Essendon Bombers: 15.10.100 # Player DT SC Kk Hb Di Mk Tk HO FK G.B MG CP CL 7 Zach Merrett Zach Merrett #7: Midfielder Comp AF DT SC Price $ $732000 $ BE 0 Avg/21 100.91 100.91 0 Owned 10.17% 0.00% 8.69% Z. Merrett 138 145 20 16 36 2 3 3/0 4.1 748 12 6 2 72 87 6 Jye Caldwell Jye Caldwell #6: Midfielder Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 0.89% 0.84% 0.56% J. Caldwell 97 118 10 17 27 5 3 1.0 356 11 2 3 77 71 24 Nick Bryan Nick Bryan #24: Ruck Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 0.26% 0.13% 0.08% N. Bryan 72 77 12 2 14 1 2 23 0/1 0.1 322 8 5 1 50 70 37 Nic Martin N. Martin 72 91 9 11 20 5 1 0/1 1.1 466 2 1 80 97 5 Elijah Tsatas Elijah Tsatas #5: Midfielder Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 10.53% 15.94% 10.02% E. Tsatas 71 78 12 13 25 1 1 1/0 0.1 371 14 11 2 68 63 21 Archie Roberts Archie Roberts #21: Back Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 0.51% 0.40% 0.81% A. Roberts 68 52 11 8 19 3 2 2/0 204 7 1 2 63 81 2 Sam Draper
*Sam Draper #2: Ruck Comp AF DT SC Price $ $155900 $ BE 0 Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 1.65% 0.00% 0.85% S. Draper* 67 72 5 5 10 3 1 15 2/2 3.0 109 5 2 3 80 91 16 Archie Perkins Archie Perkins #16: Forward Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 0.37% 0.58% 0.37% A. Perkins 63 53 6 11 17 2 4 1/0 172 4 2 4 82 82 27 Mason Redman Mason Redman #27: Back Comp AF DT SC Price $ $155900 $ BE 0 Avg/2 81.5 81.5 0 Owned 1.21% 0.00% 0.92% M. Redman 63 65 15 3 18 5 0/1 358 3 4 72 83 25 Jaxon Prior Jaxon Prior #25: Midfielder Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 0.03% 0.09% 0.26% J. Prior 61 57 13 4 17 3 1 1/0 293 7 5 52 83 9 Dylan Shiel Dylan Shiel #9: Midfielder Comp AF DT SC Price $ $556100 $ BE 0 Avg/20 89.5 89.5 0 Owned 0.29% 0.00% 0.30% D. Shiel 61 60 8 13 21 1 2 338 3 3 85 77 22 Sam Durham Sam Durham #22: Midfielder Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 0.54% 0.35% 0.99% S. Durham 60 77 5 16 21 2 4 0/3 158 14 7 6 81 82 45 Thomas Edwards T. Edwards 58 48 6 2 8 2 3 2/1 3.1 135 3 4 75 80 1 Andrew McGrath Andrew McGrath #1: Back Comp AF DT SC Price $ $459300 $ BE 0 Avg/19 72.74 72.74 0 Owned 0.52% 0.00% 0.35% A. McGrath 58 66 6 13 19 3 1 1/0 204 6 2 78 80 11 Jade Gresham Jade Gresham #11: Midfielder Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 1.24% 1.06% 1.47% J. Gresham 55 61 5 6 11 2 3 2/0 1.2 200 5 63 82 31 Zach Reid Zach Reid #31: Back Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 3.61% 10.05% 14.17% Z. Reid 51 36 6 4 10 4 3 1/0 166 1 4 60 96 23 Harrison Jones Harrison Jones #23: Forward Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 0.41% 0.22% 0.47% H. Jones 49 36 6 3 9 2 6 1/2 101 3 3 66 83 28 Xavier Duursma Xavier Duursma #28: Midfielder Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 1.72% 0.89% 1.49% X. Duursma 47 54 6 7 13 5 2 1/3 219 5 1 5 76 78 10 Isaac Kako I. Kako 44 34 6 3 9 2 2 0/2 2.0 162 3 5 66 78 8 Ben Hobbs Ben Hobbs #8: Forward Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 0.56% 0.35% 0.43% B. Hobbs 36 44 3 11 14 1 1 1/1 70 4 1 3 71 74 32 Ben McKay Ben McKay #32: Back Comp AF DT SC Price $ $183800 $ BE 0 Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 0.86% 0.00% 0.55% B. McKay 28 48 3 2 5 2 2 1/0 48 3 100 100 30 Nate Caddy Nate Caddy #30: Forward Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 11.59% 13.15% 20.24% N. Caddy 26 25 4 1 5 2 1 1/0 0.1 85 3 1 40 54 29 Jye Menzie Jye Menzie #29: Forward Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 0.20% 0.31% 0.20% J. Menzie 12 4 2 1 3 1 0.1 55 33 27 ADVERTISEMENT
Adelaide Crows: 25.11.161 # Player DT SC Kk Hb Di Mk Tk HO FK G.B MG CP CL 12 Jordan Dawson Jordan Dawson #12: Back Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 12.23% 17.40% 17.76% J. Dawson 134 124 22 11 33 8 6 1/1 775 10 5 4 72 79 2 Ben Keays Ben Keays #2: Midfielder Comp AF DT SC Price $ $438800 $ BE 0 Avg/2 60 60 0 Owned 1.69% 0.00% 1.05% B. Keays 132 135 17 5 22 11 3 4.2 435 3 2 1 81 81 5 Matt Crouch Matt Crouch #5: Midfielder Comp AF DT SC Price $ $745500 $ BE 0 Avg/17 105.47 105.47 0 Owned 8.61% 0.00% 6.20% M. Crouch 131 143 13 19 32 7 8 1/0 265 13 7 2 90 73 14 Jake Soligo Jake Soligo #14: Midfielder Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 0.57% 0.40% 0.39% J. Soligo
101 108 15 12 27 6 2 0/2 2.0 386 11 5 6 81 73 8 Josh Rachele Josh Rachele #8: Forward Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 4.71% 6.69% 1.44% J. Rachele 96 88 13 3 16 8 1 0/1 4.2 326 4 2 2 68 85 7 Riley Thilthorpe Riley Thilthorpe #7: Forward Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 0.34% 0.18% 0.27% Thilthorpe 91 97 10 6 16 7 2 1 3/1 3.1 331 10 1 3 75 82 28 Alex Neal-Bullen Alex Neal-Bullen #28: Forward Comp AF DT SC Price $ $527000 $ BE 0 Avg/21 78.38 78.38 0 Owned 0.09% 0.00% 0.09% Neal-Bullen 85 78 9 9 18 5 4 0/1 2.0 234 5 3 5 66 84 24 Josh Worrell J. Worrell 84 69 11 7 18 8 3 1/0 168 6 5 77 87 29 Rory Laird Rory Laird #29: Midfielder Comp AF DT SC Price $ $598600 $ BE 0 Avg/19 106.16 106.16 0 Owned 11.99% 0.00% 9.53% R. Laird 83 89 14 9 23 5 2 353 4 1 100 81 38 Lachlan Sholl Lachlan Sholl #38: Midfielder Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 0.06% 0.04% 0.19% L. Sholl 82 77 14 5 19 9 0/1 1.0 336 1 2 84 80 13 Taylor Walker Taylor Walker #13: Forward Comp AF DT SC Price $ $389400 $ BE 0 Avg/14 61.86 61.86 0 Owned 1.33% 0.00% 0.74% T. Walker 82 105 10 3 13 10 2 1 1.1 407 5 1 76 76 32 Darcy Fogarty Darcy Fogarty #32: Forward Comp AF DT SC Price $ $243600 $ BE 0 Avg/10 42 42 0 Owned 0.36% 0.00% 0.25% D. Fogarty 82 72 11 3 14 9 0/1 3.1 258 4 5 57 80 30 Wayne Milera Wayne Milera #30: Forward Comp AF DT SC Price $ $527300 $ BE 0 Avg/18 73.83 73.83 0 Owned 0.32% 0.00% 0.28% W. Milera 78 86 16 2 18 6 1 0/1 1.1 370 4 1 83 79 20 Mitchell Hinge M. Hinge 74 89 13 3 16 1 5 3/1 1.0 259 5 2 1 87 80 43 Reilly O'Brien Reilly O'Brien #43: Ruck Comp AF DT SC Price $ $306800 $ BE 0 Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 0.82% 0.00% 0.62% R. O'Brien 74 77 4 6 10 2 3 32 60 4 1 4 60 86 6 Daniel Curtin Daniel Curtin #6: Back Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 52.12% 56.86% 55.26% D. Curtin 73 82 8 5 13 5 4 2/0 1.0 146 5 2 1 76 76 16 Max Michalanney Max Michalanney #16: Back Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 0.58% 0.40% 0.45% Michalanney 72 70 12 3 15 8 1 2/0 198 6 1 86 90 23 Izak Rankine Izak Rankine #23: Forward Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 1.62% 0.84% 1.06% I. Rankine 70 97 11 4 15 5 1 0/1 2.1 372 7 2 3 73 56 9 Nick Murray N. Murray 56 66 8 5 13 5 3 1/2 141 5 3 84 88 25 James Peatling James Peatling #25: Forward Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 0.02% 0.09% 0.03% J. Peatling 41 47 5 8 13 2 3 1/3 169 6 3 4 69 83 34 Sid Draper S. Draper 38 20 6 3 9 1 4 0/2 0.1 188 2 1 3 55 28 44 Isaac Cumming Isaac Cumming #44: Back Comp AF DT SC Price $ $155900 $ BE 0 Avg/2 37 37 0 Owned 0.85% 0.00% 0.93% I. Cumming 28 50 4 5 9 2 1/1 151 4 1 1 88 78 48 Mark Keane Mark Keane #48: Back Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 0.24% 0.18% 0.20% M. Keane 26 32 8 2 10 1 1/2 212 3 4 70 95 ADVERTISEMENT
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AFL Fantasy • Dream Team • SupercoachAdelaide Crows: 25.11.161 # Player DT SC Kk Hb Di Mk Tk HO FK G.B MG CP CL 12 Jordan Dawson Jordan Dawson #12: Back Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 12.23% 17.40% 17.76% J. Dawson 134 124 22 11 33 8 6 1/1 775 10 5 4 72 79 2 Ben Keays Ben Keays #2: Midfielder Comp AF DT SC Price $ $438800 $ BE 0 Avg/2 60 60 0 Owned 1.69% 0.00% 1.05% B. Keays 132 135 17 5 22 11 3 4.2 435 3 2 1 81 81 5 Matt Crouch Matt Crouch #5: Midfielder Comp AF DT SC Price $ $745500 $ BE 0 Avg/17 105.47 105.47 0 Owned 8.61% 0.00% 6.20% M. Crouch 131 143 13 19 32 7 8 1/0 265 13 7 2 90 73 14 Jake Soligo Jake Soligo #14: Midfielder Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 0.57% 0.40% 0.39% J. Soligo
101 108 15 12 27 6 2 0/2 2.0 386 11 5 6 81 73 8 Josh Rachele Josh Rachele #8: Forward Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 4.71% 6.69% 1.44% J. Rachele 96 88 13 3 16 8 1 0/1 4.2 326 4 2 2 68 85 7 Riley Thilthorpe Riley Thilthorpe #7: Forward Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 0.34% 0.18% 0.27% Thilthorpe 91 97 10 6 16 7 2 1 3/1 3.1 331 10 1 3 75 82 28 Alex Neal-Bullen Alex Neal-Bullen #28: Forward Comp AF DT SC Price $ $527000 $ BE 0 Avg/21 78.38 78.38 0 Owned 0.09% 0.00% 0.09% Neal-Bullen 85 78 9 9 18 5 4 0/1 2.0 234 5 3 5 66 84 24 Josh Worrell J. Worrell 84 69 11 7 18 8 3 1/0 168 6 5 77 87 29 Rory Laird Rory Laird #29: Midfielder Comp AF DT SC Price $ $598600 $ BE 0 Avg/19 106.16 106.16 0 Owned 11.99% 0.00% 9.53% R. Laird 83 89 14 9 23 5 2 353 4 1 100 81 38 Lachlan Sholl Lachlan Sholl #38: Midfielder Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 0.06% 0.04% 0.19% L. Sholl 82 77 14 5 19 9 0/1 1.0 336 1 2 84 80 13 Taylor Walker Taylor Walker #13: Forward Comp AF DT SC Price $ $389400 $ BE 0 Avg/14 61.86 61.86 0 Owned 1.33% 0.00% 0.74% T. Walker 82 105 10 3 13 10 2 1 1.1 407 5 1 76 76 32 Darcy Fogarty Darcy Fogarty #32: Forward Comp AF DT SC Price $ $243600 $ BE 0 Avg/10 42 42 0 Owned 0.36% 0.00% 0.25% D. Fogarty 82 72 11 3 14 9 0/1 3.1 258 4 5 57 80 30 Wayne Milera Wayne Milera #30: Forward Comp AF DT SC Price $ $527300 $ BE 0 Avg/18 73.83 73.83 0 Owned 0.32% 0.00% 0.28% W. Milera 78 86 16 2 18 6 1 0/1 1.1 370 4 1 83 79 20 Mitchell Hinge M. Hinge 74 89 13 3 16 1 5 3/1 1.0 259 5 2 1 87 80 43 Reilly O'Brien Reilly O'Brien #43: Ruck Comp AF DT SC Price $ $306800 $ BE 0 Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 0.82% 0.00% 0.62% R. O'Brien 74 77 4 6 10 2 3 32 60 4 1 4 60 86 6 Daniel Curtin Daniel Curtin #6: Back Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 52.12% 56.86% 55.26% D. Curtin 73 82 8 5 13 5 4 2/0 1.0 146 5 2 1 76 76 16 Max Michalanney Max Michalanney #16: Back Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 0.58% 0.40% 0.45% Michalanney 72 70 12 3 15 8 1 2/0 198 6 1 86 90 23 Izak Rankine Izak Rankine #23: Forward Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 1.62% 0.84% 1.06% I. Rankine 70 97 11 4 15 5 1 0/1 2.1 372 7 2 3 73 56 9 Nick Murray N. Murray 56 66 8 5 13 5 3 1/2 141 5 3 84 88 25 James Peatling James Peatling #25: Forward Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 0.02% 0.09% 0.03% J. Peatling 41 47 5 8 13 2 3 1/3 169 6 3 4 69 83 34 Sid Draper S. Draper 38 20 6 3 9 1 4 0/2 0.1 188 2 1 3 55 28 44 Isaac Cumming Isaac Cumming #44: Back Comp AF DT SC Price $ $155900 $ BE 0 Avg/2 37 37 0 Owned 0.85% 0.00% 0.93% I. Cumming 28 50 4 5 9 2 1/1 151 4 1 1 88 78 48 Mark Keane Mark Keane #48: Back Comp AF DT SC Price $ $ $ BE Avg/0 0 0 0 Owned 0.24% 0.18% 0.20% M. Keane 26 32 8 2 10 1 1/2 212 3 4 70 95 TEAM STATISTICS
Statistic Essendon Adelaide Dream Team 1357 1813 Supercoach 1401 1901 Disposals 351 392 Kicks 179 254 Handballs 172 138 Marks 59 129 Tackles 48 60 Hit-Outs 38 34 Frees For 21 17 Cont. Pos. 126 127 Clearances 39 38 Clangers 62 62 LIVE GAME CHAT
If data doesn't load, try FF mobile! wadaramus: Ben Keays star, good one m0nty, not bad for a discard.
wadaramus: Well played Adelaide, 10 goal iwn away, can't complain.
Stu7: Thanks Ninty
Ninty: @MrWalrus it wasn't showing up, it does now. cheers
Ninty: refreshed, it's finally up lol. anyway all good - emergencies count as it says in the app.
mattmac24: Smith is a confirmed out
Zutroyz: Had my mid emergency on campo Clay, otherwise would be the same
pcaman2003: Thanks Bulky! Hope he's okay and still in.
MrWalrus: Ninty it's literally above your team in the field the team view
Stu7: Thanks Zutroyz appreciate it mate
LionBoy: Take that back. But good last qtr effort Bombers
Stu7: What�s the answer Harambe?
clay007: You guys are such a good resource, why use google, just ask you lads
Bulky: Smith is a suspected out. Not confirmed as yet.
Birdman18: We've hit the point limit now so players are going to start losing scores
Zutroyz: Stu7 - my 1st comment cut short bc character limit, added 2ndi
Ninty: my app just shows me about unlocking superocah gold even though I already have it :facepalm:
wadaramus: Imaging if we actually put some defensive effort into Merrett.
pcaman2003: Harambe. No doubt Merrett is an absolute champion.
Stu7: Harambe if you read the comments they�re different answersADVERTISEMENT
Match report - New prices and breakevens
By quarter - Blog log - Chat log
m0nty: Rachele gets a junk time special from 20m after Roberts gets a hospital ball from McGrath that was called not 15, rightly so. (Q4 35:07)
m0nty: Gresham feeds Merrett for his fourth goal from the hotspot with a minute or so left. (Q4 33:01)
m0nty: Tsatas has space and time at CHB but turns it over by foot, Crows surge to feed Soligo for some more junk from the hotspot. (Q4 31:37)
m0nty: Thilthorpe has had silver service today, he marks a Sholl pass from outer wing leading to 45m on a slight angle, his set shot is a boomer for another one. (Q4 26:37)
m0nty: Perkins passes to Kako 45m out on a slight angle who has been starved of opportunity but clunks that bit of garbage. (Q4 23:06)
m0nty: Merrett gets a HTB free on Sid Draper after the next bounce and passes to Sam Draper 40m out on a slight angle, crowd hoots as he lines up crooked but he snaps it in. (Q4 19:21)
m0nty: Fogarty marks a Walker long kick over the hapless McKay 25m out in the pocket and kicks his third goal. (Q4 17:34)
m0nty: Sholl joins the party with a running snap off the left from the hotspot. (Q4 13:56)
m0nty: Menzie receives from Hobbs but misses from 40m on a slight angle. (Q4 12:43)
m0nty: Sid Draper does a one-two with Neal-Bullen but misses from 30m on the flank. (Q4 11:21)FEATURED PLAYER
Jade Gresham is an example of the list build that Essendon has constructed towards the end of Adrian Dodoro era: a top-up for a club that hasn't won a final since Adam was a boy. He has put in some flashy passages, as in round 1 when he almost led a comeback over the Hawks, and it is obvious that he still has the cream that a good team needs to put it over the top. Essendon is not a good team, however, and he is just the wrong sort of player for their stage of development. While he takes an oversized chunk of their salary cap, the Bombers keep wallowing in mediocrity.- A Twitter List by m0nty
DT = Dream Team and AFL Fantasy.
SC = Herald-Sun SuperCoach.
Kk = Kicks. Hb = Handballs. Mk = Marks.
Tk = Tackles. HO = Hit-outs.
FK = Free kicks (FF/FA). G.B = Goals and behinds.
MG = Metres gained.
CP = Contested possessions. CL = Clearances.
= Clangers. = Disposal efficiency (%).
= Time on ground (%).FULLSCREEN EXPERIENCE
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* = This player kicked the first goal of the game.
= News.
= Hot (flame). This player is on fire in fantasy terms, on target for a Dream Team ton.
= Cold (icicle). This player has gone cold in this game, well down on his usual average.
= Cloud. This player is carrying an injury into the game, and may not be 100% fit.
= Sore (band-aid). This player has hurt himself, from a muscle injury or a knock. It's not bad enough to put him out of the game.
= Groggy (pow!). This player has hurt himself from a knock to the head, so he's feeling a bit woozy.
= Injured (red cross). This player will most probably not return for the rest of the game due to an injury. (Be warned that sometimes players are given this symbol wrongly due to incorrect radio reports.)
= Long-term injured (tombstone). This player will not only not return this game from a big injury, he won't play for a long while!
= In (jumper). This player replaced another player in the side in the last 45 minutes before the match started.
= Reported (hazard sign). The umpires took this player's name for an on-field discretion.
= MRP (TV). Due to an incident that wasn't reported, this player is likely to be cited on video by the AFL Match Review Panel.
= Ruck (rook chess piece). This player is starting in the ruck position and mostly staying there.
= Ruck/fwd (knight chess piece). While mostly starting as a key forward, this player also helps out in ruck.
= Mid/fwd (labrys, double-sided axe). This player rotates from half forward to join midfield, with some centre bounce attendances.
= Job (cog). This player has a traditional defensive role on another player, so he's sacrificing his own game.
= Guard (shield). This player didn't play on a man all game, but guarded space in defence.
= Spearhead. This player provided a target for teammates kicking the ball inside 50 as a tall forward.
= Inside (shovel). This player played his part inside the midfield engine room, shovelling the ball out.
= Wing (feather). This player started on a wing or flank, providing run and carry outside the packs.
= Pocket (jeans pocket). This player started deep forward in a crumbing role, roving contests and laying pressure.
= Switch (arrows). This player has switched from defence to attack, or vice versa, to help his team.
= Plus one. This player has the role of being loose in defence as the seventh man, cutting off attacks.
= Quarterback. This player started on a wing but drifted to halfback to mop up, in the so-called quarterback role.
= Spitter (cobra head). This player is in the "spitter" role, coming off the back of the square through midfield and forward.
= Kick in taker (goalsquare). This player takes a lot of kick ins after points, and often plays on for cheap fantasy stats.
= Rock (Ayers Rock). This player has dominated his key defensive post, it seems no one can get past him.
= Witches hat. This player is playing a key defensive role, but he's putting on as much pressure as a witches hat.
= Atlas. This player carried the rest of the team on his back, but it wasn't enough to prevent a loss.
= Snout. This player racked up stats like a true fantasy pig, dipping his snout in the trough time and again.
= Cash (dollar sign). This player is a "cash cow" who is earning your team dollars with every point he scores over his breakeven.
= Graph. This player is a "mid-pricer" whose price will rise sharply after this excellent performance.
= Late replacement. Another player was named on the teamsheet during the week but this player was his late replacement.
= Sub. This player is wearing the green vest indicating he is an official substitute.
= In and sub. This player was a late replacement and is also wearing the green vest of a substitute.
= Concussion Sub. This player is undergoing the HIA concussion test which requires being off for 20 minutes.
= Subbed. This player is wearing the red vest indicating he was substituted off during the game.
= Bench. This player has been benched by the coach for long periods of the game (Note: this icon also appears to the right of a name when that player is now on the bench).
= TOG (clock). This player is coming on and off the bench but not getting a decent amount of time on ground (TOG).
= Missing (magnifying glass). This player has gone missing like Wally or Carmen Sandiego. Where is he?
= Cobweb. This player looks to be short of match fitness after a long layoff, will be better for the run.
= Slow (snail). This player was caught holding the ball (HTB) several times because he was too sluggish.
= Empty (petrol gague). This player started well, but at some point he ran out of petrol tickets and stopped.
= Tagger (price tag). This player has a tagging role, playing very defensively on another player.
= Tagged (padlock). This player is the target of a tag by an opposition player.
= Spud (potato). It's no surprise that this player's fantasy score is so low... he's just a spud, no one should have him.
= Crab. This player looks like a crab, scuttling hither and yon in an ugly style. Stay away, fantasy coaches!
= Muppet (Kermit). This player has just done something unbelievably stupid, and turned into a muppet.
= Burger. This player has obviously been hitting the fast food just a tad, he's looking fat and slow.
= Donut. This player has begun the match with at least a full quarter of play with no basic statistics to show for it.
= Penguin. This player is so cold that his fantasy score is negative even after a lot of footy, brr!
= Cactus. This player is looking tired and in need of a holiday, somewhere sunny like Arizona.
= Police. This player has been in trouble with the law recently, and his mind seems to be elsewhere.
= Fantasy Zombie. This player was supposed to be past it for fantasy purposes, but he's back in town today!
= I'm Back. This man might have been out of the game for a while, but now he's as dangerous as John Wick.
= Blue moon. This player is normally not fantasy-relevant, but he has had a rare statistical blinder today.
= Yin yang. This player had one terrible half but also one very good half to balance things out.
= Ghost. This player only got the ball a small number of times, contributing rarely and then disappearing.
= Butcher (cleaving knife). This player got a fair bit of the footy, but he kept turning it over with clangers.
= Wall. This young player has had a good run since entering the league, but now he has hit the rookie wall.
= Astronaut. This player is so outside in his game style that he can only get a kick in space!
= Pumpkin. This player has had a great run recently but has now reverted to his true form: ordinary.
= Mare. This player is having a nightmare of a game, he can't do anything right. What a disaster!
= DT Talk. This player is the #1-ranked option in the famous Calvin's Captains article on the DT Talk blog.
= Irish (four-leaf clover). This lad (one of many) brings a touch of Guinness flavour to our great game.
= Lebanese (flag). Robin Nahas brings a touch of falafel flavour to our great game.
= Canadian (flag). Mike Pyke brings a touch of maple syrup flavour to our great game.
= American (flag). Seamus McNamara brings a touch of deep-fried flavour to our great game.
= Fijian (flag). Nic Naitanui brings a touch of lovo flavour to our great game.
= Burmese (flag). Trent Dennis-Lane brings a touch of ngapi flavour to our great game.
= Brazilian (flag). Harry O'Brien brings a touch of churrasco flavour to our great game.
= New Zealand (star from NZ flag). Karmichael Hunt brings a touch of hangi flavour to our great game.
= Tongan (flag). Israel Folau brings a touch of kava flavour to our great game.
= Japanese (flag). Sean Yoshuira brings a touch of sushi flavour to our great game.
= Nigerian (flag). Joel Wilkinson brings a touch of iru flavour to our great game.
= Sudanese (flag). Majak Daw brings a touch of aseeda flavour to our great game.
= Zimbabwe (flag). Tendai Mzungu brings a touch of sadza flavour to our great game.
= Egypt (flag). Ahmed Saad brings a touch of baba ghannoug flavour to our great game.
= Up. This player's fantasy score is up on his usual average.
= Down. This player's fantasy score is down on his usual average.
= Rookie (L-plate). The kid's playing his first game, cut him some slack if he doesn't get much of the pill.
= Bubble Boy (P-plate). The kid's playing his second game, so he's about to be "on the bubble" for fantasy price changes.
= Superman (Superman logo). This player has suddenly put the Superman cape on and delivered a great quarter of footy.
= Purple Superman. This Docker player has suddenly put the Superman cape on and delivered a quarter of wharfie time!
= X factor (letter X). This player wasn't the best player on the ground but he played a vital role in winning the game.
= Garbage (garbage bin). Had a pretty quiet game to start, but saved his day with "garbage time" stats when the pressure eased.
= Vulture. This player went in for the kill after the game was split open, feasting on the opposition carcass.
= Heart. Despite great adversity, this player has gutted it out and delivered a solid score for your team.
= Gun. Was there ever any doubt that this player would rack up huge fantasy points? This player is a gun, plain and simple.
= Magnet. He may not have been BOG or the most influential, but this player just kept getting the ball.
= Cherry. He was heading for a fine fantasy day, then he put the cherry on top with superior workrate!
= Hulk. This player copped a hard tag, but through strength and gut running he delivered for his team.
= On target. This player has scored a big bag of goals and kicked very accurately.
= Ram. This player may not have been a ball magnet, but he busted open packs all day to benefit his side.
= Seagull. This player hung outside the packs all day for cheap stats like a seagull pinching hot chips.
= Skier. This player seems to be running downhill, as he is getting on the end of fast plays in a blowout win.
= Cooked (chicken). This player is just cooked, take him out of the oven, he's done.
= Star. What an awesome performance! He's the star player of the game, should get 3 Brownlow votes.
= Medal. This player won the official medal in one of the special games during the AFL season (equivalent to star).
= Dreamtime. This player is indigenous and is playing in the Dreamtime Game at the G.
= Anzac. This player has won the Anzac Day medal for best afield in the Anzac game.
= Charlie Cameron (Harley motorcycle).
= Mark Blicavs (lightning bolt, a.k.a. Blitz).
= Jake Stringer (The Package).
= Nick Blakey (Lizard).
= Aidan Corr (Apples).
= Tim Membrey (Skunk).
= Brody Mihocek (Checkers).
= Charlie Ballard (Chicken).
= Dylan Grimes (Batman).
= Mitch McGovern (Brackets).
= Jarrod Berry, Tom Berry or Sam Berry.
= Mason Cox (sunglasses).
= Xavier Duursma (bow & arrow).
= Jeremy Finlayson (Dorsal, shark fin).
= Darcy Fogarty (Fog).
= Jacob Van Rooyen (Roo, kangaroo).
= Josh Daicos or Nick Daicos (inset of Greek Macedonian flag).
= Mason Redman (Red Dog).
= Mason Wood.
= Charlie Curnow (Egyptian ankh symbol).
= Harrison Himmelberg (Thor's hammer Mjolnir).
= Alex Keath (Chief, Master Chief from the Halo games).
= Jake Kelly or Cameron Zurhaar (Bull).
= Toby Greene (Tractor).
= Nic Newman (Onions).
= Tom Green (House).
= Jack Steele (Bluey).
= Jacob Van Rooyen (Roo).
= Lewis Melican (Pelican).
= Ryan Lester (Frog).
= Rory Lobb (Lobster).
= James Sicily (Sicdawg, a chiba dog).
= Ben Keays (Pidgeot the Pokemon).
= Tim Taranto (T-Bone).
= Nick Vlastuin (Tigger).
= Noah Balta (Mars, the planet).
= Tom De Koning (TDK, cassette tape).
= Josh Treacy (Cyclone).
= Mabior Chol (Two Phones).
= Taylor Walker (Texan, map of Texas).
= Luke Jackson (Dogga).
= Jai Newcombe (Duke Nukem).
= Finn Maginness (shark).
= Daniel Turner (Disco, a disco ball).
= Marcus Windhager (west wind symbol from Mah Jongg).
= Sam Collins (Sergeant insignia).
= Sam Darcy (Unicorn).
= Will Day (Daysy, a daisy flower).
= Dane Swan.
= Ryan "Creepy" Crowley.
= Jason Porplyzia (Porpoise).
= James Podsiadly (iPod).
= Andrew Raines (Raindrop).
= Andrew Carrazzo (Carrots).
= Matt Maguire (Goose).
= Liam Jurrah (Cougar).
= Cameron Ling (Pink Pig).
= Brad "Smiling Assassin" Johnson.
= Brett "Captain" Kirk.
= Warren Tredrea.
= Josh Carr.
= Peter Bell.
= Hayden Skipworth.
= Scott Gumbleton (Gumby).
= Jake King.
= Aaron Davey (Flash).
= Tomas Bugg (ladybug).
= Scott "Scooter" Selwood.
= Tom Scully (Skull).
= Easton Wood (tree).
= Jack Frost (snowman).
= Ben Jacobs (Blowfly).
= Matthew "Dutchy" de Boer (flag of the Netherlands).
= Trent Dumont (Froggy).
= Liam Shiels (shield).
= Sam Weideman (thistle weed).
= Nakia Cockatoo.
= Gary Rohan (Chucky).
= Trent McKenzie (Cannon).
= Tom Hawkins (Tomahawk).
Chat rules
Overall, please keep your chat relevant to the game going on at the time, and respect other posters, many of whom are school-aged. If you follow those two principles and stay premium, everything should be tickety-boo. Specifically, breaking the following rules is grounds for banning:
- No abuse of other posters. Friendly banter is okay, but please do not be nasty.
- No bogus info. This includes posting rubbish rumours. Be aware that if you play the game of starting or perpetuating rumours, even if you heard something on the radio or saw it on TV yourself, you could be banned for it temporarily, as the mods aren't all-knowing. To be safe, please cite your source if you are repeating a report from elsewhere. The mods (especially m0nty) have no sense of humour about this rule.
- No spoilers from other games. If people want to hear about other games, they will go to the relevant pages. Please respect others in this matter.
- No links to live streams of AFL games. There are no legal live streams of games to Australian users, so please don't ask for them, and especially don't respond to requests.
- Talking about issues not related to the game at hand is strongly discouraged. This applies even during in-game breaks. Some games are more exciting than others, so attention may waver somewhat in junk time of a boring match, so some leeway is given in certain circumstances. Nevertheless, please do not abuse this rule. Understand that you leave yourself open to be banned if you use the chat to talk to your friends and ignore the game. That's what IM is for.
- Talking about other sports is even more strongly discouraged, and is often the cause of a ban. This is not a soccer or basketball site. Talk about Australian football, please.
- Please do not try to conduct an ongoing discussion with mods about who should be banned, or about banning policies. There is a Feedback forum for such discussions.
- There is a swear filter in place, which is why you will probably see the words "flower" and "shower" a lot, among others. Swearing in itself is not a bannable offence, but testing out the swear filter, trying to avoid it, and/or posting nothing but swear words will get you banned.
- Other things are discouraged, and if you do them often enough you will get banned. This includes "[badplayer] is my captain" jokes and posting PNG predictions.
- Acting like an idiot will get you banned. This rule covers things like posting upside-down text, talking in IM speak, obvious trolling, banging on and on about one specific point, and not being a loss to the FF community in general. This also covers racism, sexism, potty mouths and other immaturity.
These rules are in place to ensure a friendly, football-focused chat environment. If you can't handle that, that is your problem.