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Match report • View fantasy scoresDonTheSash: Go Norf
Justgrumpy: Bit quiet…
Noxious: Quiet in here
Nvrletudwn: Big one please Trac and Ollie
DANGERous: go crom
Nvrletudwn: So quiet that SC hasn't shown up either
Nvrletudwn: There we go
Noxious: Sheezel in full forward or something
puckeey: thats what i was thinking noxious
Birdman18: All I need is my C playing forward pocket
suns4ever: Give Clarry his tackle CD
Stu7: Gawn & Oliver 100+ please boys
Noxious: Between classic and draft I have 7 players in this game, nervous watch
original: Wow Nox
original: Oh me too lol some double ups as well
Noxious: They add up don't they original haha, took me by surprise
Stu7: Ollie & Gawn off the bench fella’s
Noxious: FOS, sheezel, xerri, oliver and lindsay all on the bench fml haha
puckeey: tom powell was not doing this last season
Stu7: Bad kicking Roos
connrs: how is pink on 6 supercoach score
Birdman18: Get on the ground and in the guts Sheez
original: DW guys sheezel is in the CD team he will come good
Shymander: C on sheezel... I hate this round
Stu7: Does anyone tags from the Roos?
Shymander: Phillips did last year iirc
Birdman18: I should have put the C on Xerri
Noxious: Will Phillips does sometimes Stu
Shymander: don't think he was very good at it tho
Stu7: Stressful Shymander
Ash777: Xerri is making gawn look 40yrs old
Noxious: Xerri is killing Gawn atm
Shymander: my round's already over anyway, so
Stu7: Thanks Nox
wadaramus: Holy guacamole, I put the VC on Macrae and took it, might be rueing not leaving it on Xerri.
Shymander: tipped North last week but not this week :/
Noxious: Even if Xerri beats Macrae's score you can't not take that
Birdman18: Can't kick yourself for taking Macrae's score
Cascadian: shower I took the C off Xerri just before the first bounce to loop Naicos as captain
Stu7: Come on Gawn finger out buddy
Stu7: You’d take Macrae score every day of the week hey Nox
Noxious: Definitely, I took Rozee's and I'm still happy with that
Justgrumpy: Lift FOS lift
wadaramus: Geez, Oliver going well today.
Ash777: this game is pretty amusing
original: Lift Trac
AdzMate: Cmon Gawn
DANGERous: get a touch fos
wadaramus: Carn Norf, got too many of your players and need you to perform well as a team!
Bazza2023: Taj in, Jeff out
Birdman18: Handing over of the batten of best ruck from Gawn to Xerri this game
Ninty: Picking Parker was a mistake it seems, probably still better than JHF though
original: Loving this sheez stay down
original: Trac really need you to lift pal
Justgrumpy: 2 goals north could have had if the just kicked it off the ground.
MrWalrus: Glad you said that Birdman because I've captained Gawn and you have the touch today
Ninty: Parker let’s go
DukeNewc: Fos a shocker pick
Birdman18: He's a champion Walrus so surely he hits back
Harambe: FOS better lift if he doesn't want to be subbed for Stephens
Nvrletudwn: This Oliver fellow looks set for a breakout year
original: Tracca draft Capt. ahh what have I done
kisip: FOS to lindsay so far for me next week. Might have to fet rid of flynn if he aint playing
Ninty: Just realised fos = o Sullivan and not Gawn (fossil)
clay007: Fos gone from 2-8, quadrupled his score.
Creed1: did powell not get a htb tackle like 3 minutes ago
Harambe: You're right Creed
Cam123: Lindsay looking like a must have
Creed1: Thought i was going mad, never got points for it
Cam123: LDU looking like an ordinary POD
Harambe: He'll be awarded it by the CD reviewer, maybe at half time
Harambe: Powell on fire
_Wang_: Where was this last year powell
Creed1: Yea sweet i have him captain in draft i need everything i can get haha
Birdman18: He's a trap
Harambe: He plays better with hair Wang
puckeey: powell averaged 80.2 last year btw when everyone had him
Ninty: Xerri slowed down
_Wang_: Harambe lol
Birdman18: LDU clanger central
kisip: FOS doing the kicking atleast is encouraging
TheLegend6: Brilliant FOS
AdzMate: Might not be scoring well but FOS doing some nice things
Harambe: Yeah FOS excellent 10 minutes there
original: Ffs powel why negative
eadmate: LDU getting hammered by umps
Manowar: Gawn ya showerhouse
DukeNewc: Big half Trac
J_Herer: Doesn't the Dees normally run a tag?
m0nty: Parker to Darling, classic North
Nvrletudwn: m0nty, reckon I could get my team next to my name?
Nvrletudwn: Please
original: Few goals this qtr please trac
_Wang_: Nvrletudwn you can do yourself
Creed1: Get involved Rivers
Pavs: Think you have to that when you sign up Nvr.
Nvrletudwn: I was told that if I don't do it when I sign up (didn't know about it) you ask m0nty.
Nvrletudwn: Wang really? Where? I've looked around but can't find any settings.
Shymander: I didn't get or see a prompt for that either, tbf
_Wang_: I can't remember how but years ago I had the same drama
Shymander: whenever I log in I get a page saying I haven't activated my account and I should have an email, which I don't
Nvrletudwn: I see. I'll keep looking. Thanks
wadaramus: LDU, you are a complete hack, can't believe I got sucked in by you again!
Creed1: Ive seen rives exactly 2 times this game
Nvrletudwn: Exact same situation Shy
original: Don’t stop powell ffs
Justgrumpy: Same Shy
eadmate: ldu is a painful watch
Birdman18: Lift Sheez
wadaramus: Been watching NBL game 5, Gawn finally being dethroned?
Nvrletudwn: I actually had an account years ago and tried to change the password but would never get the email.
Nvrletudwn: Looks that way wada
Noxious: People were saying Xerri had a tough run with Gawn coming up, I think it's the other way around
eadmate: ldu just win the ball
wadaramus: I thought they might nullify each other, not the case.
Nvrletudwn: Trac just not the same this year
Shymander: should paid up for Xerri not Sheezel. can't believe some people genuinely believe he's better than Naicos
Ash777: Trac been moved forward
naicosfan: its because clarko is giving bulk cbas to powell and ldu
Noxious: If Sheez was still HB/Mid he'd be doing fine, spending too much time forward
eadmate: Sheezel will be better than naicos
Ash777: Sheezel rarely a quiet game.
Birdman18: Even in mid he's not getting near it
naicosfan: pretty one-eyed statement there ead, clearly naicos' ceiling is higher then sheezels from what we've seen so far
TheLegend6: Comben brilliant
Ash777: comben is back
Creed1: Wake up Powell
Ash777: Probably because last week he was playing against Darcy
original: Cmon powell
_Wang_: Sheezel one quiet game and now he's a hack
Noxious: Surprised that was Kerch's first goal
original: Keep going trac
Nvrletudwn: North lose to GC that time and they have both Reid and McKercher
Shymander: Draper and Sheldrick subs for Freo v Syd
Birdman18: Sheez not even getting points for tackles. CD must have traded him this week
Ash777: lol saying someone's statement is one-eyed with that name
naicosfan: harley reid was a liability today for WC lol
Nvrletudwn: Maybe he would be happier in Melbourne
naicosfan: fair point, but we can look at stats and impact in big games, nick has showed more than sheez so far
laneymate: guessing you didnt watch that game?
MrWalrus: Should have captained neale or my other bounce back choice Ryan
Birdman18: Sheez hasn't played in any big games yet
Roarix: FOS really delivering on the pre-season hype.. down to Henderson you go
Ninty: Captain Chandler going to script
Noxious: Melbourne cant stick a tackle to save themselves
Migz: harley obviously has the ability but he needs an attitude check asap
Roarix: Get Petracca around the ball you idiots
clay007: Xavier Lindsay looks like he has been playing for years. really composed!
LionsOnTop: Where are all of Gawns point going
AdzMate: 50 point Q4 pls Gawn
circle52: Sheldrick and Draper subs next game
puckeey: gawn got one tackle and one tap and gains 11 points
Roarix: Who tf put that starting midfield together for the Dees? No Oliver or Petracca? Deserved L
Creed1: 70 down with powell c, rivers, daniel and bowey v ldu and zuurhar
puckeey: at the end of the last quarter
DukeNewc: So your team is down by 3 goals and Goodwin decides to send their best mid to FF?
TheLegend6: And second best mid on the pine
puckeey: and their second best mid is on the pine duke
Justgrumpy: Ouch
colin wood: Looks like Maxy has finally handed the mantle over to Xerri.
Ash777: Tanking moves for the dees
Bulky: Goodwin will be the first coach to be sacked this year at this rate. Melbourne are total underachievers.
Roarix: Looks like Trac is a needed trade if he’s gonna cop this every week.. so bs
FlaggersXD: xerri points are a joke. He tapped it straight to Oliver and still gets points
Justgrumpy: Fat lady warming her voice
eadmate: put sheez in the midfield clarko wtf
DukeNewc: Absolute brain explosion, Goodwin channelling his inner Bevo puckey
Ash777: goodnight dees
navy_blues: north want it more
Birdman18: My worst captain choice ever this one
clay007: Should we think about trading Sheezel next week? His BE will be huge and Clarko not letting him seagull
eadmate: if you didnt captain macrae you don't know supercoach
Noxious: Sheezel tonned last week, I'm holding on for a bit
mags: Almost can't watch. Surely we can't lose from here? Surely...?
J_Herer: Sheezel's role changed?
Shymander: I got burned trading Sheezel out last year when he changed position, not making the same mistake again
TheLegend6: embarrassing from the dees, fair play north
eadmate: yeah he is on waters now
Birdman18: Dees can't even force a stoppage inside defensive 50. Not coming back out
Bazza2023: Fos Ead
J_Herer: North winning due to Toby Pink's performance
Pavs: Nice work Urbs
navy_blues: thinking that clay will look at options before make that move
Troglodyte: @eadmate - what is supercoach?
clay007: I've got bigger issues, hornet and Perryman causes me headaches
original: Get the f back on Powell. Need junk from u too trac
Shymander: where was this last week when I tipped north smfh
eadmate: davies uniacke needs some junk goals
DukeNewc: Good luck to the both of us original, he'll probably still be at FF
Ninty: Demons could be the worst premiers this century
clay007: Daniel back to his best
DANGERous: trading FOS out next week
LionsOnTop: Had gawn at flex so im trading him out for a gun mid
Ninty: Surely JHF bounces back. Averaged 100 last year
Noxious: Chandler the only one that doesn't deserve a witches hat
Ninty: Meek instead of Gawn at flex is making me happier today
J_Herer: A few trade outs in this game - Gawn, Rivers, Parker if you have them IMO
Ash777: lol trading out gawn.
eadmate: take Tsatas 78 or field O'driscoll?
Ninty: Oliver Nox?
naicosfan: sheezel butchering it more than ldu
clay007: Salem always presents nox
J_Herer: take 78
Ninty: You probably take 70+ from rookies @ead
Noxious: Yeah Salem been good too, Oliver not bad but hasnt really had much of an impact
original: Strong finish plz tracca
clay007: Oliver's left foot banger was impactful
DukeNewc: Far out trac any danger
eadmate: you are trash gawn
Migz: I Dont remember gawn getting smashed this hard for a while. insane game from xerri. 3 votes easily
clay007: I would hate to be gawn's opponent next week though. Look out
TheLegend6: This is Sheezel's floor, there's no way you trade
Hazza09: Cya FOS, got baited into the pre season game
Migz: agreed legend. 24 touches, 12 CP. Accuracy and turnovers have killed him but wont normally be that high
Noxious: 73 was Sheezels lowest score last year, thats what he's at now, I'm holding
MrWalrus: Just going to be ok with C Gawn, he's done me well for years and loops were limited
Roarix: Can I do a double boost this week? Asking for a friend :’)
Ash777: Sheezel trashcan
clay007: I'm just asking, so no hate. Is it smart to sell Sheez at 635 and rebuy at 550? He will drop heaps
bhg26: shower, been out the last two days and im 91 in fantasy lol
Hepatitis: Obviously u hold sheezel. U picked him as a keeper
naicosfan: cmon sheez hit 85
MrWalrus: I'd had to loop by Saturday games and VC English was best option so only lost a small amount...
Birdman18: Good boy Henderson. Giving up points to the Cap
Noxious: Not worth using 2 trades for imo Clay
FlaggersXD: is 2 trades worth 85k clay
naicosfan: clay i dont think the value is really there, its 2 trades to get him out and back in
kisip: FOS to Lindsay easy next week. depending if Flynn is named if I am forced to trade my flex.
clay007: Got 40 this year nox
Shymander: I tried a few moves like that last year and ending up short on trades by the end
OffaStep: You picked him for a reason, Clay. Price doesn't mean a thing with keepers.
MrWalrus: Of course I could also have just captained one of the guys who went big like Macrae or Neale...
Migz: depends how much you value trades. I used to value a trade at to trade in trade out is 200. Now with 40 its less
clay007: Thx fellas, that will be a hold then. Any news on Stewart?
Roarix: FOS to Henderson or Lindsay?
J_Herer: good boy Lindsay!
Shymander: Lindsay
original: Pcl for Stewart I hear
MrWalrus: Trade Stewart Clay
kisip: 80 odd for sheezel isnt really a sell for me. got enough of the pill just poor accuracy
Noxious: Good win Norf
Birdman18: North are going places this year
clay007: I don't have stewart Walrus, he was going to be my trade in for perryman, now that is gone.
Ash777: The reason Sheezel is low is clangers why trade him out if he'll smash out a 140 next week.
clay007: Maybe zorko, but the guy is celebrating his 80th birthday this week.
Hazza09: FOS to Henderson, take 100k and run
Nvrletudwn: Think Trac has to make way for a prom defender
Ash777: Perry & Peatling too also trainor on field
Ash777: My team is shocking