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Blog log from R13 of 2023: Fremantle vs Richmond

Blog log for Fremantle vs Richmond, R13 of 2023

Riewoldt roves a Pearce fumbles and snaps wide off the left from 30m on the flank. (Q1 0:46)
Amiss marks behind Young 45m out on a slight angle and kicks the first goal of the evening. (Q1 2:36)
Balta intercepts at half back but his sideways kick is spoiled by Walker, Schultz baulks and passes to Treacy just on 50m on a slight angle, his set shot hooks left. (Q1 4:26)
Frederick spoils the short kick in by Vlastuin, butters up and snaps from 35m but it wobbles wide left. (Q1 5:09)
Another turnover from half back by Richmond with Bolton picked off, Brayshaw hits the lead of Amiss just on 50m on the flank, he hooks that one right. (Q1 6:31)
Johnson wins a HTB free on Taranto at a ball up 45m out on the flank, but his set shot is narrow. (Q1 12:26)
Ross marks a Vlastuin pass on a switch play from one HFF to the other. He lines up from 45m and bangs through a rare goal. (Q1 15:00)
Samson Ryan misses from a ball up at the top of the square. (Q1 19:28)
Short marks a short pass 50m out on a slight angle and uses the stand rule to perfection to slot the set shot. (Q1 20:33)
Short receives from Graham who snaps from the HFF for his second goal in a row, Tigers have the jump! (Q1 24:07)
Credit to a big lunge by Baker to force a loose ball to enable that goal. (Q1 24:27)
Taranto snaps another one for the Tigers from a ball in to 40m on the flank! (Q1 26:23)
Prestia does a one-two with Martin after the next bounce and passes short to Baker 40m out, he hooks it left. (Q1 27:52)
Aish passes short from the HFF down the line to Jackson on his own 35m out, he hangs the set shot left. (Q2 3:03)
Pickett draws two defenders for a contest 20m out, crumb falls for Clarke who goals on the turn off the left. (Q2 6:32)
Fremantle bullocks their way through heavy traffic from the back pocket, eventually slingshot out of congestion with Amiss gathering a bounce pass and grubbering a goal from 20m. (Q2 9:33)
Luke Ryan, Johnson and Fyfe were involved heavily in that buildup. (Q2 9:53)
Martin misses a low-percentage snap from the boundary 25m out on the wrong side after a give by Graham. (Q2 10:58)
Rain starting to fall in earnest in Perth, all of a sudden. (Q2 11:16)
Treacy intercepts at half forward and kicks long to a pack 20m out on a slight angle. Amiss hits it hard and marks on his chest for a goal with rain teeming down. (Q2 12:18)
The rain has stopped again but that massive mini-storm has left the ground sodden and the ball slippery. (Q2 15:04)
Martin centres from the pocket, ball is a cake of soap, Pearce bends down but fumbles it through his legs, Taranto volleys it through for a goal from 20m! (Q2 17:18)
Martin marks in front of Cox on the boundary 25m out, he plays on but his kick falls on the line for Pearce to rush. (Q2 23:06)
Sturt marks 35m out on the boundary and threads the needle with a quality drop punt! (Q2 24:28)
After Bolton misses a target on the wing on a fast break, Fyfe passes to Switkowski for a shot after the HT siren from 45m on a slight angle, he doesn’t score. (Q2 31:19)
Pearce gives Riewoldt too much leg rope for a mark from a Martin pass to 30m on a slight angle, zagged left when he should have followed Jack right. Set shot is good. (Q3 0:56)
Aish gives to Serong who snaps on the turn from 50m on a slight angle, he misses left. (Q3 2:46)
Jackson’s dump rebound kick lands in the arms of Short 50m out on the flank, he delivers another howitzer from long range for his third goal! (Q3 5:41)
Bolton for Martin for the next centre clearance bomb, Riewoldt judges it better than Pearce to mark on his chest at the hotspot for another one! (Q3 7:30)
Broad runs up outer wing ahead of the frisky Frederick, good toe by the backman and he spots up Riewoldt 45m out on a slight angle…. set shot pushed left as rain falls again. (Q3 10:32)
O’Driscoll feeds Jackson at a stoppage 20m out in the pocket, he is free for a left-foot snap but scuffs it disappointingly for a point. (Q3 20:11)
Balta rebounds up the wing, Baker roves a Martin contest on the HFF, just avoids the boundary and gives inside for Mansell who slots the goal under big pressure from 35m! (Q3 21:42)
Treacy has had a good game, he sits on the back of Young to clunk a long Clark ball to the hotspot and kicks truly. (Q3 22:57)
Martin runs around a stoppage and shoots from the pocket 25m out with Jackson chasing, he pulls it back too much and it’s rushed. (Q3 26:11)
Surge footy by Fremantle from the wing, Walters scrubs a chaos ball inside 50 to near the hotspot, whiff attempted volley by Balta, Brayshaw skids a volley home! (Q3 27:47)
Nankervis tumbles through a rare snap goal from a stoppage 25m out on the flank, off the left on the turn after beating Jackson to a short throw-in! (Q3 29:22)
Fyfe roves a throw in to the pocket and wows the purple hordes by threading a snap from the boundary 20m out! (Q3 30:23)
Jackson out the front of a centre bounce to the left end of Perth, where have I seen that before… Walters gets a soft contact free on Broad at the hotspot and goals! (Q3 31:52)
This game looked over five minutes ago but when the purple tsunami hits Fremantle are capable of anything at home, especially in the wet when surge is the name of the game. (Q3 32:52)
Samson Ryan marks in front of Luke Ryan just outside 50m on the flank, his long attempt falls on the line for Pearce to rush. (Q3 35:20)
This match turned after Nankervis went off for a while with what looked like a right adductor tweak, since then Jackson has gone on a rampage even though Nank has returned. (3 Qtr Time)
Frederick brings a long ball to the hotspot to ground, Walters volleys the crumb home for the first goal of Q4! (Q4 1:21)
Freo are bossing stoppages through Jackson’s firestarter work now, Fyfe spots up the lead of Amiss 40m out on a slight angle, he boots goal number four! (Q4 4:01)
O’Driscoll slips and loses the footy behind the wing, crumb falls for Graham who paddles to Martin, he hits Riewoldt 35m out on a slight angle who misses. (Q4 13:41)
Richmond have had precious few free kicks this evening, they get one here for Pickett 35m out in the pocket, he kicks into the man on the mark for a point. (Q4 20:36)
Hughes baulks his way through traffic after a turnover on outer wing and shoots, Broad is on the line but gets turned about, did he touch it or did it nick the post? Review… (Q4 21:46)
Can’t use Edge because Broad ran into the post, big test for the review system… the Edge bloke bottles it and sends it back to the goal umpire… who calls it a point! (Q4 23:06)
Technically correct decision, which is the best kind of correct. (Q4 23:29)
Frederick jets away from a stoppage on the HFF, lets fly off the left from 40m on the boundary… flies OOTF. (Q4 24:12)
3:51 to go and Freo still behind by two kicks, but they are pumping with great force. (Q4 24:29)
Cox turns the ball over by foot on the rebound to Rioli 55m out on a slight angle. In the last minute, enough time has lapsed already, kick short… Bolton marks on the line! (Q4 28:42)
Bolton puts a cherry on top with the goal with seconds to play. (Q4 29:54)

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