RooBoyStu: what a shower game, lucky to be 15,000 there
RooBoyStu: Fire up skunks see if you can beat GC
m0nty: vitally important for fantasy purposes though Stu
Barniclez: moore to kick 3 or more please
Gott2Win: Lets hope for a low SC day for Underpendles
Gott2Win: Tom Lynch to monster the pies and bag a career high to keep him in the Coleman race too
RooBoyStu: 1 player for me m0nty sidebum
m0nty: anyway, DFS makes every game interesting
mattmac24: None of my opponents or I have players from this game
RooBoyStu: yep mattmac24 who kept Hall and if you had trades you had to trade out Pendles
mattmac24: I got rid of hall and pendles the same week for Joey and bont
colin wood: Trade out Pendles?? Lol…
BestCoast: Big game Pendles please
Gott2Win: My opp has Hall and Pendles. Would love for them both to stay low but unlikely
RooBoyStu: Pendles last 2 matches 82sc 94sc, hardly good scoring lol
Mcswains: Why trade out Pendles?
RooBoyStu: Pendles is cooked
colin wood: No idea Mcswains do they? Lol
Mcswains: Rookies lol
Gott2Win: Give White the YinYang already, save you doing it later Monty
AngryRyno: Pendles cooked only on track for 120
BestCoast: Suns cooked
ballbag: pendles has only reached his avge score twice since round 14
BestCoast: Pendles cooking up a storm me hopes
Mcswains: I’ll take a cooked Pendles over a not cooked player any day of the week!!
RooBoyStu: yep Ballbag
9inch: Pendles the coolest cucumber to ever play footy.
mattmac24: Pendles has played a lot of games this year under 100% fitness.. especially since around round 14
Gott2Win: Getting very ugly here! Especially with Pendles as the Opps VC!
AngryRyno: cue Rocket
hinsch: Pendles score looking good lucky I had Hanna’s as C
BestCoast: 41 SC for Pendles he looks cooked
colin wood: No idea Lads just wasting a trade..
ballbag: I’ve still got 3 trades left and don’t need em yet. anyone want them?
BestCoast: @ Colin wood some people just chasing last weeks Scoes
blashtroko: 4 commentators think darcy moore is better than jack gunston? Lol
BestCoast: Give me to the Blues ballbag they need em
colin wood: Agree best coast
BestCoast: Them* beers kicking in big day sorry for the typos
StuL: Phantom said to trade pens keys out 2 weeks ago.
DrSeuss: So glad I traded in Treloar this week – do something
BestCoast: BT is the king flower flog along with razor ray
FrothyOne: Be affraid Gott2Win Be very afraid
Gott2Win: Ah Frothy…Pendles putting on a show for you!
ballbag: zempliss has something to say bout that bestcoas
FrothyOne: so far so good, I just need Hall to hold his end up too
BestCoast: Sorry ballbag forgot about that lemon
Gott2Win: Going to be a close one I think Frothy. If the Big Gawn destroys the Blues like I think he will I should be good haha
ballbag: dog gamn it treloar you’re my capitano so lift!
FrothyOne: was doing the same until you listed your VC, Im still expecting you to pull a late trade anyway 🙂
ballbag: 3aw just said swanky retiring this week
JRedden: glad i kept josh smith, kids a jet
Yelse: Swan retoring this week. For farwell final game
Gott2Win: Haha you never know. If Pendles keeps this up it won’t matter anyway!
Burkey1: @ballbag.. brave move with Treloar s Capt!!!
Elephant: lol have J Smith, A Hall and T Phillips on my bench (RDT)
Gott2Win: I tell ya what Frothy, after this half I have a heap of catching up to do
JRedden: im playing smith at D6 because of his form
Heizenberg: Whos 2 metre peter?
ballbag: the only dude playing named peter
Heizenberg: Okay then 🙂
ballbag: @burkes I thought he’d get 130+
Gott2Win: Wills is a tackling machine!
BestCoast: VC Pendles keep it SC royalty 150+ please
boo!: lift brooksby
Gott2Win: Pendles can stay down this next half, under 50 for the half would be good.
OnTheRocks: Need Pendles to get a double ton to make up for Spuddy
boo!: lift wright
FrothyOne: Go you good thing!!!
JRedden: josh smith is insane, best rookie of the year
BestCoast: What year does everybody predict Suns will win a flag
Mcswains: I would hate to see what Pendles would be doing if he wasn’t cooked!! Lol
FlagDog: 2066 100 on from the Saints.
Hadouken: had to play phillips on the ground this week. might turn out to be ok 🙂
BestCoast: Being a bit Generous there FlagDog
RooBoyStu: Suns could fold before winning one. 2 teams not working in QLD
colin wood: Nah McSwains you should have traded Pendles out… Lol
ballbag: @rooboy afl could prop gold coast 20 mil a year and still make money
RooBoyStu: @ballbag yet nothing was done to keep Fitzroy, I really feel for their supporters
casty46: i love you sidey
RooBoyStu: Sidebum grows his beard within 2 weeks, makes Bartel growth look woeful
poolboybob: Blue moon Jesse White
Gott2Win: Hall already got his projected, as does Pendles. This game sucks!
OnTheRocks: i love Pendles
OnTheRocks: Averaging over 100 a year since 2008
BestCoast: Pendles SuperCoach royalty
Mcswains: Yeah he’s a pretty handy player Colin Wood
Shaundog: Haha cooked! Some people should just keep there mouth shut.
OnTheRocks: GaJ has averaged over 110 since 2007!
AngryRyno: time to trade Pendles I reckon
RooBoyStu: the same muppets have abused Pendles the last 2 weeks for 82 and 94sc lol
frenzy: c’mon De Goey get De Goen
ballbag: pendles has only reached his avge score twice since round 14
m0nty: nominations for star please
Mex13: Pendles or Smith
BestCoast: 138 and rising
clee!: Treloar
RooBoyStu: Darcy Moore the gun
BestCoast: Pendles BBQ m0nty
ballbag: cmon 130+ cap treloar
Pokerface: what a ridiculous stat ballbag. his score of 115 in rd 18 didnt reach his avg. you’d be unhappy?
jaypeee: Why did I pick howl over Howe?
m0nty: facepalm from Rocket
jaypeee: houli* over howe
Mex13: Pendles get 160+
frenzy: yin yang treloar
AngryRyno: give star to Josh Smith, young gun
Hadouken: if phillips gets to 100 im going to….erm….have a beer
ballbag: what? treloar has been flame every qtr
BOMBRBLITZ: Thanks captain Pendles after the Dusty VC fail
Gott2Win: Well done Frothy, the move of Pendles VC is gonna win you this one
Hadouken: yess. beer time.
AngryRyno: Tom from Tommy Phil, drinks
frenzy: Goey get flowered, ton up you weak cow
FrothyOne: your math must be better than mine Got2Win. I still see it as being tight, a slight advantage if any
AngryRyno: de gorey on pine for last ten mins
m0nty: 0.9 this quarter for Pies!
OnTheRocks: if Phillips gets to 100+, i’m going to take his score over whatever crap Hunter can dish up
Gott2Win: Your gonna have a lead of about 500 or there abouts. I need Gawn to have a big one, or if he fails Bont/Danger to go big
Pokerface: its a pity fiorini came through so late. kid was a junior magnet
FrothyOne: Hall has been kind to those who rode the rollercoaster with him… 4this week anyway
frenzy: phiiips just booted petracca out my team
PieBoy: Onya hally
boges11: Glad I traded in Monty over Hall
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