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Chat log from R22 of 2023: Collingwood vs Geelong

Chat log for Collingwood vs Geelong, R22 of 2023

frenzy: evening chaps
lana2146: Cats to win
circle52: evening all
original: love how that counts as an effective kick from DCam
Ash777: who did everyone replace naicos with?
Beast_Mode: evening muppets
frenzy: liber
lana2146: Who actually had trades left is the question Ash
Ash777: I had 5 left
thommoae: Naicos to Bailey Scott here. Muppet labelling gleefully accepted.
Ash777: I went with a risky hinge
circle52: Coping a donut due to no trades left
OffaStep: None left for me. Naicos, Ridley, Walsh. Lucky I’ve a got a week off in three leagues. Might get Walsh back.
bhg26: Had to go to Docherty, I was just 71k shy of sicily
Gotigres: I got Houston Ash. Probably a big mistake as he is named in the back pocket.
Beast_Mode: 2 left, for potential injuries. Team stacked
OffaStep: Buggers just cut off SC Plus subscription, too. Their mistake but fixing it would likely wipe my team. Bye bye 2023.
Beast_Mode: yourself Lana?
Ash777: I had to trade out soldo to but bought in messi
lana2146: I been outta trades for 2 weeks now beast
meatcave: go jaicos
Gotigres: If I could give you my 76k left over after my last trade I would bhg
navy_blues: VC on stewart
bhg26: Really means a lot gotigres
Ash777: speaking of get going miers
thommoae: Awww … another beautiful FF site moment.
beerent11: Evening. Vc on naicos. Let?s go!
Beast_Mode: thats rough, managing our trades is what seperates the better SC players
original: draft opponent has DCameron. i am absolutely not supportive of his inflated score
OffaStep: Right you are, Beast. Swore I wouldn’t burn them this year. Justified it by saying I was being ‘aggressive’ early.
PigeonPies: what has happened to our defence
TheLegend6: Some pass from Messi
circle52: Injuries killed me – worst year for me.
pcaman2003: Traded out Naicos for Butters this week. 2 trades left now. Missed the prelim by 3 pts last week.
bhg26: I had 3 injury trades with a completed team in round 18, they are all gone now
Ash777: Howe’s move forward has caused pies defense to unravel
bhg26: Pies look woeful
bhg26: That was better
Beast_Mode: lol ash, Howe didnt come back from injury until rd 15. Great comment lmao
pcaman2003: Think my opponent has no trades. Has Naicos on bench and showing 2 donuts.
navy_blues: weird how top 2 sides having bad patch atm
slydon: are cats flag contenders?
slydon: like if they get a fit squad they look dangerous
dodgybros: Darcy No Moore
slydon: if they get into the bottom half, theyll walk through the bottom 4 of the 8
navy_blues: hard slog for cats but if i was top 4 side they be last team id want to play
OffaStep: Would never write them off, sly. Going to be a very interesting finals series.
beerent11: Jezzaaa!
navy_blues: injuries starting to happen for colliwobbles too
original: Darcy Cameron sc is everything wrong with this game
dodgybros: The wheels are falling off
navy_blues: multi gone
PigeonPies: hahah wheels are falling off, most collingwood shit ever
thommoae: ‘Walk through”? They’re not that hot stuff, slydon – a bit hot and cold this year.
Beast_Mode: pies falling apart
Dredd: Cats like the top 4 atm.. their best can contend, their worst is terrible.. seeing the contenders best and worst atm
pcaman2003: I think that head butt might have helped Cameron.
Beast_Mode: yo lose more than you win mate
dodgybros: How many leg multi
bhg26: Thats for the shit punters beast
beerent11: Nah the most Collingwood thing ever is jumping off your team at the first sign of trouble .
Dredd: Cats continue this and we beat the crows tomorrow, top spot is open 👀
Beast_Mode: irrelevant mate, brissy couldn’t beat an egg at the G
OffaStep: If you bet more than you should, you lose more than you win.
navy_blues: only 6 dodgy
dodgybros: Minus 1 hamstring navy
Dredd: Pies lost to the hawks by more than we did at the G.. and we easily should have beaten the Dees where the Pies couldn?t
Dredd: Another stupid Beast comment.. at least that?s a certainly in life atm
navy_blues: lol yep
PigeonPies: ?? we both lost by less than a goal
Beast_Mode: “should have” but you didn’t mate, you lost lol, Barely could beat Freo last week lmao
Grimes Jr: Pies cooked lol. Joke of an institution
Dredd: You got smashed Pigeon.. Dees couldnt kick straight.. we were up by 23 with 7 min left.. big difference
Dredd: Yep Beast.. who beat Geelong in Geelong who are now beating Collingwood.. funny isnt it?
GARDS16: colliwobbles
PigeonPies: yeah, we got smahed and you were up, and yet you lost, i’d rather get smashed and barely lose then choke that lead
Dredd: Beast and taking Ls.. zzz
dodgybros: Yeah well The Dons got home against The West Coast by a point last week and we all know who they beat
Grimes Jr: Glad Moore is out
Beast_Mode: The bears are only ones taking L mate, in straight sets
dodgybros: Get on North I say
Dredd: Good logic Pigeon.. rather get smashed than be the better team for most of the game and just lost the nerve at the end..
DaicosQB: You are a subhuman freak Grimes, just kick it out already it won’t hurt I promise
NickyD: Grimes barracking for his favourite team again. The team that plays Collingwood that week LOL
NickyD: As for the Pies? We couldn’t beat the US womens soccer team at this stage, but we can still turn it around.
bhg26: Hooray Grimey has blessed us with his presence
navy_blues: hey grimes good to see sniper is retiring lol
thommoae: Geez, Naicos now Moore. Pies looking in trouble at the wrong end of the season.
circle52: Lions usually only get 2 or 3 games at the MCG each home and away. Not an excuse but an observation 84 games at G
circle52: Since joining the comp.
Grimes Jr: A champion navy – something u blokes don?t have
navy_blues: lol champion sniper and default brownlow
dodgybros: De Goey De Goney too
bhg26: Now De Goey flowering hell
Grimes Jr: Now goey – heaven, this
Grimes Jr: Stick it up em cats
Ash777: the wobbles are coming!
beerent11: That?ll be the end of me in draft bhg.
OffaStep: Did your father not tell you how disappointed he was in you often enough, Grimes?
navy_blues: just u come here and bag e very other club and players thought id turn the tables on you grimes
dodgybros: This voodoo doll I got this week works a treat
bhg26: Dont worry beer i have ratugolea, consider it even
Grimes Jr: Thanks navy, I like itv
navy_blues: yw
Beast_Mode: what do you expect navy, his username is of an overrated flog
All Reds: looking forward to finals
beerent11: I have bowes and Maynard on field too.
bhg26: Yeah but you have J cameron
navy_blues: cant see pies winnig tbis with only 2 on bench now
TheFlagger: why are these fraud teams on friday night
dodgybros: Murphy 2 weeks minimum
pcaman2003: dodgybros. I have the original whereas yours is a copycat fake.Lol!.
GARDS16: bit of a jumper clash
Grimes Jr: They get a lot, the pies
TheFlagger: they’re half a chance now the pies, moore forgot how to play footy
Gotigres: Hill needs a left foot
Ash777: degoey back game back on
TheFlagger: Ginni will look good in navy blue next year
Grimes Jr: Why would u want that flog flagger
dodgybros: Is Ginnivan wearing aflw shorts
GARDS16: ginni lol no thanks
navy_blues: omg flagger have another drink never ever happen
TheFlagger: 40 goals last year pretty decent
TheFlagger: fasolo 2.0
navy_blues: different rules now flagger lmao
dodgybros: Money back on multi here Navy void bet
clay007: It is funny you are using the word Flog Grimes. When I think GrimesJnr i think…
navy_blues: ok cool
Ash777: wtf was that analogy bt lol
Ash777: go the mushrooms!
OffaStep: WTF is going on with DCam?
Nicko006: Touch the football Bruhn you muppet
Grimes Jr: Mcreery sums up the pies – scum
clay007: You must sleep with the light on Grimes…you Flog
DukeNewc: I heard Ginni could also go to the dogs Flagger, whoever gets him deals with the hate he brings
TheLegend6: McCreery is a good guy
Ash777: lol weightman and ginnivan in the same team
beerent11: Gee danger is having a cracker
Baldfrog: Scary for the Dogs not comp Ash lol
navy_blues: great bounce lol
Ash777: cats losing this game is end of season for them
soup: Tom Mitchell would fit right in with the doggies with the amount of times he throws the ball
navy_blues: lol @ BT saying dangerous frwds hill and ginnivan
clay007: Surprising comment by Navy given his love of Hill. Loves to pot him any chance he gets.
clay007: Oh wow, Hill just had another goal assist…did you see that Navy or was your head still up your…
navy_blues: clay bt said it sry im not allowed to have a opinion clay i forgot
navy_blues: ginnivan had the assist lol
Grimes Jr: Cats cooked – pies to get a good helping from the men in green now
clay007: not the first one navy, it started with hill
bhg26: Grimey is heartbroken lol
clay007: Why do you hate him so much Navy, he had testicular cancer last year and has been a serviceable player.
clay007: What about that goal Navy?
Grimes Jr: Bhg it hurts watching scum win
All Reds: bobby is a jet
navy_blues: dont hate him i said he shouldnt get in coll b est 22 and that he tries to take moty all the time thats all
Dredd: Cats are done.. shows how cooked Port are losing to this.. looks like only 4 teams can win it from here
sheezel420: you’re a tigers fan though? you usually love watching scum win
Ash777: ever since navy has said that hill has gone bang
clay007: many times navy. You beat it like a soft egg. You seem quite measured on other issues though.
navy_blues: wow ootf
Ash777: lmao that ump is blind
NickyD: Yellow maggots
Cottees: oooof how does ump miss that? obv out on full lol
Nicko006: That was in the 1st row
clay007: I wonder how Grimesjnr saw that. Were the men in yellow gifting the Pies then?
Harambe: That was out of bounds, That was out of bounds, That was out of bounds, THAT WAS OUT OF BOUNDS
Grimes Jr: Dw clay, u just got one back – clear Stewart mark
dodgybros: Brad Scott eying off 8th spot
JayEm: This hurts to say this but go Pies
Grimes Jr: Carn Carter?s
Cottees: Grimes, mate had no control of the ball but ok haha
beerent11: Look how far down the 50 point players go down the pies list.
Grimes Jr: Murphy due to fake another injury
NickyD: Best run we’ve had in weeks. None versus Hawks, Blues
pluggerpig: all i need for my multi now is Pies 1-39… good start to the weekend
circle52: Dislike both thrsr teams but go Pies
beerent11: Woking hard on that spud grimes jr
sheezel420: I can’t dislike Geelong or my cat will be mad at me
navy_blues: ouch noble now there is a good player clay
Harambe: Cats hate everyone anyway Sheezel
DaicosQB: He’s immune to it, m0nty’s nephew or something surely
clay007: Corkie Navy?
Ash777: they have dogs at home
navy_blues: as hobbling
clay007: Blues vs Melb, who wins Navy?
JayEm: Danger is good at these deliberate moves that look accidental
navy_blues: was
dodgybros: Jeez they have had a few games at the MCG this year the pies
navy_blues: no idea of course i want blues to win if we do we are sure of finals i think if we lose back into the mix
Grimes Jr: Have a cheap free, brayden
clay007: Well done Grimes, you had not made a negative comment in 2 minutes.
Gotigres: My vc’s and c’s have been terrible this season. Just look at Stewart.
navy_blues: hoping with grundy back will stop gawns influence on gfame a bit
clay007: Should be a corker of a game Navy, an important game for both teams.
NickyD: @clay007 – feeding the trolls only excites them more
Grimes Jr: Clay, u should be at the game. You support this mob?
clay007: Could not get a ticket Grimes.
Grimes Jr: Plenty of spares seats champ
navy_blues: not every1 lives in melb grimes i get to 1 maybe 2 games a year i must be a bad supporter
clay007: Interesting point navy about grundy. Cannot wait for the match. It will be interesting to see how Oliver plays.
bhg26: Champ has been thrown out wowee
clay007: Grimes…what do you get out of potting everyone?
GARDS16: Oliver failed a drug test , 8 week hammy
OffaStep: You bring that at the G atmosphere to this chat, Grimes. Y’know the mouthy, half cut flog shouting absolute trash.
clay007: Gardes…I thought that might be the case. The longest hammy in history.
beerent11: He thrives on unaccountability. Easy to be tough when there?s no consequences.
NickyD: Hate to say it, but Grimes trolling is actually triggering some tonight.
beerent11: Just need to freeze him out. No acknowledgement.
NickyD: VC wasted on Tom Stewart tonight. Ah well. Zerrett C tomorrow.
Grimes Jr: Hahahaha
GARDS16: yeah oliver loves it
GARDS16: lift darcy
slydon: god these umps have been hopeless on the bounce tonight
navy_blues: cmon pies dont stop
Beast_Mode: pendles a liability in the square against danger
Grimes Jr: Carn caters
Beast_Mode: ive seen it all now, blues fan cheering the pies on
beerent11: Danger. What a player.
Manowar: Collywobbles!!!
PigeonPies: what a goal jezza
SWalsh4PM: sick game
navy_blues: how can he handball to camero outside the boundary?
Ash777: not a goal lol
dodgybros: Cameron might slot 10
NickyD: BOundary lines don’t exist for Jezza, it seems.
Ash777: how did they miss that!
Dredd: Wowee.. Pies getting their own medicine atm.. expect the cats to fall off late though
beerent11: Played on over the line I thought
bhg26: Who are you going for grimey the carters or the caters make up your mind!
navy_blues: had pies in multi to beast
Grimes Jr: Pendles looking his age rn
Manowar: nice boundary umpiring
Dredd: Nathan Brown is ropable on Triple M right now about that Cameron OOB goal hahaha
Grimes Jr: Yep dreddd, they tend to get a pretty good run
thesilentl: Still a racist Grimes jnr?
Manowar: Hello McFly!!!
Ash777: did the umps lose their OPSM sponsorship
Dredd: It?s the Jezza show! Hopefully Daniher and Hipwood can have a field day next week ;(
Grimes Jr: Pies will still win this
NickyD: Dredd – full forwards love playing Collingwood
Manowar: nice defence Geelong, Smith ya Donkey!
Dredd: And that?s why you?ve retired Smith.. Ruined the momentum..
thommoae: Stewart, Isaac, Stewart!
clay007: Just read your last post bhg, hilarious! Great work
Ash777: This is either actually the worst ump game or best ump game of the season lol
Grimes Jr: Doesn?t take much to get a laugh out of u, clay
GARDS16: where?s joffa ?
thommoae: Cats their own worst enemies.
thesilentl: Been ok @ash but with 2 outrageously bad OOB misses
clay007: Your negativity makes me laugh Grimes…hahahah
Dredd: Ffs Geelong.. you absolute spuds. Do the work to get back to 9 pts and they cough up 2 goals from nothing
Grimes Jr: There?s the Collingwood chant – they finally feel comfortable !
clay007: How is the blood pressure dredd?
pcaman2003: Cas defense gone to water big time.
Dredd: Any game with Geelong is horrific umpiring @ash.. every single week
navy_blues: gee dont want these umps in finals
Grimes Jr: Love it when clay was abusing his players earlier in the game, how times change
dodgybros: Joffa still getting possessions from the half time little league
Dredd: Stick to firing at Grimes Clay.. your too boring to waste my time with
Manowar: Parfitt hee-haw, hee-haw
thesilentl: Anyone siding with Grimes after his horrific racism last year needs to reasses their lives
Hazza09: Cmon De Goey scrape a 90
OffaStep: Got DCam and Disco. Both have be shower. Opp has Jaicos and Atkins. Was relatively confident before the game…
Grimes Jr: Game over
Grimes Jr: The pies have faced the adversity they needed to face to win the flag
Dredd: Can?t believe I brought in Cameron over Butters.. fk me dead this spud sold the hope to me.. 😡
Manowar: No finals Geelong!
Dredd: Geelong are cooked.. beating Port shows Port are cooked.. Pies, Dees, Lions and Blues only teams that can win it now
thesilentl: @dredd lions no chance, gotta play at the mcg champ
Harambe: Noble and De Goey are fakers, pretended they tore their hammies and still out there
GARDS16: blues have to make it first
NickyD: Pies v Lions next week will be a cracker. No Moore will test our defence.
Harambe: Yeah not like Brisbane won a final at the MCG last year silent
NickyD: @Harambe wish Moore was faking it too 🙁
dodgybros: Pies won’t win the flag. Melbourne, Carlton, Dogs and even the Bombers have a better chance
Grimes Jr: Harambe, they have a few who do that
NickyD: lol dodgybros. Tell me you’re a bombers fan without telling me you’re a bombers fan
navy_blues: bombers lol 5th to 13th and to 12th by 1 point win
Grimes Jr: This Neale reminds me of Samson Ryan
Manowar: nice one Neale
dodgybros: Someone has to miss out on finals for like 7000 days
thesilentl: Racist Grimes, fuck off back to your basement
Ash777: round 24 against pies for bombers to make finals
navy_blues: anything can happen next few weeks especially injuries
Dredd: Silent, played the same 2 teams at the G as you guys.. 2 better performances than you blokes as well.. 🤡
Harambe: Moore actually has integrity NickyD. He won’t fake an injury, nor molest you in Bali or NY
Grimes Jr: Keep it coming silent!
TheLegend6: Get to 20 Stewart
bhg26: DCam of your 40 hitouts could you at least have hit some to your teammates
dodgybros: Crowd could have been 78,750 if you went Clay
Hazza09: Useless de goey
pcaman2003: Two players named Cameron. One playing while the other sleeps.
clay007: Could not get a ticket dodg
thesilentl: You’re a pathetic human, the racist stuff you said was disgusting
thesilentl: And the fact you think it’s funny is even worse
Dredd: Silent quick to dismiss facts being thrown at him.. what?s new 😴
Harambe: Silent goes WHACK
NickyD: LOL Harambe. Gotta love internet trolls. More fun keeping it light.
navy_blues: think saints will drop out of 8
Dredd: Saints are cooked 100% navy
dodgybros: Listen to the filth boo
beerent11: Only player under 50 for the pies was the sub. Such an even side.
FoopyTime: this was a good game of foopy if you aske me
NickyD: 3 votes Jezza, 2 votes Jaicos, 1 vote Mihocek
Harambe: Well done Pies, looking forward to a good match next week
beerent11: Cracking game foopy
Dredd: Imagine if Geelong didn?t cough up those 2 goals by Smith and the Rat.. Top spot would?ve been on the line 🙁
navy_blues: harambe where do they play?
circle52: Marvel if the Pies know the way
NickyD: Imagine if Jezza was out of bounds twice Dredd – so many sliding doors moments
Harambe: Docklands
DaicosQB: Imagine if Geelong didn’t mark a ball in the stands and handball to J Cameron in row C.
Dredd: Yeah fair call Nicky.. wp. Those were on umps though, Geelongs mistakes were their own fault
navy_blues: pies by 6 goals
circle52: Would have preferred at the G though for more practice. We have a good record at Marvel though
Dredd: Think navy was being sarcastic.. pretty sure every afl follower and their dog knows where Pies Lions game is next week..
NickyD: @circle, not sure. We’d prefer to play in Adelaide tbh. 3 wins there this year.
Harambe: Don’t worry Dredd, we’ve got the 2001-03 threepeat, I can die happy with that
Dredd: Didn?t we beat you at Marvel by 6 goals navy? 🤔
navy_blues: piss off dredd
Dredd: Harambe, I was in my early stages of life at that time.. don?t remember it :,(
circle52: Bit worried about tomorrow though guys. Need to start strong.
Harambe: Should be a cracker, Crom will be desperate
Dredd: Need to get through it playing well.. % boost can come from the saints game, just need to win tomorrow
circle52: Dredd I have 5 in my lifetime as well as the threepeat was a Roos supporter prior so had 2 cups in the 70s,
dodgybros: After tomorrow you might be back at Arden St Circle
circle52: @Nicky looking for a great game next week. Hope it is a cracker.
NickyD: @circle great warm-up to the finals for sure. Will be a beauty!

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