Chat Log: , .. drew ..
Match report • View fantasy scoresJ.Worrall: Evening all
Gotigres: Evening Worrall
navy_blues: evening all
FoopyTime: We back baby
Philbot12: up tigers
TheLegend6: Anything under 10 goals is a win here
Philbot12: Gents
Gotigres: Agree Lengend. On paper, we have a terrible team.
bushranger: Good evening everyone and good luck
navy_blues: anything could happen
Crowls: lalor looks alot like dusty, hope he plays like him.
carl: run amuk Cripps got the VC on ya.
Norf17: What are our thoughts on Short boys
thommoae: If I can be 'Inter-code, the task for the Tiges is not to emulate the Roosters and Cowboys in Rd 1.
Spifflicat: Evening all!
Spifflicat: Short will be busy I suspect
wadaramus: Giddy Up! Time to start stressing over the rookie picks!
burners: hi all
upweydons: Ge all
dezlav: @Wadaramus. Mate just curious. What's your SC team name?
Swoop35: Hey everyone
Kevin07: footy
Noxious: Gday all
Norf17: seama
Capn_Flash: C'mon Short, Trainor, TDK, Cerra And Camps! 100 from all of yous specially you trainor and Camps!
J_Herer: Tigers all over them!! Ah footy, welcome back!!
Pavs: Evening all. Can't find Kako on the watchlist m0nty? Maybe just me not looking after a few beers
Philbot12: Wheres the scores MONTY!
Beast_Mode: lol
clay007: Scores frozen early.
RidleyNob: stats updating?
MrWalrus: Evening, let's go toges, keep it under 10 goals.
wadaramus: The Boneheads Dezlav.
Capn_Flash: Camporeale Looking great off the bat! Must have put the wrong player on my bench!
Spifflicat: The season starting off well stats wise
m0nty: yeah I haven't added all the draftees yet, been crook as a dog
wadaramus: Hang in there m0nty, we're a patient lot in here :)
Spifflicat: thats not good Monty
J.Worrall: Wow m0nty, that's been a nasty trot!
Pavs: Thanks mate get better soon we need you.
Troglodyte: lol wada
arbel: hmmm short not taking kick ins? don't like that
dezlav: Cheers WADA. Found ya in league. Be interesting to see how your team stack against mine. Best of luck.
Capn_Flash: Still sick Monty? Take your time mate
bhg26: Guess who had Blake Acres first goal scorer, this guy!
wadaramus: Your buy bhg :)
LionBoy: Scores up. Onya Monty. Get well soon
Apachecats: Evening all ,liking Campo early doors.
Gotigres: All the best to ya Monty
Pavs: The year is looking up bhg
LionBoy: Got VC on TDK. Not magnificent start.
Capn_Flash: GGs bhg!
wadaramus: Is there a better website for talking footy shower than this one?
bhg26: Certainly on the punting front pavs
Apachecats: Mines a pint of draught BHG! Well done son.
Gotigres: Definitely wada
Capn_Flash: Still 3 and a half quarters to go LionBoy
Gotigres: Keep going vc TDK
wadaramus: Campo being treated harshly by CD?
dezlav: @Lion. Little early don't ya think. I'm VC on him to. Still 9 left in da qtr.
LionBoy: No Flash. My season is buggered.
soup: Damn should've vc'ed cerra, go on son
wadaramus: Steely Green, sounds like a marble?!
dezlav: So far glad I didn't risk on Lynch
clay007: More like a paint colour wada!
dezlav: Easy Free
JaiDay12: Clay, more like he's named after the greatest band of the 70s
LionBoy: Replacement for Blue Viagra Wada.
clay007: Lol Jaiday
clay007: I think Lionboy gets the choccies with that comment. Hilarious
Pavs: showed your age early this year jaiday.
Capn_Flash: What a goal!
JoelinToon: Richmond look good early
MrWalrus: That was HTB every day.
clay007: When you have the J Short, you take a steely green and sends you to C Lord
wadaramus: Sorry for starting a pun fest m0nty.
clay007: Or the steely green gives you the J trezise
arbel: camp looks good just needs to clean up disposals
bhg26: Camporeale is a fun name to say
Bazza2023: evening peptides
LionBoy: Gold Clay
TheLegend6: Lalor we love you already
LionBoy: What margin did we go folks. I went 79. Enough??
Capn_Flash: Looks good doesn't he Legend6
clay007: C Lord will be one to track. Anyone know anything about him?
TheLegend6: Yep, exciting
bhg26: Someone get that banana peel out of mckays way
Apachecats: Showed up a bit last year clay
original: commentators raving about the ground but 50 players slipping
Raspel31: And I picked Tiggers to win-joking.
wadaramus: The G looks a picture on telly from SA :)
Capn_Flash: Get a move on DeKoning!
dezlav: So, if you have Lalor is he on the ground or Rid
wadaramus: Nank with the golden deliberate fist.
dezlav: Apologoies.On Ground or Riding the Pine
wadaramus: Nice slice McKay!
original: campo touches havent been that bad SMH
TheLegend6: If you're paying that much for a rookie, he should be on field
Capn_Flash: TheLegend i've got both FOS and Ashcroft on my bench LOL
dezlav: @legend. Agreed, so I have he and Ashcroft on (Like most I'd think)
TheLegend6: I'd hate to see the rest of your team Capn haha
TheLegend6: Ashcroft sub I've heard
MrWalrus: Like the look of Lalor early, not enjoying this week's HTB interpretation
Capn_Flash: TheLegend, I've got Rozee, Callahagn, Cerra, Oliver, Other Ashcroft, NOD, Tsatas and Knevit in my mid!
Capn_Flash: Its the one area of the field i'm happy with!
Pavs: Walrus is that really you. Hope so welcome back
LionBoy: Cmon TDK. Show us why we went with ya.
Capn_Flash: Went with TDK in supercoach but not in fantasy, not at all regretting that disparity rn
dezlav: Anyone Take Holmes in the Back line?
Noxious: Tom Lynch looks like 2 Todd Marshall's
LionBoy: Steely was firm in that encounter.
wadaramus: Wanted to, but didn't Dezlav.
Pavs: Looked determined Lionboy.
wadaramus: Solid contribution from Steely there.
Spifflicat: Blight is a massive human
dezlav: So throwing it ou to all. How many from your OWN team are in your lineup?
original: have taranto in draft WTF
Capn_Flash: no one Dezlav! Day's gonna get tagged too much for my liking
wadaramus: Just the one Dezlav.
bushranger: Dezlav, zero for me
bhg26: Thats just htb
LionBoy: Great question Dez. Ashcrx2 and Neale.
original: bhg he got a handball out and it came back in
Swoop35: Ive got 0 pies playes Dez.
navy_blues: lord on fire
dezlav: @Bush. Wow. None snuck in. I've 3. Dawson, Draper and Rankine
Bluebagg11: Have been a fan for a while. He used to destroy us at GC. Sorry to say but I think Lynch is done.
Yelse: how much is Lord?
clay007: 253 yelse
Ash777: who the hell is cooper lord
original: yelse 230k from memory
Capn_Flash: Oof that was a big hit!
Noxious: Did Lalor just go the don't argue? Dusty reincarnate
dezlav: TDK now working in. 60+ SC at the 1/2 would be nice
LionBoy: Didn’t go Lalor this week but like
Raspel31: They all sais get Cerra- he's cheap and going to go big. As a proud man O resissted.
Roarix: Ghee Tigs more experienced players causing the issues atm.. get all the young kids in at this rate
JoelinToon: Would be lovely def
LionBoy: Didn’t go Lalor but happy with Trainor purchase early. Good looking kid.
Gotigres: TDK might need to have a concussion test
dezlav: @Joelin. Nows he on da bench. FML
Apachecats: Got rid of Lynch with 5 minutes to gp ,phew!
Roarix: McIntosh cant tag.. Taranto cant get the ball.. Lynch cant stay with Weitering.. Vlastuin cheap T/Os..
dezlav: Oh Apache. Livin on the edge a bit with that trade. Who In instead?
LuvIt74: Never had Lynch in my lineup, not a fan of his price but liking what Lord Amen is doing...
wadaramus: T.Lynch just got on board the gravy train, now he's on the ghost train.
Apachecats: Ended up with Flynn as flex dezlav.
happytimes: Trainor is going better than I expected
JoelinToon: More goals please Tom
Apachecats: TDK got the all clear.
Yelse: anyone getting Luke parker? don't want to end up with too many north players
TheLegend6: Below the knees pffft
Apachecats: Camporeale is a keeper.
Capn_Flash: Considered it Yelse, but not for me
naicosfan: horrid call there
Pavs: Wait and see for me Yelse
naicosfan: punished the player for going for the ball
Apachecats: Yes yelse ,hes been named as an on baller.
Bazza2023: hopper unlucky?
clay007: Hopper scores poorly. Is he that bad?
Yelse: sullivan shezel daniel seri and then parker just too many IMO
MrWalrus: Umpiring is the same useless standard I see.
LionBoy: Yeah Bazza. Should never have left Giants. Really unlucky.
Ash777: I'm pretty worried about parker actually. There's so many going through that midfield.
bhg26: Damn that was mean
clay007: What was mean bhg?
Roarix: Get the ball in Lalors hands more.. he is very, very good for a 1 and a half qtr player
Bazza2023: lmao @lionboy
Capn_Flash: Yeah Ash, Sheez, LDU, Simpkin, Powell and wardlaw when he gets back, He'll have a similar role to when he was at sydney
TheLegend6: Lalor quality
Bazza2023: he may get a B&F in a spoon year!
naicosfan: Pierre Gasly in the crowd
Roarix: Tiger time..
wadaramus: Shooter McSpiddin.
Zutroyz: Hopper could've got a hobby farm and a lifetime supply of cotton on, but chose against
LionBoy: Can’t argue with that Bazza. But where would he rather be?
wadaramus: McSpuddin!
Yelse: Short Labor Trainor campo and TDK happy with so far
LionBoy: Nank is a warhorse
MrWalrus: I wasn't expecting us to be this competitive
Bazza2023: On the beach in Acapulco
dezlav: V Nice TDK. And will take Lalor, Campo and Trainor scores also
Bazza2023: won the qtr, i picked then to score 4.6 for the game
Pavs: That lifetime supply Zutroyz is that a third party payment?
LionBoy: 15 scoring shots to 5 Wal. Tigers will need to work hard to stop it blowing out big. Younguns looking ok tho.
OffaStep: Evening all. Me too, Yelse + Nank. Solid half from the rookies and very happy with my rucks (til Max + Xerri spank it).
Apachecats: I had Lord back in version 73 of my team.
Zutroyz: Nah, employee discount Pavs
dezlav: I've still got O Fantasia sittin on my bench, but wonder if he'll get in now?
Apachecats: Fantasia is a walking casualty ward.
upthetiges: Gonna be long year but good signs already.
dezlav: Pach. If he isnt in next week, or chokes, I'll pull the trigger
FoopyTime: brother why would you have that dropped meat pie in ya team
MrWalrus: So long as they maintain the effort upthetiges I'll be happy.
dezlav: I stupidly enjoy taking risjs
Roarix: Go on tigs.. wouldnt this be funny af
FoopyTime: come on tigs
Yelse: Just confirming flex will come in for the worst performing player right??
dezlav: Speed on Trainor...
Roarix: oh boy.. its tiger time?
TheLegend6: Sammy!!!
dezlav: Yep Yesle, no matter what Position
NickyD: Yelse that's right. But if Flex is your worst it won't count.
dezlav: Who is your Flex Yelse?
Bazza2023: the score is receding!
Yelse: @ NickyD I got Xeri as my flex and decided with Gawn TDK as well
dezlav: Did Blues start on the Booze at 1/2 time. Shocking kicks, bad decisions, moving slow.
Yelse: I thought rucks will score well this year
dezlav: @yelse. I went Perryman
Yelse: If Pittonet comes in and stuffs TDK easy down grade to premium mid
xodeus9: if we bring in Pittonet except for a few games maybe to give tdk a bit of a rest, we're a joke of a club
TheLegend6: BT calling everyone Trainor except for Trainor haha
dezlav: Ton up Lalor
LionBoy: If TDK gets 150 do we have a non starter on the bench to loophole?
exatekk: You'd grab one Lion LOL
dezlav: @lion. Not yet, but I'll find one.
LionBoy: Feels wrong.
Capn_Flash: Boyd possibly
Yelse: lord has slowed down
Capn_Flash: Bruh poor Cerra
Yelse: How many went SDK in backs? you think scott will ruck him permanently
dezlav: Not I Yelse.
wadaramus: Lift Short!
clay007: Blues taken foot off the pedal, now the brakes are taking over
Apachecats: yes for SDK Yelse
wadaramus: Just jogging around doing nothing you spud!
clay007: Ball is not coming down there wada
Yelse: cmonn short u haven't touched the ball this qrt
Roarix: omg lynch..
Gotigres: Get involved Short
LionBoy: I have Boyd Capn and he’s a contender but could be included. Watch carefully.
Roarix: Wowee tigers
clay007: Roarix, look at the state of the game, ball in tigers half 80 % of the qtr
TheLegend6: Cottrell forward tag on Short
naicosfan: seth campbell elite repeat efforts there
LionBoy: Brave effort Tiges
Roarix: tigs doing unreal.. carlton only 16 ucm since going 41 pts up.. had 30+ before that.. Tigs forcing the game to stay live
clay007: Sorry Roarix, I meant Yelse
naicosfan: that ball was touched no?
Bazza2023: Carlton tanking for pics?
LionBoy: Upset of the year in game one???
MrWalrus: Well this is way more interesting than I'd expected
clay007: I picked blues by 60, I feel like a right ol twat now
wadaramus: Bit of a messy third quarter.
Capn_Flash: i picked them by 72 clay!
Spifflicat: gee Carlton could do with a decent pressure small fwd
Roarix: Wowee.. blues fans must be losing their minds.. and its only round 1
Capn_Flash: Yeah, shame they trade Owies
dezlav: unreal
Gotigres: I'm amazed. Well done Tiges. $10 to win was the odds.
soup: Anyone expecting a Campo sub?
LionBoy: My 79 point margin is looking wobbly.
Spifflicat: Bingo Flash!
naicosfan: i hope a francis evans sub
original: can anyone name a worse footballer getting games than motlop?
JockMcPie: they need to sub off haynes, basically playing a man down
carl: VC on Cripps a dud. Looks like the captain's hat on big Max.
eadmate: blues are such a dogshlt team
naicosfan: worse than motlop? eric hipwood easily.
Zutroyz: An underperforming Motlop, that'd be surprising original
Spifflicat: Haynes isnt even bottom 3
Capn_Flash: Lalor in the GUTS
soup: Wait they subbed lord??? Stiff
naicosfan: interesting sub vossy
Roarix: Matt Hill: Emotion can only take you so far? '16 Dogs and us last year would disagree lol
TheLegend6: Sam Lalor man
Roarix: Fk me Lalor.. what a gun.. yep, GUN
dezlav: I was joking when I said ton up Lalor
Capn_Flash: Oh my lord! what is happening tonight!
Roarix: 23 front half intercepts for 1.3 for Blues.. yikers
naicosfan: richmond versing umps too sheesh
TheLegend6: Umpires man this is poor
connrs: TDK vc payed off thankgod
Victorious: Blues are comical
soup: Mclovin is shocking
Roarix: had TDK vc all week.. Nank has a decent record of holding oppo rucks scores down.. oh well
clay007: You could thank TDK connrs! lol
soup: Hang the boots up haynes you crab
FoopyTime: omfg
naicosfan: oh dear
Roarix: might have to tune into sen after this one.. the Blues fan will be raging on the calls!
pcaman2003: Lordy ,Lord! Yikes Blues that's so bad.
Spifflicat: I apologise for my comments on Haynes
upweydons: This is the night we needed blues radio
puckeey: Haynes might be the most unco player I've ever seen
Capn_Flash: how tf am i going to get Lalor in?!?!
Creed1: How did you not already have Lalor in Cap
Bazza2023: a draw would be cruel
soup: i faded lalor too cap its okay
TheOnyas: Onya Crippsy
TimT14: What happened to blight.. at the game so can't tell
eadmate: blues suck
sheezel420: he died
Roarix: Corky tim
Bazza2023: corcked thigh
TheLegend6: Cramp Tim
Capn_Flash: Don't lose your nerve carlton!
Capn_Flash: Haynes actually looks like a fish out of water!
Bazza2023: blues died
pcaman2003: I must be in an alternate universe.This isn't real, is it?
puckeey: Cerra and short have disappeared
soup: pca, its real and its glorious
Capn_Flash: Monty, give the Mare to Haynes, two dropped marks resulting in 2 crucial goals!
Raspel31: I tipped Tiggers to win by 20-I am of course lying?
Roarix: kiss of death 3/3 tips.. time to starting taking notes
original: richmond were paying $10.3
Roarix: if i havent spoken too soon..
MrWalrus: Blow the siren
Capn_Flash: McKay being McKay
pcaman2003: soup. Certainly unexpected after the first half. Amazing!
Roarix: Lalor to do something special here..
LuvIt74: I'm glad i started Nank & Xerri for my ruck andTDK as my Flex. I'll have to bring in Lalor in a couple of weeks...
TheLegend6: Trainor been brilliant, SC score is harsh
naicosfan: agree legend
LuvIt74: What are all your thoughts on the well liked rookies in Leake, Hewett & Stone on emergency list?
Roarix: short on the bench with 3 min to go? really?
soup: soft as baby poo roarix
Yelse: just shows curnow is a one man show for blues
pcaman2003: Short been very quiet this half any way Roarix.
soup: the cellie!
J_Herer: wow Carlton just wow
soup: Carlton lose, Australia wins!
bhg26: Scenes
pcaman2003: Great win Tigers! Unbelievable effort and new respect.
Raspel31: This means nothing to me- nuffink.
TheLegend6: omfg I can't believe it
mattmac24: Yelse.. Harsh on TDK
MrWalrus: Bom bom bom bom!
upweydons: Carlton won the game at 1/4 time
Gotigres: I can't believe it! Well done Tigers.
sc_mvp: carlton are the worst flowering team ever. how the actual flower do we lose to flowering plumbers. unban me from fttv pls also
Roarix: +25 entries.. you are a joke Carlton
Spifflicat: Kids look awesome for the Tigers
Yelse: upset of the year sealed
bhg26: Just noticed Dochertys score wtf
Gotigres: From 41 points down.
eadmate: eat shlt carlton you are a rabble
original: coaching group have no idea how to prepare and equip this team
sc_mvp: also. if anyone from fttv is reading this, tell jd-san and jords-sama to unban me pls. ive been a good boi since. uwu!!!
eadmate: go home and never attend another game blues fans
soup: hipo rant video surely
RooBoyStu: Carlton are so shower 30 years lol remember 1999
J.Worrall: Evening all