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oddsok: kiiiiiiiiiiiiiirky!
GO PIES: taylor on hall
GO PIES: hunt on goodes
tawfiq: wooot kirk for brownlow
t0mm0: woooooooooooooooooo
clevo: ling tagging jude
clevo: corey on rok
Crow_Man1: comon bartel (c) g ablett, lonergan and ROK
darcy: Stevie J the only player and Bartel SC captain
Esoteric: If Gazza reaches his BE I'm gonna go out and shoot a cat.
t0mm0: grundy running with ablett
darcy: Ablett hopefully gets 70 so he will be under 400K :) if SJ gets another shower score .......
freakycats: stokes +7
tawfiq: i predict the umps to hav a nite out tonite,
seanmorr: bloody kennelly is a lemon
darcy: Anyone from WA is it on TV ?
m0nty: who got the first goal, I missed that
Esoteric: at 6:30 darcy
captainw: gold for AUSTRALIA!
Teddler: kenelly dislocated his shoulder already, put it back in
Jeremick: <3 cmon S
darcy: Stokes ahhh so annoying Varcoe for Scarlett ? WTF
clevo: kirk monty
Esoteric: kirk
oddsok: kirk first goal
seanmorr: kirk
freakycats: Kirk got the first goal m0nty
tawfiq: dodgy umpiring yet again
darcy: Thank god last month they have had the same game as foxtel ! Cheers
t0mm0: lol m0nty i dont think grundy is tagging ablett i made that up
RooBeauty: go mooney and mackie
freakycats: lonergan +12 noooooooooo
Quadcore: Carn captain ablett
RooBeauty: bartel, i bet u cant get under 30
Chronorox: Corey playing on O keefe at half back...interesting
m0nty: who is Kirk on
Crow_Man1: lift capt bartel
tawfiq: monty u mean who is playin on kirk ;)
t0mm0: heath grundy playing golf...
tawfiq: another free to geelong
tawfiq: wow, wat good umpiring,. 4 goals all from umpiring
darcy: Bartrl 181 in SC like last time would be nice
clevo: crounch is tagging gablett grundy on lonergan
tawfiq: 4 goals from 4 frees
berkna: turn on the tv monty u slacker
Jeremick: Geez I hate Lonergan. cmon SJ and Corey
Keza41: Joel Corey to have a shocker!!! *fingers crossed*
seanmorr: kirk is he head to head with jimmy
freakycats: Mooney goal woooooo i cant wait 4 us to win the Premiership this Year just a few weeks away
berkna: kirk v selwood at ctr bounce
seanmorr: looks like selwood with kirk
glenr: hehe, I'm with ya Keza
Mat D.: corey playing HB on okeefe? wtf haha
freakycats: Stokes +6
Jeremick: Noooo, not lonergan again
darcy: Byrnes lucky to keep his spot Hogan got 41 touches in the VFL
freakycats: Lonergan lining up and its a point 2.1 for Lonergan
darcy: SJ please beat Stokes mate you havent score big for ages
tawfiq: send everitt to the nursing home
Jeremick: Cmon SJ
bluma: goal ablett
freakycats: ablett goal already running away with the match
Keza41: good corey on O'keefe... take each other out
oddsok: bad one for corey would be nice
freakycats: comon ROK dont have another shocker
Crow_Man1: comon bartel
t0mm0: rowkeefe lift u mongrel
j0rdan...: prismall better beat ablett
t0mm0: jrob better go to amys
tawfiq: wtf were the 2 50'z for
j0rdan...: oh hes going man. hes got a lift now its all good. Where is Vezpremi lol??
snagadelic: umpires are a joke this year
Crow_Man1: is bartel alive?
bluma: shocking umpiring. that was crap
phenom: good umpiring thus far....
freakycats: very very very good decision by the umps and we have now got 6 goals 4 from very good ump decisions
seanmorr: the afl is ruining the game i refuse to go anymore
t0mm0: nah man bartel is dead......jeez go have a shoulder reco
darcy: is anyone doing the fantasy league EPL ?
j0rdan...: prismall is a nerd
freakycats: i am darcy
Crow_Man1: i will tuesday
GO PIES: yer darcy im doing EPL fantasy(dont no ANYTHIN bout EPL tho)
freakycats: goal for byrnes who do u go 4 darcy in the EPL
j0rdan...: i dont rate ablett, i dont kno why everyone loves him. hes so shower i reckon
darcy: We should make a fanfooty league ?
t0mm0: i know man u've said it about six times today just vie it a rest
GO PIES: hav u joined the DT Talk league darcy???
freakycats: ok darcy
freakycats: yes we should Darcy
t0mm0: lift j0rdan you geek
gumbleton3: gary ablett hamstring
Mike619: im doin an epl fantasy
darcy: GO PIES nope what's the code
j0rdan...: is ablett injured???????????????????????????///
seanmorr: whats the website for epl fantasy
t0mm0: lift okeefe you nerd
freakycats: Bartel +4
gumbleton3: out for 3 weeks
Mike619: i will go in the FF epl league, wats the code?
t0mm0: does anyone know what the lowest ever dt score is?.....i think grundy wants the title
GO PIES: il check it now darcy
freakycats: go google then EPL and then go to the first thing and then u will c it
Monah: oi dumbleton shut ur mouth
freakycats: so will i GO PIES
bluma: he looks fine gumbleton3, you watching or what?
gumbleton3: yes
darcy: JOHNSON GET THE BALL I shall make a league brb
GO PIES: the dt talk league code is 877045 4 epl fantasy
snagadelic: you ripper mattner
j0rdan...: OOHHH luke ablett lol. gary i want him to do shiiiiiit. t0mm0 is a geezer
Juddgy: is ablett injured
TigerBob: go mr. bartel
darcy: I picked Kornes over Corey, Corey is going to smash is score against the Swans ......
j0rdan...: lift prismall
gumbleton3: i'm pretty sure
Juddgy: is kennelly going to keep playing?
Mike619: cmon ROK
t0mm0: yeah rocky
darcy: 50780-199556 code for fanfooty epl league
j0rdan...: shut the flower up darcy ur a geezer
t0mm0: do you really think that horse can run tow and a half miles? he ran all the way here
Juddgy: big bad bustling barry is barreling now
gumbleton3: why don't theyput a sore on ablett
darcy: What is that DT talk code again ?
gumbleton3: why don't they put a sore on ablett
cptFantasy: what's the dt talk epl league code again pies guy?
j0rdan...: t0mm0 im off ill cya at amys..........
Esoteric: nice alliteration there Juddgy
t0mm0: how funny is selwood being fifth favourite to win the brownlow at TAB
GO PIES: it depends which 1 ur doing but its 877045 in the sportal fantasy
Monah: mOnty gumbleton is a penut kick him off
darcy: dt talk code ?
j0rdan...: aussies are so good at rowing ayeee
gumbleton3: ablett out
darcy: Cheers this is the proper one of the official website
cptFantasy: oh right, I'm in that already, was just checking if you were doing the other one too
oddsok: wow tom lonergan and joel corey look really similar from the back
Esoteric: that code 877045 must be for the enhanced version. not classic
Brisi4prem: sportal dt for epl is shower
j0rdan...: gumbleton get him out off here
darcy: The old sportal dreamteam is so much better
pascoe: only corey here, keep goin mate
deansherr: ablett close to bog that quarter but only 21 dt points
j0rdan...: Peace everyone. PRISMALL LIIFFFTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
darcy: mOnty can you put the code for fanfooty league somewhere on here ?
Esoteric: old sportal = classic version you know that right
GO PIES: ive neva even seen an epl game,just on DT talk sum1 asked 2 make a league in that sportal 1 so i did it,but i hate socce
Brisi4prem: you should do da epl dt on da actual priemer league site- much betta
bluma: gumbleton out would be better
gumbleton3: gary ablett out
seanmorr: has the scoring crashed
Spazb0t: Cmon SJ
LeFtBehinD: Nothing better than Marty MAt Mat MATTNER in full flight!
darcy: Johnson seriously mate what you doing
Tiges08: that is the site create a team
Chronorox: Was that a rat rat ratties reference mate?
Brisi4prem: dam rite tiges08
ubol5: mackie start skulking
bobaco: face it. soccer is crap.
Chronorox: Good to see Mackie not allowed to run free this week.
Chronorox: Ridiculous
Homeless: cmon stevie j and mackie
Chronorox: That in the back decision was terrible
bobaco: off topic, m0nty, can you make a daisy symbol for dale tomas?
Matt Youd: are you there ROK
Reflector: stokes continuing his hot record against sydney
Rilian: I've seen the Swans drop their knees when tackled at least three times, they were bound to get a(n incorrect) free..
darcy: 50780-199556 EPL FANTASY CODE FANFOOTY LEAGUE ! Johnson flower off
export: lift sj
darcy: WTF Craig Bolton usually gets that for the match
darcy: Corey continuing his hot record against anyone .... why did I pick Kornes :(
Pendogs: bolton, keep bringing on those 6 pointers
LeFtBehinD: God Mattner is one sexy mother flowerer!!!
export: thats all i hear from u darcey get over it. just have both like me
cptFantasy: You picked Kornes because it was a close call! I picked Corey because Mollyfud said to avoid Geelong players!
Pendogs: okeefe with the handball!!!
cptFantasy: so I'm going against advice this week
Tiges08: the only thing u have left behind is ur dignity after that comment
clevo: Robert-Thomson is biggest egg
darcy: SJ come on 40 at least this half WTF export sorry mate just annoys me
export: haha nah its ok
darcy: Has their been a game where Kennelly don't have a bandaid
Tiges08: lol yer i picked corey as captain almost put bartel screw sydneys defense geelong are good enough
chugguar: move it O'Keefe. For frig sakes!!!!!!!
t0mm0: what the okeefe????u were on that score when i left half an hour ago
Crow_Man1: 4 fox sake okeefe
jamzee123: yay, got ablett, corey, bartel (c) and mattner in this
cptFantasy: me too jamzee
torResz: flower u sj
torResz: flower u okefe
mr gor: stevie J = hack
bobaco: Ablett: back to his best.
Mike619: hey nick
t0mm0: m0nty unblock s0ck, he learned his lesson
Juddgy: stevie j goal
freakycats: what did sock do i was having t
Quadcore: Ablett, Mattner, Corey, Bartel and Mackie loving this.
Spazb0t: mr gor = tool
VeRmOnTiAn: how do u even blok ppl and see hoos on??
mr gor: spazbot = spaz
torResz: omg ablett close
GEEason88: go bartel, corey, mackie
Chronorox: Bullshower that was a goal
tigermania: take the padlock of ablett, hes untaggable
Reflector: where did mackie come from?
Spazb0t: wow, i see what you did there.. very smart...
clevo: glenelg reflector
tunit: mackie = SA
mr gor: i thought so too
VeRmOnTiAn: on ya varcoe...u just screwed it up!
Jeremick: flowerING HELL SJ. Please don't let me down, i'm dieing here
Homeless: i have the top four scorin geelong players
Homeless: cmon stevie j and mackie
Reflector: clevo & tunit: i was referring to his DT score of 47 :P he was in the 20s just a couple of minutes ago
Homeless: and mattner as well
buddy: monty u given garry the fireball
tunit: oh my bad
t0mm0: m0nty please unblock s0ck he's alright
Jeremick: Has SJ played like a piece of shower. I saw a few dropped marks but it isn't that bad is it? :(
(name): ryan okeefe u poo face
BFC09: has hille seriosuly got a broken hand????
buddy: i no aye "name" ryan okeefe is killing my team
deansherr: Just give Gary the star to save some time.
(name): haha yeh buddy
pascoe: GARY? when will corey ever get some recognition. look how well he has done at stopping rokeefe
RIBBONALDO: hille is out for the year
divvydan: is the live score website down or something?
BFC09: thats heartbreak, was all aus ruckman
deansherr: pascoe I give corey credit every week but Ablett is dominating beyond belief.
kaiballa: where sc scores?
(name): Is hille out for the year?
divvydan: looks like the afl game day site has stalled so no updates or sc scores
divvydan: way to make a fool of me afl game day ;)
RIBBONALDO: hille defiantely out go to the bombers website
Quadcore: To all david hille is not injured these lowlife heros are makiing up shower
buddy: okeefe wat is goen on
seanmorr: he has a broken hand tool
cdrobert: hill should be finished for the season
RIBBONALDO: get a grip quadcore, he playd the second half with a broken hand, and is out for the season. no doubt about it
Crow_Man1: 120+ plz bartel
Esoteric: slow down gablett
Keza41: c'mon SJ beat ROK
pascoe: THANKS QUAD, i hate those idiots
cdrobert: no point playing hille when the bombers only have 2 games left
RIBBONALDO: your as dumb as him pascoe. why would we make that up. i go for the dons. i wish he hadnt broke his hand
rowshow: crouch gone. shoulder red cross monty
Jeremick: YAY SJ legend -1 this quarter
Hughy.C: Travis Clokes sister is a slut.
Keza41: i want mattner, bolton, bartel and corey to get the red cross!!!
pascoe: cause the amount of people who make up injuries on this site is unbelievable. more than 70% do
(name): all those who dont believe hille broke his hand- jst checked on the AFL website and its true
RIBBONALDO: well i'm im the 30% mate
torResz: sj and okefe.. shower cows
pascoe: well i checked on the bombers website and it wasn't there so hard to know
cdrobert: quadcore has realised he has made a mistake pascoe, dont see him backing up his claim
newyyy: torResz mate thats a big call both all aust.
Kyn1: Monty's a flowerin wonka... change the symbols Mont....
Crow_Man1: comon capt bartel 100+ plz mate
torResz: ... i have them both they better lift..
al 6: lol its actually true about hille
RIBBONALDO: sorry it was on the afl site, my fault.
mitchc6: Dempsey (broken leg), Fletcher (groin), Hille (broken hand),
rowshow: ablett knee???
pascoe: ok, cheers for the CORRECT info.....i am sorry for accusing any, thx guys
(name): I am the biggest poo ever
leungtl: Hille article:
torResz: ....oh flower u sj!!
damoc85: give gaz the star now
Kyn1: You gotta love flowerers
torResz: ablettt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! goal
bluma: Ablett goal
mitchc6: back to brownlow fav afta this week
pascoe: yep its true, thanks all
clevo: y wont roos put goodes in centre
(name): y does rok have to do so bad
Kyn1: I'm going to shower on my flower
seanmorr: die ablett
Esoteric: ah i better get an injury that needs a trade on or otherwise i missed out on gazza for no reason
(name): I am the biggest poo ever
Jack Mack: he still is brownlow favorite.mitchc6
Homeless: is g abletts score right ?
blisk: ablett is just far too good
Homeless: cmon stevie and gamble
freakycats: ablett isnt brownlow favourite its boomer harvey idiot
Spazb0t: Stevie J!!!
Keza41: SJ goal!!! =]
mammes: Stevie J +14!!
mr gor: touch the ball jolly you clown!
Kyn1: retart, dick, wonka, hero, flowerwit, dickwad, poofter
mswifty: far out okeefe
(name): (name): I am the biggest poo ever
Gun Bomber: In comes gazza in supercoach this week!wish I had trades and cash to do it in DT
mswifty: riewoldt better do well cause hes my captain hu ic hanged fromc orey
Homeless: yessssss stevie j
freakycats: i can talk another language c look
tribey: come on stevie j, sort out the recycling, grab the glad bags, i want to see a massive bin by your name.
freakycats: alsf jurds kbmsiq acsyfs
(name): some1 is logged into my account and keeps typing, i am the biggest poo ever. betits my mate, grrr
mjbt: No point talking brownlow - Gablett will be 10 votes in front with 2 rounds to play
Kyn1: flowerk
hass10452: go captain ablett
Kyn1: flowerc
(name): I am the biggest poo ever arent i rossko
Keza41: Stevie J again!!! =]
joel899: wow thats funny freaky
(name): Just because Ablett is on 100!!
seanmorr: i had ablett coming in with my last trade until the didak/shaw fiasco happened grrrr
Homeless: i love you stevie J
Homeless: wats wrong with gamble
Kyn1: f
Kyn1: d
Kyn1: h
glenr: way to lose me my finals game, ROK
Kyn1: s
Kyn1: p
Kyn1: r
Kyn1: q
Kyn1: u
Kyn1: b
Kyn1: a
Salisbury: Nice work capt gaz too bad my opponent have you too
Kyn1: e
(name): Monty, get Kyn1 offline
Kyn1: v
Pickles: ablett you legend
seanmorr: is ROK playing not sighted
bluma: you are a flowerwit kyn 1
(name): Wouldnt want me 2 get u reported would u rosso!!
tribey: there should be a mrs. todd icon
Salisbury: Guess ablett going for those 3 pts
GO PIES: sj only 36 in sc flower u im gonna lose now
Brock5: Anyone reckon that Geelong is actually beatable at this stage?
hass10452: nope
Brock5: As in comparison to the rest of the league not this game
bluma: ablett 150?
bluma: not even close Brock5
newyyy: goood last couple of mins for jiimy b like 20 points
hachoo: damn mackie... fire up son !
hass10452: that would be nice as captain :D
tribey: hawthorn are capable but buddy would need to convert most of his 10-12 shots
bluma: Moondog
bluma: they're prob the only ones tribey, but you're right. Buddy would need to fire
newyyy: geelong kangsroos grand final-u herdd it hear first
SM007: C'mon JC gotta match my opponents cap Gablett...
Jack Mack: end of 3rd
bluma: good other game
seanmorr: Monty give ROk the iceberg son
buddy: cmon garry- my captaine for life- i even made him capten in his 1st week back :) good desision
deansherr: Anyone still not convinced Ablett deserves the star?
enormohead: when was the last time jolly or okeefe touched it??? yesterday??
(name): okeefe is breaking my heart
SM007: Ablett the star, no doubt about it.
fryzien: Marty Mattner will have a kip now. He doesn't know how to get 100 points.
Mat D.: worst DT decision for me this year was choosing jolly over simmonds 2 weeks ago... what a spud
clevo: okeefe and jolly ur killing me
Jack Mack: 4th has started
Mat D.: cmon selwood, pick it up... gablett and jc good, screw you jolly you hack
haooyy: o'keefe <____< shattered
Jack Mack: cheers O'Keefe
Crow_Man1: bartel 110+ plz
xinzhiii: once again rok, you will cost me this week :(.
Reflector: lift mackie!
clevo: how many geelong players well get all-australian?
sntran23: O'Keefe +78 PLEASE..
al 6: ablett, bartel, corey, ling, scarlett, enright, stoks, steve johnson, harley will get all aussie
Jack Mack: Who would win? All Aus team (- Cats players) vs Geelong
Homeless: cmon stevie j and mackie
BFC09: o
BFC09: O'Keefe u killin me mate
newyyy: BFC does that stand for blackburn footy club?
bachar999: sokolovich 4 laycock
ocat1979: lions look home, dogs choked
Esoteric: can somebody give me a league code for sportal epl classic to join. only got 10 mins to join one
xinzhiii: was lucky that paul wheatly scored so well today, i missed out on mackie by $100 with my last transfer
Jeremick: OMG O'KEEFE +like 78
Crow_Man1: dont stop bartel keep it up 110+ plz
Jeremick: sj lift!!!
bigmac: steve johnson always turns it on dt wise after half time
(name): Kelly has done nothin this quarter
Homeless: cmon my geelong team get some more points esp captain ablett
Fury: Mattner is so hot right now.
Homeless: bartel goal
mitchc6: can you make a bird icon for bird
jamzee123: Bartel! wats bartels sc any?
Matt Youd: ffs ROK
ocat1979: bartel 119 sc
Jeremick: SJ LOser, do something
ocat1979: sc scores will be up in a min anyway
Salisbury: Yes I knew Capt Ablett was teh way to go
bachar999: beau dowler what a star!!! nearly as good as laycock
Salisbury: bartel 120 Ablett 151 sc
Pendogs: rok handball!!! finally
Crow_Man1: bartel = gun
BFC09: laycock is the best footy player goin round, get off his bachar999
newyyy: bartel catching up to ablett
Homeless: cmon gablett
jamzee123: put bartel captain over gab (sc) cant complain but still :(
Homeless: cmon gablett and mackie
Pendogs: rok get two handballs in one minute WOW!!!!
clevo: rok in garbge time 2 handballs in two seconds
Homeless: i have gablett capt opponent has bartel
Keza41: c'mon ablett touch the ball you've been on 118 for ages!!!
SM007: C'mon JC bring up the ton..
Juddgy: ablett hasnt got a touch
Jeremick: cmon sj
Gun Bomber: I should have left Jimmy as captain rather than changing it to Kane.....
Keza41: c'mon ablett beat bartel!!!!
cats_08: give jimmy the gun!
Since1864: Swans cant shut down the Geelong mids.
mitchc6: bartel =gun
obimikel: u guys are a bunch of wank@#s
clevo: since can anyone?
obimikel: give ablett a break!!!!!!
Reflector: mattner won't break 100.
newyyy: yea bartel gun defs
Keza41: he's had a long enough break obimikel
Quadcore: Can Mattner break the ton?
ubol5: lol matner incapable of 100
makingme: well played bazza
Keza41: ablett +2!!! yay
hachoo: agreed, Bartek for the gun
hachoo: mattner 100 OMGGG
Ausyid: cant wait for chappy and milburn to come back in now
Keza41: mattner scored 100!!! =[
Salisbury: come on ling ding ding
mitchc6: mattner ton
Since1864: Give the Cats the cup already.
adamchild: raise the bat JC!!
sg2612: Does anyone know Halls break even?
mr gor: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh jolly welcome to the ballgame!!
clevo: jolly score the goal plz
newyyy: has prismall earned his spot in the geelong team??
mitchc6: yah ablett rubbush time
Quadcore: Mattner, Bartel, Corey, Ablett (c), Makie awsommme night
dt19: me too ausyid - i reckon they'll be in next week cause it's at skilled
cats_08: if prismall gets dropped, i'll go ape s.hower
Ausyid: woohoo harry taylor
GO PIES: siren i hope buddy doesnt beat bartel in sc
BFC09: prismall is a hack, nah but he should move to essendon
Homeless: same as me quadcore
Salisbury: nice work ling ding ding
cats_08: nice way to finish the game...carn the catters!
Since1864: Scarlett, Milburn & Chapman out, Geelong are AWESOME.
Mat D.: you suck jolly, i hate you
newyyy: BFC mate prismall= would start in any other team in the mid:)
Keza41: having milburn and chapman out cost me my finals hopes!!! =[
cats_08: if prismall gets traded, geelong would be looking for at least a first round draft pick
mitchc6: keza dikhed they wernt named u cant use that as an okeefe
haooyy: anyone know if o'keefe is carrying an injury?
BFC09: he will star alongside stanton
mitchc6: excuse*********
newyyy: cats_08 100% agree with you
deansherr: I'm pretty sure Ling was tagging McVeigh, he started on Bolton but changed early.
BFC09: he should get top 10 draft pick if anything
ubol5: rok lol
J Newton: Enright tagged ROK!
deansherr: No he didn't Corey was on ROK.
xztatik: Pretty sure Keza can use that as an excuse.
xztatik: ROK's funny. Last comment.
xztatik: Top 10 draft pick for Prismall are you joking?
aces-high: This would be the highest posession game Sydney has played in ages.
aces-high: Gary Ablett is an absolute gun
skystyler: wrong. Ling was on Bolton the whole game
Jack Mack:
Jack Mack:

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