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Blog log from R16 of 2023: Sydney vs Geelong

Blog log for Sydney vs Geelong, R16 of 2023

Gulden catches Dangerfield HTB 50m out on the flank after a stoppage inside 50. His set shot is touched off the boot for no score. (Q1 2:43)
Papley roves the resultant stoppage but his left-foot snap from the hotspot takes a wicked leg break the wrong side of the goalpost. (Q1 3:12)
Gulden centres from the HFF to the fat side for Campbell zoning up from the wing to 35m on a slight angle for the opening goal. (Q1 4:30)
Melican is beaten by a Hawkins hook lead to concede an uncontested mark 40m out on a slight angle from a Stengle pass from midfield. The Tomahawk hits the left goalpost. (Q1 6:32)
Hayward sends a speculator from the HFF to the hotspot, Hickey provides the crumb for Gulden who snaps wide from inside the pack. (Q1 9:42)
Guthrie tries to spoil Gulden in the centre but there are too many Swans in the corridor, Gulden receives back for the pass to Heeney 35m out on a slight angle, hooked OOTF right. (Q1 11:48)
McInerney marks in the centre and passes up the guts to Heeney to mark over Atkins 45m out. Repeat inside 50s piling up for Sydney, but this one also flies OOTF. (Q1 12:57)
Dangerfield tries a diagonal rebound kick to the centre but Smith can’t get to it, McInerney passes to McDonald 30m out on a slight angle, his set shot swerves right for a point. (Q1 14:12)
Might be a bit of a swirly breeze coming in from the hole in the grandstand at Sydney’s attacking end. (Q1 14:50)
As often happens in footy, after a long period of territory for Sydney without reward it’s Geelong who scores on the counter with an Oliver Henry snap from 45m on a slight angle. (Q1 16:57)
Dangerfield clears from the next bounce, Stengle flies and draws a fairly soft contact free on Cunningham 45m out on a slight angle. His set shot is a peach! (Q1 17:57)
Forward efficiency is winning a lot of games in this even AFL competition in 2023, and so far it’s all Geelong on that metric even though everything else is trending Bloods. (Q1 18:43)
Mills tries to play on from the last line instead of rushing under pressure but he turns it over by foot, Miers passes to Hawkins at the hotspot for the goal. (Q1 20:08)
Blakey spots up Amartey at half forward after a trademark scoot up the corridor, pass goes onwards to Gulden 40m out on the flank who also misses to the right. (Q1 22:28)
Mills kicks over Guthrie to McInerney 40m out, he passes around the arc to Campbell in the corridor. One of these has to go through… not this one, though. Right again. (Q1 23:48)
Sydney is kicking like there is a gale whooshing through from that construction area. It’s not. (Q1 24:28)
Campbell marks 50m out on a slight angle, plays on and lets fly… yep, another one that drifts to the right. There is a big sucking sound. (Q1 25:53)
Apart from the jokes, Sydney’s capacity to generate turnovers in midfield is going to tell at some stage if it holds up. (Q1 26:31)
Guthrie spoils a Rampe rebound kick to the HFF, butters up and snaps from 40m… across the face to be rushed by Rampe. (Q1 27:28)
Campbell feeds Papley who finally shows a bit of finishing class for the Swans with a snap across the body off the right from the hotspot. (Q2 3:14)
Oliver Henry leads from the square to the hotspot ahead of Blakey to mark a Miers pass from CHF, he converts. (Q2 5:48)
McDonald marks on the lead in front of Ratugolea 35m out on a slight angle and sails through the set shot. No tricky wind up that end! (Q2 13:55)
Ratugolea gets lost in transition to allow McDonald to mark untouched 45m out on a slight angle, he repeats the dose and the Swans hit the lead. (Q2 16:23)
Hayward gathers at half forward and rides a tackle to feed Fox who bounces a snap wide from 45m on a slight angle. (Q2 18:14)
The Swans are swarming in attack to force turnovers, Sheldrick roves a Francis spoil to pass to Amartey 45m out on a slight angle, he hoofs it into the right goalpost. (Q2 20:18)
Fox volleys a crumb wide from near the behind line. (Q2 21:36)
Repeat inside 50s are piling up for Sydney like tourists outside the Opera House, Papley passes to Heeney 45m out who misses. (Q2 23:15)
Another repeat inside 50 for Sydney, Hickey marks at the top of the square but sprays the soda, everyone in the ground gives their shocked face. (Q2 24:44)
Parker winds the clock back with a snap goal from a stoppage near the hotspot. (Q3 3:02)
Blicavs juggles a pack mark over Melican from a speculator by Oliver Henry up the flank to 25m. Blitz slots the set shot. (Q3 5:01)
Melican and then Francis just manage to rush a long Bruhn centre clearance that threatened to bounce through from 60m. (Q3 6:30)
Bruhn breaks a tackle in the pocket and gives back to Duncan who blazes OOTF from the HFF. (Q3 9:29)
Miers hits the lead of Hawkins 45m out on the flank on a rare repeat inside 50 for Geelong, but the crowd cheers as the set shot flies narrow to the left. (Q3 10:32)
McLean leaves two Cat defenders sprawled on the turf after taking a contested grab 30m out on the flank from a Gulden pass. But he misses right, kicking into the gale-force wind. (Q3 12:33)
(It is not a gale-force wind.) (Q3 12:33)
Long ball up the guts to the top of the Cats goalsquare, Oliver Henry flies in front but the ump pays the mark to Dangerfield… who dawdles, called to play on, misses! (Q3 14:31)
Bews receives outside a pack at the Swans hotspot and tries to baulk past Hickey with a left-foot step but gets caught HTB. Now comes the hard part… another shank, miss. (Q3 19:32)
After a lovely switch from the last line, McDonald is over the back of Stewart for a long Florent kick in the pocket but drops a sitter then volleys into the post! Oh dear. (Q3 23:01)
Blicavs marks a Stengle pass over Mills in the pocket 30m out, running forward after contesting in ruck. He misses near side right. (Q3 24:27)
Rohan roves at the hotspot and feeds Miers who baulks Cunningham with a lovely right-foot step and sends through a straight drop-punt in the last minute before 3QT! (Q3 27:02)
Duncan feeds Miers for a snap off a step from 40m on the flank on the wrong side for his kicking technique, that one hooks across the face and OOTF. (Q4 0:57)
Stewart catches a slithering Lizard HTB to prevent a score at half back, Blakey shaken by a crunching challenge. (Q4 2:57)
Ratugolea dives in desperation to rush a crumb with McLean lurking. (Q4 3:27)
Rohan catches Rowbottom HTB on the wing after Rampe’s kick to the corridor doesn’t work, setting up a Duncan pass to Hawkins 45m out on the flank, goal to give Geelong the lead! (Q4 5:40)
Rohan takes a big pack mark on the flank 30m out after doing two-fifths of bugger all prior to the past few minutes. His set shot fades right, kicking into the vortex. (Q4 8:27)
Holmes misses on the run from 50m on a slight angle, had more time to steady. (Q4 11:59)
Sydney are trying to hit the corridor on every rebound, Cats are turning it over often but not yet scoring. (Q4 11:59)
Chaos ball at half forward favours Hawkins who feeds Oliver Henry… his running shot from 45m on a slight angle slices OOTF. (Q4 13:42)
Stewart cuts off the next Sydney rebound, Miers passes to Dangerfield just inside CHF, he goes to the flank 40m out for Tuohy. The Irishman hooks it left. (Q4 14:37)
Duncan handballs to grass from half back and turns it over, Blakey passes to Fox 45m out in front. McLean marks on the behind line, goes back for Campbell 40m out on the flank… (Q4 17:42)
Campbell draws in a lovely set shot left to right and through! Kick in it, 5:38 to play, it’s anyone’s game. (Q4 18:10)
Amartey catches Close HTB on the HBF to prevent a score with less than 4:00 left. (Q4 21:34)
Bowes kicks to the Cats hotspot, mad scramble but the Swans clear eventually… (Q4 22:57)
Sheldrick kicks inside 50, Jack Henry can’t mark, Fox stayed down to rove but he hits the post from 15m! 2:11 to go0, a point in it! (Q4 23:29)
Blakey marks the kick in but his kick inside 50 doesn’t find a teammate, Cats clear through Atkins. (Q4 23:58)
Gulden long to the pocket, Heeney roves and snaps from 25m… wobbles OOTF! 1:19 to go, that would have levelled the scores! (Q4 24:42)
Big pack on outer wing for the rebound kick, ball up, 55 seconds to go. (Q4 25:25)
Sheldrick to Rowbottom for the kick to the hotspot, ball up, 40 seconds! (Q4 25:41)
Stewart smothers McInerney but is smothered himself, Heeney roves and misses, scores level, 30 seconds! (Q4 26:04)
Duncan kicks in to Kolodjashnij on the HBF, he goes around outer wing, out for a throw in, 12 seconds, draw coming up… (Q4 26:43)
Locked up for another ball up with four seconds left, that’s the ball game, it’s a draw! (Q4 26:57)

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