Wanganeen-Milera gets a hospital handball in the back pocket, two Crows converge so he tries a poke kick to Byrnes but Fogarty intercepts 35m out for the first goal. (Q1 4:02)
Peatling and Wanganeen-Milera both fumble at a stoppage 30m out on the Crows HFF, Rachele shows solid hands to gather and give out to Crouch for the goal. (Q1 7:24)
Hall misses a flying snap from the flank 40m out after receiving. (Q1 8:31)
Adelaide goes coast to coast from the kick in, Walker almost stuffs it up with a dropped mark but butters up and feeds a Joe the Goose special to Thilthorpe. (Q1 9:14)
Neal-Bullen misses a flying snap from half forward to the right. (Q1 10:43)
Rachele has had a good start, he soccers a loose footy deep in attack to send Cumming off into the open goal. (Q1 12:24)
Rankine feeds Neal-Bullen streaming from the next centre bounce but Nibbler tugs this one left from 45m. (Q1 13:12)
Hall leaps in front of Hinge to mark a short Jones kick to 25m on the flank, but his set shot is narrow to the right. (Q1 17:34)
Another goal assist to Rachele as he sets Fogarty off to run from the pocket into the open goal. Saints defence getting carved up early. (Q1 18:24)
Hall plays on to advantage for a contact free on Murray to Wood and goals from the square after St Kilda gets the ball out of the centre through Jones. (Q1 20:04)
Thilthorpe marks Dawson’s pass easily in front of the outsized O’Connell 40m out on the flank, his set shot is a work of art, another goal Adelaide. (Q1 22:55)
Hastie turns the ball over under pressure at CHB, Hinge misses a flying snap from 40m. (Q1 26:52)
Worrell drops an intercept in a pack 40m out on a slight angle, Higgins is front and centre for the crumb and throws it on the left boot… falls in! (Q1 29:40)
Thilthorpe feeds Dawson in a pack for another snap goal from the flank 30m out. (Q1 31:40)
Dawson takes a circus catch of a one-hand mark 40m out on the flank but hits the far left post. (Q2 2:46)
Higgins has a moment to decide on a target forward of the centre, he chooses Wanganeen-Milera 40m out on the flank, good option as he clunks the set shot. (Q2 4:24)
Rachele has been the instigator in forward 50 today and adds a goal of his own with a snap over the shoulder from a pack near the hotspot. (Q2 13:03)
Walker marks and converts from the HFF. St Kilda have equalised in general play but still have not much to kick to, whereas the Crows have their tails up. (Q2 17:13)
Fogarty goes back with the flight to mark a Neal-Bullen pass to 35m on the flank, another goal for the Crows. (Q2 18:58)
Hall takes a contested grab falling to ground 35m out in the corridor and kicks straight. (Q2 22:13)
Sinclair roves near the hotspot and gives behind to Wilson who misses across the body off the right. (Q2 28:42)
Keane goes back to touch through a Wanganeen-Milera snap from half forward on the line, confirmed on review. (Q3 2:18)
Wilson and Worrell contest for a long Wood kick to the top of the square but it clears both of them and bounces through for a goal from 55m! (Q3 5:17)
Soligo feeds Cumming to steer through the quick replying goal from 40m on a slight angle. Polite applause from the Crom faithful. (Q3 6:37)
Centre clearance Adelaide through Soligo, Thilthorpe comes out of the square to rove the bouncing ball and feed Peatling to skid through another one. (Q3 7:47)
Rankine receives and strokes through another one for the Crows from half forward after a throwing free against Schoenberg. (Q3 9:43)
Rankine roves and misses from a ball up in the pocket 20m out, crowd goes aww. (Q3 11:09)
Neal-Bullen joins the party with a soccer goal from 20m. (Q3 12:37)
Dawson runs from the centre after the next bounce and loads up the howitzer for another one from 60m! (Q3 13:58)
Rachele misses a long snap. (Q3 16:39)
Keays hasn’t cashed in yet, he marks 35m out on a slight angle and does so. (Q3 19:03)
Rankine marks a Rachele kick to 25m on a slight angle for another one. (Q3 29:04)
Wood kicks a garbage time goal to muted reaction. (Q3 30:44)
Hill with another one, he had a dirty first half and deserves no reaction, and gets none. (Q3 32:39)
Wood marks and misses from mid-range. (Q3 34:11)
Rachele fills his boots with goal number two. Desultory play unless you’re a Crom nuffie. (Q4 2:39)
Soligo adds another. (Q4 5:05)
Garcia rolls through a nice finish from the pocket 20m out. (Q4 9:47)
Marshall tugs a set shot from 35m in front to the left. (Q4 12:00)
Wilson also hooks a set shot left from 35m on the flank. (Q4 12:59)
Higgins rolls through his second goal from half forward. (Q4 16:02)
Dawson misses a set shot to the left from CHF. (Q4 21:07)
Rankine kicks long from the HFF over Wilkie to Fogarty at the top of the square for another. (Q4 22:05)
Thilthorpe adds his third from the square. (Q4 26:54)
Cordy marks leading to 40m on the flank with Keane trailing, he gets some junk. (Q4 29:59)
Hall feeds Higgins who dribbles into the post. (Q4 31:56)