Jamison launches into the hotspot where Judd waits unopposed and takes the simple mark. From 35 on the slight angle, he misses to the left hand side. (Q1 2:17)
Hartlett shanks a kick to Neade who marks ahead of Holman. 25 on the slight angle, he misses poorly to the right hand side. (Q1 5:36)
Long bomb in by Docherty and Casboult takes a strong mark ahead of Carlisle. From 45 on the flank, Levi misses to the near side. (Q1 7:57)
Gray runs on to the bouncing ball and quickly moves it onto Wingard who is running hard and marks the ball free in the square. He goals with ease! (Q1 14:32)
Jarrad Waite marks on the lead ahead of Hombsch. From 50 on the flank, he slots the big one! (Q1 16:17)
Quick clearance and Simpson makes contact with Polec with eyes for the man rather than the ball. From 25 on the slight angle, he hits the post! (Q1 17:50)
Ebert hits the hot spot and Gray marks ahead of Holman in the contested situation. Robbie slots the goal, from 25 on the slight! (Q1 18:58)
Neade gets the free for a push in the back against Holman. He flicks it off to Pittard who has the flying shot from 50, but misses to the far side. (Q1 21:23)
Shulz gets out the back of his contest with Rowe and runs onto the pill after the Wingard kick in. He finishes the shot from 35 on the run! (Q1 26:37)
Neade hits Shulz on the lead ahead of Jamison, 35 metres out from goal on the slight angle. Jay trots in and slots the goal! (Q1 28:03)
Monfries out of congestion in the forward pocket off to Gray, who runs in and goals from 20 on the slight angle! (Q1 30:18)
Waite flicks it off to Curnow, who goes long to the Gibbs/Ebert contest and Bryce takes the strong contested mark. From deep in the pocket, he snaps truly! (Q2 2:50)
Ebert gets it out of congestion after reading the play quickest, turns round and slots the major from 25 on the slight! (Q2 4:46)
Carlisle hits the hot spot and Wingard gets it to the front of the contest, where Neade waits but misses to the far side from 25 on the slight. (Q2 7:01)
Poor turn over from the kick in and the ball pops up to Neade who this time makes no mistake from 20! (Q2 7:51)
Hartlett picks the ball up out wide and runs from the wing through to 40, but misses to the near side from the 45 degree angle. (Q2 10:18)
Free kick to Shulz after Rowe took his eye off the ball and made illegal contact. From 35 on the slight angle, he misses to the far side. (Q2 11:31)
Perfect bullet pass by Cornes, who hits up Wingard. He wastes no time by finding Westhoff ahead of Rowe. From 15 out on the slight angle, he just gets it home! (Q2 15:01)
Casboult launches a shot from 55 on the 45 degree angle after taking the unopposed mark on the lead. (Q2 20:52)
Lucas sidesteps a couple but misses the simple shot from 20 on the slight angle. (Q2 20:52)
Boak with a drilling pass that found Wingard waiting back ahead of the desperate Yarran. Chad finishes from 35 on the slight angle! (Q2 20:52)
Westhoff out to Wingard from the congestion, but Chad’s shot misses under supreme pressure. (Q2 20:52)
Polec receives out of congestion on the wing but misses the resulting flying shot at goal from 45 boundary side. (Q2 20:52)
Kick out to the advantage of Gray in the one on one opposed to Jamison. He burns him off but can’t settle with the banana shot, missing to the near side from 30. (Half Time)
Long kick in by Lobbe and Wingard marks out on the lead, but his quick shot from 30, boundary side misses to the far side. (Q3 1:37)
The hard running Neade receives out on the half forward flank, runs through to the 40 metre flank and slots the goal! (Q3 2:49)
Yarran darts in a pass to Waite on the lead ahead of Jonas. From 35 on the flank, he misses to the near side. (Q3 6:16)
Gray sets himself for the high flying mark from the Shulz bomb in but it bounces out the front where Robbie grabs it and flicks it off to Neade who whacks it through! (Q3 8:01)
Gibbs short passes to Menzel who marks out on the lead unopposed. From 50 metres out pressed up on the boundary, he misses to the far side. (Q3 8:59)
Long bomb in by Boak and Westhoff sets himself to the front of the square, but he drops the mark, works it to the back and slots the major from point blank! (Q3 10:31)
Neade hits the pass through to the leading Westhoff who ran out the back ahead of Rowe. From 15 on the slight angle, he goals! (Q3 14:16)
White whacks it onto the chest of Boak, who marks uncontested 40 metres out from goal on the 45 degree angle. He kicks from the set shot and nabs the major! (Q3 17:46)
Menzel gets out the back opposed to two Power players, but he gets to the ball first, turning immediately. He puts it on the boot across the shoulder, but he misses. (Q3 18:37)
Hartlett boucnes the pass to White out ahead of Holman. Matty bursts away from Nick, and he slots the miraculous goal from 50 on the boundary! (Q3 20:38)
Carrazzo goes long out the back to White who gets ahead of Carisle. Simon burns him off, steadies and snaps truly from the pocket! (Q3 23:47)
Long kick in and Monfires takes the unopposed mark in the square. From directly in front, he goals! (Q3 27:17)
Long bomb in and Monfries takes the mark in the one one one opposed to Simpson. He launches goal ward from 45 on the flank, but hits the post. (Q4 0:55)
Polec runs down the wing with extreme pace, through to 35 before darting the pass to Gray, marking unopposed 25 out from goal on the slight angle. He goals! (Q4 5:26)
Carlton get the quick clearance out of the middle and Yarran grabs it on the bounce who flicked it off to Casboult. Levi settled and finished on the left! (Q4 7:41)
Polec whacks in the daisy cutter to SHulz who quickly centres to the leading Gray. From 45 metres out on the flank, he misses to the near side. (Q4 9:11)
Shulz kicks for goal from 40 out on the flank, and manages to hit the post after taking the strong leading mark. (Q4 17:26)
Judd finds Yarran with the strong pass ahead of Moore, taking the easy mark from deep in the pocket. He slots the major! (Q4 19:26)
Polec finds Gray unopposed, 25 out from goal and takes the simplistic mark. Robbie makes no mistake, slotting the simple goal! (Q4 24:41)
Boak finds Polec on the lead ahead of Holman, From 25 on the boundary side, he misses to the near side. (Q4 26:11)
Turn over by Rowe, crossing the goal straight to Hartlett, who takes a bounce and finishes from dead in front! (Q4 28:11)
Hartlett with a darting pass that finds Wingard sitting unopposed, 35 metres out from goal on the slight angle. He heads back, trots in and kicks his third! (Q4 28:41)