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mags: Smith out, Clohesy in and starting sub. In case anybody hasn't been following.
CuzzysCrew: Garcia sub sucks, another forced trade next week
carl: Sub rule is terrible, why carn't they just have 5 on the bench to rotate.t
DANGERous: no Hastie is nuts, should be in
zadolinnyj: Go crows. Now Geelong thrash saints
CuzzysCrew: hopefully st Kilda get demolished and hastie is back
exatekk: agree carl. subs are shower
kisip: Luckily it is best 18 only this week. Bailey smith should hopefully only out for 1 week
Shymander: round's already a complete wash for me so I'm numb to any more stinkers
original: Go back to good old days of sub being from the emergency list
soup: Saints will win. This is their grand final every year
Noxious: Evening gents, Holmes to cop the tag apparently
original: Then at least you know
original: Nearly brought Holmes in. Wait, play it smart I said
Shymander: Holmes tag would be excellent for me
J.Worrall: Evening all
Noxious: Have Holmes in a tight draft matchup, not keen
Noxious: Normal cash league though oppo has him, so guess it works out
pcaman2003: Be my hero Knevitt and go huge.
Wends: Evening all, SDK, Max Holmes, Knevitt, Hall my uniques + Macrae in this
Noxious: Henry starting large
J_Herer: I thought the weekend couldn't get any worse hahaha
MrWalrus: Lift Hall ffs!
Beast_Mode: lol believe it or not but no one actually cares whos in your team
pcaman2003: Walrus. Haha! Rage trade coming soon?
circle52: only Holmes, Knevitt and Macrae for me in this one.
Wends: lol walrus, the pre-emptive LIFT
MrWalrus: I'm booting him for this beast_mode, apparently he is the GOAT
mags: I care, Beast. Nice to know that other people made the same poor choices as me.
J_Herer: Hey Beast, I have Macrae in this one
Ninty: No Smith no Cats, slack start
Ninty: Holmes, Knevitt, Hall, o’Sullivan, Macrae for me in this one :)
EvilMonk: prob HTB there based on what we've seen against Miers?
ausgooner: The 2 maxes absolutely killing me
cherry9: Strangely tempted to post my whole team.
Ninty: Would love to hear it cherry
original: Bring back hastie
Social: Schtankle
Ninty: Damn Keeler looks a likely type. What a leap
MrWalrus: Nah Wends just trying to see what the appeal of unreasonable roasting of players is.
cherry9: I dont want to break the interwebs this early in the evening Ninty.
piesfan420: holmes and macrae only two in this
Harambe: Stewart hurt
Bazza2023: stewart cooked
original: Controversial opinion: ruck scoring is BS and needs to be reduced..your thoughts. Taps and possess from ruck too high
clay007: David King loves to ruin players careers. Tried to pot macrae last week and shiel this week
pcaman2003: Knevitt treated harshly by CD. One of the clangers very doubtful.
Harambe: To be fair, Shiel is cooked clay
Wends: Watching my players scores doesn't seem to making the go up more quickly....
clay007: I don't disagree, never rated his disposal efficiency, but let the coaches make that call, maybe I'm wrong
Harambe: It's his job to analyse and critique. I agree that media can be bloodthirsty when it comes to people's livelihoods thoug
Bazza2023: dangerfield know what the game is?
cherry9: I reckon ruck scoring is ok, if you consider SC points reflect influence on a game. They are at most stoppages
clay007: I know, he is paid to offer his opinion, I just never hear commentators pot players as hard
original: flynn got 87 last week
Ninty: Danger needs to stop fishing podcasts and focus on footy ay
PAFC4eva: Evening people did not see this coming
LionBoy: Just came in. Laughed. They’ve obviously got the scores around the wrong way.
pcaman2003: 4 touches 2 tackles for 3 pts. Good going Nevitt. Can we do better please?
Shymander: Saints very fun to watch when they're firing
Shymander: twice a year-ish
soup: They only fire once a year shymander, always against us. Ross Lyon is a bitter old fool
zadolinnyj: Wuw
Harambe: Is he going on your Knevitt Again list pca?
LionBoy: Back in Riewolds day Shy.
MrWalrus: True original bit it is what it is so just adapt, it's like picking players CD favour.
pcaman2003: Harambe. Always a possibility. Ask me again after 3 more qtrs.
Dog Squed: Cats away from home might be another team
Bulky: Will be lucky to crack 1000 points at this rate. Total shambles.
clay007: Nice manners pca...hope it works
cherry9: Stewart, love him, but body is not made of rubber anymore unfort. Every knock snaps something, I can relate …
LionBoy: 1000 pts Bulk! Looxury
pcaman2003: Thanks Clay. I hope it works too or I'm really screwed
Social: Ross always gets himself up for Cats games, we hurt him deep. Won’t get him a cup though.
Ninty: I can see why the Dogs dumped Macrae, what a dud
Harambe: Never underestimate a coach's stubbornness to admith they were wrong Ninty
cherry9: Dogs should have tried moving him around to other positions, and as sub. Nubes
Capn_Flash: Get off the bench Hall!
Shymander: just give Macrae the Brownlow now
navy_blues: wow go saintssss
circle52: Can some one tell Jones it is 2925 not 2921
cherry9: Saints different to the mob we played last week
bigboyboy: shouldve vcd macrae
LionBoy: Bevo’s stubborness got Dunkley to Brisbane. We love him.
Harambe: Knevitt shockinly high TOG
Harambe: Stewart about to be subbed off
FlaggersXD: you might just be that good cherry
J.Worrall: stewart subbed
pcaman2003: My opponent won't be happy with Stewy off subbed. Now come on Knevitt
Shymander: genuinely considered the C on Macrae but I chickened out like I did with Saints tip
Raspel31: Stewart ot and a hobbling Cameron aint helping bit go Sainters and Macrae.
cherry9: Maybe flaggers, going to be interesting to see, looks promising
Harambe: Geez I was trading Ash to Stewart in Fantasy this week until Haste dropped. Did Hastie to Knevitt instead
navy_blues: lol love this
TheOnyas: Onya Jonesy
cherry9: Might have to part ways with Stewart dammit, such a pro
Capn_Flash: Lucky Harambe!
Gotigres: How do I reverse trade Knevitt and Holmes?
Ninty: I dont think a fit and firing Stewart and Jezza would be helping much with the way everyone else is going
clay007: Knevitt will be a good emergency option gotriges. He will make money
cherry9: Can we have best 10 this week
Harambe: Best 18 would have bailed me out but it would have been another headache for sure Capn
EvilMonk: oh no Tom Stewie injured, RIP
Raspel31: Prob not Ninty as things stand-golly, what a difference a week makes.
Capn_Flash: I closed the trade on Hall 9 seconds before the cuttof because i realides i had to trade 4 people next week and chose
Noxious: Macrae going well
Capn_Flash: Him over read, feeling a pit stupid now :(
original: where was this last year Jhye clark
TimT14: Purple name game at HT? Closest to the pin for NWM?
Bazza2023: score lagg?
Gotigres: I have him on field clay, along with Hall and Holmes.
EvilMonk: only 9 frees paid so far, much more entertaining game to watch without the constant whistles.
clay007: Would 50 make you happy gotriges, cos I think he will get there.
Bazza2023: yeah 33 frees for is excessive
Harambe: These two sides under the roof always makes me think of round 14, 2009
EvilMonk: Agreed @Bazza, we definitely should have had 50
clay007: Hall just took mark and hot target, no score rise...scores frozen
original: frozen
Bazza2023: Jimmy Bartel didnt thin so, nor LLoydy
clay007: Milera stuck on 43 also
Capn_Flash: score frozen as well, i thought my wifi had just cut out?
Capn_Flash: There we go!
clay007: Well, I want my money back
Ninty: I think the Cats are frozen too
EvilMonk: what's excessive is the amount of crying @Bazza. Even watching Cats v Saints
Harambe: When will teams start forward tagging NWM? Dude is silky as
EvilMonk: Cant stop talking about us.
Gotigres: People be warned. I'm thinking about getting TDK and Dale next round.
DaMeatloaf: Macrae never lost it, still one of the best inside mids. Just got Bevo’d
Bazza2023: #gifted
clay007: Milera is everywhere, any thoughts on stopping his influence Scott? Hmm!
Ninty: Need half time reset thanks
Gotigres: I mean SDK and Dale
original: saints everywhere
Harambe: I really want to own Nas but surely coaches start clamping him soon?
Norf17: NWM has been on 43 for about 10 minutes
DidgeBird: SC still forzen
clay007: When scores return, Milera will be on 100
EvilMonk: This isn't even competitive anymore, yikes.
Shymander: Marvel Stadium is the new footy fortress
soup: You're never getting 2009 back Ross you loser
TheOnyas: Onya Jonesy
EvilMonk: why are the Saints absolutely useless everywhere except Etihad?
Harambe: It's Telstra Dome EvilMonk, not Etihad
original: marshall will be 70
soup: It's colonial stadium harambe, not Telstra dome
EvilMonk: as old as your meme name chief
clay007: Yes, he is a real loser soup. You coached a few AFL games have you?
Gotigres: I thought it was Docklands
navy_blues: cats look slow
EvilMonk: doing enough to flog the cats by 7 goals @clay, reckon he's doing pretty well the old fox.
Harambe: It's Naarm tigres, not Docklands
clay007: Agreed evil
clay007: Any news on the scores @Monty?
LionBoy: Happy that scores have stalled. Stopped em going backwards at last.
Gotigres: Knevitt on 43 DT looks ok
EvilMonk: Nice, thought the Cats were Holmesless for a sec.
Harambe: Bont's score would still be going up
Norf17: Do the scores here get sourced directly from SC website? Or another source? Usually more up to date than SC
Ninty: Awoken the Geelong beast
puckeey: Does DT score just amount of possessions
Ash777: go vc macrae
Wends: Keep at it Max
pcaman2003: Harambe. You've studied the scoring system of CD well.
Norf17: DT doesnt account for DE% puckeey
clay007: No penalties or extra points for pressure acts at DT, purely, kicks, marks, hbs, tackles
original: no one decides if it is effective or not
puckeey: Ok makes sense thanks guys
MrWalrus: Also pretty sure SC scoring is frozen, it's a good 500 points short.
Wisha77: Get a move on Holmes
LionBoy: Looks like CD has been DOGE’d
WobWobble: Scores frozen?
Apachecats: Good pick up Walrus ,was wondering.
AdzMate: Macrae genuine captain option again
Apachecats: When it updates I hope SDK is on 50.
MrWalrus: Can't believe 30% don't have MacRae, biggest lock as fwd at that price.
Harambe: Looked like Stewart banged his knee into the ground, could be a PCL. Just speculating based on the mechanism
Harambe: Right on cue, Mooney says the same thing
soup: Doctor harambe
MrWalrus: Didn't he do the same previously in the last couple of seasons?
navy_blues: think salty soup is on the menu tonight
Shymander: Tom Stewart collects new injuries like Infinity Stones
clay007: Have sc scores ever been frozen for this long? What causes it?
MrWalrus: Yes clay, longer, CD is not just a fickle mistress but a randomly defective one also
Bazza2023: usually a free kick count
soup: Not salty navy, called the loss before game started
puckeey: Stats guy having a snooze clay
original: CD had preloaded certain scores to cats players and now its all come unstuck
clay007: I'll pay that one original. This game has messed with their mainframe.
navy_blues: why would you do that? cats be fav
Shymander: Garcia on, god bless
clay007: Will Stocker be suspended for his own dangerous tackle? He concussed himself? The Geelong player should be reported. Ha
soup: Lost last three against this mob at this ground navy
navy_blues: no bailey no cats?
Shymander: Henry too far from home to kick straight
navy_blues: ok didnt know that
pcaman2003: Big second half required Knevitt. You have it in you lad.
soup: Danger needs to hang the boots up man
navy_blues: strange score is updating but not sc scores
clay007: Knevitt doing well in Dt pca, maybe your polite manners has made an impression.
nbartos: Cameron is such an overated down hill skier
clay007: I don't agree nbartos, but having a dirty night is the ole boy
navy_blues: soft free
MrWalrus: MacRae is a seriously good player, Bevo did him so dirty.
pcaman2003: soft free and cheap goal.
clay007: I think it was there navy, jumper pulled
soup: Very soft
nbartos: joking
LionBoy: But correct.
original: both holding
eaglesrick: are geelongs SC scores correct?
soup: No scores are correct eagles, frozen for about a quarter
LionBoy: Grad a jersey. You’ll get pinged every time.
clay007: I thought this would be a blow out, cos cats too strong. It is a blow out, Saints too good
soup: Wouldn't be surprised if ours are correct right now though haha
Fizzy343: is macrae SC right, getting scored harshly
eaglesrick: thanks soup
soup: Well done teddy
nbartos: lots of talk last season of best player in the league etc etc
Nvrletudwn: Benched Tsatas over Knevitt. Hoping for a nice surprise onces scores are updated
soup: Surely not bartos, would've only been close to best in our flag year
navy_blues: i like knevitt
pcaman2003: Knevitt !! Much better qtr.
clay007: Sorry nbartos, did not know what angle you were coming from.
mags: @Fizzy SC scores frozen since mid 2nd qtr
Birdman18: Knew i shouldn't have gotten Hall in this week
nbartos: i like him, id play him CHF and give him space!
Ash777: Keeler playing better injured lol
clay007: Perfect week to have him, best 18
Bazza2023: is HTB still a thing?
soup: Scratcher you CRAB
Gotigres: Good play by Holmes then
nbartos: what matchup are they talkin about on Cameron?
Capn_Flash: SC scores still frozen then?
clay007: Can the saints hold on?
bushranger: Just got in. What happened to Stewart?
navy_blues: if cats get next goal id favour cats
soup: Apparent PCL bush
soup: Scores!
Nvrletudwn: Scores back!
nbartos: brilliant Sinclair
bushranger: Cheers Soup
valiantPT: macrae is a beast
clay007: Woohoo, we are back
soup: Kick the flowering goal O'Connor you leprechaun
pcaman2003: Massive qtr from Knevitt after horror 1 st qtr
original: holmes has had a god qtr grr
Capn_Flash: There we go!
navy_blues: makes a difference when he kicks the ball
Capn_Flash: pca, Knevitt did this last game, had a horror start before bring it back. he should get an eternal YinYang symbol
Harambe: Knevitt shifted to wing that quarter. Not great for his tackling game
Capn_Flash: Cmon hall, have a strong last quarter!
Gotigres: Feeling better with Knevitt and Holmes now.
original: SDK game is not 68pts
puckeey: How does macrae have 29 touches im not complaining
Capn_Flash: Macrae against Richmond next week has to be a lock for captain now, right?
pcaman2003: Capn . You could be right there. Hoping for an even stronger finish.
MrWalrus: Macrae normally destroys us, given he's back playing in the guts w huge one is likely on the cards
MrWalrus: Because puckeey Macrae is an elite midfielder and Bevo has been screwing him herd the last few seasons.
puckeey: True but the dogs mids are bont,treloar and libba
Wisha77: Yes Holmes
puckeey: They're currently screwing over sanders though
Nvrletudwn: Get Knevitt on
navy_blues: get knevitt back on
Bluebagg11: Go big captain Macrae! Dont stop
soup: Wish I was as ballsy as you bluebagg
soup: COS looks good, def rookie saviour
Capn_Flash: Come on Hall, get to 50!
Birdman18: Him and Bice hopefully Soup
soup: Should've backed him and started him over paton
pcaman2003: Knevitt t A mark and HB to advantage 5 mins ago and gained 2 pts. WTH?
soup: It'll fix in scaling pca
navy_blues: cats are coming
soup: No way surely we couldn't
pcaman2003: So it should Soup. I just don't trust CD
Ash777: no mark lol
puckeey: Knevitt to kick the game winner
Noxious: Hopefully de koning gets scaled up another 50 points too lol
pcaman2003: Sainters looking good all night and now wobbling. Stay strong Saints.
bushranger: Saints getting nervous. Ross filling his pantaloons
Birdman18: Just need Hall to kick the sealer
J_Herer: Garcia to Clohesy this week perhaps, Hollands to Knevit has appeal
Capn_Flash: Cmon Hall! stop backtracking!
HappyDEZ: StK 8 SC tons Geel nil. 9 point game.
soup: Clohesy has never played a non sub game for us herer I wouldn't go there
pcaman2003: C'mon Knevitt. Haven't added to your score this qtr.
J_Herer: Marshall still injured?
clay007: Oh wow
Capn_Flash: We can wait on Clohesy
Harambe: Kneviit is stuck on a dead wing pca
soup: Clutch by nas
puckeey: No game winner for knevitt
clay007: What a finish!
Stu7: Wilson you spud
Stu7: Happy DEZ THATS ST KILDA for you they can’t put their opponent away
navy_blues: wd saintsssssssss
soup: What a game shouldn't have been close
soup: Insane defence
navy_blues: one for australia lmao
Noxious: great game in the end
clay007: Bad luck Soup, cats had a crack
soup: Hahaha Australia wins ay navy
soup: Fair bump
Capn_Flash: god i hope saints don't drop hall
pcaman2003: Whatever you do Saints, just keep possession.
original: Bring back hastie was scoring 1pt per minute ffs
Capn_Flash: Macrae's gonna have the lowest BE of anyone after this round
pcaman2003: Great win Saints. Heartstopper finish to top it off.
Capn_Flash: Hunter Clark only 30% TOG, anything there?
McSquire: He did Bulldogs not play Macrae and and then let him gothen

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