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Chat log from R13 of 2023: Western Bulldogs vs Port Adelaide

Chat log for Western Bulldogs vs Port Adelaide, R13 of 2023

Yelse: VC into C this round guys ?
Cottees: VC Marshall yesterday and gonna risk Dunkley… considered every player I had tonight and didn’t go them. Theyll go huge
navy_blues: exactly same cottees
All Reds: Into em bont
sc_god: vc bont into laird or serong
Pavs: English VC to Laird
sc_god: tipped dogs, get it done lads
Gotigres: When I saw that Baker was sub I traded him out. Obviously he will come on at the 10 min mark of 1st qtr and go 80+
PAFC4eva: Welcome back big dix
bhg26: Ayo?
Cottees: PAFC moving mad
Bulky: Baker would still be in the side if he didn’t butcher the ball so much.
navy_blues: id play baker b4 arthur jones he tries to do to much everytime he gets the ball
pluggerpig: accidentally added dylan williams 15 touches to my multi, dont even know who he is.
original: baker sure is a butcher
TheLegend6: Geez Bruce muppet
PAFC4eva: Williams good chance to get 15 plugger
Troglodyte: Libba is a bit feral tonight
bhg26: Take a drink every time Hodge says smart you?d be dead at qt
PAFC4eva: Bhg 2 goals already for dix no frees
DrSeuss: Geez good start in the Ruck from English – 6 HO to 0
bhg26: Did he not get a htb free PAFC?
PigeonPies: miles bergman increasing his trade value, looks very good this season
PAFC4eva: No you cant have him pigd no trade
PAFC4eva: oops bhg
original: plugger williams on the kick ins, good sign for you
bhg26: Weightmans on the ground quick give him a free!
Cottees: hahaha pies great timing mate
PigeonPies: haha dont blame you, but i think teams like saints and richmond are keen on him
DrSeuss: Does anyone flop around more than Weightman?
Cottees: but man that was a huge flop
Pavs: Apologies I have broken English this week
PAFC4eva: I think he is vic so go home factor could be in play
Raspel31: You are a very naughty boy indeed Pavs.
PigeonPies: yeah cottees, hard to not give a free to weightman
Cascadian: Good Start Bont
Cottees: Dixon looking the goods
pcaman2003: Keep up the good work Libba. Catch up Bont and Rozee.
sc_god: jones needs to play on dixon
original: bruce is no good
PAFC4eva: Did you see that Bhg?
original: cmon vc english..
DrSeuss: Alright Timmy – lets see if you can get a touch or just involved
bhg26: Nah watching the cricket pafc, therefore it didn?t happen
original: LIFT houston. do it for Ken
Hawkthornz: English 0 Hit Outs!
EvilMonk: Bergman needed to kill that ball, shocking dropped mark
PAFC4eva: Buttersssss
Cottees: yes the butters!
original: lol the WBD player falling for the handball and staying off him
PAFC4eva: Cracking game
Manowar: You’re a bully Ken, settle down!
Pavs: Jump English get a little air.
Cottees: haha mabye I should of put Briggs on field over English lol
DrSeuss: WTF English – outrucked by Lycett – no hitouts, no tackles, get involved
navy_blues: english cant do nothing tonight
original: need a rattle icon. cos english is RATTLED
BigChief: WTF English? How can you get beaten by Lycett?
EvilMonk: My English VC isn’t looking great lmao
RooBoyStu: This is Footy, beautiful to watch tonight, attacking footy at it’s best
pcaman2003: My opponent must love having English tonight.Hehe!
Gotigres: Feel free to do something O’Donnell or Sinn
Pav300: agree Rooboy Roof helps
Pavs: Your fault pcaman thought it was mine
DrSeuss: Yep VC on English looking like a top decision – obviously still worn out from last week. Its Lycett ffs
LuvIt74: WTF does Lobb change his hair weekly
PAFC4eva: Faz wtf
Raspel31: Rather happy I removed the C from English.
Cottees: Raspel – I know right, I considered English C too
pcaman2003: Pavs. Maybe both of us?
Gotigres: 1 hitout to English, 12 hitouts to Lycett lol
RooBoyStu: Why doesn’t the player who plays on Sinn get a Devil icon lol
navy_blues: glad i traded weightman in this week
LuvIt74: Should have pur Briggs on as a POD it would have been huge if he tons up
pcaman2003: Dodged a bullet Rasp.
Social: What’s up with king charles?
Pavs: He has simply forgot how to play football.
DrSeuss: Obviously Lobb is the Bulldogs ruck to captain this week lol
Raspel31: Just a tad pcaman- but might still hit 15.
Social: well aaah think you’re real clever
Social: aaah wish I was like you
pcaman2003: I’ll be glad just to finally pick a decent VC and C. This week, Laird and Trac
Social: anyway I got yousomething, in the glovebox
sc_god: imagine not take marshalls 125 and putting the c on english like my oppo did geez
Cottees: pca – you shoulda gona Lib lol
the dud: Yesss! Good start for me. Weightman Captain
Cottees: sc_god – Marshall got 119
feralmong: hehe god i was spewing i didn’t put C on English. Now i’m chuffed. Looping Marshall
pcaman2003: Cottees. Did that 2 weeks back and he hit his lowest score. Lol!
Social: hehe we’ve all got Weightman Captain
sc_god: sorry mate, didnt realise
NickyD: Glad I brought in Charlie Dixon this week. Even hapier that I VC’ed him!
Raspel31: Steady on chaps- English only has 122 to go to overtake Marshall.
sc_god: vcing bont, into laird. go big son
navy_blues: hmmm bont chose to bump
Hawkthornz: fuck off BT!
BigChief: Surely Bont not in trouble.
DrSeuss: Geez English gets a hit out and they don’t even pay it to him – he needs everything he can get this week
Social: m0nty, can you allow pics please to see evidence of these amazing trade claims?
Hawkthornz: didnt touch his head BT!
pcaman2003: Navy. Looks like Bont is okay. Bumped Houston’s shoulder it seems.
Nicko006: Macrae injured..?
navy_blues: lets hope so
royboy16: so if he didn’t hit his head – was it a free kick?
Cottees: na royboy16, shouldn’t be a free kick. great bump, just destroyed the mans shoulder
Hawkthornz: JHG kicks the tuff one and misses the easy ones
Pavs: Umpiring very precious this week.
sc_god: drsuess all you do is bitch and moan about your players every game lol, like gulden last night. nuffie
royboy16: I am all for protecting the head – but do it via suspension . not iffy frees
pcaman2003: Pavs. Let’s face it. They’re precious and mostly useless every week.
bhg26: Wait we can say bitch on here, sweet
Soups07: fuck
Hawkthornz: English is being a BITCH!
Pavs: True pcaman. lol bhg.
BigChief: How was that not HTB on Aliir?
Soups07: english is a fucking bitch
royboy16: statement of fact Hawkthornz
Dondeal: That’s about the worse non call I;ve seen in a long time
Hawkthornz: Put English forward FFS!
Hawkthornz: Always get Bergman and JHF mixed up.. Look the same
a1trader: Everyone has English so doesn’t really matter
dezlav: Tonight’s umpires proudly paid for by Kochies Sunrise payout
Pavs: On the bench atm Hawkthornz
original: macrae where you at
PAFC4eva: Nice rozee
Malaka: Not hard to see who the umps have backed.
BigChief: Bergman orange boots Hawk
sc_god: lol rioli go smoke a cone mate and chill out
Doggie Doo: Am I reading this right English 9 points
Malaka: a1trader: I don’t have English in SC, I’ve got Witts instead.
Raspel31: He’s been on fire this qtr Doggie Doo.
clay007: Probably not the right thing to say sc_god.
DrSeuss: Lucky to have that many Doggie Doo
Pavs: Yep he is having a good quarter
pcaman2003: Libba and Bont you champs. Waiting for you Rozee to catch them.
BigChief: English went to MCG, not Marvel.
original: macrae not done anything this qt?
Doggie Doo: Lobb is having a good game
TheLegend6: love you libba
Hawkthornz: there u go typical mcrae… 3 possessions in 10 seconds
Cottees: butters is a freak
navy_blues: jbruce nno good on dixon getting slaughtered
clay007: Horne-Francis 4 touches in a half of footy. Hmm!
royboy16: cottees – spot on
navy_blues: english beginni g to wake up
BigChief: clay JHF playing perma fwd
Cottees: English capable of 50 point quarters so heres oping
Hughsy: English being given pity points
clay007: Thanks Big Chief, thought he was playing mid
Hazza09: Ffa Rozee
BigChief: not tonight clay unfortunately
original: liiiift houston
Bulky: Bulldogs disposal is atrocious.
Social: ffs Hazza?
clay007: Great combeack from English and Macrae
Cottees: English looks uninterested wtf
pcaman2003: Great half Libba.
Social: where’s the rhino when ya need him
navy_blues: not bad half libba bont and butters
upweydons: BT saying that Butters and Rozee are emerging , already scary good. And Duurrsma considered the best , even scarier.
Pavs: Libba, Bont & Butters great half. Good comeback that ruck guy.
Pavs: Caleb Daniel a must have
PAFC4eva: Another close game for us hawthorn game a lot easier on the old ticker
Pav300: cracker game
Danstar: How has o donnel got so many games? Hope he becomes a gun; but has done sfa since debut
Danstar: Lol calm down upweydons
Pies20: Going on about the bont bump seriously??
Pies20: Was it butler last night holding the ball every day of the week game’s gone soft
navy_blues: arthur jones as well Danstar
wadaramus: Come on Australia, stop dropping catches.
EvilMonk: Rozee, Horne and English are my trio. They nearly have a combined 100 points lol. low week for me coming
Pies20: Agree pav
TheFlagger: so happy i picked up butters for 490k. dont know where id be without him
BigChief: wada did they drop 1 after Green’s sitter?
DrSeuss: Warner dropped a chance in the slips
Gotigres: O’Donnell isn’t even my worst player playing tonight Danstar.
DrSeuss: Off the pine Rozee
TheFlagger: carn pear
PAFC4eva: Geez finlayson been a good pickup for us
Legix: Rozee what are you doing
Gotigres: Wow Sinn, a mark and effective kick. More of that please
Doggie Doo: The game could be slipping for the Dogs
Danstar: Probably not gotigers. But he isn?t afl ready and keeps getting a game
navy_blues: dogs stopping bad mistake there o donnell
frenzy: Macrae spends alot of time on the bench nowdays
Doggie Doo: Gane over
Doggie Doo: Game over
upweydons: Danastar , tell me another club that has 3 x young players that good and JHF.
Gotigres: His dad is probably mates with Bevo
clay007: Why has Macrae been forced out of the midfield? They are getting smashed in there, yet he is good in contest.
Gotigres: O’Donnell subbed now
bhg26: Imagine being subbed off when there?s a bloke who has zero touches
gazza39: Kkk
pcaman2003: Got to be happy with Libba, Bont and Rozee so far.
sc_god: jones is 3rd for pressure acts in the game thats why
pluggerpig: lol at Libbas tatts
navy_blues: id say that last mistake cost him bhg didnt give ball off then caught htb and goal result
a1trader: Big Quarter by Smith
Troglodyte: How does Richo still have a job. Useless commentary even game
TheFlagger: lachie jones having a ripper
PAFC4eva: Missing some chances pear got to nail them
navy_blues: no mark to bont there
elvundir: lets go captain bont!
pcaman2003: Bont should’ve got 30pts for that goal. Ripped off surely.
sc_god: it wasnt paid a mark anyway champ
gazza39: JHF looks lost, so glad I held him for another week?.sigh
TheFlagger: wake up weightman
pcaman2003: gazza. Could be worse and you’d own English.
Pavs: navy-blues I think you just got
bhg26: Take Marshall vc or back Laird/Dawson against wet toast?
navy_blues: lol yeah it hurt coming from god too lmao
pcaman2003: Pavs. Maybe I should’ve put the VC on Libba after all.
TheFlagger: huge quarter rozee
Hughsy: English getting points for turnovers?
Pavs: Libba has been outscoring Bont of late.
Pavs: Port flag favourites imo just ahead of Collingwood
Gotigres: Feel free to put the cape on Sinn and English
original: Lets go houston. get to 65
Cottees: Yeah surely Port v Magpies GF at this rate. Can obv change
PAFC4eva: Nah pies easy favs pavs
naicosfan: If butters doesn?t go 125+ Dunkley C
original: Houston FML
Gotigres: That kick by Houston was like a little league kick
naicosfan: Weightman is more of a flop than ginnivan
Jaypa: Houston needs the mare
sc_god: no i doubt it, ginni is in the hall of fame
upweydons: Nail flop or flog
Pavs: Big call naicosfan. Not sure about that one
Doggie Doo: Next goal dogs
naicosfan: Imo, lots of bias obv
PAFC4eva: Big dix strokes 1 to little willie gets layson
original: mare for houston
TheFlagger: what a tackle
Hawkthornz: English forward… finally
original: one more clutch goal and english score could be tasty
slydon: come on timmy ton up son
naicosfan: The one game I don?t have a Bont VC he will go 130+ why do I still do SuperCoach
TheFlagger: lol english going nuts
Hawkthornz: how is that 15m?
Gotigres: Anyone else got both players subbed out?
dezlav: Carn Timmy
Raspel31: One would be careless Gotigres- 2 is unforgivable.
naicosfan: +7 for a handball wtf is that Libba glazing
upweydons: Far better game than last Fridays
Doggie Doo: Its in your hands dogs if you want to win
navy_blues: thought it was game over Dooo lol
RooBoyStu: Seriously the AFL needs a new Umpire sponsor, forget OPSM, get Guide Dogs Australia
Gotigres: That’s the price I paid to get Stewart and Petracca in, in the last few weeks Raspel
PAFC4eva: Doggies are coming
DrSeuss: 5 more touches please Rozee
original: is it possible for jones to get 0 touches for a full game?
upweydons: JHF and butters !!
clay007: Horne-Jones-well done son.
Raspel31: Good call original- all eyes on Jones.
PAFC4eva: Okay blow the siren
BigChief: Look out original you will get “champed” like navy did.
Pavs: Last time this year to see A Jones I reckon.
Raspel31: But so scintillating ball in hand Pavs.
ballbag: wheres the pies v demons team lists? a bit late dont ya think
original: ballbag won’t be until tomorrow
Pavs: Lol Raspel you have a great imagination.
ballbag: nice effort speakano,,,clap clap…. nice fucken effort ca[tain
Doggie Doo: Heard Oliver will be out
RooBoyStu: If you had one choice out of Butters or Rozee for your team, who would you take? Me Rozee
Pavs: Precious again. Go back to 2 field umpires
PAFC4eva: Is that the sealer
naicosfan: Both hated by CD so none, even tho I have both
ballbag: since when have teams been released so late, 48 hours before the game is a bit late
original: yes. its over
Ash777: Baker you complete muppet
ballbag: @rooboy i cant believe its not butters
royboy16: harsh Ash
RooBoyStu: Same as Sydney, Bulldogs can book their September holidays
PAFC4eva: 10 in a row bring on the premiers next week
pcaman2003: The fat lady is in full voice. Game over!
navy_blues: no bark in the dogs these days
naicosfan: Need another 8 to take score butters
bhg26: You’re welcome PAFC, we played port into form
pluggerpig: happy with 90 from english after the start he had
navy_blues: 7 players over 25 poss and still lose
Social: we broke the dogs too
PAFC4eva: Yes you did Bhg thankyou
original: agree plugger
pcaman2003: Macrae has had a huge 2nd half.
BigChief: English might ton yet. Huge come back.
clay007: Surely teams will start to tag Butters. He runs around free all night.
navy_blues: never seen a player have 0 possession
Social: nice comeback from rose-eye
bhg26: Arthur Jones X-Factor
TheFlagger: pretty sure samson ryan did it on debut a few years ago
original: god had the c on arthur jones
RuffLeader: Jonathan Brown debut Navy
Bulky: Best 0 disposal game I’ve see from Jones.
grassguy: whoever had the multi for dylan williams to get 15 disposals he got it
RuffLeader: Kade Simpson debut
TheFlagger: one hit out all game as his only stat. etched into sc history
BigChief: Kade Simpson’s 1st 3 or 4 games 0 disp @navy
EvilMonk: That was a bloody entertaining game. Smashed last nights rubbish
Social: apparently not uncommon then
Jolles: So it takes to the last minute for Richo to cede that Port are worth talking about.
navy_blues: with 68% game time??
slydon: look timmy im not happy but 90 is the bare minimum so therfore acceptable. good recovery
slydon: we can avoid the southpark comparisons for now
ballbag: jones think he playin NFL where 95% of players never touch the ball
bhg26: Timmy!

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