Himmelberg roves in a pack near CHB and starts a handball chain through traffic to release Coniglio, he hits the lead of Hogan at true CHF who bombs the first goal! (Q1 4:31)
Jordon receives in the centre and tries a skidder from outside CHF but the ball nicks the inside of the right post. (Q1 8:29)
Greene marks just inside true CHF, another tricky long set shot for the Giants… this one drifts to the right. (Q1 12:11)
McMullin passes short to Callaghan 45m out, he tries a set up kick to the square, off hands and roved by Hogan, two Swans try to smother but on review neither did, goal Hogan! (Q1 17:30)
Callaghan gets another long-range set shot opportunity, he has a shot with this one but shoots across the face to the right from 45m. (Q1 19:30)
Roberts bounces a snap from the HFF across the face for a point. (Q1 22:31)
Hogan beats McCartin again to mark 30m out on the boundary but his screwing set shot drops in the square for Mills to cut off, no score. (Q1 23:28)
Two Swans smash into each other trying to stop Greene at half forward, he saunters to 25m but misses a fairly easy snap. (Q1 26:00)
Sydney surges through half forward with a lot of the Giants in the way, untidy but it flips out to Rowbottom who wobbles through the snap from 25m. (Q1 26:45)
Peatling is caught around the neck by Heeney 20m out in front after Cadman brings a crumb to ground, but the set shot is a shank, GWS burning opportunities. (Q1 29:01)
GWS surges from the first bounce of Q2, McMullin receives at the hotspot, drops the knees and gets a rather lucky free kick for a rough Melican tackle, he converts. (Q2 1:09)
Papley sucks a free on Whitfield in a pack in the pocket 20m out and curls through the goal, he pumps up his guns and pumps up the noise! (Q2 3:59)
Blakey is under pressure in defensive goalsquare and handballs to grass, Hogan worries Cunningham off the crumb, Ward snaps the goal from 15m in the pocket! (Q2 5:39)
Himmelberg beats McInerney to mark at half forward, his speculator flips over the back towards Keeffe who volleys a highly unlikely goal from 10m! (Q2 10:04)
Cumming passes to Ash just inside 50m on the flank, his shot drifts to the behind post where Keeffe marks but snaps across the face. (Q2 14:08)
Keeffe speculates with a long ball from the centre to the hotspot, Blakey is pinged for a hold on Cadman who kicks another one for GWS, who are building a big lead! (Q2 15:53)
McInerney looks to have stuffed up a quick attack from members wing with a scrubber towards Hayward, who makes it look good with a clean pick up and snap for the goal from 35m. (Q2 17:39)
Cadman gets a holding free on Rampe leading to 45m on a slight angle and bangs through another one for the Giants! (Q2 23:34)
Heeney takes a one-handed mark in the pocket 25m out and screws in the goal off the right to lift the home crowd in red time. (Q2 28:15)
After a Heeney specky on members wing fires up the crowd, Rampe rams through a long snap from half forward. Sydney aren’t going to lie down! (Q3 3:17)
Grundy kicks low and hard from the centre to Heeney to leap and mark in between two Giants near the hotspot. He steers through the goal, lead back to single digits! (Q3 5:03)
Hayward centres from the pocket over Ward to Lloyd on the fat side 30m out on a slight angle, who hits the near left post. (Q3 7:13)
Keeffe intercepts in defence and starts a switch around outer wing ending with a Jones pass to Hogan 35m out on a slight angle. Hogan kicks leftish but straight enough, third goal. (Q3 10:37)
Peatling long from the newt bounce, big pack collapses and the crumb falls perfectly for Jones to goal, GWS responds! (Q3 12:33)
Jones baulks clear for a snap from 40m on the flank but leaves it near side left. (Q3 19:08)
McCartin and Melican are there for a contest with Cadman 20m out but they run into each other, Cadam mops up and snaps the goal off the left, his third! (Q3 24:49)
McDonald intercepts Perryman’s rebound kick on the HFF and runs at full pelt to 45m to bang it over his head for an opportunist goal! (Q3 28:19)
Warner misses outside a stoppage on the HFF. (Q4 1:06)
Idun spoils Papley’s inside 50 kick to Hayward but the two Swans work the crumb to set up Hayward for the snap goal from 40m. (Q4 2:34)
McCartin spoils Hogan in the square but Peatling roves the crumb and falls into a high tackle by Mills on the boundary 15m out, he screws in the huge goal! (Q4 5:34)
Taylor gives to Callaghan in the back pocket who just avoids Campbell’s chase but turns the ball over by foot to Papley 45m out on a slight angle. Papley roosts the goal! (Q4 7:32)
Warnere releases Lloyd to bounce twice scooting up members wing, he reaches 50m on a slight angle and skids through another one for Sydney, margin back to single digits! (Q4 9:59)
Taylor starts a rebound from CHB with a key touch, Keeffe marks 30m out on a slight angle in front of Melican… tugs the set shot way left. (Q4 14:05)
Rowbottom delivers a lovely blind handball out of a stoppage on the HFF to Parker who shoots narrow to the left from 40m. (Q4 16:50)
Ward roves a stoppage in the pocket and checksides a sensational finish from 20m! That could be the winner in the end! (Q4 20:50)
Jordon keeps a ground ball alive on the HFF after contesting with Himmelberg and kicks to the top of the square where Campbell marks and goals! (Q4 23:06)
A surge play by Sydney through the centre almost breaks down, deperate tackles by Giants, eventually McDonald roves and wobbles it wide off the right around the corner from 25m. (Q4 25:36)
Taylor cuts off another Sydney attack as the clock ticks past 5:00 to go. (Q4 27:05)
Buckley starts another rebound around outer wing, clock at 3:20 with the ball in the GWS FP. (Q4 28:05)
Idun is in position to intercept Warner’s rebound kick on outer wing but Papley does enough to prevent the mark without a free, he roves and feeds Heeney for a Buddy-style pearler! (Q4 29:20)
That goal was kicked from the centre square fully 60m out, classic Buddy stuff there from the man who took his mantle at the Sydney Swans! (Q4 29:50)
Scores level at the next bounce with three minutes to go. (Q4 30:05)
FLorent runs from defence but Perryman intercepts at CHB and swtiched to outer wing, back in to the pocket, Papley gives to Amartey who has had a mare but rolls through a goal! (Q4 31:16)
O’Halloran gets a high contact free after the next bounce, long ball to the top of the square, ball up 20m out, 1:28 to go, GWS needs a goal to tie it up again… (Q4 32:43)
Secondary ball up same spot, 1:17. (Q4 33:04)
Briggs and then Greene try to snap but get scragged off it, Parker dumps to the HBF for a throw in, 1:05. (Q4 33:36)
Ball up 60m out on members wing, 54 seconds. (Q4 33:51)
Coniglio kicks high to the HFF, no mark, ball up, 38 seconds. (Q4 34:05)
Ball squirts out Sydney’s way to Campbell who bombs to space, Idun gathers and switches, Ash misses Peatling with a kick on the switch, that will be it, 7 seconds to go! (Q4 35:06)
Sydney wins coming back from the death! (Q4 35:19)