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mags: Roos by ten goals?
J.Worrall: Underdoggies?
Stu7: Go Xerri
original: Faded sheezel. Went zorko
J.Worrall: got both
mags: Dogs by ten goals?
J.Worrall: I'm hoping the Roos can make a game of it.
Wends: Have a lot of players in this :o - Simpkin, Saunders, Daniel, Davidson, X, Powell, O'Sullivan
Pavs: Matt Hill & Dermott. One should speak the other should not.
pcaman2003: Pavs. Lol! Dermie needs to be gaffer taped
Birdman18: Anyone know what happened to Xerri?
Roarix: On sanders.. please dont do this
Pavs: Nothing just on the bench
Birdman18: Just saw him go down sore and went straight off
Pavs: Not sure mate?
MrWalrus: Dermie commentating is like a war crime perpetuated on my brain
J.Worrall: Perpetuated being plainly a lot worse than perpetrated
Pavs: They could use his commentary to interrogate people. Reckon I would fess up.
Ash777: Dale having a field day
Wends: The advantage of listening to radio call is not having to be subjected to Brereton
OffaStep: But not as bad as defecated.
J.Worrall: Right on!
wadaramus: Sanders you absolutely completely useless hack!
Pavs: Reckon Bevo has broken his spirit wada.
Wends: Nice work Powell... and agree with Sanders sentiment. Will need at least 7 corrective trades next week.
Beast_Mode: lol at these ppl making sc teams with absolutely hacks and complaining about it. lol
Pavs: Top 10 again this week Beast.
MrWalrus: Much worse Worrall, it doesn't stop even when he does.
wadaramus: Laughing at others misfortune is a good way to make yourself feel better Beast Mode.
Beast_Mode: its not misfortuante when it's the same ppl yr after year. if you not good at something give up
wadaramus: For flower sake Norf, lift you useless cows!
Stu7: Come on Cheezel
wadaramus: But why do you feel the need to ridiculre them?
Birdman18: How bad is English?
OffaStep: That mean you'll give up interacting with humans BM?
Wends: Hey beast, it's not me who's showere, it's the players I pick every year
J_Herer: lift Sanders you pleb, lift!!!
MrWalrus: Well if he's logically consistent Offa that would be a firm yes.
Stu7: True comment Wends
beebs88: for the amount of talent north has, you'd think they'd play a bit better
pcaman2003: Wends. Haha! It's an ongoing issue isn't it Wends?
lana2146: Sanders be lucky to finish on 30 terrible player
Wends: Lol pca, it's uncanny!
pcaman2003: beerent hasn't appeared yet. Hope he's still with FF.
Birdman18: Lol Step
MrWalrus: Kind of like the last few minutes beebs, they really should be in the mix for finals this year
Stu7: Nice work Xerri
beebs88: They should be - i shouldnt talk too soon - the crows could stink it up tomorrow
Pavs: Xerri supercoach machine.
MrWalrus: Should have got xerri, he's deadset being given English's hit outs
soup: Xerri has always been CD's golden boy walrus
slydon: why does sanders have to be so hit or miss
Hepatitis: LDU weak as power tonight
wadaramus: LDU you cheap cow!
MrWalrus: Wish I'd noticed sooner soup, they're the guys you want in your team
Bazza2023: lol
beebs88: LDU needs to step it up if he wants his big contract!
MrWalrus: Funny how one mans contested effective clearance can be another man's clanger
MrWalrus: Make dermie stop raping my ears.
mags: Feeling more confident about my Xerri C choice over Neale than I was yesterday.
mags: Wtf happened to Comben? He was kicking alps last year.
dezlav: Cmon Cheezel, pull ya finger out.
Hepatitis: LDU huge mistake. Looks slow and disinterested
cwt98: What does the asterisk next to Ed Richards name mean?
Pavs: First goalcwt98
missmagic: red head,nah first goal of game
MrWalrus: LDU been good, doing a lot of work in tight feeding out hands, been dudded by CD
Stu7: Off the pine cheezel
MrWalrus: Adding 3 veteran premiership players has really helped the roos composure
bhg26: CD must not own O'sullivan
Hepatitis: LDU will be 500k in 5 weeks
naicosfan: wake up xerri
Hepatitis: LDU a disgrace
J_Herer: north have too many mid options
Hepatitis: LDU Xerri do something
Ash777: Thanks for Bam bam blues.
Birdman18: Xerri has been poor since half time
naicosfan: agree birdman
naicosfan: LDU so good to watch when hes on
Hepatitis: Lift ldu
navy_blues: wow english is nothing these days
Hepatitis: 120 pls Tristan
MrWalrus: Love watching LDU do stoppage work, may still ton up here
naicosfan: ah jeez not good to see
Hepatitis: Jesus
slydon: oh no tht was a bad impact
Ash777: Logue hamstring
TimT14: That's a huge impact
slydon: who was the wbd kids in the collision?
naicosfan: cleary, another def rookie down
Pavs: Reckon Archer has to go for that.
Social: that's clarkson footy
naicosfan: decent shift xerri
MrWalrus: Agree Pavs, you could almost argue it eas his free for below the knees
Pavs: True but Cleary had his head over the ball. Only seen it once and the wife was talking so not sure.
slydon: late comment but i think this just has to be ruled as an incredibly unfortunate collision
slydon: cleary sort of dives for the ball and half gets nudged fwd
slydon: and it has unfortunately resulted in archer having a player coming at him a lot quicker than expected

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