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circle52: Jordan to Neale
Ooost: Alright Levi, let's see it.
Noxious: Man I love footy saturdays
pcaman2003: Have Roberts, Paton, Neale and L Ashcroft
m0nty: slight adjustment to backgrounds in dark mode
circle52: Have Zorko, Roberts, Patpn and Neaale
Pavs: Need another hint m0nty?
navy_blues: soft free
LionsOnTop: Why do my stats only show disposals/goals/fantasy. Where is all the other stats?
navy_blues: same circle
circle52: Neale vc
clay007: They are all in the Statosphere Lions
Capn_Flash: I took a gamble on W Ashcroft, hope it pays off!
clay007: Cmon Swans!!!
Norf17: I didn't miss having my mood affected all week by 22 blokes
Fizzy343: Tom Hamily or Hanily?
navy_blues: zorko looks different without his gold boots
Creed1: I did Norf
Birdman18: Don't know why i picked Paton. Don't rate him at all and will regret it
Bazza2023: brisbane got any fwd line left?
Kidult: Needs those boots to stay injury free
Migz: gawddamn thats gonna hurt.
Bazza2023: another fwd down, game over?
Pavs: Carnage for Brissy.
Claudius: LAsh unlikely to be subbed now
Wends: Hanily @Fizzy
Fizzy343: @wends thought the commentators were saying hanily but it says hamily here
MrWalrus: Me too birdman, hoping he's a slow burn who gets games I guess?
Wends: Doesn't m0nty take his data from CD? That cld be why @fizzy
soup: Just got online, why the hell isn't Levi sub after being announced earlier?
Ooost: Cameron injured. Levi in
dezlav: Great 1st qtr for Neale and L Ashcroft. Keep going
navy_blues: chad warner is on fire
Ninty: I’m was happy enough when I saw C. Warner score, then I realised I have C. Warner and not C. Warner
LionBoy: Rayner gotta go big for us to have any chance today.
circle52: Good to see our accurate kicking back not. Both 4 shots on goal.
Birdman18: Levi is a gun. So glad he wasn't sub
LionBoy: Had to forego the VC points for TDK. All on field. Got to take Neale’s score. Go Lachie.
Raspel31: Go Lachie!
Roarix: 5.1 to 1.4.. nice one. At least we got it right the one game it matters the most
navy_blues: dripwood isnt a key forward
circle52: Been saying that for years navy.
navy_blues: yes but no daniher really shows it up
pcaman2003: Are you listening Lachie? We said go Lachie,so go
MrWalrus: After a Shakey start feeling pretty good about switching C from Neale to big Max v scrubs.
Noxious: Have VC on neale, now do I go C on Sheezel or Xerri?
Birdman18: Roberts not going near it
Pavs: Xerri for me Nox
Harambe: Zorko missing his last mark and kick. Strange
Ninty: Hello Chad? Do you have GF nightmares?????????
pcaman2003: Birdman. Blame me cos I put in my side on Thursday.
Noxious: Thinking the same pavs
MrWalrus: Feeling good about the Ashcroft boys, had Will locked for this year since he did his knee
OffaStep: Knew I should have chosen Paton over Roberts.
wadaramus: Roberts you complete fraud.
Pavs: Easy mistake to make Offa :)
pcaman2003: Early days yet for Roberts. He'll come good for sure.
MrWalrus: Why not have both offa, it's not frustrating at all...
pcaman2003: I'm more worried about Neale with 6 touches.
Birdman18: Getting tagged by Jordon. Not gonna be the first this year
navy_blues: this game is killing my round
Norf17: West Coast and Richmond in the first 4 make it up to us Neale
original: 0 touch quarter neale
MrWalrus: Both neale and Roberts can put on bulk points in no time, both could come good yet.
navy_blues: need zorko to lift as well
Birdman18: Old man Zorko stuck on the bench for 10 minutes too
pcaman2003: Let's hope so Walrus. Pretty poor so far.
zadolinnyj: Who is on neale
navy_blues: best ive seen corey warner play
Pavs: Jordan Zado
Noxious: Jordon tagging Neale I'd assume
Spifflicat: No one
zadolinnyj: ta mate
Manowar: Zorko retirement village for u
navy_blues: here was i saying im not going to trade much early on lol
Spifflicat: Most of the time Jordon is playin off him at stoppages and then leaves him alone completely after that
original: Started neale and Zorko. Serenity now
Curnowww: Been at work, whats the story with Roberts
wadaramus: Hoochie Mama! original :)
MrWalrus: Looks like I'll be getting off to my traditional shocking start this season, all I need now is a couple of injuries
wadaramus: He's a fake Curnowww.
Pavs: Short story Curnowww. He is not doing much
wadaramus: Sucked us all in.
Curnowww: thats a shame wada, I guess my other options were Zorko or Short so the trade off isnt too bad
MrWalrus: He'll be fine, just needs to pick up his efficiency.
Pavs: Still only has a BE of 37. Everyone dont panic.
NoneyaB: Isn't it Hanily? and not Hamily?
zadolinnyj: Zorko normally starts the season amazing. Almost sucked me in
Curnowww: Defenders are not showing up round 1, Amon looking like a decent option
MrWalrus: I've got short too, will also be fine was tagged by blues for some ridiculous reason
Curnowww: MrWalrus do you know who had the job on him?
MrWalrus: Pretty sure it was mainly Cotteral (?) I like him, hard as a cats head
dezlav: Who's got the job of Neale? F'n up my day for sure
original: Roberts neale and Zorko. Off to a good start this year
Curnowww: Anyone own Houston?
Curnowww: Jordan dez, Neale is cooked
circle52: Scrimshaw 3 week suspension for hit on Ridley
MrWalrus: Yeah I've got Neale too, also Ryan, almost season over already.
Capn_Flash: Cmon Zorko get a move on!
MrWalrus: C'mon CD, start giving Neale all of the points
original: How long since neale has had a touch? 38 mins?
Raspel31: So proud of capping Neale- here we go lads!
Yelse: wtf neale just logged on this is a disaster only got him due to diacos and bont never wanted him
pcaman2003: Neale and Roberts doing my head in.
Wends: Ouch Rasp, almost as bad as our Q3 performance
soup: Gone backwards for about an hour yelse
MrWalrus: Chad Warner will catch Neale soon
original: This is absurd neale
MrWalrus: Haha, just passed him
pcaman2003: Neale gone back -2 since qtr time. Learn to shake a tag
MrWalrus: SC aside it's a good game at least.
pcaman2003: Good thing that it's not H 2 H this week. I'd be in flames.
Bulky: Umps will give Neale 3 votes.
Yelse: Just a poor game SC wise overall
original: Neale no stats in back to back quarters
navy_blues: at least zorko having a go now
Ninty: Seeing Neale struggling is helping me cope having Chad
Capn_Flash: Come on zorko! keep gobbling up them points!
pcaman2003: original. Meanwhile,his opponent Jordan still scoring and getting possies.
Noxious: What's Levis DE? Terrible score for 15 disposals
original: It’s ridiculous pcaman ain’t he a dual Brownlow medalist. Do SOMETHING
Capn_Flash: Will ashcroft's slowed down as well!
MrWalrus: Can't believe Zorko, surely he can't keep going like this
MrWalrus: Saying as an owner from the start last year.
Noxious: Paton subbed?
wadaramus: Bloody CD didn't get L'Ashcroft in their team due to the late out, so they're screwing him over.
All Reds: Up the lions
Noxious: At least he'll probably still score more than Neale
original: Paton subbed ffs this sc yr can ggf already
pcaman2003: original. After this he'll be a great target for taggers.
wadaramus: Cox you spud!
MrWalrus: Arrrgh, why Paton?
wadaramus: Why not sub out Chad Warner Cox you dork?
pcaman2003: Paton having a good qtr ,so let's sub him off. WTH!
Stu7: Who is Cox?
Pavs: Hate the sub rule.
Stu7: Oh coach
Noxious: The swans coach
Stu7: Sydney choking bad
Stu7: Just as well E
Beast_Mode: paton was the obvious sub choice. him or wicks tbh
Stu7: Just as well Wends is not seeing this
wadaramus: Just like X-Lotto, there will be a couple of happy punters after R1, but not us!
MrWalrus: Yes Neale you potato, you are allowed to tackle still, great thinking
Roarix: Nice dropping the ball when tackled Rampe
Ninty: sack Cox, why make a dopey ruckman coach :mad:
pcaman2003: i can't recall seeing a worse game from Neale.
Beast_Mode: the irony calling neale a potato whn you were given the spud for 2 years lmao
Roarix: Umps are trolling now
MrWalrus: Wait, it was docked...
soup: James Jordon you're a loser
pcaman2003: Neale BE is 120, so a nice price drop probably coming soon. Yikes!
Roarix: 3 a grade mids struggling.. Dunks and Berry standing up.. pretty nice luxury to have
Yelse: so do we get rid of neale?
All Reds: Ninty w the hot take
upthetiges: What is up with Neale?
AuntieSnif: hey lads how are we
Curnowww: Roarix out of interest who are the 2nd and 3rd A graders?
Stu7: Tagged by Jordan
Capn_Flash: Don't ask, Snif, Just llok at nNeale and Roberts and the Ashcrofts
Pavs: Allergic to leather upthetiges.
Stu7: Hey AuntieSnif
Ninty: I wouldn't get rid of Neale, just looked at his history at Lions.. his worst games always appears to be v Sydney teams
bhg26: How good are the schwannies
Capn_Flash: We got the brisbane players because of round 2 and 4, give him one more week before his price changes
Roarix: Just turns up against the swans when it matters ninty ;)
Curnowww: Traded out Dunkley and Zorko just before the round, feeling great.
HappyDEZ: Cannot understand how Levi = 35? Make it make sense.
dezlav: NEALE. Ya killing me
Curnowww: Does Gawn or Xerri get the cap?
Pavs: Never a good time for a big price drop though Ninty.
wadaramus: Unfortunately, we are stuck with Champion Data making arbitrary decisions on what is and what isn't.
Manowar: just trade Neale out for Smith
wadaramus: 15 possessions, 6 marks, 6 contested, 35SC, go figure.
CamT: Gawn should go 150+
wadaramus: Sorry, 3 marks.
Capn_Flash: Neale's got WCE next
Capn_Flash: Cmon Roberts, you can make it to 90 this quarter!
Birdman18: The defensive rookies have been absolutely useless
wadaramus: Sometimes, the irrationality of CD makes DT/AF a less stressful option.
original: Tbh I’ve been thinking of DT vs SC last two years. Always some subjectivity to effective etc
Roarix: So Papley didn’t get pinned for dropped the ball.. fk me dead umps
Ninty: who would have thought Prior and Trainor 50's would be the best we get from def rookies. 100 from Leake please :lol:
wadaramus: I love SC, but I just feel they don't give us clarity on how they go about it.
dezlav: And I swapped out Zorko for Neale
circle52: Interestin subs next games
circle52: Interesting Subs next game
circle52: Arthur Jones and Darcy Tucker subs
Manowar: correction trade out L.Ashcroft
HappyDEZ: Paton 48 to 45. Probs end out on 42. He's no McGovern.
bhg26: Now if amartey kicks between where his two set shots went we’d be sweet
Ninty: I just hate the constant price changes instead of getting a look at a rookie first in AF
circle52: Pendles and Burton subs Pendles???
Roarix: Down field free for knock on Ashcroft? Block on Ah Chee for the making contest? Yeah its getting rigged now
Ninty: first time I had seen Pendles get caught last week, he no longer has time stop for him
Roarix: How. Is. That. Holding. The. Ball.. I’ve seen the swans do that 10+ times
wadaramus: flowering COboys getting screwed over in the NRL too, call the cops!!
HappyDEZ: Yay, some Levi love from CD.
bhg26: Damn you bitch a lot roarix
Ninty: correction trade for Levi as he goes up to 70?? lol
Roarix: Hahaha well you ain’t cause you know your getting some ump love atm
wadaramus: Well, Paton at D6 isn't the end of the world.
HappyDEZ: I am Paton watch. Can he make it to 39 or that a bridge too far?
Birdman18: How good is old man Zorko?
bhg26: I’m not bitching because I’m devoid of all hope roarix, very different
Harambe: Who is this SPRITELY young #15 for Brisbane? He has a bright future
wadaramus: Zorko 133, WTF, where did tha come from?!
Pavs: Sounds serious bhg. Can you go to the chemist for that?
HappyDEZ: Riley Bice doing a Docherty.
bhg26: Dan Murphys has the good stuff Pavs
Ninty: Bice going to overtake Paton in less game time :)
Roarix: Young Ashcroft gonna ton up at this rate.. what a star
Birdman18: CD giving out huge points for these last few minutes
Roarix: Arm chop when Lester was a mile behind him?? HAHAHAHA
Roarix: He had dropped that already.. yawn
Ninty: Roberts going to ton, Levi good recovery.. Chad starting to get going. Not as bad as it was looking
bigboyboy: roarix come on
Swoop35: Roarix chill
Ninty: someone at CD must have just looked at their teams
Capn_Flash: Oh my lord Roberts! you answered my prayer!
Swoop35: Roberts, thankyou
clay007: Riley Bice kicking in.
Beast_Mode: wouldnt be supercoach without goofballs complaining about CD
MrWalrus: Thank you Mr Roberts, never doubted ya
Capn_Flash: Wonder how many people picked Sam Wicks after last round XD
Roarix: Bruh
Birdman18: FFS Roberts
Roarix: Hahaha
Birdman18: Dunkley 200 points
bhg26: Go the schwannies!
Roarix: Starc :’( 3 concussions in 12 games.. that’s shower as
original: Kick the winning goal please neale
Zutroyz: If your C is your worst score, does that get dropped with the flex and your VC becomes C
Manowar: get back on the ground Roberts
original: Zutroyz no
mags: That is a very very good question @Zutroyz
Pavs: Wrong time to take Roberts off let him make up for his mistake.
Ninty: I believe that would be a no @ zutroyz. capt always gets played in the byes
HappyDEZ: Nope. If Cs doubled score is not best 22 it doesn't count to your score from what I read.
bigboyboy: dons fans seen this b4
Zutroyz: At least this round don't count then
Roarix: Wtf are the swans fans booing about Hahaha.. clowns
Manowar: good coaching Cox - 0 & 2
LionBoy: Gotta take that. Gutsy ugly win.
xodeus9: good job neale, stoked I've got you
bhg26: Nearest bridges
bhg26: Sorry meant to put that into google
Birdman18: Dumb from Cox ripping off Roberts for 1 mistake
Amare: Lolney
soup: Glad that tag worked for you coxy you dopey freak
xodeus9: let me know if you find a good one bhg
pcaman2003: Zorko looking the goods again.
J.Worrall: Can someone charge the heart starter for Neale?
xodeus9: imagine picking Neale when you could have had Riley Bice

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