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Blog log from R1 of 2025: Richmond vs Carlton

Blog log for Richmond vs Carlton, R1 of 2025

Mansell wins a loose footy in the centre and goes long to Bauer leading back behind McGovern to 35m on a slight angle, but the set shot is narrow to the left. (Q1 0:43)
Hewett hits the lead of Williams in front of Broad 45m out on the flank, who leaves his set shot wide right. (Q1 6:43)
Vlaustin intercepts in the back pocket but Acres picks off his kick across the last line, he boots the opening goal from 25m on a slight angle. (Q1 7:54)
Boyd marks a Motlop pass 30m out in front, Vlastuin is late and high but no penalty, Boyd misses the set shot. (Q1 11:24)
Motlop again delivers inside 50 to a crowded area, he chooses the short option to Cottrell 45m out on the flank… set shot is a peach for his first goal. (Q1 13:39)
Kemp tries a Daicos special from the right behind post but it turns too early for a point. (Q1 18:21)
Broad is out of position and gives away an obvious front-on contact free to Boyd going for a Williams pass to 35m on the flank. Kemp clunks the goal. (Q1 21:01)
Cottrell roves the next centre clearance at the hotspot but is dispossessed, Williams soccers the goal to an empty square. (Q1 22:15)
Richmond have had trouble linking in midfield but Laor takes a contested grab to keep an attack going, ending with a Nankervis mark and goal from 35m on a slight angle. (Q1 25:21)
Cerra sends a long speculator to the top of the square, again the crumb falls over the back, Williams there but he fumbles and it’s Evans who soccers the goal. (Q1 26:15)
Cripps gets a rather soft holding free on Ross at a stoppage on the HFF, he hits the lead of McKay 35m out near the boundary. QT siren sounds, big Harry sprays it for nothing. (Q1 31:01)
Walsh roves in the centre and hits Motlop with a wobbler to 40m on a slight angle, who misses to the right. (Q2 11:36)
Kemp takes a link mark on members wing and centres for Cripps, who drops it but butters up to feed Cowan for a running goal from 50m. (Q2 13:21)
Cripps roves a ball up 40m out and gives behind to Walsh who bounces through another one for Carlton. (Q2 15:12)
Mansell beats Haynes on the HFF after the next bounce to spot Lynch over the back in the square for the easiest of goal. (Q2 16:56)
Lynch roves a high speculator to a pack on the wing then handballs inside, chain involves Lalor twice and ends with Ross snapping across his body from 40m in front, goal. (Q2 21:26)
Nankervis volleys the ball out of ruck from a throw-in deep in attack, Bauer shepherds it to skid through from 20m! (Q2 26:40)
Motlop roves a contest at the top of the square, does a one-two with Cottrell deep in the pocket, props and tries a checkside off a step from 15m… across the face. (Q2 26:40)
Lynch sets Campbell off into the open goal for the first of the second half after pressure forces a turnover at half back, the culprit was McGovern’s handball. (Q3 2:51)
Lalor has his hard running rewarded as he roves Lynch’s contest in the teeth of goal and runs in for a very popular first major in the seniors! (Q3 6:24)
McKay storms onto a mark towards the hotspot leading from the square in front of Blight, he screws it in from 20m. (Q3 10:19)
Hopper had a quiet first half but has already been involved in scoring chains in Q3 and scores one himself from a set shot from 45m on a slight angle. (Q3 19:04)
Lalor handballs forward of a pack on the HFF to Ross who slams through another one for the Tigers from 45m, just a kick behind now, Tige fans going ape droppings! (Q3 24:05)
Haynes is on the last line to touch through a long Ross snap from half forward. (Q3 25:45)
Cottrell snaps wide left from a stoppage near CHF. (Q3 28:49)
More frontal pressure forces a Carlton turnover deep in defence, high Cowan ball to nowhere lands in the arms of Brown near the hotspot. 3QT siren sounds… goal, level! (Q3 32:55)
Ross will get the headlines for his Q3 heroics but don’t underestimate the contribution of Hopper to this fightback, playing the roles of Martin and Cotchin respectively. (3 Qtr Time)
Docherty is fresh on the ground and gets an early chance for a snap from a throw-in deep in the pocket, it’s high but wide. (Q4 1:05)
Mansell is left sprawling in the centre on a tough contested play, Silvagni slips to allow Lynch to rove and feed Lalor who skids through the go-ahead goal from the hotspot! (Q4 1:24)
Richmond are winning the 50/50s in the corridor, after Walsh coughs it up Dow swerves to 40m but misses a snap on the lope. (Q4 8:21)
Haynes drops a half back intercept, Armstrong roves on the HFF and has Bauer on his own in the square to thump through another one! (Q4 11:48)
Credit to Taranto for engaging two Blues on the ground to release that crumb for Armstrong. (Q4 12:08)
Evans gives inboard from a ball up on the HFF to Docherty who lets fly off the left from 45m… hooks right. (Q4 16:24)
McGovern attacks the corridor from half back but turns it over, Haynes has a chance to intercept but drops it under pressure, Mansell roves and skids it through from the pocket! (Q4 18:58)
That was a microcosm of the second half: old men of Carlton making mistakes under pressure, young bucks of Richmond pouncing. (Q4 20:09)
Silvagni snaps under heavy pressure from the pocket but just about misses the lot. (Q4 20:54)
Trainor smothers Cripps’ snap at the top of the goalsquare to prevent a goal. (Q4 21:24)
McKay has a set shot 40m out on a slight angle but his drop punt is tugged way wide right. Might not be Carlton’s night, they have had no answer to Richmond’s pressure. (Q4 24:24)
Silvagni takes a contested grab against Vlastuin 40m out on a slight angle. Can he get a set shot on line? He certainly can. (Q4 25:24)
Cottrell goes himself from the pocket but has to apologise to multiple teammates calling inside after it flies narrow to the right. (Q4 32:21)
Richmond rebounds coast to coast, Campbell soccers home from the square and does a double backflip in celebration! Oh my! (Q4 33:05)
Again Lalor was involved twice in the build up, the Tigers have a good one there. (Q4 33:15)

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