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Chat log from R4 of 2023: North Melbourne vs Carlton

Chat log for North Melbourne vs Carlton, R4 of 2023

navy_blues: ok boys time to kick a big score need %
frenzy: chaps
don key: going to be a good game !!
wadaramus: About time, had to wait all day for some live footy!
DANGERous: big score from LDU to make up for last week
Legix: Gonna be a good game i reckon
Gelly: LDU to be tagged for sure
wadaramus: I bloody hope so DANGER!
LuvIt74: get phillips off the pine bloody hell
BRAZZERS: LDU will still score more than t.mitchell lol
Fromage: Doc you better not score 200 cause I just trade you out
oc16: Ziebell and McKay is a huge mismatch
Ash777: The lack of goals kicked atm is hurting the hospital
LuvIt74: Should drink a UDL for every possie that LDU gets…lol
wadaramus: Or a Pint.
Crave: interesting tactic trading out someone who just had 39 possies
Harambe: And then getting mad at the player they traded out Crave
Baldfrog: Very weird tactic Crave
Baldfrog: My concern for Doc was will the pill be in norfs fward line enough
Yelse: Docherty lift ffs
Fromage: Doc lacks balls
DANGERous: long day then LuvIt
Baldfrog: Terrible Fromage
Oddsy5: fromage thats below average mate
Silz90: Spud for fromage?
BigChief: Flog comment Fromage.
wadaramus: Cheesy.
Hazza09: Docherty becoming a real concern
BRAZZERS: lol hilarious
circle52: Evetyone has Sheezel but gee TOG a concern
PowerBug: So much ball in that Carlton backline but Docherty nowhere near it
BRAZZERS: not really
BRAZZERS: no conccern by the end of the 1/4 it will be in the high 70’s
Harambe: That was below the belt Fromage
BigChief: Blues look slow today.
AuroraBore: what did fromage say?
Bazza2023: a very soft fromage.
Ash777: Acres a huge miss
Bazza2023: Fromage must be a stinky blue cheese
BigChief: @Aurora Fromage: Doc lacks balls
TorturedSC: @AuroraBore not worth the time of day bringing it up again
BRAZZERS: doc lacks balls, aurora
Legix: LDU a beast
AuroraBore: ah yes, great form fromage, making a cancer joke on the good friday appeal game
Baldfrog: These umps wow
BRAZZERS: ow did nth lose to the hawks? know they were missing simkin and ldu but fair dinkum
Bazza2023: fromage means sheese in french, and everyone hates ze french
Napper: How is Cowan on 16. Hasn?t done anything to warrant that
Bazza2023: cheese*
oc16: Maybe, just maybe the Hawks aren’t THAT bad
Wahab_18: love the way sheezel just gets himself in the right spots
m0nty: Cunners and Hewett 11 touches between them for zero metres gained, elite
zadolinnyj: Elite
BRAZZERS: Doc owners will be hoping he goes nuts this 1/4
Fatbar5tad: Shocerty. 5hit.
wadaramus: Testicle puns are not cool.
beerent11: Great to goldy back. Love the big fella
Baldfrog: Knackers the shock jock
Ash777: doc used to be their goto player for the get out kick now saad & newman is that
teachrtony: @Ash, Walsh back nexy week normal service wikk return.
Troglodyte: Hellooo Newman
beerent11: Docs playing up off the edge of the square. No mans land unfortunately
Yelse: doc didn’t play on from kick in seriously i am done
Malaka: True, wada, they are low hanging fruit.
Ash777: the other problem is doc is kicking out short
pluggerpig: not a great week to need 2 goals from Larkey. rip my multi
pcaman2003: Does CD dislike Doc? Nice ackle few minutes ago bot registered. FM
Hazza09: Cowan horrible TOG
navy_blues: omg this is bs
pluggerpig: Cerra kicked that like he has one eye
wadaramus: Stop it Malaka.
BigChief: 7 goals 13. They obviously not wanting to raise $$$ for charity.
ballbag: lets keep the topic on the game. and keep my name out of it
pcaman2003: I may have to go Doc to Ryan next week. Looks like 3 crap games in a row.
Baldfrog: No wonder Doc isn’t scoring he’s on fanfooty
Ash777: last year doc played more of a wing/hb role didn’t he?
wadaramus: Great call scrotum.
saintzzz: ziebell has dropped off this quarter
bhg26: Doc on track to become Stewart next week
wadaramus: Hang on, it’s SC sacrilege to trade a premium?
Jaypa: Doc became Stewart this week for me because I saw the writing on the wall and couldn’t pass up Stewart vs Hawthorn
wadaramus: You’re an imbecile to contemplate such an atrocity.
pcaman2003: Wada. Yes! But that was last year and not too premium this year.
Baldfrog: Stewart should lose money this week tho
Wahab_18: Sheezels hands are so fast barely gets tackled
Pav300: Lets get going Patrick
Ash777: mcdonald is keeping norf from getting blown out
pcaman2003: Baldy. He might get his 166BE against Hawthorn. Wouldn’t surprise me. I brought him in
pluggerpig: doch set to lose as much $ as stewart this week regardless
Napper: Phillips 1 point for contested inside 50 kick. Fix that
BigChief: Blues mids doing nothing.
oc16: missed tackle for ldu
Hazza09: It?s obvious Saad has taken Docherty role
Jaypa: SC rankings very tight right now, Doc to Stewart a week early and getting his Hawks score could jump me in the rankings
pcaman2003: Hazza. Think you’re right there. So what is Doc’s role now.? I can’t tell.
wadaramus: But when I trade Darcy after a 40 I get crucified!
Baldfrog: Jaypa if ur not in the top 50 already your season is over
Jaypa: not really Baldy, i’m just happy playing and getting the best ranking I can to compare with my mates
Hazza09: @pcaman he has no role, he?s in no mans land
teachrtony: Hey Bald, the amount of curve balls already, anyone can still win.
navy_blues: well if carlton struggle against this mob no way they are finals bound!
pcaman2003: Hazza. Seems like a crazy waste of a premium,proven talent
Baldfrog: We don’t know maybe doc is carrying an injury or something
NickyD: Saad the new HB king at Carlton. RIP Doc. You’re out next week.
LuvIt74: So glad i traded out Docherty rather than Ridley right at the last minute
blashtroko: Doc is fine, just not getting open and having it kicked to him. Working hard tho
LuvIt74: i don’t understand why no one is interested in Ryan as a defender he is killing it
Ash777: why trade out ridley?
mattmac24: I don’t think Carlton would risk Doc with an injury, he’s got, just not able to get involved like he normally does
lukefield9: I think we could be jumping the gun on Doc, people forget that he had 39 touches last week
biggs2dujj: pull your finger out LDU
Harambe: Hush Luke, let people keep trading around in circles
Ash777: curnow now tagging ldu
Crave: dunno if a tag just yet but hopefully as a non LDU owner
biggs2dujj: I’d be tagging Simpkin tbh. LDU does nothing damaging
Baldfrog: Matt never said he had an injury
mattmac24: It was more your comment that maybe he’s carrying an injury.. just saying it’s highly unlikely Carlton would risk it
Baldfrog: Carlton with plenty of inside 50s
Baldfrog: All good Matt gotcha now
Davo27: VC LDU, wish I had VC Naicos, dammit
BigChief: Rather LDU over Doch atm Davo
oc16: better than Doc vc
Ash777: blues seem to be getting the rub of the green
Baldfrog: Umps like blue m&ms
pcaman2003: Ziebell has slowed down a lot since his 58pt 1/2 time score.
TigerTime1: Free kick carlton
TigerTime1: free kick carlton
navy_blues: lol ash dream on
Baldfrog: These umps are $hite
Bazza2023: NORF doing Norf things, oh and i have VC on Naicos, just remembered
DANGERous: lets go now LDU
BigChief: Did Vossy give a rocket at 1/2 time or what?
Migz: you are almost dead in front man, why are you snapping that shit
RuffLeader: Another game, another week Carlton get helped by umpires
saintzzz: doc moved into the middle
pcaman2003: hat’s an improvement Doc. Big last qtr
Bazza2023: so happy for norf, back 2 back losses.
Crave: definitely rub of the green for Carlton this Qtr
pcaman2003: Twice in a row Ziebel. Unecessary!!
Bazza2023: LDU 5 frees for holding
Jaypa: Ziebell made up for it then, huge spoil
Hazza09: So much for rolling the dice with Cowan over Wilmot
Ash777: thought hawks would want norf to win considering the no.1 pick is considered a super talent
Davo27: Wilmot got 50 didn’t he?
pcaman2003: Japa. And no points given yet for it.
armalitemk: Imagine hating on LDU being paid frees from being held. Imagine letting the bulls play the game head to head.
BRAZZERS: cowan highest score was 51, what where u expecting?
Bazza2023: plenty of time for a tank, i hate the shinboner bollocks they carryon about
Wahab_18: JZ gave it all away with the free against and the 50
BigChief: Cowan might get dropped next week. Looking tired.
BRAZZERS: good wasnt it kebab
Wahab_18: Why was Cerra off for 13 mins last quarter?
BigChief: That is shit Harry. Drop punt from there.
navy_blues: round the corner crap
circle52: Just need another 10 points from Cowan to match Wilmot who I did not loop
Ash777: harry cant kick a drop punt lol
Jaypa: death, taxes and Norf proving why they shouldn’t play in marquee games
BigChief: That is true Ash. I forgot about that.
Legix: Get off the pine doc
Cottees: hahah umps how do you miss that
Migz: terrible call ump
LuvIt74: Docherty what a champion you are, love you mate. Thank god i peed ya off
BigChief: Zurhaar very stiff there.
LuvIt74: Sheezel looks to be a bloody premo if he continues at this rate
pcaman2003: Doc and JZ ……start scoring big time.
LuvIt74: Doch’s B/E will be at 250 after today
BigChief: Is Sheezel fav for Rising Star or is Ashcroft?
LuvIt74: You’ll be able to grab Doch for $450k or less by round 9
circle52: Sheezel to defence Rd 6
Jaypa: we waited so long for footy on good friday, we’ll only get “good” footy on good friday when Norf aren’t involved
circle52: Think atm 3 horse race between Sheezel, Ashcroft and Ginbey
LuvIt74: You’d think Sheezel
Pav300: The Cheezel no contest
pcaman2003: Sheezel most likely so far
LuvIt74: And SC said to put the VC on Dochorty lol
pcaman2003: Ziebel only added 26pts since half time.Him and Doc right royally screwing me over
J_Herer: How good is Sheezel
LuvIt74: @pca thats coz north have been witches hats since half time apart from Sheezel
Bazza2023: typical good friday slaughter
Wahab_18: come on JZ ton up
BigChief: Cowan and Wilmot tied up now.
Hazza09: Welcome Tom Stewart next week
ballbag: LDU 3 touches this half. lift mofo
pcaman2003: Luvit. They’ve fallen off the cliff
Yelse: Sheezel might be a keeper
pcaman2003: Sheezel 4 consecutive tons. Just elite young man.
BigChief: Hahaha McKay.
Legix: McKay muppet surely
mattmac24: Sheezel surely the best ever first year player supercoach wise
Harambe: Sheezel is like Naicos, only likeable
Hazza09: Sheezel will be a D1 come Rd 5
armalitemk: Michael Barlow thinks he’s the man to beat!
BigChief: Barlow 116 sc average
pcaman2003: Bye bye Doc.. Hello to a proper premium next week.
LuvIt74: Phillips has been impressive
Hazza09: Cya Doc, thanks for the 4 weeks and the 100k loss
LuvIt74: @pca Thankfully I traded Doch out last minute for Ryan – i wastossing up between Doch or Ridley
pcaman2003: How the hell did Ziebell just get a clanger for a spoil then? Gobsmacked!
navy_blues: not very impressive will struggle against top teams

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