Daniher gets a holding free on Young at CHF following the first centre bounce but misses to the left. (Q1 0:10)
Daniher scores the second behind with a volley from mid-range. (Q1 2:32)
Neale passes to Ah Chee to mark on the lead in front of Brown 40m out on a slight angle, he slots the first goal of the evening. (Q1 5:38)
Daniher marks another inside 50 kick by Neale 15m out on a slight angle after the next bounce, this one he gets on target. (Q1 7:08)
Yet another Neale inside 50 pass, McInerney marks in front of Lefau at the same spot and repeats the Daniher dose. (Q1 9:28)
Daniher marks at half forward, wheels and goes long to the square for Lohmann to mark and goal. It is almost literally a procession. (Q1 11:18)
Leafue clears from the centre to Sonsie near CHF, he tries a pass to Balta but no score results. (Q1 13:13)
Mansell snaps narrow from the pocket 20m out. (Q1 15:16)
Sharp breaks lines with a run up members wing to set up a Reville pass to Lohmann on the boundary 30m out for his second goal, and a lairising celebration. (Q1 16:09)
McCluggage tumbles through another one for the Lions from 20m, it’s boot-filling time. (Q1 18:02)
Rioli plays on around Daniher on the HBF but didn’t realise Dunkley was in position to mow him down, Dunkley passes back to Daniher 45m out who hits the post. (Q1 21:25)
Neale misses after marking 45m out on a slight angle. (Q1 23:54)
Prestia receives outside a ball up on members wing and passes over Lester to Martin who misses from 40m on a slight angle. (Q1 25:28)
Martin runs inside from the pocket after receiving from Ralphsmith but doesn’t see Green on his own in the square for the give, eventually Bolton skews a kick for nowt. (Q1 27:01)
Mansell roves and blazes wide from the hotspot. (Q1 29:00)
Pickett pushes McInerney in the back to concede an obvious free at the hotspot, the big O converts. (Q1 30:13)
Cameron streams into the open goal after a stoppage in the pocket. The home crowd was already in West Virginia long before then. (Q2 1:44)
Vlastuin roves at half back and is a bit unlucky to be pinged for HTB under a Hipwood tackle. Hipwood thumps through another one from 50m on a slight angle. (Q2 3:20)
Hipwood should have been pinged himself for HTB at exactly the same spot, he and Vlastuin exchange rabbit punches and of course the second one is punished, free kick skews right. (Q2 5:25)
Lohmann intercepts a Broad inboard kick from the HBF, Rioli arrives late for high contact and concedes 50m for a charity goal. (Q2 6:29)
Rare centre clearance for Richmond through Prestia, Balta marks in the pocket 20m out for the belated first goal for them. (Q2 8:01)
Bolton shoots OOTF from CHF. (Q2 9:30)
Dow passes inboard from the HFF short to Prestia 45m out on a slight angle, his kick is wide, short and rushed. (Q2 11:45)
Dunkley passes from outer wing to Zorko zoning up from defence to 45m out on a slight angle, he converts. (Q2 13:39)
After Nankervis breaks up a McCluggage kick in the centre, Lefau marks in front of Andrews at the hotspot for his first goal. (Q2 18:07)
Rayner catches McAuliffe HTB 40m out on a slight angle for another one. (Q2 22:30)
Cameron is over the back of Broad to mark and run into the open goal. (Q2 28:26)
Daniher gets the first goal of second half junk time, his second. (Q3 5:29)
Revile adds another from 50m on a slight angle, his first senior goal. The Lions mob him as the crowd chants his name. (Q3 8:29)
Neale from the centre to Cameron who jets ahead of Rioli for another from 40m on the flank. (Q3 9:24)
Pickett taps the crumb from his own contest to Cumberland for some junk. (Q3 11:41)
Mansell finally gets a snap o0n line from mid-range. (Q3 15:53)
Cumberland shanks a set shot OOTF from 40m on the flank. (Q3 18:38)
Short coughs up a mark deep in defence to set up Cameron to stroll into the open goal. (Q3 20:39)
Lohmann roves and grubbers some more junk from 20m. (Q3 22:13)
Nankervis gives away an arm chop free to Morris 20m out for some more carcass to feast upon. (Q3 24:39)
Daniher adds to the pain with his fourth goal. (Q3 26:51)
Lohmann brushes off a Dow challenge and misses from the flank 25m out. (Q3 28:40)
Young turns the ball over by hand from half back straight to Fletcher, Rayner marks 35m out in front for some more junk. That’s the hundred up on the margin. (Q3 31:15)
Coulthard toes through some garbage with an assist from Ralphsmith to kick off Q4. (Q4 1:56)
Rayner marks near the behind post for another one. (Q4 6:05)
Lohmann marks a Berry pass 35m out on a slight angle and shoots for five… it’s good. (Q4 8:00)
Morris gets some more junk from the square. (Q4 13:44)
Pickett misses a mid-range set shot. (Q4 15:35)
Morris does the same. (Q4 16:25)
Cumberland gets some more junk. (Q4 17:30)
Neale feeds Cameron for some more junk from the square after a fumble by Young. (Q4 22:13)
Sharp tumbles through the next one from the top of the square. Brisbane still on for 180 here. (Q4 23:52)