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Chat log from R4 of 2023: Adelaide vs Fremantle

Chat log for Adelaide vs Fremantle, R4 of 2023

saintzzz: the second i hear kelli underwood mute
frenzy: howdy
Closer: laird VC lets go
navy_blues: me too
Wahab_18: My opp didn’t take daicos VC lol
Legix: cmon coxy. Just pretend last week didn’t happen
circle52: He could still change if he has the option though
pcaman2003: Afternoon tragics! Have Laird as VC too but have a bad feeling he tank.
oc16: Stink it up Laird
Urbs: Looks like Aish is tagging Laird today
pcaman2003: Hate it when a player gets a free,but the player doesn’t get pts for play on possession by team mate.
Hazza09: Laird straight to the bench again
Wahab_18: I got laird vc but don’t mind if he stinks it
circle52: and Aish follows
Oddsy5: go shrek! won my game by captaining him last week. go well kid
oc16: I still don’t get why Henry is getting a game ahead of Brodie
m0nty: don’t touch my Butts
zadolinnyj: Lads
pcaman2003: Has Laird become the new Brodie with his TOG in games this year?
Pav300: good to see mOnty back to having a crack at Butts
pcaman2003: Hi Zad. Crows looking okay so far.
Troglodyte: Nothing better than a good Butts crack
oc16: Serong will average 110 this year.
Hazza09: Seems like there is a bit of a double tag on laird
Grimes Jr: hayden young. well played u absolute flog
navy_blues: lmao what flog would choose young?
DrSeuss: Ahh great another quiet week for Brayshaw – never scores well when Serong gets a lot of it
PigeonPies: a flog like grimes, navy. not at all surprised
bhg26: Can?t say it?s been stress free owning laird
colin wood: Lol Grimes.. looks like your SC game is as bad the crap you talk on here
pcaman2003: bhg26. Especially at his starting price. I’m feeling the strain too. lol!
Grimes Jr: shock me, pigeon piping up. has probably never seen the top 10 percent
bhg26: It?s even worse in fantasy pcaman
Hazza09: Agree @bhg, Clarry was the one out of the two
navy_blues: long as laird gets 25 touches
PigeonPies: grimes ego has been hurt now uh oh
navy_blues: gallant effort that mark
_Wang_: Hi all Dawson good start
pcaman2003: Good comeback that qtr Laird. More of the same next 3 please.
frenzy: Gone Amiss
NickR9: Reckon Switkowski could be a top 8 defender
zadolinnyj: Do umpires change ends at the end of each quarter or control an end for a half
bc__: Glove him properly Aish
pcaman2003: Was looking at Doc to Ryan, but….mmm!
Bazza2023: lift ya game brayshaw
bhg26: Doc to Stewart next week the move for me pcaman
pcaman2003: bhg. Nice! I brought Stewart in this week. My C if Laird flops.
Wahab_18: Oh no power off cox
DrSeuss: Do something Brayshaw – at least Laird is laying tackles. Serong taking all your possies it seems
Bazza2023: same Doc, i think im rage trading Brayshaw next week
pcaman2003: Laird this qtr 1K 2HB 2Tack and only 6 pts? How?
DrSeuss: Doesn’t seem to run as hard into space as he was last year Bazza – just floating
Bazza2023: and he seems to waiting for ppl to get to him, get in and under and earn some high frees and tackle some butts
Hazza09: How is Cox on 37
Bazza2023: seems to be on the bench far too many times, may not be 100%
DrSeuss: Agreed Bazza – fortunately my opponent has Dawson though lol
Wahab_18: Agreed Hazza09 Cox can flower off
saintzzz: jordan going bannanas
Bazza2023: i got dawson too :))
frenzy: Solido
Wahab_18: Defenders should lose points If goals are kicked on them
_Wang_: Dawson brought his own footy
Bazza2023: Dawson may not have been BOG last week, definitely will be at HT
pcaman2003: Game more watchable with Kelli on mute. Horrible voice! Banshee!
MrWalrus: bonjour
DrSeuss: Freo just bombing it long too often – aimless handballs forward instead of trying to find a man
Wahab_18: Good more frees against please cox
Hazza09: Surprised Dawson running riot but still freo tagging Laird, absolute joke
pcaman2003: Get cracking Laird. Only 15pts this qtr. Do better champ.
clay007: A few people were hating on Brayshaw, he’s only 4 points behind Laird now.
DrSeuss: Need to move Banfield onto Dawson. And teach Serong and Aish how to hit targets
bhg26: I miss the old Laird, he?s be on 30 touches and 10 tackles by now
Hazza09: Absolute joke Laird
pcaman2003: bhg. Annoying he has 3 tackles and missed holding about 5 or 6 others. Lost his Mojo.
Wahab_18: Laird touch the pill
DrSeuss: If Longmuir doesn’t move someone to Dawson in the 2nd half – this game will be gone. Just running free
clay007: Dawson has brought his own footy. Freo need to tighten up on him.
clay007: I promise I did not steal your words Seuss.
pcaman2003: Looks like Stewart will now be my C….or go Bont?
DrSeuss: Haha all good Clay – always good when people agree on the Internet
bhg26: Oliver is so unbelievably clear or laird now. Dudding it up
saintzzz: he always was
navy_blues: omg look at the elephant size shorts underwood is wearing lololl
TheLegend6: I wonder if Aish goes to Dawson second half
Bazza2023: Head like a dropped pie
navy_blues: cmon laird big half plz
blashtroko: dawson not starting in the middle
blashtroko: oh, only bench 🙂
DrSeuss: Serong – 3 possessions to start – 3 turnovers – missed Brayshaw open twice FFS
sheezel420: those that can’t play, tag
MrWalrus: laird is hardly stinking it up is he/ on track for a tagged ton seems pretty decent
bhg26: Here he is
pcaman2003: navy. Her shorts matches her voice perfectly. Awful!
Bazza2023: horrible kick serong
saintzzz: dawson cmon get on
thommoae: Underwood comments straying into the ‘no go’, lads. Give it a break.
MrWalrus: at least she’s not Dermie though
TheLegend6: this is the laird we know and love
sheezel420: bring back brett kirk
saintzzz: how does underwood still have a job some people would turn it off cos of her
bhg26: How?s Laird still only 60, swear he?s had 20 touches this quarter
pcaman2003: Good point Walrus. He’s as bad
Davo27: Dawson on fire, nice
Bazza2023: cmon brayshaw, seagull it.
MrWalrus: especially since she is not even close to the worst commentators going around
Bazza2023: no Walrus, she is the worst, lets go orange team
sheezel420: walters going at 100% DE, could be a sneaky pod
navy_blues: she is the worst!!! painful
Bazza2023: what makes it worse for her, is commentating off the screen, not from the game
saintzzz: who could possibly be worse than kelli ahaha
Bazza2023: woo jordan
Bazza2023: brayshaw bench again
pcaman2003: Stop giving away easy frees Laird. Tackle properly like you used to.
Davo27: If you still have Freo players in your team, then brace for pain
BRAZZERS: clearing biased umpiring
Bazza2023: i have ryan brayshaw Darcy and Dawson in this game. my spuds played last night
_Wang_: Dawson far out
Bazza2023: woo hoo Dawson , go big kid
saintzzz: dawson you sexy man
DrSeuss: Are Freo terrible or are Adelaide good? Also Brayshaw get off the bench FFS
sheezel420: flower off dawson
Legix: how are they letting Dawson run around by himself
Davo27: 129 and not even 3/4 time, let’s go lad
Bazza2023: lets go Dawson, lets go.
pcaman2003: Mind made up now. Doc to Dawson next week.
TheLegend6: Doc so cheap you may aswell keep
pcaman2003: What to do with Laird though. A real dilemma
TheLegend6: Keep – He’s still a top 6 mid
bushranger: butts down bottom again
sheezel420: Laird’s gonna score 110+, where’s the dilemma?
Bazza2023: laird is starting to seagull it
DrSeuss: Brayshaw – go and get the ball – stop looking for the uncontested stuff
Gotigres: What is the chance that Dawson will be subbed off.
Davo27: Dawson spent half the quarter on the bench and still got 40 points when on
pcaman2003: Sheezel. He’s not there yet. Let’s wait and see. Will still not be good enough for a VC score
LuvIt74: Ryan & Dawson are the two best defenders I think…
DrSeuss: Just zoning off in the middle of the ground.
Davo27: 2500/3300 so not much scaling in SC this game
Davo27: I’m so glad I traded out Young for Day this week
pcaman2003: Davo. Hopefully Day will fire up on Monday.
clay007: Michalanney is a seriously good kid. He should challenge The Cheezel. Playing great footy.
Wahab_18: Under 90 please Cox
Davo27: Pcaman if he plays mid sure he will do fine
navy_blues: 2 more touches brayshaw cmon
Wahab_18: Okay laird now u can go big don’t give me an awkward 110-120
GOD: Freo coach sack?
Hazza09: Bont a shout for C?
sheezel420: you tell us, you’re god
pcaman2003: Davo. If nothing else,he will make you some good money for an upgrade soon.
Davo27: I’m backing Oliver for C this week I think?
Davo27: No Redden to ruin Oliver’s day
Wahab_18: Cox you’re so annoying
pcaman2003: Great save!
bushranger: Oliver big C for me
sfenda1: anyone think soligo might get introuble for touching goal unpire
Bazza2023: 4 tonness and a huge tonne in this game, giddy up
DrSeuss: Wonder if we hear about that ‘contact with the umpire’ there
frenzy: why does Cox’s score keep rising, can he get a touch first
saintzzz: yeh man hell get 5 weeks
Davo27: 152 Dawson keep going mate
Bazza2023: Cotchin Sub, bahahah
pcaman2003: Okay Laird. Just a quick fire 30 now please
frenzy: ya taken the pi55 now CD
Wahab_18: Laird I swear either stay on 100 or go 125+ please
Bazza2023: woo hoo Dawson.
Bazza2023: im loving Dawson, i think i wanna get him up here and boof him
Davo27: Dawson you little rippa
Wahab_18: I hate u cox
pcaman2003: Laird given a clanger for that. You gotta be kidding CD. Didn’t even have the ball under control.
Bazza2023: Laird benched, probably for the end of the game
Davo27: Laird ending with 99
Wahab_18: Okay good laird stay on 98 my opp has the C I’ll C someone else
Hazza09: Absolute joke laird
RooBoyStu: Happy Easter to all the muppets that traded Brayshaw out lol
bhg26: I?m getting sick of laird
Yelse: so cut laird on bench need him most disposals to win multi
GOD: Laird getting cheap now, needs to stop the clangers!
Closer: laird VC was a fail. do I go Bont or clarry?
Davo27: Waiting for Laird to drop in price then snagging him
pcaman2003: Sheezel. Like I was saying. Let’s see about Laird. Flopped again for his price. Will bleed money now.!
clay007: Does anyone know Laird’s BE? What will his price be next week?
don key: brodie needs to come in sometime soon
Bazza2023: go clarry Closer
TheLegend6: Laird was tagged first half tbf, is still a top 6 mid, hope everyone trades for my benefit though 🙂
Bazza2023: freo so bad, go Dawson!
Wahab_18: Please give Cox negative 10 for that
navy_blues: laird will get 200 next week against us prob
Yelse: seriously wats with the bench time laird
GOD: yeh right! mabye 80
bhg26: lairds becoming a dud premo
Davo27: Laird needs to average 130 to keep his price, might snag a bargain
TheLegend6: Go on then, trade him out hahaha
PigeonPies: considering the tag a 98 is not that bad… definitely could be worse
bhg26: I don?t have the bollocks legend. He?s one you have to hang on to
bhg26: People are going to bring Laird in a lot cheaper than I did

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