Zach Merrett
TAGS (life club position role style health) (FF #44027) 2020 DT PRE-SEASON OUTLOOK (posted 8 Dec 2019) Merrett can't do much more
On the face of it, 2019 for Zach Merrett was pretty much exactly the same as the previous year, save for the round 1 concussion that had derailed him early in 2018. A couple of exotic stats tell the story, though: he lifted his league ranking in inside 50s and metres gained by 50 to add enough hurt factor to join the ranks of the elite midfielders. His starting position was as often on a wing or a flank to avoid tags, and they largely didn't come.It is unhealthy how much better Merrett is than his fellow Don midfielders, even his captain. Essendon evolved a game plan under John Worsfold based on generating scores from behind centre, which is not how things are done at successful clubs in the modern era where frontal pressure is more sustainable. New coach Ben Rutten will no doubt have new ideas on how to use Zerrett, and he is likely to continue to produce early round value. -
AFL FANTASY DETAILS Gm Avg Price Implied 21 0.0 $0 0.0 (+0) $Δ wk (yr) Selections Breakeven -$1,019,000 (-$1,019,000) 4.86% 6,175 (+6,175) AFL DREAM TEAM DETAILS Gm Avg Price Implied 21 100.9 $732,000 80.6 (+20) $Δ wk (yr) Selections Breakeven -$309,600 (-$309,600) 34.55% 4,244 (+4,244) 0 SUPERCOACH DETAILS Gm Avg Price Implied 21 0.0 $0 0.0 (+0) $Δ wk (yr) Selections Breakeven -$650,100 (-$650,100) 0.00% 0 (+0) -
FANFOOTY INSIGHTS - Insights on Zach Merrett (requires FanFooty Premium account) 8 tackles for Zach Merrett in NAB 3
NEWS: Zach Merrett had 11 disposals...
ANALYSIS: Merrett was obviously concentrating on...
Source: FanFooty, Fri 13/3, 9:40PM
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2025 FANTASY SCORING BY ROUND Rd 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 vs Bye Bye Bye 21 33 DT 96 138 SC 89 145 Y! 63 166 FR 78 112 GS 108 148 BL 42 60 = FanFooty private leagues. DT = Dream Team, footytips.com.au & FantasyFooty.net.au. SC = Supercoach.
Y! = Yahoo!7. FR = Footy Rocks. GS = Goalsneak (Footy Challenge). BL = Bomberland.
CAREER FANTASY STATISTICS (since 1979, home & away) - view entire career for Zach Merrett Year Team Gm DT Avg SC Avg Kk:HB Pos:Mks Acc% FA/g 2014 ES 19 1288 67.7 1210 63.6 1.2:1 4.5:1 100% 0.2 2015 ES 17 1537 90.4 1493 87.8 1:1 6.4:1 50% 0.5 2016 ES 22 2591 117.7 2447 111.2 1.1:1 5.9:1 50% 0.4 2017 ES 21 2459 117 2294 109.2 1.3:1 6.8:1 52% 0.4 2018 ES 22 2232 101.4 2208 100.3 1:1 8.5:1 41% 0.6 2019 ES 22 2381 108.2 2324 105.6 1:1 7:1 44% 0.4 2020 ES 16 1481 92.5 1849 115.5 1.1:1 6:1 50% 0.7 2021 ES 22 2427 110.3 2529 114.9 1:1 7.4:1 40% 1 2022 ES 19 2036 107.1 2131 112.1 1:1 7.6:1 50% 0.6 2023 ES 22 2483 112.8 2559 116.3 1.1:1 5.6:1 44% 0.6 2024 ES 23 2505 108.9 2651 115.2 1.2:1 6.5:1 48% 0.6 2025 ES 2 234 117 234 117 1.2:1 12.4:1 85% 0.5 Career 227 23654 104.2 23929 105.4 1.1:1 6.6:1 52% 0.5 -
CAREER STATISTICAL AVERAGES (since 1979, home & away) Year Team Gms Kicks Hblls Posns Marks Goals HOuts Tckls 2014 ES 19 8.4 6.6 15.1 3.3 0.6 0.0 3.9 2015 ES 17 10.9 11.6 22.5 3.5 0.2 0.0 5.8 2016 ES 22 15.9 14.0 29.9 5.0 0.3 0.0 6.2 2017 ES 21 17.6 12.8 30.4 4.4 0.4 0.0 5.5 2018 ES 22 12.8 14.0 26.8 3.1 0.2 0.0 6.0 2019 ES 22 14.8 13.7 28.5 4.0 0.4 0.0 5.3 2020 ES 16 13.8 12.4 26.3 4.3 0.1 0.0 3.4 2021 ES 22 15.7 15.9 31.5 4.2 0.2 0.0 4.7 2022 ES 19 15.6 14.5 30.1 3.9 0.3 0.0 4.3 2023 ES 22 15.3 13.5 28.8 5.1 0.4 0.0 5.5 2024 ES 23 15.7 12.6 28.3 4.3 0.6 0.0 5.0 2025 ES 2 17.0 14.0 31.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 3.0 Career 227 14.4 13.0 27.4 4.1 0.4 0.0 5.1 -