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zadolinnyj: lads and ladies. Who’s the subs
snake_p: Chapman and Jhye Clark
carl: SC interest. Baz on ground, M.Reid on bench.
pcaman2003: Afternoon! Only have B Smith and Knevitt in this.
puckeey: stewart and knevitt for me
Apachecats: Afternoon all ,just go SDK ,NOD and Knevitt in this one.
dezlav: Howdy all. Clark, Holmes, Osullivan and B Smith 4 me
MrWalrus: Dogga, Smith, Ryan plus Reid on the bench, big one for me.
cwt98: LJ starting ruck as an owner, I can not calma down
dezlav: @Apache. Soz 4 last night. Mate the pumps stuffed you a bit
pcaman2003: Howdy Apache. You guys played okay last night.
Apachecats: yes pca ,last 3 quarters were dead level.
Zutroyz: Afternoon all
Apachecats: yes dezlav ,happy with how they fought it out ,Tsatas harsh dealt with by CD.
MrWalrus: Chances of Stewart not injuring himself? I couldn't do it again but still wish him well.
Zutroyz: Rule of the first 5 rounds, no 15
dezlav: So floated the idea of L Reid as 2nd ruck, went Flynn. Who is everyone's 2nd ruck?
Apachecats: Early call I know but realy rate SDK and will get DPP ,Ruck/Def.
MrWalrus: Weagles Reid, went with the theme of having all 3
Wends: Afternoon and hello to all... Holmes, SDK, NOD in this.
Apachecats: Looks like Reidy openned the rucking for Freo?Not good enough.
pcaman2003: Apache. He may end up like his brother. Should go well I feel.
Apachecats: Agree pca.
Zutroyz: Worried about Scotty's love for Stanley, could impact job security for SdK
dezlav: Bit early for Smith on the bench
cwt98: Corey Wagner taking kick ins too, flower I love my POD
Cam123: Needs a rest with carrying the weight of the headband
Zutroyz: Close with the short sleeves looks wrong
Wends: I'm hoping Scott develops a stronger attachment on SDK's flowing locks
Apachecats: Same forJackson too dezlav.On pine after 8 mins?
Apachecats: NOD ,go you good thing.
dezlav: @Apache. Guess short bursts to try and keep the intensity.
dezlav: CAM 123. That headband must add like heaps of kegs :)
original: Harsh on Reid that 50
Capn_Flash: Cmon Knevitt! do something!
original: LIFT serong
clay007: Serong, no time on the pine
pcaman2003: Capn. Where is Knevitt playing? Hardly sighted him
Wends: original with the first LIFT of season 2025?
ausgooner: Serong's not even tagged ffs
puckeey: i think knevitt is missing a headband it gives geelong players superpowers
pcaman2003: puckeey. I think his super power is invisibility.
dezlav: Wake up Holmes. Game has started
clay007: Serong playing fwd a fair bit at moment
TheOnyas: onya clarky
navy_blues: arvo all
Pavs: Afternoon all. Loving the intensity that Dangerfield plays with
Apachecats: Still a bit of life in the old Dangermouse.
Capn_Flash: NOD looking good though
puckeey: apparently pca
Capn_Flash: serong might be a good pickup on a few weeks!
EvilMonk: my team is going backwards M Reid! :P
MrWalrus: Young Reid making his case to be culled for the traditional rookie fix, good lad.
Birdman18: Fading Smith is looking like a bad move right now
Cam123: Knevitt having a blinder
circle52: Knevitt over Draper will hurt me if he keeps this up. Blame me as changed 5 minutes before bounce.
dezlav: Hoping for 50 from Osullivan so not disappointed so far. Ton up Holmes
Noxious: Ffs I also faded Baz
Stu7: Come on Reid
Wends: Me 3 Noxious... last minute meddling in app
Capn_Flash: Me 4, we're part of the unlucky 40%
Capn_Flash: He'll have a 2 match shootout against Sanders for me
soup: Damn I faded NOD and swapped from brayshaw to serong this morning. Of course
Wends: Sux Capn... the last minute meddle never ends well. At least Holmes picking it up
Stu7: Nice work Bradshaw
Stu7: That sucks slip
DaMeatloaf: Purring along nicely
Stu7: Soup
dezlav: @Wends. Did you pick up Paton or Bice
wadaramus: I faded my t-shirt from hanging it out to dry in the sun, should have dried it in the shade.
Pavs: Yeah not sure why the word tra ded is banned?
Wends: @Dezlav considered Bice but wasn't across job security. Last minute team build.
original: Tsatas and MReid on field . I’m a SC god
wadaramus: Oh, and I thought you were all intentionally misusing fade :)
dezlav: Wends. I spent way to long trying to put a team together. Kept Paton on bench for long term.
HappyDEZ: Murphy Reid reverse scaling lol. -6 to -7. Lucky only on bench for me.
Pavs: Hopefully m0nty can fix it otherwise Wada is going to recycle the same joke every week :)
dezlav: Wow. This game is really blowing out.
Wends: I see what you did there wada :) just as I was abt to post a handy hint to fade yr fade: Try a lovely tie dye
Wends: @Dezlav I deliberately avoided team building over summer - that approach went to crap last yr
pcaman2003: Knevitt has removed his invisible cloak and showing up.
Wends: He's handed it to nod pca
puckeey: cos was inspired by nick haynes' performance on thursday
puckeey: cox*
dezlav: PcA. Yeah, I can see him, sitting on the bench. Ha ha.
pcaman2003: Wends. Not really following NOD but he seems to be scoring points.
navy_blues: glad i didnt go ryan
bushranger: L.Ryan are you taking the power
dezlav: What's the odds they put a tag on Smith next half.
bushranger: I foolishly did Navy
Birdman18: Do Freo tag?
bushranger: This is getting nasty for Freo
wadaramus: Gee whiz, Freo need a big reset at HT or this could be a real destroyation.
clay007: Reidy will be traded out soon, thought he would be good at R3...not
pcaman2003: Man this is uglier than Trumps sphincter mouth.
navy_blues: we all will have under performers this week im sure
Pavs: Tough gig for Freo first game, the Cats at home
Wends: Lol pca
pcaman2003: Pavs . Tough game for anyone down the cattery.
dezlav: Only 54 pts. Freo can come back.......but they wont
original: Serong this isn’t ok
Pavs: True dat pcaman. Cats pressure is good.
Wends: pca he def slowed down in Q2 despite TOG increase... Also, lol re game description
dezlav: O'Sullivan and Reid my guesses for the sweaters in 2nd half
Wends: Hey can anyone recommend a non-twitter platform for last minute changes etc... wanting to jump off there.
dezlav: Wends. Truth Social. Hahahahaha
EvilMonk: Faded Clark and Smith, good start to the year. Reid on the ground as well. RIP
Pavs: I get notifications off the AFL website Wends. That seems to be pretty quick.
MrWalrus: I just go to and on here Wends, rarely get caught out even for the super late outs
MrWalrus: Big second half please Ryan, if anyone can ton up in a half it's you.
dezlav: Agreed PAVS. Changed all my notification setting to ALL TEAMS and just turned of results etc. Works a charm.
Wends: Thx Pavs & Walrus, will give it a go. Twitter rumours can be good sauce tho (not counting trolls/fakes) need alternative
clay007: How did you fade clark and smith? Have you got a painting of them?
circle52: You know you are not going well in SC when Baz is currently your highest scorer
puckeey: these sc youtubers tricking peoples minds, including mine clay
puckeey: what did i just type that was meant to be youtubers
Stu7: Anyone miss out on picking Bailey Smith?
Stu7: Reid spud disorder
Wends: Nope, no-one here Stu7. Also, TFIL Smith!
Stu7: Bugger Wends
Wends: That was a reverse LIFT Stu7; a few of missed him and feeling a little salty
original: Not sure if swit injured is good for Murphy Reid. He won’t get subbed but will he keep going backwards
circle52: Big news next game Charlie Cameron late out levi Ashcroft into the 22
original: Wow circle
pcaman2003: Thanks circle. Noice one!
wadaramus: Dammit, chose Tsatas becasue Levi was sub!
navy_blues: awwwwww no sweet caroline im heart broken lol
circle52: You mean Country Roads Navy
navy_blues: oops yeah lol
Wends: Thanks circle
DaicosQB: Holmes instead of Clark, could've been better, could've been a lot worse....
Wends: I'd traded in Langford for Ashcroft
pcaman2003: Glad Knevitt has come alive after a quiet first half
circle52: Sweet Caroline is Cam Rayners Goal Song navy.,
Birdman18: If Ashcroft is playing definitely pick him
Stu7: Who’s tagging Brayshaw?
dezlav: Carnival Smith. Finish with a goal. Help my Multi please.
Stu7: Reid on the board
original: Stu7 he needed it that’s for sure
original: Good come back serong. Please keep going
MrWalrus: Dogga and smith nice, Ryan recovering a bit and Reid on the glen20 unstinking it up.
suns4ever: Ashcroft isn't sub keep him in
Wends: Holy crap good recovery Knevitt
LionBoy: Afternoon all. Thanks Circ. Got Levi back in.
Stu7: Not wrong original
Birdman18: Smith only minus 2 for a clanger
circle52: No waiting to see next 2 games and if not sub then can bring in as correction possibly for Tsatas
bhg26: Sanders and Hastie out Finlayson and Ashcroft in
pcaman2003: Wends. Knevitt up 34pts this qtr in SC.
clay007: What is s good score for a rookie worth $120k?
Birdman18: Wow Reid
navy_blues: o\mg
pcaman2003: WTH Reid! Unbelievable stuff!
LionBoy: Holy Moly Reid.
DaMeatloaf: We’re Carltoning
Wends: Whaaat?
Stu7: Glad a put my C on Reid
Bulky: Reid has gone from never playing another game to club champion in a quarter.
Wends: Also very Spursy DaMeatloaf
wadaramus: Purple cape methinks!
macvinnie: Wharfie time for Reid.
Birdman18: Reid up 50 points in 5 minutes
LionBoy: Might’ve been subbed out if Swit hadn’t gone down.
Raspel31: Think swiftest climb I've ever seen Birdman.
original: Reid woweee
Wends: Geelong not enough Zooper Doopers at 1/2 time
Stu7: 10 points per minute nice
Capn_Flash: We have a game on our hands lads!
circle52: Bice and McKenna subs next game.
Migz: why did b.smith want to leave bullies?
pcaman2003: Wends. Hahaha! Another game full of surprises.
Capn_Flash: Didn't get mid nime Migz
Capn_Flash: Thanks for the info CIrcle!
Wends: Subs McKenna and Bice for Swans v Lions
Wends: haha too quick circle :)
DaMeatloaf: NOD cut us up that qtr - looks the goods
Zutroyz: Cats to the Blues - hold my beer...
Stu7: Thank you Wends very helpful
wadaramus: I'd have to cut F.O'Sullivan to get L.Ashcroft in :(
DaMeatloaf: In the stands at goomba sweating like Vossy before his presser
wadaramus: Or ditch Flynn from Flex.
wadaramus: Got a Norf player on every line so probably a good thing to take Ashcroft.
Wends: Yr welcome Stu but circle was the quickdraw amongst us
VodkaHawk: Levi the sub?
OffaStep: Surely Flynn will outscore your lowest onfield player, Wada? No rush on Ashcroft. Can wait to see if the vest reappears?
Stu7: Thanks circle
Ooost: Stewart :D
Ooost: Just dropped Finn O for Ashcroft :D
Wends: SDK somewhat mitigating the non-Smith salt
pcaman2003: Vodka. McKenna the sub.
zadolinnyj: good game now. Smith looking good but everyone would have him surely
LionBoy: Peatling out. Levi in. Banking the cash.
GinniFan: Cant decide if I want FoS or Levi now. every chance Levi is sub next week surely
ausgooner: Keep going Serong, I'll take 110 from here
Ooost: Good move LionBoy
pcaman2003: Time young Knevitt went back on ground.
MrWalrus: Reid may have just turned himself into a keeper rook
Ooost: I was deadset that Murphy Reid would be my loop for next week. Perhaps not.
Birdman18: Bradshaw has had a real quiet 2nd half
zadolinnyj: what’s with reid sc
Birdman18: Brayshaq
Wends: Is 'did everyone pick Smith?' the 'does Tadgh's 0 count' of the 2020s?
Ooost: Reid was -8 then kicked 4 goals
Birdman18: Brayshaw*
clay007: Well done Birdman, you got there on the 3rd attempt.
DaMeatloaf: Cmon Stewy
Ooost: 100 from Stew would be ideal
DaicosQB: ollie henry is such a grub hahaha
mattmac24: Last minute inclusion of SDK has been nice!
Stu7: Can someone tell me who’s tagging Brayshaw?
ausgooner: O'Connor
bhg26: I’d like to file a missing persons report on Brayshaw, last seen end of first half
puckeey: what is that from henry
clay007: Oconnor Stu
Pavs: O'Connor seems to be changing between him and Serong
mattmac24: I believe Atkins is tagging Brayshaw
GinniFan: not taking Smith is the worst decision I could've made huh
Stu7: Thanks ausgooner and clay
wadaramus: Why don't CD reward Jackson for clear HOTA's?
Stu7: Reid must have had a shot of Adrenalin as it seems it’s worn off
Manowar: get back on the ground De Koning, and I mean now!
MrWalrus: Because CD are fickle dog botherers @ wada
pcaman2003: NOD is rewarding his owners. Keeping an eye on him
navy_blues: NOD going great
Norf17: Need a big score from Rankine to make me feel better about fading Baz
Stu7: Do we reckon Rankine or Dawson will get tagged?
JockMcPie: still very happy to fade bazlenka, couldnt bring myself to support someone like that in any capacity
Migz: what is that set shot form mate. yuck
DaMeatloaf: Happy with the Serong effort after HT
zadolinnyj: dawson tag
kisip: Happy with the SDK pickup, Knevitt and NOD also played well. Had holmes all preseason but decided to go cheaper.
Ninty: Bazza is him. Imagine not having him, might as well delete your side now
mattmac24: Huge game for me, Baz, Holmes, SDK, Clark and NoD.
clay007: I have smith, but today is a free hit. Sides will start to put time into him
Stu7: Cheers Sado
Ooost: Might have to dump trap Jayden Short for Holmes
pcaman2003: People without Smith will be pooing themselves after this.
jlitza: fading bagslenka for moral reasons is crazy jock
Harambe: NOD sore hamstring, hopefully just cramp
Pavs: Do you think Bevo is watching?
Noxious: Jock probably still loves degoey too
Ninty: That bloke looks a bit like the Carlton ruckman
pcaman2003: Pavs. Hope so mate. He's probably kicking his own head in
Birdman18: Might fade Baz next week too. Just missed his highest score for the year anyway
J_Herer: Cats way to good
Beast_Mode: how many games until players value changes?
pcaman2003: I feel vindicated now having Nevitt after 1st qtr doubts.
Beaza18: Easy to get a good team together when you've been cheating the Salary cap for years.
Ninty: 3rd game for SuperCoach @ beast
biggerz: Bailey Smith highest ever SC is 150. Doesn't play or 18 months and punches out that, righto.
Beast_Mode: thx
Beaza18: Cameron, Dangerfield, Smith all paid outside the cap.
Wends: Beaza with the peww peww!
Ninty: Lol no proof of that @ beaza #salty
J_Herer: so salty
Manowar: audit time Geelong
Zutroyz: Geelong is Schroedinger's team. Full of hacks but salary cap cheats. Pick your lane
Pavs: Beaza doing a bit of trolling. lol
DaMeatloaf: Beaza doesn’t see that we turn a WA magoos player into a jet at half back
Beaza18: That's why the audit is happening. been cheating for decades.
J_Herer: The WA boys played well for the Cats
Ninty: reckon the teams pumping out 7-10 year contracts to players should be the audited teams lol
JockMcPie: @Noxious never owned him either :)
wadaramus: Audit CD for not rewarding Jackson for his dominance in ruck!
mattmac24: Beaza.. Port is getting audited too.. both due to AFL's standard procedures
Noxious: Not talking about owning him
Ninty: Anyway that doesn’t prove cheating, every team gets an audit over several years no doubt - it’s just a story bc success
Wends: The winner is: whoever cut the oranges in Geeling rooms at 3/4 time
Amare: cry more Beaza
MrWalrus: Agreed wada, that's the biggest scam of all.
Zutroyz: Knevitt finished well 82 from 68% TOG and a poor 1st qtr
Manowar: M. Reid only 46 for 4 goals? but Cameron 79
Pavs: Embarrassing to fall for the media clickbait.
mattmac24: Manowar... Reid was on -8 at one point
original: Serong did well given his poor first half and TOG
FreoTragic: Send help

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