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Blog log from R3 of 2022: Collingwood vs Geelong

Blog log for Collingwood vs Geelong, R3 of 2022

50m Penalty on the win for not standing on the mark provides Jeremy Howe a shot from 40m out on a slight angle. Howe kicks truely for the first major of the game. (Q1 3:41)
Hawkins converts set shot from 45m on a 45 degree angle. One goal each. (Q1 10:32)
A quick attacking play from Collingwood, with McInness’ kick inside forward 50 clearing a pack and Mihoceck is first to it and soccers off the ground for a goal. (Q1 13:00)
Magpies defense holding up well, with Dangerfield looking dangerous inside 50. Magpies outnumber and rush through a behind. (Q1 13:42)
Stoppage 55m out from Collingwoods goal, near the boundary. Ball spills out to Nick Daicos, who picks up cleanly and kicks a goal off 2 steps from 49m out. (Q1 15:42)
Jeremy Cameron with a set shot from right on 50, tight to the boundary, wrong side for a left footer. Never looked like missing. (Q1 16:12)
Jack Ginnivan crumbs a contest and snaps out of the pack, missing from 35m straight in front, under a lot of pressure. (Q1 18:12)
Geelong counterattack out of D50 quickly. Stanley to snap from 30m out on a tight angle. Does not make the distance and Darcy Moore takes a chest mark on the line.
(Q1 20:30)
Blistering kick from Nick Daicos to Jordan De Goey, who marks 45m out on a slight angle. Set shot narrowly misses to the left.
(Q1 21:34)
De Goey misses on the run from 45m out after receiving a classy handball from Scott Pendlebury. (Q1 23:16)
Long kick into Geelongs forward 50 from the wing area results in a big contested mark from Rhys Stanley, who then centres quickly to MItch Duncan, who misses the set shot from 40m. (Q1 24:33)
Lipinski with a clever tap on the boundary to Jordan De Goey who attempts a dribble from the boundary, but narrowly misses for his 3rd behind of the quarter. (Q1 26:19)
Jack Ginnivan delivers a well weighted kick to a leading Jamie Elliot, who marks just inside 50m on a 45 degree angle. His set shot from outside 50 is spoiled through for a behind (Q1 27:14)
A hotly contested first quarter. Collingwood bringing a lot of pressure, continuing to play a territory game, leading the inside 50s 19 to 12. COLL lead 25-15 at the first break. (Qtr Time)
Josh Daicos receives a free kick 30m out. Taylor Adams takes advantage and snaps on the left, hitting the post. (Q2 3:33)
Scott Pendlebury with characteristically classy delivery inside 50 to Hoskin-Elliot, who misses the set shot from a slight angle. (Q2 4:21)
A quick passage of play from Geelong through the corridor results in a Brandon Parfitt mark from 10m out, and he converts the goal. (Q2 9:19)
Collingwood’s pressure game has been elite. They should be further in front, but only lead by 6 points due to inaccuracy in front of goals. (Q2 10:23)
Collingwood go quickly through the corridor and Mihoceck takes a diving mark 15m out, minimal angle and kicks truely to take the margin back to 11 points.
(Q2 12:08)
Isaac Smith receives a high free kick in a stoppage, 30m out on a slight angle. He converts the goal. (Q2 14:29)
A Nick Daicos snap from a contest is chased down and rushed through for a behind. (Q2 15:42)
Nick Daicos with another snap, this time after a string of handballs. Narrowly misses from 30m out. (Q2 17:16)
Tom Stewart attempts to break a Brody Mihoceck tackle but is caught holding the ball. The set shot is sprayed across the face, out on the full. (Q2 19:38)
Geelong attack quickly through the corridor, with Jeremy Cameron kicking a goal from the goal square (Q2 25:24)
Collingwood have been the better team for the majority of the first half, with pressure and territory. Geelong have been far more efficient when going forward. (Q2 27:04)
Dangerfield attempts a give and go on the wing, but is tackled when trying to receive the handball, with an automatic 50m penalty. He converts from 50m out. (Q2 28:04)
Geelong lead 40 – 35 at half time. Collingwood have been on top most of the game, but Geelongs efficiency give them the lead. (Half Time)
Hack kick out a contest to a 1 on 1 contest. Hawkins too strong and takes the contested mark 20m out straight in front. Converts the goal with ease. (Q3 1:16)
Brodie Mihoceck tackled without it in the forward pocket. Lipinski picks up the crumbs and takes advantage, snapping truely for his first goal of the night. (Q3 3:16)
Tyson Stengle with the attempted banana from the boundary narrowly missing. (Q3 3:56)
Tom Stewart and Jake Kolodjashnij get in each others way in a marking contest. Jamie collects the tumbling ball and snaps truely from 45m out. (Q3 5:56)
Debutant Reef McInnes kicks to Darcy cameron, who takes a strong contested Mark 10m out from goal and kicks the goal. (Q3 10:36)
Ollie Henry chases down Joel Selwood in the COllingwood forward pocket, receiving a holding the ball free kick. He successfully snaps the shot at goal. (Q3 12:56)
A chaotic fight breaks out immediately after the Ollie Henry goal. Jack Ginnivan receives a free kick in the scuffle. He converts the set shot to give Collingwood a handy lead. (Q3 14:37)
Collingwood starting to get on top on the scoreboard now, with a Jamie Elliot left foot snap putting them up by 24 points (Q3 20:56)
Boundary throw in 40m from Collingwood goal. No one lays a finger on Jordan De Goey who collects, and snaps on the left for another Collingwood goal. (Q3 22:57)
Max Holmes marks on his own 35m from goal and kicks the goal, ending Collinwoods 7 goal streak. (Q3 25:52)
Collingwood looking for a quick reply, win the centre clearance through Taylor Adams, with Darcy Cameron taking a strong contested mark. His set shot is successful. (Q3 26:59)
A classy crumnbing collect and left foot finish from Josh Daircos at the top of the goal square extends the lead to 37 for Collingwood. (Q3 30:56)
A good passage of team football from Geelong, leading to a Jeremy Cameron mark on the lead. He kicks truely from 40m out for a quick reply. (Q3 32:12)
Free kick to Jeremy Cameron in a marking contest just inside 50. Set shot misses to the far side. (Q3 37:00)
Collingwood kick 9 goals, including a 7 goal streak in the 3rd quarter. Geelong did start to steady heading into the break. Collingwood up by 30 with one stanza to play. (3 Qtr Time)
Mitch Duncan marks 45m out on a tough angle for a right footer. His set shot is delightful and never looked like missing. 24 point margin early in the last. (Q4 1:18)
Quick clearing kick from the defensive goalsquare by N Daicos is marked by Dahlhaus 48m out. He plays on to gain extra distance and kicks it out on the full. (Q4 3:20)
Beautiful kick inside 50 from Max Holmes hits Blicavs on the chest. He converts from 40m out to bring the margin back to 18. (Q4 9:13)
Fast play from half back and Jeremy Cameron holds onto a contested mark 20m out from goal. He converts, giving Geelong 3 unanswered goals. 12 point margin. (Q4 11:33)
Another fast play out of defense from Geelong. Two Collingwood players compete against each other in half back. Geelong find Jeremy Cameron in the square for another goal. (Q4 14:23)
Another Geelong goal. 5 in a row in the final term. Brad Close with the snap on the run from 40m out. Scores tied with 9 minutes remaining. (Q4 17:33)
Dahlhaus snaps out of a stoppage for a behind. Geelong in front by 1, 5 minutes remaining. (Q4 23:32)
Jamie Elliot paid a mark afte Tuohy was sure he touched it. Nonethelessthe ensuing snap shot at goal is a behind, and scores are tied with less than 4 minutes remaining. (Q4 26:00)
Hawkins marks, and has a set shot from 50m out on the boundary. He just sneaks it in for a point and Geelong lead with 2 minutes remaining. (Q4 27:14)
Jeremy Cameron marks 30m out from goal. Less than 2 minutes remaining. He kicks his 6th goal and puts Geelong in fron by 7 points. (Q4 28:14)
Taylor Adams gives away a downfield free kick and Tom Hakins lines up from the boundary, deep in the pocket. His snap shot is accurate, and Geelong lead by 13 with 30s to go. (Q4 31:19)
Geelong dominate the final quarter, kicking 7 goals in the quarter. Geelong win by 13 points, 104 – 91. (Full Time)

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