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Chat log from of 2025: Sydney vs Hawthorn

Chat log for Sydney vs Hawthorn, of 2025

Gotigres: Hi all. May you all have a good season. Hanily and Frost are the subs. Good for Sheldrick.
bushranger: Finally we are back. Good luck everyone, let’s have a great year
snake_p: hey all Go Hawks!!
DidgeBird: I hope hawks get reality check!
AussieLion: Hi to you all and good luck in 2025
mags: And….. we are back! Woop, woop!
TheLegend6: Finally, footy is back!
navy_blues: evening guys n gals
TheLegend6: Don’t love the new scoreboard
bhg26: Way too invasive legend
bhg26: Chad.
Mikeagles: new kayo scoreboard is crap…better on 7
upweydons: Ge all
navy_blues: dont like hawks jumper
bhg26: Damn Amartey stole my haircut
pcaman2003: Navy. Have to agree. All poo and no gold.
Pavs: Evening all good to have footy back
navy_blues: great kick
bhg26: Never been more checked out going into a season
sMiles: Slow down Big Meeksie! Everyone will be on ya! 😉
Zutroyz: Evening
nbartos: called getting old bhg – welcome to the club
clay007: I thought Hanily was in the side
clay007: Sorry, just came up, sub.
Primetime: lol
navy_blues: missing hanily from swans m0nty
navy_blues: meek on fire
bhg26: All australian midfield and still cant win a clearance lol
clay007: Great goal Papley. He made that happen, attacked it hard
wadaramus: Changing my whole team, Meek, Day & Moore in.
bhg26: Im bringing Barrass in wada
navy_blues: early bye tho wada
bhg26: Good to know the score review process has improved
clay007: Massive deflection…not
bhg26: Ump explained it like it was a snick to gully
Bazza2023: evening peptides
pcaman2003: Good competitive game so far.
clay007: Look at Scrimshaw’s body language. He knew he missed it
Bazza2023: seems my 140 week ban has been lifted
Bazza2023: i thought the first one couldve been touched
wadaramus: Yeah, I’ve based my whole team on not picking early bye players.
clay007: True pca. Cracker. The real wizard is Dylan Moore
bhg26: #freekickhawthorn is so back
Social: What is up comrades
wadaramus: The Wiz will be eating a delicious sprinkled donut shortly.
pcaman2003: Clay. I prefer him over the fake wizard:)
pcaman2003: bhg. The umps fault already?Haha!
bhg26: Im grumpy pcaman, swans have made me age 60 years in the last 4 grannies
clay007: Moore is a seriously good player now. Could have been delisted 4 years ago. Now…legend
Social: How long did it take Farmer to earn the Wiz tag, bit premature this kid
nbartos: oh the Day pile on will be real
pcaman2003: bhg. Too early in the season to be grumpy. Sit back,enjoy!
bhg26: I’ve been grumpy since the last game of last year
Bazza2023: long qtr
clay007: Remind us what happened on the last game of the year bhg.
bhg26: Which one clay
Philbot12: Time to cook Will day
clay007: It would feel like that after a 140 week ban Bazza.
Bazza2023: true that Clay
Bazza2023: im not sure what prompted me to enter the chat…but i did and Montgomery has paroled me, i feel like Rubin Carter tho
pcaman2003: Good to see ya back Bazza.. Now be a good boy.
clay007: Nick watson, no touches. The wizard left his Harry Potter wand at home
naicosfan: gday all, worrying signs for paton early
circle52: The carange with SC continues with Connor Rozee limping off in their internal trial
naicosfan: will day is a gun
naicosfan: circle, makes it even easier for me to get will day into my team
wadaramus: Pink donut for the hungry Wiz? and a frosty one for Frosty? Hanily looks peckish too?
circle52: Thinking the same Naicos Day in for Rozee,
wadaramus: Unlucky for Rozee.
clay007: How long for Rozee and Butters?
Bazza2023: how did Rozee get inj?
wadaramus: Kenny’s swansong going “pear” shaped?
kano: rozee is fine
Social: Kenny?s career has been pear shaped wada
TimT14: Keep going Heeney
Bazza2023: Maybe Kenny needs to book a flight to retirement
bhg26: Kenny is pear shaped
wadaramus: Carn the “Pear”!
Social: How is that not ball
circle52: As hoped, nothing more than a scare for Rozee. Club not expecting him to require any further treatment. Full steam ahead
circle52: Report from Fox Footy
wadaramus: THanks for getting my hopes up circle52!
bhg26: How dare Meek put Heeneys beautiful face in danger
bhg26: Is Garry Lyon seriously unhappy with that Amartey free?
J.Worrall: Who is Garry Lyon? Nathan’s brother?
Bazza2023: heeney desrved it, dont start what ya cant finish!
naicosfan: umps making some shockers here
bhg26: Nobody touches my sweet prince bazza
clay007: Paton is 25 not 33 Monty
circle52: The 2 rookies watching Sheldrick and Paton not doing a lot. .
nbartos: matt roberts fools gold again
Bazza2023: its always the way with the umps, first round , they puff their pussy chests out then go hiding with a rule change
naicosfan: lovely goal by amon
wadaramus: Pyrite nbartos.
Amare: #freekickhawthorn alive and well
bhg26: Dont you just love the great defensive efforts that just land in the opponents hands?
Bazza2023: the more i here #freekickhawthorn means we are rocking and rollin
pcaman2003: Forget the umps. This is a quality game,
navy_blues: haha watson
bhg26: Quack quack
DaMeatloaf: Professor Flitwick having a stinker
original: grundy going terribly tonight (imo)
bhg26: Absolutely getting toweled up original
Noxious: Watson attends to Ginnivan school of ducking
clay007: There was a bit of hype around Sheldrick, he is limp
TheLegend6: Will Day outstanding
bhg26: Not looking up to it clay, lot of fumbles
Bazza2023: #freekickhawthorn
wadaramus: Will Day one price rise before bye.
J.Worrall: limpdrick?
pcaman2003: Welcome to my team Will.What a start.
original: thts not a free
clay007: The frees are 8-10 hawks way, that cannot be right can it?
pcaman2003: clay. Probably cos we’ve had more of the ball.
wadaramus: Roberts proper aurum.
clay007: Is it a bit hard to change Paton’s jumper number Monty?
TheLegend6: Day doesn’t really fit my team structure but geez this is hard to ignore
beerent11: Very astute call on roberts by nbartos.
pcaman2003: Watson off to a flyer tonight. Lol!
TheLegend6: @m0nty Paton needs a number change 33 > 25
clay007: How does the wizard do it? Amazing start!
TheLegend6: Just saw your message clay oops haha
nbartos: love the sarcasm boys 🙂
clay007: How is watson only on -1?
Social: Not now, Monty?s scouring the carpet for chip crumbs
J_Herer: Who is on Will Day, he has had 9 uncontested possies already!
RiskyV6: my Nan is a better forward than McCartin … Dodgey Hip and all
Ash777: Wicks might be worth selecting
bhg26: The lift doors closed on him
Bulky: Meek will be this year’s Xerri.
sMiles: Hope so @Bulky – He’s been in my team from the start and I dont’ think others will trust him and get on him.
navy_blues: wow umps like will day tonight
Bazza2023: #freekickhawthorn
pcaman2003: Bulky. You may be right. He’s killing it so far tonight.
bushranger: 200 looming ?
Birdman18: Will Day is the perfect example of why you don’t judge premos in practice games
Social: Wowee, lotta ump luv for Day
beerent11: Seems a little over umpiring going on here.
bhg26: You dont enjoy 25 frees in a half beer?
Hepatitis: Sheldrick a good miss
Pavs: Could we really go Meek and Xerri for rucks this year?
pcaman2003: beer. Seems to happen every game of every year. Ho hum!
bhg26: Fair roost
Ash777: first game of the year so going to be a bit over umpired
Bazza2023: Will Day very good player, hawks 0-5 last year Will day didnt play. Worps ankle might be issues
bhg26: I dont know what qualifies as a clearance but we definitely havent had 19 of them
Yelse: Do todays score count at all besides early price increases? still unlimited trades till next week ?
Harambe: Grundy getting absolutely pantsed by Meek
connrs: real question will day or jordan dawson?
Social: But he looks as fabulous as ever
clay007: Harambe…grundy been poor for years. This is just another example of it.
naicosfan: sure do yelse
naicosfan: and yes still unlimited trades all through rd 1
bhg26: Who were you watching last year clay
Harambe: I thought Grundy was pretty good last year but faded towards the end. Might still be struggling with that knee
clay007: I’m just bitter about Grundy when he could not beat Mumford in a prelim. Cost pies. Venting
bhg26: He was our BOG last grand final harambe, not his fault 3 aa mids didnt want to touch the footy
bhg26: Although being BOG for that grand final teams a pretty low bar
Harambe: Agree bhg, this notion that “Fort smashed Grundy” in the grand final is ridiculous, he was their best player.
Harambe: Clay, Grundy had 73 hitouts and 164 DT / 150 SC in that prelim. Hardly terrible
clay007: Lsst qtr Hamarabe. We just needed one clearance. The big man who loves his sausages, mauled him
bhg26: Yeah Fort just had the fortune of having a midfield that day harambe
navy_blues: will day proj 67 lol think they will be a lil out on that
Harambe: Mumford had 14 hitouts, 8 disposals and 50 DT / 54 SC
bhg26: Still the second half to go navy, we’ll see
clay007: Will the swans put some time into him though Navy?
navy_blues: if day goes 170+ he will generate good early cash
Bazza2023: Warner has been very good in 2 GFs
exatekk: is that as silly as X & TDK Pavs?
Harambe: You might as well blame Pendles for letting Mumford sell him candy.
bhg26: not in 24 bazza
Bazza2023: yes correct – Grundy wasnt even in the best players in GF24 Sydney: Rowbottom, Florent, Fox, Gulden, Parker
navy_blues: well if swans want to win id recommend that might be a good idea clay
clay007: Can never blame Pendles
mags: Loving the Hawks’ on-field performance, but can’t get past the fashion fail. Not sure they have their priorities right.
Bazza2023: Swans right back in this with tough man Worps out of the guts
bhg26: Man i miss errol
Ash777: where is sicily playing now frost is in?
pcaman2003: Losing Warps will hurt a bit, but we should still do okay
clay007: Sicily judges the flight of the ball better than most
Harambe: Still in defence ash, Hayward trying to man him up
bhg26: Good to see we’ve got our grand final midfield in
Bazza2023: will be interesting how the mid rotations go
clay007: Looks like Jordan to Day
Bazza2023: yeah hard tag now
pcaman2003: bhg. Don’t be too harsh. Guolden rotations through mid will be missed.
bhg26: Still would think Chad Warner, Isaac Heeney and James Rowbottom should do the job
bhg26: Chad.
clay007: are right. Hawks dominant in midfield. But…this is the swans. They won’t go away
pcaman2003: Hawks letting Swans loose last few passages of play. Costly!
bhg26: Except on a certain day clay
Pavs: Exa 47 percent TDK 4 percent Meek
bhg26: Like a gazelle grundy
pcaman2003: Oh Hawks! Please don’t do this.Tighten up lads.
bhg26: If Chad leaves it may finish me off
exatekk: that’s about to change lol
Ash777: way to flub the sub choice
bhg26: Instant impact frost lmao
wadaramus: Enjoyable game 🙂
naicosfan: wizard
wadaramus: The Wiz still getting fat on donuts?
clay007: Cheer, Cheer the red and the white
naicosfan: i’ve summoned him
Raspel31: Enjoyable game indeed!
bhg26: What the fuck are these not 15 calls
naicosfan: they cracked down on them bhg, need to be 20 in order to be a mark
Bazza2023: midfield smashed, day Tagged worps gone, not looking good
Bazza2023: oh and frost sub?????
bhg26: Thought that was 20 naicos lol
pcaman2003: Evening Rasp! Back for more punishment?
Raspel31: Age cannot wither pcaman.
circle52: Not 15 was prevalent in community series so looks like that will be the focus this year and yes thought that one more
TheLegend6: Give Watson the cape, he’s multiplied his score by 14
circle52: Nice to see swans usual slow start.
Stu7: WD gone home
bhg26: Umps going to bring out a measuring tape after every kick
Ash777: it’s a good change
bhg26: Rain in Sydney? What are the chances?
naicosfan: sydney are asking for it letting in freebies like that
pcaman2003: Thank goodness we finally kicked one. C’mon Hawks!
Bazza2023: not sure how you get free at 25 m mark
clay007: Swans poor at tackling.
Gotigres: As soon as I get Day into my team he gets injured
Bluebagg11: Day has turned to night.
naicosfan: sheldrick out of team
clay007: Swans are coming and so is bhG
naicosfan: cant have a sub risk, especially 160k
Ash777: Hanily on for Sheldrick
wadaramus: No vested interest in Sheldrick.
bhg26: Im still dead inside clay
wadaramus: Now can we find a spot for Roberts in our backline?
clay007: Kill hungry thirsty, dead
connrs: oh lord sheldrick sub see ya later
bhg26: I want to hold Isaac Heeney as much as the next guy, its still a free kick
navy_blues: omg ginnivan
naicosfan: goal keeper goal scorer what cant blakey do?
nbartos: day done?
naicosfan: day should be good
pcaman2003: Hawks errors climbing faster than a space shuttle
bhg26: Its still friday nbartos
original: classic will day no? loves an injury
Birdman18: None of these Sydney rookies are worth it, it looks like
Harambe: Monty, Sicily was forward tagged hard by Hayward that quarter
clay007: Who wins?
naicosfan: paton will be a slow burn, if he can score 55 im happy with him on my bench, however if Trainor plays, im picking him
pcaman2003: clay. I think Swans from here. They were favourites for a reason.
beerent11: Jpk weather.
clay007: They do seem better pca
bhg26: This is going to be a fucking shit last quarter of footy
Ash777: sicily moved forward time to put a line through him
pcaman2003: Warner always looks very dangerous. He can turn this game
beerent11: Wet weather close games are great
Raspel31: When Gulden back?
Bazza2023: Nash got a heeney cocrky to the calf
Stu7: Indefinite rasps
puckeey: Adams is washed
Raspel31: Poo but cheers Stu
Bazza2023: Is it just me or Heeney complains after everything doesnt go his way??? BHG?
navy_blues: wow
naicosfan: get florent a spud
pcaman2003: Nice pass to Macdonald. Lol!
Bazza2023: Dean COx #priceless
bhg26: Your goal florent
AussieLion: Wow
naicosfan: i cant see swans coming back from that shocker
Ash777: swans kicked themselves out of the game
thommoae: Evening lads. A tad late to the party. Vale Best Coast.
Birdman18: That’s almost game over
pcaman2003: You can never write the Swans off against Hawthorn. They’ll keep coming.
bhg26: That has gone 25 fucking metres
navy_blues: this not 15 rule is gonna be a joke
Ash777: sicily going backwards now
Bazza2023: Hawks setting up a wall
circle52: Not wrong Navy. too many complaints last year and now gone the other way.
pcaman2003: Chol usually marks 1 out of every10 attempts. Needs to do much better.
Raspel31: Vale Bestcoast indeed thommoae.
Birdman18: Someone at Fox needs to go through all these not 15 calls and measure them up
Bazza2023: Barass good start for Hawks
AussieLion: Sick dog
pcaman2003: Bazza. He’s done really well. Our backline finally looking complete.
Hepatitis: They?ve had a very good run with the umps tonight the hawks
Ash777: that was the softest free ever
Noxious: ‘Mabior chol needs to get on the goal line, this could fall short’
pcaman2003: Hepa. So have the Swans.
eaglesrick: what has happened to Watson ? ive only just turned it on..
Hepatitis: Simmer pca – keep dreaming champ
pcaman2003: Okay champ!
soup: Roberts the real deal or what?
bhg26: Yes soup role is disgusting
nbartos: what was that about Bestcoast?
ChocoSC: Great role Soup
bhg26: Our forward line sucks, moreso than usual
pcaman2003: nbartos. Bestcoast left us a few years ago.
Stu7: Hang up the gloves Adams
nbartos: yeh tht so pca then i saw his name and the comment just disappeared
Manowar: good one Cox, 0-1
Ash777: paton has done just enough
nbartos: cox takes over for their slide down
Raspel31: nbartos- the most amusing and pithy amongst us who was sadly called away.
nbartos: yeh he was a great poster rasp for us long in the tooth
Bazza2023: pcaman good win, great to start off 1 from 1
original: 6 free kicks lol. skinny blokes get taken care of
pcaman2003: original. DeKoning should do alright then.:)

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