Chat Log: , .. drew ..
Match report • View fantasy scoresJ.Worrall: Evening all
upweydons: Ge , c’mon Dons
KyuLock: Evening everyone
FoopyTime: hooroo
Curnowww: How hard would it be to add a feature to highlight players?
pcaman2003: Evening fellow FF people. Go Hawks! Please!
Pavs: Go to watchlist Curnowww. Pick out your side then log out and back in
thommoae: Nick Watson scoring well tonight :)
Bazza2023: evening peptides
wadaramus: Ahh, Friday night footy, belly full of pizza, glass of red, game on.
circle52: Sam Frost and Jade Gresham subs.
wadaramus: Get on Tsatsas!
wadaramus: *Tsatas!
Hepatitis: Hate both clubs. Win win tonight.
Curnowww: Cheers Pavs, been years and I've never known
upweydons: Kako
pcaman2003: Hardwick!
Pavs: All good Curnowww took me 15 years. Thanks m0nty for updating the new draftees.
Gelly: Lalor!
MrWalrus: Keep cheering Gelly, last night was most likely our highlight for the year
pcaman2003: Wizard!
Curnowww: Can both teams be less accurate, would really help my mental health from last nights showing
TheWarlord: Why have I picked tsatas over lalor?
Noxious: Thinking the same thing warlord
teachrtony: Evening all. I have a few spots left in a league if anyone is interested. 849336
pcaman2003: Any hair left Curnowww?
Hepatitis: Tsatsas is a weak dog
Noxious: Just found the watch list thing, works for me essendon players but not will day for some reason
Curnowww: pca im lebanese so its been gone for a while, would've loved to rip it out last night though
wadaramus: Thank flower for the flex, Tsatas you dud.
pcaman2003: Like the look of Kako.
Curnowww: flex is just r3 isnt it?
Pavs: Nox just tried it worked for me. Did you log out and back in again?
puckeey: Tsatas doesn't like tacking apparently
pcaman2003: Curnowww. Haha! Maybe you'll do better against us next week
Noxious: Yeah I did pavs
puckeey: Tackling*
Noxious: No Lalor, Tsatas on field, Kako on bench, great start
original: moore sc seems low
Curnowww: pca Richmond used running and counter attacks to beat us, you'll beat us by 20 goals
HappyDEZ: I faded Kako. Looking like a bad decision. Jeez he looks lively.
Curnowww: Saw Lalor in forward pocket so something possessed me to bench him, may not be my year
OffaStep: Surely every sane person will choose to play with Tetas over Kaka.
Yelse: L Ashcroft starting as a sub does that change ppls mind
wadaramus: Did you leave him out in the sun HappyDEZ?
Migz: so many people falling over. where is the studs
wadaramus: Or wash him on hot or something?
HappyDEZ: lol Wada
Hepatitis: New year, same dons
Curnowww: Any team can chop down and lead, did we not see last night
Pavs: The wine kicking in Wada :)
wadaramus: Not yet Pavs :)
original: cant wait to drop tsatas in 2025. shame on me
pcaman2003: Curnowww. I wouldn't be too confident unless we were 15 goals up.
original: shocked Reid isnt injured yet
wadaramus: WHy was Tsatas such a popular pick, why did I follow the crowd?
puckeey: He's playing like he's injured original
Noxious: It's only Q1, plenty of time for him to bounce back
Curnowww: pca I actually dont know what we could do to stop you lot, reckon we're getting pumped. Would love to be wrong though
Beast_Mode: og you have more issues than tsatas, like the pathetic effort last night
clay007: It is Rd 1, Qtr 1 and you guys launching on Tsatas. Give him a chance...wowee
original: newcombe doesnt need to lead with his neck
Norf17: are blokes really reacting to the first quarter of the season lol
wadaramus: We're a fickle lot clay, go easy on us!
original: clay, 50% game time. Bombers might drop him before we do
wadaramus: We were upset after the first ten minutes Norf!
original: dyl moore 4 kicks, 2 marks, 1 hb, 1 clanger/80% eff. 9sc. wot
J_Herer: some big burns in this game so far (Meek, D'Ambro, Hobbs, Tsatas) I went Meek over TDK, the pain!!
OffaStep: Will also be un-Tsatasfying my team if he doesn't lift.
clay007: Was Tsatas a premo, I thought he was a rookie. Not many would perform well against this Hawks juggernaut
wadaramus: Offastep off and running with pundemonium!
circle52: can add Prior to the burn list as well
wadaramus: He's a top dollar rookie clay, if he doesn't score 75 he's shower.
original: if tsatas was a 99k rooking it would be ok, but at 200k can't cop this. fooled by preseason. enough trades to correct
Hepatitis: Prior tsatas disasters
Hepatitis: Tsatas to lalor next week. Hope prior gets to 50
original: circle i was trying to squeeze prior in. very grateful i couldnt. sry pal
clay007: 1st qtr original against a top performing side. Challenge this in the 3rd qtr maybe
original: hot htb call
HappyDEZ: Duursma is a hard nut. Miss him at Ports.
original: caldwell everywhere. draft bench ooft
MrWalrus: What is this? Year 15 or or 16 of the bomber's rebuild?
wadaramus: Tsatas gor his alps Tsat on the pine for far too long.
original: kako miles ahead of ant cfc small fwd lol
wadaramus: How do you get to wear number 5 if you spend all your time getting splinters in your alps.
clay007: At least you are not obsessed by Tsatas wada
OffaStep: I've given Prior opportunity too. If it doesn't pay off I might em-Barrass my team... Sorry.
wadaramus: More concerned than obsessed clay :)
Curnowww: was just thinking that original, think theyd take mckay and walsh for him?
pcaman2003: Barrass and Battle have been great pickups for us. Going along nicely.
clay007: Good comeback wada
MrWalrus: Kako looks a seriously good player by the looks of it
Curnowww: That's not a football act, 1 week?
original: weird from ridley
Gelly: scrim gona have a holiday
wadaramus: It's pun time people, Offastpe setting the bar high, I need some Moore ideas.
Curnowww: Need to see a hawks or collingwood loss to make my week a bit better
pcaman2003: Ginni!
OffaStep: Bombers have Merrett but Hawks have Moore.
wadaramus: 3-2 HT at Coopers Stadium, cracking game of football.
pcaman2003: Make it Collingwood Curnowww.
clay007: The battle has been a little meek. Bombers cant ward off even with prior
Curnowww: Scrimshaw down, karma's a beautiful thing
wadaramus: Chooks beating Penrith too, what the?
wadaramus: Cot the C on Cleary!
imessenger: Just a wee bit of blood, Shiel be right..
Noxious: Who's tagging Day? Can't see on mobile
connrs: why does tsatas looked like he has something shoved up he's ass get in there buddy
Dondeal: Not many bigger flogs than Ginnivan
Slaggy.A.B: hey Lachlan
pcaman2003: Dumb giving goals away Hawks. Could come back to bite you.
OffaStep: Caldwell, Clay.
original: cape for tsatas
clay007: Merrett is a champion
wadaramus: The Meek shal inherit the Hitout, but it wont translate to a good SC score :)
HappyDEZ: @Noxious Durham
Manowar: the poos and wees are looking good, except for Day
original: blessd are the meek? oh good theyve had an awful time
clay007: Excellent offa. You can be my caddy and day. Amon!
HappyDEZ: Day DT donut so far Q2 ?
wadaramus: Escape for Tsatas, he needs a trap door.
OffaStep: No Clay, Newcombe mine :)
clay007: If you reid, you must be a redman.
upweydons: Wat a joke
clay007: Lame free kick
Curnowww: How does Moore get the high tackle call in the middle but thats nothing?
upweydons: Charity
HappyDEZ: Yay Day albeit it a BS free kick.
Hepatitis: Weak free kick for the glamour boy day
original: good one draper ffs all us day faders were enjoying this
wadaramus: Every season, we pray for a good start, then we get given a Tsatas.
Zutroyz: Crab or ghost for Tsatas?
LuvIt74: Dont have Reid or Kako on field there warming my bench,just got Tsatas fielded and doing not a lot
wadaramus: Tsatas a Fat Ass.
Noxious: How was that a free? He was under pressure right in front
clay007: Umpires favouring the hawks. 2 costly decisions. Let the players play for FS
Curnowww: Umpires making up rules as they go? He was under immense pressure that's shocking
Phasir: Jeez, umps giving the drug rats a bath this game
beebs88: hey guys - new here but been using FF for years
MrWalrus: Having Reid on isn't the blessing you think Luvit, he's mayor of clangertown.
wadaramus: Back on the pine Tsatas, you clearly need the rest from all that leather poisoning.
beebs88: Can anyone let me know how to get the extended stats that show disposal efficiency, clangers etc?
MrWalrus: Boo umps boo! The Day one was there but that rushed was plain wrong.
Ninty: it is only Tsatas 12th game and you want to give him the crab or ghost, that should be for 50+ gamers
wadaramus: FIrst time caller long time listener, welcome beebs88 :)
Noxious: Are you on mobile beebs? Don't know if you cab
Gelly: hold ctrl and scroll down on mouse
Curnowww: Hawthorn make themselves so easy to hate
HappyDEZ: Sorts wish I faded Day. Will get tagged a lot + the bye. Hopefully he gets a good ton still.
beebs88: Thanks all - no, i'm on the laptop
Raspel31: Well, on a bright note I have Caldwell.
Curnowww: This umpiring performance tonight might be worse than ours last night
wadaramus: Can he palm some points to Tsatas at HR Rasp?
MrWalrus: I agree, tiges got screwed by the umps last night...
Beast_Mode: the blues doing the biggest choke job in sports history had nothing to do with the umpiring last night nackers ;)
Curnowww: Walrus I'm saying us as in Carlton's performance, no amount of free kicks would have saved us
MrWalrus: Nah, last night was poor umpiring all around, tonight bombers have been punished a bit.
Curnowww: Maybe I had bigger things to worry about but I didn't notice too much favouritism last night
Curnowww: Such little man syndrome from umps as per though, always wanting to insert themselves
MrWalrus: I don't know what happened last night, blues just choked under pressure, we won't be winning many games this year.
Curnowww: As always we had issues going forward. Richmond also played a beautiful game so props to them
jezzas-cow: i love how Tsatas disappears for 15minutes each quarter
Curnowww: Kemp, McKay, Zwill, Motlop, Cotrell is appalling, Walsh was playing midfield out of the forward line.
NickyD: Carlton need a good small forward. There's a guy at West Coast named Owies they should take a look at.
Curnowww: Don't worry Nicky we got Motlop and Evans, what stars...
LuvIt74: Thoughts on having a non player in your 31 to use as a loop for VC?
Ninty: you'll soon have a player missing a game to loop... tempting with TDK VC though
Curnowww: I don't think there's too much harm in picking up Harry Boyd or whatever his name is
TheWarlord: Can see tsatas getting subbed out of this one, so unfortunate
TheWarlord: Nevermind didn’t see Ridley injury
pcaman2003: Ridley subbed out
Curnowww: Scrimshaw has to miss 2-3 for an unneccasary high hit that caused a concussion
Dondeal: Battle not being concussed seems very suss if Ridley is out for that knock
Justgrumpy: Hi all first time on site long time fan
Creed1: Welcome grumpy
Creed1: Need Durham to lift here
NickyD: You don't sound grumpy :) Welcome!
original: Dylan moore's Sc score is whack
wadaramus: Get into it grumpy!
NickyD: Prior at D5 a huuuuge mistake.
Justgrumpy: Hehe…
wadaramus: Hey coach Scott, how about you give Tsatas some flowering time on the ground you scrooge?
wadaramus: Tsatas = flowering corerction trade!
Ash777: I warned BF by Tsatas and I should have took my own advice
Ash777: Same with Short
beebs88: If will day could touch the ball that would be lovely
Noxious: There he just touched it
beebs88: lol - a little more consistently
pcaman2003: Right on cue Day gets a touch. Lol!
Hepatitis: Weak by prior - reckon Scott will drop him for that
Noxious: 0 effort in the follow up by prior
Harambe: Yeah that was ordinary by Prior
bhg26: Tsatas sucks donkey balls
J_Herer: lift Meek you pleb!!!
eaglesrick: no prior opportunity
clay007: Pretty harsh bhg. 55 % game time, Merrett 89%
puckeey: Tsatas needs 9 points to reach his BE
OffaStep: Tsatas sucks a fraction more than a donkey ball.
bhg26: Why i said balls plural offa lol
upweydons: Tsatas looking better
OffaStep: 55% of the bag, bhg.
Ash777: Tsatas needs 70+ to be worth keeping
clay007: Dambrosio 67 % game time, worth flowerloads more than tsatas and yet no hate for him
Pavs: Who wants to spend a day in bhg's head?
Justgrumpy: Tsatas easier to type than Dambrosio
puckeey: And 3% ownership
Noxious: No one has dambrosio, heaps have tsatas
pcaman2003: I thought Meek would go better around the ground, but very quiet.
Ash777: Looks like Battle & Barrass choose he does what role. Avoid.
clay007: I hate the hawks. I hope they get rolled by some team. Sorry pca
original: bombers down a rotation. tsatas to somehow play even less
bhg26: Dont know who can handle my brain going 1000 minutes per second pavs
puckeey: How is tsatas still on the bench Brad
exatekk: i see a lot got sucked into the Tsatas algorithm lol
pcaman2003: No worries Clay. We can't love all teams.Cheers!
Bazza2023: hahahaha some team?
clay007: There should be more hate for Day, Merrett, Durham, Martin than Tsatas. These guys are premos, Tsatas has hardly played
bhg26: I dont own any of the others clay
Ash777: Blame Brad Scott for all of it.
bhg26: Hm, Tsatas has done a couple of things, get him off!
Justgrumpy: I rue the day I picked Relton Roberts but here we are
clay007: Tsatas has beaten his be.
pcaman2003: Tsatas doing okay considering.
MrWalrus: Caldwell might be the real deal, continuing from where he left off
J.Worrall: #metoo, Justgrumpy
clay007: Caldwell has been huge. He may be overtaking Zerrett as the best mid at dons
pcaman2003: Day has died this half. Hope he goes better next week.
Creed1: Got Day in one draft league and Durham in the other, this tag has ruined me
bhg26: How can Day get better if he died pcaman, would need a remarkable recovery
upweydons: No Jones , no
Getup: Reid no good tonight zerret vc flop looks like I'm in for a usual shower season haha
pcaman2003: bhg. He's going to recreate a biblical miracle.
puckeey: Did tsatas do a sam wicks or something they're straight up not kicking it to him
bhg26: Atheists going to lose their shower next week pcaman
Pavs: Reid showed signs hopefully just a bad night
pcaman2003: bhg. Lol.
sc_mvp: almost picked prior because jords had him and i thought fttv would have him too but i didnt get him cuz im built diff!
Getup: And I've lost my my pies logo next to my name how do i get that back on the phone?
Fordy13: I picked him up today.. Was him or Reid on field so either way hasn't made a great deal of difference yet.
bhg26: Theyre not going to let you hit sc_mvp
clay007: Prior 10+ on his be, doing okay
Noxious: Which essendon player soccered it further towards goal just then?
pcaman2003: More from Moore!
Fordy13: Nick Martin Nox
upweydons: Bullshixen umpire again
Noxious: So dumb
sc_mvp: pavvvvvv. i missed you my boi. let me into fttv alright. im a good boi. once a good boi, always a good boiiiiii
pcaman2003: Has someone put oil on the ground? Players slipping and fumbling everywhere
sc_mvp: what word follows this pattern? bigger, digger, figure, trigger. what word comes after trigger! what comes after trigger
Migz: tsatas seems to find the ball ok. Bit more poise and his team mates breaking free will help his score
Fordy13: Yeah CBAs and TOG in the second half, was stuck on the wrong side/off the ground first half.
clay007: Amazing go. Tsatas started that chain. Great goal Zerrett
puckeey: He probably could've had a couple of frees too migz
bhg26: And back to the bench you go Tsatas!
Bazza2023: been slipping all night
Bazza2023: sealer, cya scum.
Migz: yeh i did think he was unlucky a few times puck. He got a few arms across the shoulders
Noxious: Please Day
missmagic: seems Draper might have matured some,best solid game ive seen him play,not just the odd highlight that gets all excited
pcaman2003: Nice win Hawks, but the Bombers pushed you.
Phasir: Pretty arrogant to play Tsatas and Bryan bugger all TOG when you're already one short on the bench
Bazza2023: 2 zip Hawks