port…welcome
Redraptor: ;ots of praying helped
IWantPie: Port deserved that – would love to see raptors face if the p didn’t give away that last call
oldfart: what happen to old matey did he go home early
Redraptor: lots of prayer needed…used to close prelims
Grazz: Port were mighty unlucky, Hawks can thank the umps a little bit.
123wce: that was sad, poor port