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2025 AFL fixture

Round P1DateOpponentsGroundTime (AET)
TuesdayFebruary 25Geelong vs EssendonKardinia7:20pm
WednesdayFebruary 26Richmond vs CollingwoodPrinces Park7:10pm
ThursdayFebruary 27Hawthorn vs Western BulldogsLaunceston5:20pm
Brisbane vs AdelaideIpswich8:10pm
FridayFebruary 28Greater Western Sydney vs CarltonManuka5:20pm
Gold Coast vs SydneyGold Coast8:10pm
SaturdayMarch 1St Kilda vs Port AdelaideMoorabbin3:10pm
West Coast vs North MelbourneBunbury6:10pm
SundayMarch 2Fremantle vs MelbourneMandurah6:10pm
Round HADateOpponentsGroundTime (AET)
ThursdayMarch 6Brisbane vs GeelongGabba7:50pm
FridayMarch 7Sydney vs HawthornSCG7:40pm
SaturdayMarch 8Gold Coast vs EssendonGold Coast5:15pm
SundayMarch 9Greater Western Sydney vs CollingwoodShowground3:20pm
Round 1DateOpponentsGroundTime (AET)
ThursdayMarch 13Richmond vs CarltonMCG7:30pm
FridayMarch 14Hawthorn vs EssendonMCG7:40pm
SaturdayMarch 15Geelong vs FremantleKardinia1:20pm
Sydney vs BrisbaneSCG4:15pm
Western Bulldogs vs North MelbourneDocklands7:35pm
Collingwood vs Port AdelaideMCG7:35pm
SundayMarch 16Adelaide vs St KildaAdelaide12:35pm
Melbourne vs Greater Western SydneyMCG3:20pm
West Coast vs Gold CoastPerth6:10pm
Round 2DateOpponentsGroundTime (AET)
ThursdayMarch 20Carlton vs HawthornMCG7:30pm
FridayMarch 21Western Bulldogs vs CollingwoodMCG7:40pm
SaturdayMarch 22Essendon vs AdelaideMCG1:20pm
Port Adelaide vs RichmondAdelaide4:15pm
St Kilda vs GeelongDocklands7:35pm
SundayMarch 23Brisbane vs West CoastGabba1:10pm
North Melbourne vs MelbourneDocklands3:20pm
Fremantle vs SydneyPerth6:10pm
Round 3DateOpponentsGroundTime (AET)
ThursdayMarch 27Essendon vs Port AdelaideDocklands7:30pm
FridayMarch 28Carlton vs Western BulldogsDocklands7:40pm
SaturdayMarch 29Melbourne vs Gold CoastMCG1:20pm
St Kilda vs RichmondDocklands4:15pm
Hawthorn vs Greater Western SydneyLaunceston7:35pm
SundayMarch 30Adelaide vs North MelbourneAdelaide3:20pm
West Coast vs FremantlePerth6:10pm
Round 4DateOpponentsGroundTime (AET)
ThursdayApril 3Collingwood vs CarltonMCG7:30pm
FridayApril 4Geelong vs MelbourneKardinia7:40pm
SaturdayApril 5Gold Coast vs AdelaideGold Coast1:20pm
Richmond vs BrisbaneMCG4:15pm
North Melbourne vs SydneyDocklands7:35pm
SundayApril 6Greater Western Sydney vs West CoastShowground1:10pm
Port Adelaide vs St KildaAdelaide3:20pm
Fremantle vs Western BulldogsPerth5:10pm
Round 5DateOpponentsGroundTime (AET)
ThursdayApril 10Adelaide vs GeelongAdelaide7:40pm
FridayApril 11Collingwood vs SydneyAdelaide7:40pm
SaturdayApril 12North Melbourne vs Gold CoastBarossa12:35pm
Carlton vs West CoastAdelaide1:20pm
Western Bulldogs vs BrisbaneNorwood4:15pm
Melbourne vs EssendonAdelaide7:35pm
SundayApril 13Richmond vs FremantleBarossa12:35pm
St Kilda vs Greater Western SydneyNorwood3:20pm
Port Adelaide vs HawthornAdelaide7:20pm
Round 6DateOpponentsGroundTime (AET)
ThursdayApril 17Brisbane vs CollingwoodGabba7:30pm
FridayApril 18North Melbourne vs CarltonDocklands3:20pm
West Coast vs EssendonPerth6:10pm
SaturdayApril 19Melbourne vs FremantleMCG1:20pm
Adelaide vs Greater Western SydneyAdelaide4:15pm
Richmond vs Gold CoastDocklands7:35pm
SundayApril 20Sydney vs Port AdelaideSCG3:20pm
Western Bulldogs vs St KildaDocklands7:20pm
MondayApril 21Geelong vs HawthornMCG3:20pm
Round 7DateOpponentsGroundTime (AET)
ThursdayApril 24Melbourne vs RichmondMCG7:30pm
FridayApril 25Collingwood vs EssendonMCG3:20pm
Fremantle vs AdelaidePerth8:10pm
SaturdayApril 26St Kilda vs BrisbaneDocklands1:20pm
Port Adelaide vs North MelbourneAdelaide4:15pm
Greater Western Sydney vs Western BulldogsManuka7:35pm
SundayApril 27Gold Coast vs SydneyGold Coast1:10pm
Carlton vs GeelongMCG3:20pm
Hawthorn vs West CoastDocklands4:40pm
Round 8DateOpponentsGroundTime (AET)
ThursdayMay 1Essendon vs North MelbourneDocklands7:30pm
FridayMay 2St Kilda vs FremantleDocklands7:40pm
SaturdayMay 3Western Bulldogs vs Port AdelaideBallarat1:20pm
Adelaide vs CarltonAdelaide4:15pm
Collingwood vs GeelongMCG7:35pm
West Coast vs MelbournePerth7:35pm
SundayMay 4Sydney vs Greater Western SydneySCG1:10pm
Hawthorn vs RichmondMCG3:20pm
Brisbane vs Gold CoastGabba7:20pm
Round 9DateOpponentsGroundTime (AET)
ThursdayMay 8Fremantle vs CollingwoodPerth8:10pm
FridayMay 9St Kilda vs CarltonMCG7:40pm
SaturdayMay 10Melbourne vs HawthornMCG1:20pm
Essendon vs SydneyDocklands4:15pm
Gold Coast vs Western BulldogsDarwin7:35pm
Port Adelaide vs AdelaideAdelaide8:10pm
SundayMay 11Richmond vs West CoastMCG1:10pm
Geelong vs Greater Western SydneyKardinia3:20pm
North Melbourne vs BrisbaneHobart4:40pm
Round 10DateOpponentsGroundTime (AET)
ThursdayMay 15Gold Coast vs HawthornDarwin7:30pm
FridayMay 16Sydney vs CarltonSCG7:40pm
SaturdayMay 17Collingwood vs AdelaideMCG1:20pm
Port Adelaide vs GeelongAdelaide4:15pm
Greater Western Sydney vs FremantleShowground4:15pm
Western Bulldogs vs EssendonDocklands7:35pm
SundayMay 18Richmond vs North MelbourneMCG1:10pm
Brisbane vs MelbourneGabba3:20pm
West Coast vs St KildaPerth4:40pm
Round 11DateOpponentsGroundTime (AET)
ThursdayMay 22Geelong vs Western BulldogsKardinia7:30pm
FridayMay 23Essendon vs RichmondMCG7:40pm
SaturdayMay 24Carlton vs Greater Western SydneyDocklands12:35pm
Hawthorn vs BrisbaneMCG4:15pm
North Melbourne vs CollingwoodDocklands7:35pm
Fremantle vs Port AdelaidePerth8:10pm
SundayMay 25Adelaide vs West CoastAdelaide1:10pm
Melbourne vs SydneyMCG3:20pm
St Kilda vs Gold CoastDocklands4:40pm
Round 12DateOpponentsGroundTime (AET)
ThursdayMay 29Brisbane vs EssendonGabba7:30pm
FridayMay 30Collingwood vs HawthornMCG7:40pm
SaturdayMay 31Gold Coast vs FremantleGold Coast1:20pm
Greater Western Sydney vs RichmondShowground4:15pm
Sydney vs AdelaideSCG7:35pm
SundayJune 1Melbourne vs St KildaAlice Springs3:20pm
West Coast vs GeelongPerth7:20pm
Round 13DateOpponentsGroundTime (AET)
ThursdayJune 5Western Bulldogs vs HawthornDocklands7:30pm
FridayJune 6Adelaide vs BrisbaneAdelaide7:40pm
SaturdayJune 7Richmond vs SydneyMCG1:20pm
Geelong vs Gold CoastKardinia4:15pm
Greater Western Sydney vs Port AdelaideManuka7:35pm
SundayJune 8North Melbourne vs West CoastBunbury3:20pm
Carlton vs EssendonMCG7:20pm
MondayJune 9Melbourne vs CollingwoodMCG3:20pm
Round 14DateOpponentsGroundTime (AET)
ThursdayJune 12St Kilda vs Western BulldogsDocklands7:30pm
FridayJune 13Hawthorn vs AdelaideLaunceston7:40pm
SaturdayJune 14Brisbane vs Greater Western SydneyGabba1:20pm
Essendon vs GeelongMCG4:15pm
North Melbourne vs FremantlePerth7:35pm
SundayJune 15Port Adelaide vs MelbourneAdelaide3:20pm
West Coast vs CarltonPerth6:10pm
Round 15DateOpponentsGroundTime (AET)
ThursdayJune 19Fremantle vs EssendonPerth8:10pm
FridayJune 20Geelong vs BrisbaneKardinia7:40pm
SaturdayJune 21Carlton vs North MelbourneMCG1:20pm
Port Adelaide vs SydneyAdelaide4:15pm
Collingwood vs St KildaDocklands7:35pm
SundayJune 22Greater Western Sydney vs Gold CoastShowground1:10pm
Western Bulldogs vs RichmondDocklands3:20pm
Round 16DateOpponentsGroundTime (AET)
SundayJune 29Hawthorn vs North MelbourneLaunceston12:00am
Sydney vs Western BulldogsSCG12:00am
Gold Coast vs MelbourneGold Coast12:00am
Richmond vs AdelaideMCG12:00am
Collingwood vs West CoastDocklands12:00am
Port Adelaide vs CarltonAdelaide12:30am
Fremantle vs St KildaPerth2:00am
Round 17DateOpponentsGroundTime (AET)
SaturdayJuly 5Brisbane vs Port AdelaideGabba12:00am
Sydney vs FremantleSCG12:00am
Carlton vs CollingwoodMCG12:00am
Essendon vs Gold CoastDocklands12:00am
North Melbourne vs Western BulldogsDocklands12:00am
St Kilda vs HawthornDocklands12:00am
Geelong vs RichmondKardinia12:00am
Adelaide vs MelbourneAdelaide12:30am
West Coast vs Greater Western SydneyPerth2:00am
Round 18DateOpponentsGroundTime (AET)
SaturdayJuly 12Greater Western Sydney vs GeelongShowground12:00am
Gold Coast vs CollingwoodGold Coast12:00am
Richmond vs EssendonMCG12:00am
Melbourne vs North MelbourneMCG12:00am
Carlton vs BrisbaneDocklands12:00am
St Kilda vs SydneyDocklands12:00am
Western Bulldogs vs AdelaideBallarat12:00am
Port Adelaide vs West CoastAdelaide12:30am
Fremantle vs HawthornPerth2:00am
Round 19DateOpponentsGroundTime (AET)
SaturdayJuly 19Hawthorn vs Port AdelaideLaunceston12:00am
Brisbane vs Western BulldogsGabba12:00am
Sydney vs North MelbourneSCG12:00am
Collingwood vs FremantleMCG12:00am
Carlton vs MelbourneMCG12:00am
Essendon vs Greater Western SydneyDocklands12:00am
Geelong vs St KildaKardinia12:00am
Adelaide vs Gold CoastAdelaide12:30am
West Coast vs RichmondPerth2:00am
Round 20DateOpponentsGroundTime (AET)
SaturdayJuly 26Gold Coast vs BrisbaneGold Coast12:00am
Hawthorn vs CarltonMCG12:00am
Richmond vs CollingwoodMCG12:00am
Essendon vs Western BulldogsDocklands12:00am
St Kilda vs MelbourneDocklands12:00am
North Melbourne vs GeelongDocklands12:00am
Greater Western Sydney vs SydneyShowground12:00am
Adelaide vs Port AdelaideAdelaide12:30am
Fremantle vs West CoastPerth2:00am
Round 21DateOpponentsGroundTime (AET)
SaturdayAugust 2Geelong vs Port AdelaideKardinia12:00am
Sydney vs EssendonSCG12:00am
Gold Coast vs RichmondGold Coast12:00am
Collingwood vs BrisbaneMCG12:00am
Western Bulldogs vs Greater Western SydneyDocklands12:00am
Melbourne vs West CoastDocklands12:00am
St Kilda vs North MelbourneDocklands12:00am
Adelaide vs HawthornAdelaide12:30am
Fremantle vs CarltonPerth2:00am
Round 22DateOpponentsGroundTime (AET)
SaturdayAugust 9Brisbane vs SydneyGabba12:00am
Hawthorn vs CollingwoodMCG12:00am
Melbourne vs Western BulldogsMCG12:00am
Richmond vs St KildaMCG12:00am
Carlton vs Gold CoastDocklands12:00am
Greater Western Sydney vs North MelbourneManuka12:00am
Geelong vs EssendonKardinia12:00am
Port Adelaide vs FremantleAdelaide12:30am
West Coast vs AdelaidePerth2:00am
Round 23DateOpponentsGroundTime (AET)
SaturdayAugust 16Sydney vs GeelongSCG12:00am
Gold Coast vs Greater Western SydneyGold Coast12:00am
Hawthorn vs MelbourneMCG12:00am
Carlton vs Port AdelaideDocklands12:00am
Western Bulldogs vs West CoastDocklands12:00am
Essendon vs St KildaDocklands12:00am
North Melbourne vs RichmondHobart12:00am
Adelaide vs CollingwoodAdelaide12:30am
Fremantle vs BrisbanePerth2:00am
Round 24DateOpponentsGroundTime (AET)
SaturdayAugust 23Brisbane vs HawthornGabba12:00am
Essendon vs CarltonMCG12:00am
Richmond vs GeelongMCG12:00am
Collingwood vs MelbourneMCG12:00am
Western Bulldogs vs FremantleDocklands12:00am
North Melbourne vs AdelaideDocklands12:00am
Greater Western Sydney vs St KildaShowground12:00am
Port Adelaide vs Gold CoastAdelaide12:30am
West Coast vs SydneyPerth2:00am

Fan Tools

Fan ToolsCheck out an arsenal of advanced tools. Use the Boys on the Bubble DT/SC for players about to change in price. Ride the Rollercoaster DT/SC for price trends. Try the Breakdown DT/SC for club-vs-position histories. The Tribunal page lists players with points and/or loading from charges. See who’s hot in public Dream Teams and DT/SC popularity lists.


Mr Football

Mr FootballThe Mr Football fantasy management simulation is being developed for a soft launch as a mobile game for Android and iPhone in 2023. It is a collectible card game set in a different world, one where Ross Oakley failed and there is no national league… but footy still thrives. Become the coach of your own team, recruit players by opening card packs, train them up, play teams from all over Australia and try to win it all! Check out the latest rules document from the original browser game on the Mr Football board.